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April 09, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-09

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VOL. VII. NO. 148.
Received a i1ull itre crN
ties for Spri r'g i gL
and Trouserhzgs

tt $ y

- r.


t V' r NWAS ASUCCVJ. I Carry an their own government and
- that they will have a sufficient dagee.
ii tlf uid~itSOutin Itersts of c interest to put themsoelves to sanme
pains ts see that the governent i
GtoA~c~inmn~. well carried on. With reference to
sitti astit iite atiiene nrutlthese twoa assumtplttonsthe trarofr
eteig fte ta said that in his opinion the fornter
was trtue, white thte second was
a4_.?{' I (ll. lst c night and it is
somewhati dsnbtful. We want a prop-
to-, ijtsocite went away
e!' degree of interest as well as virtue
,v in t.liio'tithat ho tail
'c<iii intelligetnce. Cacti gsrcrnsieit

'Varsity Wlill Line Up Against
the Ineligibles Saturday.
Michigan's first game of the season
will he iilay-ed tomoarrowe afternson at
3:30 o'clck at the Athletic Field willh
lie Ineligibles. Ward Hughes, who
has chittea cf the Ineligibles, lis got-
teni togetheIti astergariregation.

tonae.tiieet ieititiii
is icaciait iii tt e .V
crdinarycu.aaWc . ;,
comst antid little con), .

k c ttit tis ecourtiaging Isoliii
I ni ctheii'cliP Si see titest' evi-
o" e. t a cf itnterest ill tilewcrk. _2ltI.
li .tttt, tile itetsitcnt cf cte club. ciii-
l lcitte purpsce and11ptans at the ci-

sod chtl eapcilias. e,, it ci+ suionaditoduccid Pest. Tity-
PALMER'S Pit- tt. ilIAC ii I Prof. 'tay'or :pokt' cit"The Margittial
4-6 S. STAVE TA. F. Sat.' , irindi ilcainiitig his taddilass
*-Q ' r-ea.-.a.. itfloiittitlthe tieattitigof tilyt'etmtwas
-~ ~ tIpplietiIs tovtrs. Thlttargiitat c-t

Before yin elcatr'tht itil of
Shoes tar Spnti, i1 1)pace sut iII
sheet our ioiterti . A ktl~
itn secnritngsilly tli- I -tea3t Stvli-a;iof
,goods earls seasont tlalypemtoca ei,-act a atietiti
derision befsre eactim.udi!)eo
Our liii-of Spritig Slices liii Otfitii-4
in tic new stae f o ttili.le' C Ietl
and Chocolate is nits t s. '~
prettiest eiafactsi 1' t :rvmii
ever saw.
10 thn1ht aG ditIc
ny W ailer. satatoeks-idi- I 0
cents ala ounce. Lt-tc, r
0 Lily atfte Valtee Carn- C
tion, Orals ApleadN~g
bells, aseaall seasontatlre. 0
lner atidslast youi it at) ' t
9 oucee. Cometilandicitt 1--so
Jnst reo'eivs l tuMothier lot oif
that fins U. of M. Mo-aogranm
Papar, the jppilar' sh-tdeo
Blue and tWhits; tlso na Nae
Stock of the Viarious higit
Grads Corresponitenne Ptaper.
Vtsiting C-trds Engriavoti antd
Plate Prittntg.
Up Tows hews Totes
20 S.State st opposite Couirt notice
Ann Arbor "Mainsit.

11111, sitrethe tituailis. Tiiiplio.i
.- 1,.11; GI'st n5ililigittiti alit whaic1.th0
of tit tih e cama 'ig-ill he lt tthe
11:S' a.ioa111(l cionitsider 11ia,- tilt' tuitr-
it-I c. i-n ;aiy trtii-ae atid cchat
C!,,tMIjtiilif is ititli iliust h"D ic-ca
j-ioier It, their slitd'. T'leiitn it culttrer
°it li1)iyhcrli ittlI lieilra-ital
ii fat- f li torefasetis. It is i'-tier-c
ui- iive roe i, frcaltl -is -ca ot tie
F111diS itiiis t'e 1,ile-,fit iLc-dlilie
Iatqiuilifitid. liihe uitee1"i-1o
is lit feeI sutiieltintgPellert' a tottiote
:1 -gilr pa i toitieiani. It is co-iti
tt t -saidthat lithliii' -tlrcil -It--sea
c- "f;cit ilfleit cc i a atitittititilty
it' other fit ritsarle piowerful. fits
i, it I lisetherii , i-atlittleoittthat sat-
?t.-l'i5 II ill i itttstreangth as tittitiecl
titl y-.'tsschoalts. , s iqo
;....1X til tt ils rale Utatce teis ill-

tclbsantywchere ltnd otalay eCtacsof
Michigan has cstocn a decided iti-
peoiple ace performting an imporaatant pirocemtent its tractice durliag the creek
sail caluitatle dutyA to the commtityci. and cwill mtake it deieldlyA interesting
iProf. Knototn nest explaitaedwcaa
far the veterans. Tu1'e adimissioti tar
hei tinughit theo purpoises cf tile clbjisegaine has tieerlaplaced at 25 cenits
shold e. a sid it~t sttter~s ind this ioughitt tisutre a large at-
shold egn te btto ad wrkti tndatnce. 'Tle P. at 't. handt ccill Pa
tip. Mitnielteal tolitics shtoulti eceelcettcetaniIA-efrtnScsttgth
titeirpresstttandrplaiati. rnu'ndiduriat the
thei fist atenion.Quetion ofdi-g;IttrThule u ottatthe teants il
ri-I thiiortince, sucltas the ptopettel'ahi o tllos:
mtelts at suppttlyinig wcter aid tight Aietziglti. Ineligiblet.
toi a citycithitldlhe eansidereid. Al- jWebzrie-....e...-, itntttatd
tho ugh broatder tallies mtighitatho be Miller tand Sliecitait .-p--..Watkins
dilsc-ussedt.'The situents will i .t'tlne-i F'. ('sudan--ii- - -Lie
tseriusmitakesl if tiley- leace cillageiduitler-.....b-... D. Ward
Wo~~lt- --.... . .. .Cotidan (Capt)
cititiotknoiaitg siomething abttost Suivan.ctits - .b- --.....ileaisl
ttest'sitbjeets, cc-iiitact htacitig ide-is.. Oeati - I.....1f-.... t uisot
After a few- remtarks by Mnl. Berk- Cativrsighti- r.cf.....- .shieds
ileiiocitthe wo rk wiul c-:wis beintg Ludlowic - - .r.f.....-- -
done at othern calleges and a furithin It hiatt bectnhtopedti o scei'Ate -
siattiment as ta the plaIts of the i-hit. lxiiioy, o ateiar's leamu, titogay-
hit moottingivsats cended. right fieltd, bitt he hitisccit cc-ad It~it,
hit' tanttatbe hpresetit. It all tinab'hil-
Wr inkle Out Tudor. ily Sid AMillardthli'esachatfte Sn-
'flit'Latslr tnumitlrfcirSie jWrititeeligibles, ccill tluytie Isasition.
is iiistile taday. The coerwn citti lg Mutiaget' Akinsonannutoinceshat
is tie Wii'ttiteh attindtheliitdi'le ace itnthe futture hiattfttegrandcistatidccili
ity Ateti'tll.thuern- in clts atint'1yA be raped oafftotrSt'eladiesanatd their

S5yiiicts, 'andalitfullhIratt' 5111'is cotri-
bu~tidhA' C.tL. l utiuts. Itre-itlee
An-iecll itiin eennetn liii theii' i'ii
httasticdnsiihtohaTitkey, a'-dtti heilii-ciii'
ni-ilt'tcU nciity ltheis arc eitititiit
lii e'ditorially-. A. At, Smuithaidl1i. ASL
1tittic-ittuts ishtthe sense. Ott thir

1.11-tihitt. tt' i abe Is Sah' shiole trite iitiihsr issa gocc ii cii,.tit'
i in toea tiitierta lieu. Hti e " Chiti tattehills' itiit a rger atiltmtoitn
aitittits I alt1,11 Utiual.
? oi i' i ltiedl, kttstrs tittreand is iliac.'

tiWhiittll.A~ue htiSetnds iiti e
- Sii~e1tl.hticIks ti She Irt-ii.
li liteihuldSit ieudItiaIpatyigPit tli
1att l rapt-, Stilt iii' shiould reiiti'i-
j . - it tl?.'t;na.'iiti'y is itecessarey to
)itnis' tigainnalit nstilethud tise his
I reiteitniiitiia tgoodtii-aihe.
'f'i' e ire'three thtiniestwtich tic
shiuildtkeep inlitindt. ic ittst nat he
so ill-,l-pendtctiithIat tie csill ntot act
ccwith otersne. shoutld nat tic too fas-
idiohus as So his aissociat itns, and tie
shltd not be too caprichius tatd fickle.
.Peat. Hinsudale wats themacat speatker.
and his talk was eon the propositios
wcht farm the basis of the demo-
ecu tic or rationaliotic theory of cavern-
'i 'iet This theory reots ontwrns-
suetmptiono, ib-at the people are suf-
ficiently intelligut and virtuous to

:lpiha Nu Preliminary.
' lvt 'AlphaSNNtuSands cc itllihoose
is detiers Stiltinduty igt farthte
joitutdebate iwiitth' Websien Saniely.
fThe programitis as folloccs: Vocal
suite. W'. Johnson; dhaitetstR. Sesolred,
'T'halt a bich atjudtges shtotld he cub-
stltted far iiur tiresent jurys'eist,'
atsinaitie, 'iessrs. Strong Bdarbler,
tOhuiitgar, Hoeati nd Saniger, negative,
Mlessro. tDickhinsons, Coast, Swaa, Ala-
Lcaini ass EF. Ilciettcr;guitar duiet,
Aisoes Wice.
The annual meeting of the
Athletic Association will be
held at 10:30 a. mn. on Satur-
day instead of 2 p.,am. Tick-
etis, not buttons, must be
shown to entitle one to a vote.-

escor atsu ituhiers wmill he5protcidieal
iose st lualtioaoih-cs :obtainti iiiseats.
Homeop Bihll Up Again.
Ptesidlent .tug-elh atidtPests. iditis-
tutu'.t'Copeulnd, iDewcey-,tLeseutr antI
IuTihmsonretnurned yesterdiay'trout
L~iasing, iisee by had hears to Urge
befarethue jait .i itithee of use itnui-
vritt hirdefeat of ihebhuh ha cans-
pcl thic Regents ha remitve thse lisnes-
pthic schl to Detroit. The rinmocus
W1til is a rider t het rgulahr uiersity
ttarshpriations bitttand haravides Itiat
none at the napropriationt sb-ill be
utsed tan the lanhomesathic- scbhtol tit-
less uhesecehool shatll be transferred ta
tDr. Angell gasve use emititee a
taltl, the keyniote atfswhicc- 11s that
the retwoval ot any ciepartmsent oathilt
Unsicersity f'ratutAtni Ar-bar mighst
n-eas.thIle diinteigratian ot the masth.
tini. iTiticut aa Irt ofItePUniver-
oily itn one ciry asud a hart hinstnothier
wotild lessen ito influence nod stsnd-.
tug. Thse student could not lcave it
stll quie the same brood ideaso is if
the institution preserv'ed its entirety
ass the camspus.

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