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May 15, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-05-15

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The Michigan Daily




S. '. Fo~tr1 t 'd:Old 07 10000V0. (-0) 1lo'. 1 O
S. \V. lorry fieldI. fDTNV IOTE TO
r> e d c , . " F r r i d C O - E D S ' R E S C U E

Only Chance to See an Eastern -_JuiorGirsPesetFrceCom
Team Play This Afternoon- I,l"VS1'1TIONS 1,1'RH Juir in reet areCon
OF ' 107 t[IIcIII (:AN!; I)NS1A edy Portraying Situation at
Team Is One of Best in East. __ Michigan.

11 IIIas lthe 111e1mv Iennoct vs.0' 01 est
can he1ade.1T e team is, ho IwevIr,
on o1 te11 igstiItelas lb "i
o ill s nie arie1ti1m r in-a
r):l5 ( clock
Th11111 i orers oflihet '.mtea1
"i11 011 1111 1:
N Itorh am m 1M; s 111(1u. If:
SIliV 1111f 1 Keley, 1)',plt 111111N; s,31
Drone, 1: : )an 1u IIOss ;IH 11110 .111 27
man, 0; (1 vit.orl Whippl1e, p. 111.
season tickets 1111101111111 tlorltheo 111-

1'rhe 0ed1tors1'of the1 1 0 17 1lit'lg'110'1-
sia11, which is0 at11)last1on sale, have1' 1blnl
10eiroeffirts ow111111d11themakintg of1this
yeaor ' ition Iof t110e1Universt'ity annual10
notable iillyl. 1101110 11110of 11he
1281 1pages1 of400e011i1g)tw11t11r 0escap1
heaing taoburd1en011f11 ine h1 a tllftoneso. A
and0b1d1anItail010 piecesl.i) 11
boo isdeotedto iitthe001s110orlosoos-
1111 and tdrot organizattOi0 oos. 111e
11r111r1i1y0011ction1is 111cr01)1d11 117p11-
tares 1111the anine 0hanger-'onttwhichl
110110111oe 111al 11111111011 ohttooed01111-
the pe1t,1of htertooounsufpected00cam-
are the repor11ts oilf tthe'lectionstofoilthe
unficil 0senttior oiers,0in1account0 o
thelcivil engineers' summer ti, cliic
Coedc to,'t)t nusalto amushi'
M1ASS 5lEETI NI) .11) tSI)S
must go in11to every 011111001fort'wlodch
he ts etligilelurinoog Itheilteroclass on1-'
tssnxt ISrflaold 111Sotuottdloo. livery
inan mu1s11t11go0ftr it' Iown sa1ke)11, forthe11
saoti0f hifoclass, ndotove1101aollfoo tIt

1)11 fit Qixot ote. to o-rd KntighIt,''
wroiig of1101 t o- lrolla t11righted11
Anttoell 'hall last nit . T he11 story of
thepiee 1i0asfollows: 11on1Quixtote
and1 11i10faithfltf l lll 111111 ' oti l I ,
otraying' fat- t 111111 i1111 to o ba i ~t tl l'o
fessoo 11011d 0)11101 stoill, t ni I ted o to
t 1''-11NIL Iot I)tixotott hoatts
tootltho thilo ei t a I0101 1to o f 01air.
:Ic. in i te101 of. te 01110 ice o ra ch0
w o i [tro t m tiat~listic in1 h100111 010
tgo '0after' lt'1001t tothe poes r oi tol denoits11
alike ith bootusy1 se0001 sits 1t 0
chinglo dish ob a01110illthe ibrary,0011
tilot o Ot tI o i beo e atr o ltreoottot t
ielt . 00000 iss kcsott' bll C oitas'olloo 0000
sistinog prinipally011' o)flboiler and kettl
tops0. hMis Jactobif, I,-; Sanooo' ppo ared
as ;I ottol t'l o rt1001117 fellowo,'.ill a00000
tu1011' oo'oiol wasoo a cosslo. lo'oo'oo' btha
ltiglt. red01'atilt o 'ooleroo 'nSoot
o'000''ttcateen hanlItttginig (=t hr ol t
olo'wee tiking deltails. oilf l the 0010 n .
;ranchlo fitoledlto in tl tom lt cto' ho groasp
te ooo'ooo m a ig oftt hIe' camp1000s tt oto ito'r.j
0100 tlobeong to theobriklaytrsln0000
and towbatbomuch tipressediI 1b'yt'e gil
over i 'iBarboot gyrtIato000I o''oe'rning 'too
''too tin11000wel l toluto a 6IIi 010 Ii."
Ile hn ti s justlo as101 .0 ~ we lll 011000,1)
th toticoyoung' liotetha t SM's.
Sach waosto 00 10notoeducated. IloeIr
asoeooom100 the foot lthat. Flototohto
so0101ttool in01maklintg hoim olooooo'o
il 0010 ItI thelo ibrtoor'y, ihe 1001ot lo110g
o tn ofttt vlli000r11ofssr
0er Ilotot toot hooCal t' n ,1eIt n gtpina.
I ~ ll . Toprfesors, 1withh
Isitac floQui ot toiMel onoanoo
Joran intitedth Ph otts1K1appa

ful0011)0 olooilthe lisIilto of K 000
Ifcrm i)th too' oo'toll distritstlt 0001
la g 0 rn s.If' 0011 ol o l i i m00 o ve nI
lk oboth heaoil olth tnd lorls,10. ich~l
'it Iti'00'it uo oo 0111 t otilt 1)11 1o'to'i'l
i (if thepoo rer clas of1 city00 eoh leh
n c r suii lii re ts\0 0.h c n
hhooityatlarmv. t with anyp1100010
on id a o h t ith001 c011001). of Its.
W ith110 th11w0 ity0oh i(atiitith0000 Jr,1
secretary 'o'of it iltttt 0110100 I i 1001
ofM~ Sotout'e s ol ho' 'teteildayi
leture 010010 1 ii o nu erhs ph A
Otto ito tieou dicro s.we01tr 0n1'o
the oe'm n' censi ot hecoo.d il
ea t ol oh 1101n lidist is iii i thet''co'n
011110 iint Iot oomet h otuosr ''1)1' 111'
and00exla ~ ined, Mr.T ay'Il olr cited loot1011
otisltoto ;tht 11101 it 0 t0h0isotlicitt\ilt 011
ncs";tretot ii ''0 _; ton i o ta
oyry ie o f i 10110 t tncio vs
er ing cii iilllde k in t I I 1100100
0000) ttoltiwel act
1)00r centers100 0withl itir lto geII 0110
;o tut , too l 11 t po, 'nd o n
I do y naIltoots I a ott'n10111, 0
1. t wiiie ooront 10.hfti 1111 tliii'
fil y nc nsoilee m d lot'r' a

n. 0000000n001011 00a1 prltlalythe besliit ' I 0of histi'.too rsfti'. 't'hose whto) 0000
grime010 layed01 so ' fat-' in''i Ito' inte orc'lass phyically abSle 'toot) re010 tot too eso
'l'1il seies Th lsore ws5o o4 cnetsou001I)ldluoshwth stham01110 I
IPtlioii fcu te . iitiO tirledl 'ntt0100000tlto y idiloot 1ge1t out aduh
exceollenot 1ga01000. keepin;the lits oo wet'l lteIhooot'1010 lpositfonotheclasIto
scaot'lre'dlaid toroikinog ntiht ()f hs .ThusspokeLawrence tt I bll, Jr.,too
vt100110100i.. h'tittiigtoi, tilto juors'o o Iothe flttio't assemboledloUi ve 110roitl
catcheltr, lllpt0ol tr 011010' pitIof hll 'y'ste'r'aytoafternitoo. 111000[flol,
te facotthat lhs tth1and 1Was'.oe'v'r'ly' lhutrto r'.ilo't tof t' Sltetlt'ttCou1000101 s
The 'froi'"toten sdt«,oo oopitchotosbot,0t1 ialte tovtnts.
dloing1)'fairolyo' 1001)ork. TheImatterot'fto) pe'nses1ap1' d ' )fool o
dl ili inf ild) didlve0.01' grealolt~t mnagement oftotsts ooformedol a
wk()tfasot goiiltlot. otmdr osidele parto 1101to)flis tlk.,fleot'-'
Nofilt' butea to'asableb'toogt Itanjw lo tat ar'egul'ationttpush tall wouldtii
loot soo'ool lilbase ottntilbthe fourtoh rollintg,01arrive0s11e0tioe'todal~y fromoo 1)'oooklooo.
oo'hen' eactihside s'oretw''ice.obo 'a8 'tllyli'theIt'lsto'of thisbalnnycidts
hull gitoto'etore' in t'e sixthtttla 00ndto twow ichtouollld eot' ca'soionedoohbly'thio'usei
finthe' seven'thl. boo oheto ninth i te 1000000 f a hull oo'eighting halof a lont sim0ilar0 too
pl000d a tmn ()Its'ottndon oft tolhatud 'labst year01. owill boe'avertedl. Ilb'
thirdo wiiloth oo e ott. 101 .5 ootCk toloowouthbor Iitofboohl tht bothbeo'Sotdint
hoaod 1'oooo'ft ftr it'1)otboio'oooo oo heldOhio C ountcb'1 stimply'Ithol tootandoadtisedowitho
loxtthilree .'iii 0safe olnoor000'es'oilt-bo th btooto ittoos tof O'th lhtt'w o 'er lso's
to1g, toothalot te cooto'stswere ota rbit
'ITh' frestooilthtt hme looed agbottotoointrarilyondctedttotIboy to' Councilthfoothboo
thi afoflheli. lootohnnthtngol gttng amusementtt 't ) f boo' spetatt Ito oTe(ti
1000 e1 t't't'tb'-' tt' 10e 0' I plae ootviotn 1001 i) boothe lobwol a fair 1i0 for teboo llett
Im e c.sede o tt an t str ot it ) 001lotft(f tbeo' aticfoipanlts, 111101if tony itiuse-
t'e last too 1001 oeningoth oo1) boo ntis alfforded lto oherbo 0'. 0s0'.imly
0101 battinorderoilsho:tonciltntaol 'andlis ntolhe10111i000p110110e0
c)o'8 bftgino (i I r2loot ho C 10 PrtesideottClancty of thelt oioo itteroor
of :Siboley,'Iho:Ias)11u hp I : I ' ' otto.hcassemhaizedbothe tfott hot ohelotue
h')ontto ,3b10' 1 tol 'too c.1 l al o''o' 'I Ito) Otto hiogant spiriot wo s the Ohio'obrbttoht 100010
If; hS'hbtttittiti 0.0say0 "1 ItohtI.eoutgh." "I knitowfroott
'too h1ti tooo'ro 1-tooth otoloto ooth 10 100ersonial 0'xper'iences 0gainbed boy omoemiber-'
I) ih t )11000 oo' I o ll '01 10' :01, h e i stilgo n t wo icfo toitots freshmn classes
c ;~f Mcoulhooch h h, If to 111' I;b1:)oberots, hoot tothinog )1111oosot muholotoo mtako'
oh hhWilsont o orec ti theselo ontesohots owhenbt hooy tre
Th tsoe: ottreod inthotoitlh tteo' per0O''kiotod of
00 0 o i oi 0 0 10 0 ; 8I oheretoanoto husltiasmto.
0 0 'tog.. II 0 0 0 20 (0 0 0 2-4 805'T'Iheoeothtusiasmthalot owasotdispblyed
0010 0400hits--oSibleytBellatoo hea- whon toot eoomueotiung coseo' Ish owedvlthat
geoo Itoo 0 o boi hit-'MCuolltooh. ac- thte first-'yeoaruuo'men otlhaolcaghotte ojspii
rohoog his-hittinton, RO)obes. Ito lotof theospeakoers.
to1l hoalls---bOff Daistooth4; offI')lothicoto ,n
3 1 10 / Ohtlsit Of)0 o l 'otit tiok in112 1111-' OtJol' .0 to.OU A T lt .oo'SE ) ttl1)0'oIV.
0111)0 Strutcouot--Iby 1D1010101, 8l; hyp Theo'disptleasutre of thin aittlioeno ox-'
I itithotottot3:boy Sinooco. IDouleo'hiboihoulat Mlontday oiglot's1perfbormoance
h iottinogtoon. 0010000 Catrtotoero. canceto of oie h ts~. Framces Lewis,
ITbo sohle fhobor 'altoe)g1ames0)upt ooubrette, atoolCroitot, a vetiloqit,
otoe tom)-fotals is :Coave teotstcooredl too ill thoe1places 0o1
Toursday00 Sapy ttoll'08lisr. 'I00fits, J the ill,

No, ih6,j
Board Will Decide Who May
Vote at the Coming Electon---
Agitation Continue.
ll t chot wilol ooouoloto l igilit o.
at theu e ni { li iglotto 6I
ce t m , If, 1, Ic idlob tho I 11,°Ii I liu
IAtoooo too'' ItI 110100it mn ilr~d ,1
;I hIi to'' outub la tho' cl'.0 t', too lt c b Il
,;b rg ng tu t it. ci ', i tt',If
irloo i illoottoeol'ii I 000 I or tight 'of
bt bOO 01101'il ili boo I til ilt th fc
fm hob 14I'd bu It to bth to ho ohlg i Ile
lttIiiowith a'o'l' I oouo I ftpagnil[[Whe
itorio ,tiiotb 'ral ioogloohat lnono
000,il'lii0001 cmc1,rI'hwir', et it000 l oIlo'
11, bI ii o,, Iii tl' cl lt o pot i
it boo~~iI b it bca'n1ol['ob'h 00 olit } I t
till toli.
ntnbl, I h i fi retot dihoc l et' ho
1 ,,c ifolur 1'lIoo'no'i lt heII' oooouobooo flo
c~nl~l littrc I ite Ifier I f 1 )1-il' i
T1. V'.Hitbo(1, ' i ils tuo'ould% l ho ototbh'oi t
po loot S outoot Ill boo'~oil l, Ioooi.ru' to
10th boo" If ' ' .1 10000vcrt~
tIlu- 11001 ii boobo' 'ohtill 10001',hl .'i'i'I'ib'
too toll lforothe hobo boohool ho
boo i~l b Wt 1 ilt h .Ini' uooto 0' i 10. 1 Ib
.0101 ot~n I-. ;iuI- h outgo booir i .bo.'n imio~
widt h tothe h" I io..u rt he .01 s
,fth he i l ohnl" IoItuI 'i c rifI i ,f
na n t ool.I to -'. I" If ;ho. i' no. ,00 I1111
toil, oil , I n ,t hl II- d ri ln :l
t oute c t ili thou oooofooloou Iooot' ooo (o )Ili-
riI, IIf thu pr Ini 00000101 itohi I 0.0a 00' 100a00 I
mo~ he , tooth u 00at1V, ,' Irlni
ut t I i,' I l iI 't0) I'ii'iiio'ti I r
I ;t- i to h atooooouooo li ol iol' ioilg oII,
c I 00ii Iai bug both boo
()Iti Jtifo, Iohio I. oooooouo ho i can oouoo b
000000 ho 'm~l ilol :l booh l'ii booth
b'i oo'r lini'I'I'ttob't I toh o' i'o'ii1'1Oo'
""'ict f, 'itId o I rgtoo h ialuho boo ti
bhatda , oouoooouo tooth ,ho h b' 1000 c' 811
Hin s II t,~f the I, l ii I 11 , d .
T eaitathion Silu lo ooooouoloo Io '
h Otto' k bo lt o of bo blob i~ witboo. hoi
ttoo o'ioh, f lw l .bl. IIf hoe
bIIk e l o t walo b i de lll
thou' gti' I ftt. r1Ii oo lt'Irv ' ien ofooI. ol
the Ilutoubto I (f dv i n t hio-'. a
II~ RIt't'ut;SI 1' IN 1',I fI
Th ttfir' tp ti 101 oto e g 'bilO'.- ,ooiye bar
bbth i 0oruuengineletroing 'oooill
IO.'o (io'ou1) 0 fling illtooo too I~rgI II0:100. i

Th on hc ainutg theu ol'. ii in o
fot oIly' OF Ito' 'S O Rtt F I
xS( P Ii 1 0)ON I'IKS'I'S 111K10 obT' SI
N IC I lI~S' HALL,'ISTOKI I')n, hI'r7.

gilb afotr the manner oif t''oTurkis
ce'eo ny ou i n 110 I b i' ouo Hob 1 i I N lo) I ) 110m ,'
bouiom& A 'h lii b y I r. It' ,1'iiltit 1'as I oh 'IK' s
token tso a boalth ot.
'is p00ay was abobotol fromutotheu'Sprtu j Dholb[ty',;ocio
isho boo' M imooou Dhoouoouou . bboit'lt at 'ot .uma toot'li
Ahl''v'y, ' 'Marj lori htltit 'ndu Isaobella ught o h it I
hO tt, iol lob bull jutice t )'to hebirliter-o 00100 iboiot bol ~b I
top hbilltyp C ro tore's ooImml goaiu t r cai s hh'W .S
too'.c toltheusic00 .0T hoIterformero wer ot'rlt tolI.u D hoolo''.
as olo s:, 'I.is (t CootJao it hw- R.< hh oh h o f Ithio
rato 1)0 o ut 1n W he b O lnei',' b'iuouo' o f 'blolas. t
Otto'. Smlleil ,p Atkins'. Cartto, BaeI , t 41sso
hKenag'''' buho'iook hhayoooiourut lob r_ 'htbtootto)m 1hi
;ot, MaIr tltthIAhh Il orI tilton, Jotes, tDownthe Boo
Sb oup , hitet , Bclsr0 tooiton,ood oil b lvvsobo' (ollbin,
riob G~oso'hiel,1'tro'iet to Sb l attiGhuh Iatist aboithm
luraith, B.hOI to otnt,('ro'v'olinog, K.I Ub- tblo00111os t ilt
tonth I1)uhohoo t oo wney.o T att il, Z.hh ilk r, Somehinotg (")Iout
ShtIlIIfibloxttiDouglaoSloMatn, hMtmbob'. outanb
'ou'o' boobck, 'hoto., .0 G ol, horay, t o n itit i nt boo
in111,1 SlCIIII SNI oN ()tIfiN I hhhh '1 'IS
1A1II 1)55AY

hItc hh.l, fal labIK
'ougiott ivol IOr. Ii.
fotbott ' ito 1)'.

oh A II. 55'
0)1 h'Sb ''K.SEAb

C'opies 'taotboo'seo're'dolito 'oti-'
oo'oilty all, lte ILawrbilinhg, andu
theo l'Thitaoorfng ) o'it;.,'libraro'.boe-'
bt'We8 andl12, and I andl 4.
C~row 4 11O 5 :30a each lla(1,co~lofgo
cat be seciuroedof IE-\'. Joilliffo in
AlunOIn'ii uroo. Clothi1 j0 o oto'c-
COt, $2.25.

hen3er hloIf.'otig ing ooWor'thu tug;
buttlulob'. pi'hrobouo oilafteorouuut, oh00110
tt blurt. blot >011(lit" t u> toot I. booAW
Oi- w h i i erro w soil 105 t
SI oot tilleIhubbrebooth iftyr10hmto
wt'e'ghed adi'u u t i s '. oo thu titgl il mbot
oh blob 'ilrgi' too'gloh t bo I the oue m vt':; ho'
booee tooto 5 aoond t W ponds,

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