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April 07, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 146. OIL zi t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDN1 SDAY, APRIL 71 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 1413. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNI SDAY, APRIL 7, 1897. FOUR PAOEs-3 CESTS. MONOPOLY FOR THlE IAX. They Elected All the Oratorical Reoeived a full lire of Novel Association Officers. ties for Spring Suits, ii .~tcontat te shoar oe and. Trouserings tfil e ctics1)t1at t'scld oaoe ast it repird to the a110001 electio of the Oratorical...…

April 08, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…c t1 APWIF ip VOL. VII. No. 147. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDSAY, APRIL 8, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. I I.. COMEN~MEI WVV IL D N vel-Pres. A. S. IDraper, of Illinois, Received a full line of aste, fr S in Snitel. Has Been Secured. and. Trouserings It l;been. announced that theliiiUi- vetrsty has secured Andrew Sloan 18 0 7Vapes,,L. p.,iresidlent of the U'ni- -estity of Ilinoj, to deliver' the rain G0. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAINns'cccss'ut ...…

April 09, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. NO. 148. Received a i1ull itre crN ties for Spri r'g i gL and Trouserhzgs tt $ y .zk N N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, F. ALI - r. APRIL 95 I897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. ANN ALIBUPe, MICHIGAN, F IIIDAY, APRIL 9, 1891. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. t V' r NWAS ASUCCVJ. I Carry an their own government and - that they will have a sufficient dagee. ii tlf uid~itSOutin Itersts of c interest to put themsoelves to sanme pains ts see that the governent i GtoA~c~in...…

April 10, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 149. ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN. FURDAY, APRIL 10, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. SAT Received a full line of Novel, ties for Spring Snits and Trouserings 1?897 NO., 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. HEAR MAIN. A 0COMBE---- $ that will wear sixamnoths is a vood4 one.lWe can geeiYota Comb ta is warranted to wear 12 rmonths ordinary uci~gw. We're got biln # cmia and little coms, oarse combs and flee combs, good combs andchattpticombs. PALXER'S PHARIMAC...…

April 12, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…'VOL. VII. NO. 150. aANIN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, M O\ DAY, APRIL 12, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. -~ - SE lb TRPHY (t--sat Development- Richardson, WVV L LD 1 t1; Ijains, (;; Tryon, 2. Woo y A Ricardon '0 "Total numnber of psoints for each onbA.E. Rcarsn,9 i.n-.wtestantt-iihai-ison, 34; jains, 20;9 Reevdafl 12 fNvl it Ia , '97 M., Second. Meadlo S' Wilk-inson, 5; Tryon, i. a ties for Spring Seits 'ldcges; were Drs. Nanciede anl ItoL Tr be itlige an...…

April 15, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 153. ANN ARBUR, MCHIGAN, TIH URSD)AY, APRIL 15, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IiiZS. :1 N(F1,1 IS NAME!). irate foo'lshnes for anybody to -main ANOTHIER TIE GAME. -IL)fiean that 132 men elected for two- isNomination as Minister to years coldl handle the affairo of the Second GameBewn 'Varsity Ils\BtenReceived a full line of Novel SettIheSnt niverity better time eight regents anIeigbeRsut7to. TunrkeySettthSeaeanInigbeReutrto. tier for ...…

April 16, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 154. P4 AN N ARBOR, MICHIGAN , FRIDA-i, APRIL 16, 1897. FOURn PAGES-3 CENTS. BASF'[!\ l(, MATTlERS. 1 Det~nite Date for Debate,; -A definite date. has at last been Receveda fll lne f NvelSchedule Adopted-Team Starts earned by Chicago for the joint do- Re ;e1VeC a full n Spring Trip Tomorrow. bate witir Michigan. 'The followinrg ties for Spring Suits- telegeratm tnan received yesterday: and Trouserings ILEor d irorf (onrltnire...…

April 28, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…the tt* )NESDAY, APRIL 28, 1897. Four. PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 155. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEI " [ i Received a full line of Novel, ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 No. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. S"THAT TIRED FEELING' wiii disappear if yeu take oar 0 Beef, Iron and Wine for $ a oset ntonic. We make it, S ad knsow its good. It coes ins50 eent kttles. PALMER'S9 PHARMACY. 465S. STATE ST. Flying Footwear Is that the whetlinen...…

April 29, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…c . o MOM VOL. VII. No. 156. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. WILD Received a full line of Novel ties for Spring Suits and Trouserings 1897 NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. ii"THAT TIRED FEELING"1 (a swill disappear if yea ake our Beef. Iron and Wine for$ $ a spring tonic. We make it, and new is'sgood. It cones in 50 cent bottles. PALMER'S PHARMACY. 4S.STATE ST. Flying Footwear Is that the wheelinen wears,...…

April 30, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…he RIDAY, APRIL 30, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 157.. ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, F] VV I ....DMICHIGAN WINS. Received a falil line of Novel All-Chicago Men. Go Down Be- ties for Spring Suits fore the 'Varsity. and Trouserings The gane yesterday wvas a decidedly encouraging one, and the outlook ap- 1897 pears very favorable in view ofth NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. gen. A fair-sized crowd saw the. Varsity brat the All-Chicago H...…

April 01, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII No. 132. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; A& AN161 s 4 l { URSDAY, AFFIL I, 1$98. PRSCE-3 CFNTQ. ,THL At Wild's Spring selections- Just arrived from the East. -Call and inspect our.... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats." 10, 1O8 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegr etti's Chocolates..., Fresh every week. Only in package- 0Cca pound. Lowtey s if yon prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, PIPE S ALE! FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Jinn reeeved a fresh suiDl y of Allegre...…

April 02, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 133. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK Just received a fresh sui)ply of Allegretti, and Wiliasms and Wer...…

April 04, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 134. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1898 P c -3 CEN. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and. inspect our.. . . . Buitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's chocolates.... Fresh every week.- Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. IPEs S.ALVE I FOR THE NEXT WEEK. .t received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and lamsand Werners...…

April 05, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…lie . a .de. AIL VOL. VIII. No. 135. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1898 PRICE-3 CENT. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our,..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A Ilegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. lust received a fresh suply of Allegrtti...…

April 06, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 136. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1898 PRCE-3 CENTS. A t XW ild's ORATORICAL ELECTION. List of Athletic Asno. Membr. 'li YESTERDAY'S GAME. arvdLaws Carried Everything Last vToatheslw ineronsthe Ahetitled TheUof M. Team Sows Up> Spring selectons just voeatthrletonofteetlei from the East. Call and Night. isiat. Any persois whose name has Well. Inpenigt tetOrtorcalA.o.iateibeen omitted from the tst ciii kindy tlcsscniud...…

April 07, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…d L- REM ' I r i } { I I t .. 1 - " Vot. VIII. No. 137. ANN ARBOR, AMICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. AtWild's Spring selections just arrived from the East Call and inspect our. ,. 1 .1 Suitings, Trouserilgs,t Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN All egretti's , Chocolates.... Fresh every week. . Only in packages-- 60c apound. i e prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. cOR THLE EXT NVEEE, Jool rceeiv-ed a fret-;b supplv o ...…

April 08, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…Auk Ah FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. NO. 138. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, I RE OA FT EU FM1 'Varsity Defeated. A Warm Election. A t" E- W ild's RM VLO H .O Bay City won their first game of the The annual election of the Athletic SrigslcinjutaredAdvocated By tile Detroit T[rib- serien yesterdlay by a ntore of t0 to 5. Association will tahe place Saturday Sprig slectonsdustA~rivec streak of hatting and lock o their afternoon at 1:...…

April 09, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…II a Ah, AL VOL. VIII. No. 139. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1898 PRICE-3 CENT. I 1 At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN ---I Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, an...…

April 11, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…h c . of ti VOL. VIII. No. 144. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1898 PRtTCE-3 CENTS. 1 ELETIONOF OFFIERS. and M. Weinstein was sianimously Bay City Wins a Clos Game. A t W l ' LCIO FOFCR.Saad' aebesesteVr l t W ild'sloses president of the association. - - + aAssoiatin Hed ,7 A 1 r". einsein hen ook he cair.ndWeinstein amethenen tookthetheAschafe aoled IBay A Cityanwasy i proas ablyabythe Spriing selections just arrivedAtlicAsiaonHd...…

April 12, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…I I UJESDAY, APRIL 12, 18981 PRICE--3 CENTS. VOL. VIII. No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T1 f R_ At Wild's Sprng~ selections just arived from the East. Call and inspect our.. Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A ll egrett's Chocolates.... Fresh eveiy week Only ini packige- eec a pound Lowney's if you piefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEi. jut received a fresh supply of Allegreti, and Willi...…

April 13, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…! c . of 4k VoL. VIII. No. 142. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1898 PRCE--3 CENTE. . - MICHIGAN LAW DEPARTMENT. GROWTH OF THIS BRANCH OF THE UNIVERSITY AND HOW IT HAS BEEN ACCOMMODATED two pillared entrances project some dis- The ample vestibules are wainscoted, tance before the main body between and their floors tiled with light Tennes- then, and this part is itself several feet see marble, as are alo the fioors of the in f...…

April 14, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…the . a , t . a n. VOL. VIII. No. 143. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTs. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. 10. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN A l l egretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowley's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY.. PIPE SALB FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegr...…

April 15, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 144. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRI L 15, 1898 PRtCE--3 CENTS. STGSCA.'Varsity Loses Last Came, (tioni, Scott, Conodoti, Cotley, Gilbert, At_1_I_'sThls Wolf, Davies, Mutter, Matteson, Lunn, ThClo of the teries of f'roestie Sprittg selections just. arrived Boys Dance and Have a Social sve ewe h la iyto h hoottpass, tieth, let saitd Wat- kins. The teaiot "eft this moriting at Irom T the East. Call and. 'Varoity teams we. platid...…

April 27, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…c~ U. @1 AL'. VoL. VIII. No. 154. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. L owney's if you prefer. PALMERS. PHARMACY; FOR THE NEXT WEEK. received a fresh suDPly of Allegretti, and ,amiis and We...…

April 28, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…ijc U.of At- AL VOL. VIII. No. 155. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1898 PRICE-3 CENT. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. WAR DEMONSTRATION. Patriotism Displayed Last Even- ing. Patriotism was rampant at the Uni- versity last night. A monster mass Nmeetin'g had been called and University Hal was packed to the doors with an enthusiastic throng of stu...…

April 29, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VIII. No. 156. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRtDAY, APRIL i9 1898 PwcE-3 CENTS. At Wild's, Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... Suitings, . Trouserings, Top-Coasts. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN ' ;I TO-NIGHT'S DEBATE. All Arrangements Made- Sketches of Our Debaters. Nearly all the details for the annual Chicago-Michigan debate which takes place tonight in University hall have been completed. Prof. Tru...…

April 30, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…ijcU, Otf Af AL i VoL. VIII. No. 157. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTP. F At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy -IS W.---- Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tions a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. FOR T...…

April 01, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

… 'ofI 4 00 f> at VOL. IX, No. 137. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received -our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and conflned, in both foreign and domestic goods, andl is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invi...…

April 03, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…beAr Ulf> of $Ulf> VOL. 1X, No. 138. ANN ARBOP, 3RiCI., MONDAY APRIL 3, 1899. THREE CENTS Will announce that te atvhe no received our Spring and Suntmer Woolens. Or sock for the incom- ng season is the largest we have ever slhown, is exclusve and ouhnled in hbtlh foregn tnd domestic good, and is complosedt of the Ibest fabrics in every line that can e otained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite on to call and ins...…

April 05, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 140. ANN AI{13[), R[CH-L WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1899. TnREE CENTS. 1 .WID j LAWS WIN AGAIN. FRIDAY'S EXERCISES. COMEDY CLUB TONIGHT. G. H I 0 Elect all Their Cadidtes Except Details of l lin the Classes Are to Arranements All Madelfor a ue Will nnouce tat wehaveixow Yesterday afternoon, in the mxot In honnr of the visit of the legs Evrixdcto oittoxixt receied or Sping nd Smmerlargely attended election the Orator- ature to the Univers...…

April 06, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…She Ua F cAi , It> $Ulf> till* VOL. IX, No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899. THREE CENT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP IN DEBATE. GH WILD Co. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Oar stock for the inconi- ing season ie the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign aniid domiestic goods, and is composed of the hest fahrics in every line that can he obtained. We carry the l...…

April 07, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 142. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL , 1899. THREE CENTs SOUSA AND HIS BAND TOMORROW IGHT. SOCIETY ROSTER. G. H. WILD CO. > v AD' AI80 iTY Willaiiaunc tha wehave05WMusic, Mr. Hamilton; current events received our Spring and Summrer /. Mr. McElligott; select reading, MYr. Woolens. Our stock for the incoml- Flynn; music; deate, ''lfesovde,. ing season is the largest we have ever '"f .".. hat the single ta on lad swouldel be shoniscx...…

April 08, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 143. U ALNIT, of ANN ARBOR, MICH., SJATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1899. G7. H. WILDCO DEBATINGCHAMPIONS. Will announce that we have now Michigan Wins From Chicago in Central receiveil our Spring and Summier Woolens. Our stock for the incoco Debating League Final. ing season is the largest swe have ever [S.PEcuAc TO THSE U. OF I. DAIL.Y.] showvc, is exclusive and iconfined, in CHICAGO, April 7, 11:50 i. 'n.--Unauimsns verdict seas hoth fo...…

April 10, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… APRILdmi-11 IN. ALI\ u r all 401 Ulf> VOL. IX, NO. 144. ANN ARBOR0, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1899. THrEE CENTS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. 6. IL. Day Chosen President at the Elec- tinSatrdaiy. The annual election of the Ath- Will annonce that we have nowC letic Association was held Satrday receivedl ocr Spring and Sosner and was rather at quiet affair. Not W ooleirsJOur stocks '7,r the iconi- over t wo-thirss of the membvirs of ink' season is...…

April 11, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The 'of> F, C.AL A&AL lu It> Pa VOL. IX, No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the inconl- ing season is the largest we have ever shows, is exelusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, andl is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in t...…

April 12, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

… at VOL. IX, No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite you to call a...…

April 13, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…,g7 b r 'lt .Of J Ir o r- o VoL. IX, No. 147. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1899. THREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the c...…

April 14, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…;be, o 94Palm4f VoL. IX, No. 148. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1899. THREE CENTS I I G. H. WILD Co. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtaiied. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We in...…

April 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…U~o( 911k VOL. IX, No. 149. ANN AR1B801, HICI., TUJESDAY, APRIL 95, 1899. TREoE CNTS EXCELLENT WORK., Ilree Alicshigoniibatenou Ol oly After pitc(hing a hard gameieFriday G. W LD ® pop tp easy flie s. The score: Ie pitched agarint Notre DmrSt 6. i 1I Varsitt Baseball Team Had a Iloings ...l0 3 4 56 7 8 9r. i. i3.iurday tand(] ed ftere hown to fout Wiacnsi...0 03 01 02 0*- 4)8 hts.Yale showeil iij)well i the Mos SucesfulTri. Mchian ..1 10 00 00...…

April 26, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… Agffm z 0 o o VOL. IX, No. 1.50. ANN ARBORI, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1899. THREE Cixs P u Aissn nn BRITISH GUARDS BAND. I'U AII l -f bU. f.VV1LV U U. Will annuence that we have n(ow received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Oar stock for the ineom- log sea son is tihe largest we have ever shlownl, is exclulsive and ninlfled, ill hoih foreignanl~d domestic gssds, and is comoseoe(f tile hest fahrics in every line tihat canl be obtainl...…

April 27, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 131l. 1 I o o ;ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 18 99. TREE CENTS G. H. WILD CO. WVill announce that we have now receivedl our Sprintg and Smnmir, Woolens. Our stock for the inen- ing seasoni is the hargest we have ever, shown, is exclusivetind confned, in hoth foreign aad domestic goods, stndl is compjosed of the lot faris in every hone that (canle otaned. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We in vie o to...…

April 28, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… Of m [ r~h 4 p A VOL. IX, No. 152. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite...…

April 29, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… 'Of '4* lbo-WIMEMMI, It> ILAAL alltilP lq VOL. IX, No. 153. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Wool...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 'Of 94 Paili VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1900. No. 140. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Tlop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We in...…

April 03, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…% '*of 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TrUES.DAY, APRIL 3, 1900. No. 141. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just recevedl our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitale and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of tFop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy 'Vests and Golf Trouseriugs. We invite ...…

April 04, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… 'tI>of 94 Path. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1900. i Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO.~ We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality ansi style t) suit the most exacting taste, consisting of lop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf 1ironserin's. We invit...…

April 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…be 'of r4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1900. No. 143. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitahle and de- sirahle for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quatity and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Troiiserings. We invite ...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…: v r r> ............. .......-......... Vol-± X. SDring, ANN ARBOR, I11CR., FRIDlAY, AP'fL 6± 0,900. ORATORICAL TROUB3LES. l±±aess, oat in tyre long run it 10 per- oeeieei cO, ind±±try, a11a1torcee 01 011r- ; ioe wjii sceeds. it 10stOUl/P Annoi G. H. F ~ Lits Meet and Appoint Committee to i neement Didft Resolutos to Propose 14 14Probablcj iiot be Coni IL C* 1~Narly a huoiodred literary tmes ii 0±c edesday ftiiieroonn leifair.1 N hair...…

April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…TheU of Dr9 Ptt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1900. No. 145. Y qCA.Banquet. Spri~g M C H UA WI S.The annual banquet of the Univer- Announcement ing a their head quarters onSte THE WOLVERINES GET A UNANIMOUS DECISION AND street. The first thing on the program was G.H. WILD & CO. WIN IN A WALK FROM THE STRONG GOPHER TEAM a business meeting at whih the of- fices fr the earing year were elect ed, they are aa follows: President. C. ...…

April 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…She Ut oo9 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., MONDAY, APRIL , 1900. No. 146. ATHLETIC ELECTION. Indiana University is met. The fair Chicago Engineers to Banquet Springgrounds are so poor for baseball that The following letter has been sent Spring ~~The Board for Next Year is Chosen little can be expected of the infielderstoalUiesyofMhgn en Announcem ent Te at a TFame Election,n h rosar ay hte annual election of the Athletic the errors will continue af...…

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