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April 11, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-11

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h c . of


VOL. VIII. No. 144.



1 ELETIONOF OFFIERS. and M. Weinstein was sianimously Bay City Wins a Clos Game.
A t W l ' LCIO FOFCR.Saad' aebesesteVr
l t W ild'sloses president of the association. -
- + aAssoiatin Hed ,7 A 1 r". einsein hen ook he cair.ndWeinstein amethenen tookthetheAschafe aoled IBay A Cityanwasy i proas ablyabythe
Spriing selections just arrivedAtlicAsiaonHdIsA- made a short ht appropriate talk, nm neet
from the East. Call and noal M teetin audy akng h ebesomheasr s t i eesting thus far of the series.
thankng te m oachWatkins wet into the box fo
insect our._____ osss.syn ta.e oe ta.ti-hyiyscieCoach Clarke pitched
Suitin]gs, Trouserings, The annual election of the Athletic setis to general and the affairs of the M icy hi.Btl eeinlneosi
Association sas heidStutrday after- asotition swold prosper cder his isar and itsas an eves battle frms
Tap-Cots.smaagement as they ad under Ie n-
To-ot. nosin Univrsity Hall. The meetingtrisgeforsff theco sfpeiet satI inieh. The 'Varsiy wss a-
-was aled for 1:30) bt it was nearly able to score b)ut the visitors gatherel
N.18EWAHGTNS.NAMAN2 o'clock before all ftse holders of ick- AMr. Richacds. 15 a lone ran i the slth isisa
etScritowded is and President ichards Teeeto thenroedd r 1 iotugh ia it, and ani error by Cooly.
ipeed the meeisg. Before tis dlcc- V " enl wsimsl svice he fsll nne iniogoswetre playeslint
Al eg ett'stes propr catne off severat ameisd-presidet, ar. L E . 'Veonehlicend2tsrnuesisas-r
etts ansi alteaiions its the constitui-eia secretary, and Mr. H.B C letfmen tily shrt game.
:ion whih Isad eens cnstdered seces- frrcrigsceo).Atueeeet The featres f the visisrs' lyig
V1//whbeoedbscsaii. sthefiet uretitsre ctches by Mc eitt atnd
Ohoc letec.. harsby tss oaonwere rotbfopo ttseterdsanet'cdoiby in h tIeOutfield, a acs byIlolst-
Ffhsh very eek. cangesits th essoittitio seee so sl-erace betieen AM. Hswar1e Iisc iii c 1scodbseail tlist'
OnlyinIackges ws: aciC Harry . Poter. M. Pot' cc 0 i5rk t backstopls Michigai's piyig
,cagl n h onttuin eaas po ole t und.as n Slivn.
Lone' fyu Art. Ill., Sce,. 2-ciscwords 'man- fy beostes, his ssbriig2.tna hresrsdb os6o i up
prfr-gr f interscholastic athleics" salt V'elve's 22).s pe s f ts'- series. A tbrilint
lbe itsertetd between Ie ws m"ut- h e ierc ~te -'uk thr isow Isfirst bseteam awayfbak .of
Art. Ill.,Sec. It1 shall be the diti ls: McLean, 2b; Wood, 28) MOeii, ii it the main fetie. A nealyiworksed
PHARMACY Jif te t tand. caelienmb ,si oessc2 of2, hrdb tifMr.eiutti h
Ik rsssilf secretary Io keepi the 47; Aams, 229; Cmtbe, 2:1 cirik by which Gil;theteaghi uisek
P IP E AIL A/ books1of the cassociatin bsed (tue1.-Shirts folowedf cliiseiswit 22 sodIds- Watitinsinapiniig t scosil tas e.-
FOll THE 'NEXT IWEE. ceiptsimandc iirdles iintthe tres- inst with 212. jod by fbi'IT.of M. Bandssluiitithe
Jast 'eceitved a fresh supply at Alleretti, and seaslIifet i ieici si l-Tei'cloise race fote ilieiictirsfis eeslir h.i'nno h"sne
Wllams and Werners Chocolates. Lmrest lsedeatntwsnthre
fIs lbs city. ilietis f al Iceuns lpfasseid is by the the dentaffsstes ssc-Thiiiipons 'id the ctchiiig asuieti his
Lunsi-snat aillbour. g b 'r o i'rectos, anid beforr Ie an- iinigfeature of the efec' ii i. C. 1. woriil igiod shape.
Ri. B.JO LL sI/i na meetsg sirthe assoucition hle shall ihase von oiha211) whlile OlCal) orgmsrnar ob lydwt
308 South State Street frest Ike acotssof the assoitioni fisheidhis clise wih 21.oye' em iifiiksassefi
_________________________ for auditisg as prescribed it c.2 (if Frio tssiaw depifea e a 'tey'Vsty, sf tiiiwarb iiicaelei
Art. 4. It shall also he is dultiy tsgnreecei the largest nsiob 'e f votes, e shape at the cy yof the series xi meet
Wh T'S NEWallsf1ordes upon the treasurer Iht~ s linis.
GRADUATE. DIRECTOR. l. Neal win elected testm the medicallMIIGN
7_.-A foldting Camera with A~t. .-The ffoar12of Direto shall dprsetst N iesbf c-A. R . .O.A. E.
non reeis'ed 206. ('issly, 21i.......53 5 1 2 C,
plehlerst iary- alve the authrity toi engage a grad- Cosdon, i....4 05 5 1)2
plate holder and. carry-The new president, -l. Weitsein, is Btler, f. ....400q00
date director, sho shall beiime fbi' ad- Glet5
in as or~.O. vsi fth sesittsi' tlei ptwefflInwn troughiut the CUniversity. Giet' to. 23 003 41
Ilia CASC for $1~~~~~~~. . . .0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ahlti pi-Daie, ........ 40 023 It
Hecoints teem aMontana and fbst ap- Matatesin, If. ...4 05150 5}
Takesa 4X5 picture. icy, and shall assume uch tiowers anid Wlt, 3b 4 0 0 2 1 0
dutfies as shall fotesn im scretis nnAimoeasa tuen Clarke It .......4002 0
deleate tohimby he oar ofD!-the igh sthol. Here he was active its Thompson, e...2 10 1 "a 15
2.-A-4X5 late Camera for rcor.seeral orgainisatonmstind a heartysp- Tll. . 71
ruetors.Toas 3 0?271 4
Tae od- Art. II., Se. 1-There shall bec'a man- turf er of athletics. Onletntering the MAT CITY,
$.00. Tks dpl- tUniversity at. Weinstein inintaineud A HB. t. . . .
sger of infe-sholastic athletics whoi Lwney ss....4 5 5 4 0 51
tur'e, to. shal be electedl by the Bard f fDirsc- the sante policy, and an aided evdry- MKeitt, if...4 5 0 1 5'
tor attheregla Jue metig, ndthink which adeanced cllge spirit and oyce, b. ....3 0 5 8 5 2
Isiseatsthe egroatgJunemxefficgieatdseviesRbb, lf . 4 15051t05
Ohose tetis f fiec snallbegitt teon eeI.Trug ithehe tnercsCnklin, m.'...301 5 010s 0
CAKN'PA MACY the Ctmedy Club has been tade a Huholder, 2b.2
ALIS HR I firt day f the following July and x- gSualifinancal success,.Vry eatly8in 0
his cllege career he became elected to Warner, 3b.2... 5..3 5 0 2 95
mnagement of the iner-schlastice --
Q '1t gret gvenunde theausice;of teIe athletic bard, and has held most Totals ....3 1 4 27 '1 4
W A 1 fthe sffeen in the asociatin as well Innings- 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
asociaton, and sall represe it the as- aMichiganis...... 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0-
S sciation in alt branches of inter-schul- as being a nmember of the oard of cn- ay City .....5.. 5.0 5 5 01 5 5 0-1
.3 0K 'Z 0 kL . nicatleic. tro.He has shown hin ability in uany Stolen baes-tlarke. Hses onoballs
directtins, and surey the affairs of the -Off Clarke 3, off Watins 3 it by
Art. ItI. Sec. 1.-There shall be a asociatio under stck a man an Mr. ice alH Cak, Cnln
stnigcomte o he mmesWeinstein will prosper. Struck out-Hy Wakins 6, by Clake 3.
A good Base Ball and Bat is just on inter-Icholastie ahletic, whose ________
th hn o dvlp orchairman shall e the tanager of in- The 18th of this moth sill be a red-10 Wild pitch-Clarke. Tind of game-
muscles. ter-scholasti-- athletics, as hereinafter letter day at Ntre Daue. That in the 12,ternHadadKnod
provided fsi, and whose remaining dlay Mibchigan meets the Indians, and Coach Mumhreys and Cap. Gregg
We have every varity from 5c members shall be appointed by the besiden the game there will be the lay- has's announced the followig as the
to $1.25. president of the association, icE of the corner stee of their new; selettion so far fat- the nine that will
Sporting Goods of all kinds. All these alterations were adopted by gymnasiun, which will te one of the represent the University of Wisconsin
tiyei; Perry, catcher; usting.
BaseasBallaSuits largest and best fitted in the westtthsya
SaSBSal buts mde t orer. The election was next in the order of is expected that ex-Captain Anson, of shortstop; Siefert, firt base; Gregg, see-
Prics ae riht.business, and President Richards called the Chicago National League tai, and "base; Godfrey and Cohems, third
~for nominations for the office of presi- will be there to make a speech and base; Ford, Ball, Metzler and Fgit,
dent, Mr Hary J. Weinstein was Probably umire the game. The e-outielders The 11 C ofmets annunc-
t /' a yre cntin the names f several
WAUER S KS Je i1 is nominated by Mr. Frank Simons with tire Notre Tame team of last year, boeaaersan~ga enqn
Upn Town Down Twn an eloquent speech. There wose .wsev- which defeated Michigan b8 to 3, is tlone in various ilretionteDer C
An. wehnrnnHia. .. eral seconds to the nominatng speech. back thin .year. - j- rePres



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