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April 15, 1898 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-04-15

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STGSCA.'Varsity Loses Last Came, (tioni, Scott, Conodoti, Cotley, Gilbert,
At_1_I_'sThls Wolf, Davies, Mutter, Matteson, Lunn,
ThClo of the teries of f'roestie
Sprittg selections just. arrived Boys Dance and Have a Social sve ewe h la iyto h hoottpass, tieth, let saitd Wat-
kins. The teaiot "eft this moriting at
Irom T the East. Call and. 'Varoity teams we. platid yeo csrdtty
Ti me.55:25 over tlte 'T. & A. They ivill reacts
inspect our ___a_ fternoona. The list of iil tier7stonod l aoittwee hycimi
uitngsTrou erlngs, Thesecod anual ocia of he Tchfive tpiece antI each t tam p tsv,ointo Cthe
n-h eodana tca fteTc aver tight, arrivting at Chamitaign Sot-
Togam-deermied.t nakeoit cx oa
To -o t. Glee ana Mandolin Clubs, heltd at tirday moreniog. The first game sit the
op-Coats. otol~~~~~~srerahte intererot also ceetter'd lin the titot1h lyi h dIt e
N0. 108 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Granger's lost sight, was a sticcess in "rubher," as it s tisrie last gIme areoipid eolayudftwesn an the ayeit
every way. The social was strictly a played here hefore the teasi leav,'s for
_ team left for GtrainttRapids thits mtirii
a_______________________itsring trip.itgwhrtieovlslaarr' f
I 'stag"' affair', boil judging by the ap- i nweete ilpa eiso
Allg e t I parent enjtyment of the large nuimher l.ttn e~cstc'~c't i5totgamses with the leaguto team there.
I ~~imtprovred and it wvas flop. 'I thut th'or
I ~tISpeette rsnett h or~ irs woutld clost'i tO Mitio'u fat 'r, Senior Law Oratorical Contest.
C hoco atest.icold not in any wvey have atdded to thsebota tailtire to hit the tall is ii h ,cot
Ch c l t s.. pleasore if the ereniong. liceininings, cotitoed with as siihit" f'flhe seiniour taw ortotrical tintest re-
Fresh every week. A fine program was retndered. Both costly errors, made the scic r' ctitt~rot:t sotltedl in the selection of ti. W.Wea~ver
Only ill packages- ±he Glee and Matntolin clubs'qite otr-l,;, eind of the game ttay lily It, MBiS- Ia class orator, Slia oratintoes sipo
ieapon. did themsetves end their reportoire was gait . Alt ott the eisit Oriy the subject "P'lea, for thoe South." The
Lowney'S if you,_. z tlecotsatinterdrnwhh
prefer, exhausted in the encores thry overe imade were secsred in the 3i i TorIttg, ttir'otsaosi h odrhtshc
a( pu obliged ts gtve. Light refreshumens enri the 'Varsity motto' a uesttirloet'te thety acre renked awcr,' Messrs. Mol-
P ALMERS' PUARMAi: were served, otter whichodaticing cois- bunch of hits and "tpliya"1 tow"' Ot-ii hbind, Kinigsley, Millis, Meairs and Hart-
issed tilt altoer minight. the professionals. ]Ott, P'rofessotrs 'Thomposon, Wilguts antI
___________________ The foltooing was thse proogramsorots- The rally came totsrllate, it( nso.sNor, Lone ected as judges ctoohtoought anti
' dee:thosgh it satisfiedl the frendsrotfo the ctiomoitiotn, antI Prit. Demnmon, Rev.
TIS S 14 .1". elloworatnd luelormen Mtlcligensitttn' tanagrt et siIottoelta Kelly end A. J. Sawi-er as judges on
FO H ETw t Glee Cltub. h rmoo betotol O0 r delivery.
tust received a fresh sanely of Allegretli, nerd e lc. . . IotiOoheottee iswsrobleso i tot . ottoo,u tie~elotr'i toe r ie
W iliamns and Weesers Chcslates. LrgtIt
lnathe city. Mbanodolin Club.h bt ty iio ,-~esOt~da in the same order athie names ofthti
Lunches af all heurs. h a iyptcege oda
R. B. JO LY' & cc IrsuitEves tic Glue Eyes.- to.Aie hlig odos ~tsgt n ttpstcn ~l
GleClub, tinoes, though he sceeded iniin tig huhtadcopstc, i-
20 n~.SaeSre. Votsst . . . himself in at critical tites nd oinly tims, Lane, Thsomtpsron; delivery, Sato-
"Larry." gave the 'Varsity tobaPes otn balls. yer, Ihetiote, Fether -elly.
_____________________ R__ Sainbiowo Sance. . . .toooy IHMGininis, on the othter tom I, 'lid rime
Matndolin Club. gotod woirk', though aet critical 'im~s lie
kik i'' '''''''' avstitot aisle to get the thirod strike,0
W' S "E ? t GleeClb giving the tBay City meni eight first a
Mtisssiptot Rag...... W. H. Krelt bsers soithoutt effort.
Mandoltn Cluth.'e r.o,,,esistrSoVsc Millis 2, 4l, l 4, G, 2,... 21


fl --.A #o SctItno'Uamlera wiLLS
plate holder alnd carry-
ino casd- for $7.00.


erakes a 4x5 picture.
2-A4x5 Plate Camera for
$5.00. Takes good pic-
tu re, too.
3OOIMST 0 fln
A good Base Ball and Bat is just
he thing to develope your
We have every varity fronm 5c
Sporting Gioods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made to order.
Prices are right.

At s rbor. . . . . .ity, u-as ai feature of the game, its tO'rO;
Glee Club. also a runsting retch by Matteston. The
'Varsity ineligibles. sutirsy MICHIGAs .
Several of the baseball players in the A. B. . t). A. E.
ICooley, 2b. ....303 t 2 2 5
University who are ineligible to play on Condon, Sb. S 5 5 15't 0
the 'Varsity have organized a trans an- Metier, rf.....4 0 5 5 0 5
Lunn, e.........4 t 3 4 2 5
de the namve af the U. of M.tIneligibles: Wolff, 3b. 4 1 2 0 32
The loam will play several games due- Daiert s, ......41 1 2 5 1
lng the spring vacation and wshen the Matteson, it.2... 310 51 05
?McGinnis, p. 3 0 5 1 0 1
' Varsity returns teem the spring trip - .-
will line up against them in several Totals . 31 6i 0 21 St
games. The personnel of the team as BAY' CITY,
A B. B. H. 0.A.E
now organized includes Sullivan, catch- Lowney, as....4 251t52 1
or, who has been doing such ite back- MecKevitt, rf.5 5 20 0 5 5
Royce, Sb. .. , .5 0 1 6 0 5
stop week fur May City; Clarke, pitch- Conklino, mno.......,.. 4 .0 0 0505
or, who has also been doing steady work Mousholder, 2b. ....3 2 1 0 1 52
Robb, If. .......2 3 5 1 5 11
fur Hay City; Scott,_ pitcher; Anderson, Sullivan, c. . '....3-. 3 0 1 2 0
pitcher; Mbaynard, catcher; Lannahan, Damneh, 3 so .. . 43 1 52 0 I3 0

first baser Heard, last year's leading
'Varsity player, second base; Dunn, who
has played on both the Leland Stan-
ford and Mbinnesota teams, short stop;
Daffy, third base; Hannan, left field;
Cartwright, of last year's 'Varsity, mid-
dle field; Lakey, right field.
The schedule of games so far ar-
ranged is as 'followsr During vacation,
Bay. City at Bay City, Toledo Y. 1M1 C.
A., at Toledo; Detmoit' Athletic Club at
Detroit. After school reopens, besides
the games with the 'Varsity, return
games with the D. A. C's and Toledo

Totals . .. ..3051056 *,I07"4
"Butler set for interfering with ball.
Innings- 1234567
Michigan . .. ... ..400 00 6 0--th
Bay City ..... .00 11 0 53-.0
Two-base hit-Wolf. Three-Pbior hit-
Lunn. Stolen bases-Robb, Lowney (2).
Double plays-Wolf, Gilbert atod Con-
don. Mates on balls-Off McGinnis 0.
off Damoth 2. Sti'utk out-By MeGirt-
nis 4, by Damothi 4. Mit by pitchser-:
AieKevilt, Robb. Left on bases--Mich-
Igan 5, Bay City 7. Time, 1:40. Um-
pire- Rosty" Wright.
At the close of the ganme the lean-
agers, coaches and Captaint Butler miet
and decided to-take the followitig men
upont the spring trip:; Miller, Lober, Mc-

Mearsh f,63,4........ 2850
Kingsley 5, 3, 5; 5, 1, <..... 51?' S9 3
Bartlett 4, 5, 1; 6, 5, 6.... 2 1 I9
W eavet' 5, 1, 1; 2, 2, 1.. 5... 5
Hfolland 3, 2, 4: 1. 4, 3...t.. 16 oi3.2
Shaping the Tennis Courts.
Mr. Reeve is doing allhe possibly can
to get the tennis courts in shape, New
clay has been hsauled and the men are
workng hard in leveling the dirt in
preparatioin for rolling. Within a very
short time M5r. Reeve reports that he
will have the courts in excellent con- "
dition and reday for use. The tennis
mrs are all anxious to get out and
when the courts are prepared the sea-
son will open with a rash.
Law Professors on War,
P'rofessoors Knowlton and Thompsoni,
of the lawv department, swere called up-
on for speeeches on the Cuban situation
3by the senior class yesterday morning,
and responded with rousing speeches.
While both regretted that war should
come, they said that the time for
speeches is past and it is now time for
The Athletic association will hold
an inter-scholastic athletic meet at
Regents'l Field in the last part of Nay;
open to all high schoels of' Michigan.
,Students are urged to advertise the
matter as much as possible at their
home high schools during the vaca-

w R y BOO onTO E . uC. ass Wui ptrobably ce played.
hW lD O KSO E The team is made up of excellent ma-
I~p Tws Dwn Twn ,terial, and will no doubt give a good
S. State at. Opposite Courtflouse, isl naltegma
Ann Arboe. male et. account of isl naltegms

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