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April 09, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-09

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Po. ti-bed Dily l(Sundays excepted) dutinag
the tiellega year, at
0tale at 'iara buildiag, 79 S. litleSt. hbe-
tweea Liberty ad William Sts.
LI. h. Sltuheat- 91,.
F. . It Boss 1. S But MNu'toL.'it
. 1. tItANSe, '.
A Et(BlAit~i ILItB
i". i ES. lalER, '95 . IS. t. 1 I ,'9
It. A. LPei, '9a8. -. it cott 1.
W. P. ;Merrill, 5. LG. It. lisilit:... 'ut.
The subscrtitt i icetoflie it-ily bisl
for thei-.-ller YariiwitlhIa re .tilat, delivery
befreetooitn ehiltae. )Noties-,cmuia
tiot ustt be httatdedl atithIeIDaly clii-e - i
fttee4tp.tim., orcwaitcledt the eriiitrtbeet
P. ti., ittthedaty preirut o itthat on whtichl
ley terttexeted tha iiptiii.
Subtscripa ctiomy bleftriatIThe Daly
tf iti- eyeei ef Stetleta N iee-tetiil.ori
tfor-aifae-rabytroaor titi rolath
Tee seitersithslelal tarea to l)"Y ili-i
sltii.titedtcIatettet,tolrlc--,taler of
gthotiltiteil liitilllilt' bilge"-otileiti ii
Ib)i- 'la-s I lit} i ateii ititi )i("ai' rto
'fete~lli. I liiei'ttl-it is tect Id"t
Ills Iilo irelt i 11111 illIsa iillth ttli
thtLte-11.(. Ift ~i-lliteo- ii il ct'1t iSat li
iwill l iiitlit ttl e Sit 1 111VI Mir
itlaftre i ti lti "llt-tat ''ily u.I It
is.I been';li ll il(- lt l tt~lt i-itd}
Wottiitoil Sltflila 5tl'lteitlits. If wsa-o
lilt' ultitti Is thit-itiili vi Ill-I-..

tievaision all theat bas teen aaritten.
fii oflato iti tht- lterurealitll of tis
1,:3aitlof -the lliv hqseecrful
i LaI i Nii.al iltit,Well a, t ali--antd
iti1111 ilix ;.iliesfhtlez- i' V eitly
ailhi 1.11(' llglre1It, if C(llue lidatvoti
it 1;,t reo 1 toi1. O11111,tl-1.1'
f l li; cIprsfittilit''playedand x lilt
lI of tientiire t'IIl a l. Sl
am 't -tIi' l alit leVttlt' ta-r-.'lIt
liihiltit 1,11'>. -ir'l-tt~ilttl


Wat -itt-'x yI essins and t icC-
Cublla eeiii't i t'
Wi~gt e C :III- . o N- ( It.-
Nobic> S C

e- I C ollasI an
ii t.I,- --a-se i ithetrt
-6 a' zt t--I i e

'a i'' ll alit i-lt- " li lit- t511ait glls.ar
1'1-e ii l-li tillit 111 1 ul sa4. '' r"
lesii ci;thitill II'.t- lt-si t-I ill i'i ii 1,
Webster Society Prograix,
'fli'glL1.gC. 11-it) li- M;lillteproll I -.
I'. .tlg .i F'. 1t(lttI.iAIll iii 110111
lit) lit' "R ''lt-ita dt, Th-li liiiDill; --l
tlluif 1111u"! li lo ititltti'i 5theilt' 1 'l
tail PleLicuori', i ga lirc- :Me .tliii
a t11,1 Mtl. It 3'<ttt?

'Ite Ie) stThre -Books f-t -iii-s trane° cdey1 otapbe
ll-Ill, by- i'liey''irk 1-tnt t) -liD , ll.We rest- alii th iyghtt0 i -fltl('
IiL. Ii., acihlixirail. 101 ctii tladlis~siollt ef ally-0lier-°t ill
aatlexpttlatory, liiirerferec e; It e)o les( lage ie, 5) ae
--eti aceemoy'(; lAlytartis'-. briteI
Fluiuilty's, Ciesity "i t ans io l ttsi-11" cin olps illllcliil aeatr. nteothr-
'Coo riB 'r Moils tllTlld o {x lite- wioel ard.1-(
E'liND-A aaleel.,ODierr cateluhave
lito i- et1e11'Ilel i - 211 C,:fle i , l" A'11 ' 13, lIenla, Nil, 10 S. Stlur 5,
skth ot he vc rstLirlltilil 'Itli te dia-
1leet1of l~lteliamtia liliboltrofisilet c-
edi 1'~s .igts foihtl-lladhitg. Babylen Peal is T~IItBEST.
Shiroth1111irstn1ipll"Ilic ne if thue All -ae liof hllriltandslit Chalt .
work'l, eight:iyeile<agit, s--a cell erillal Laml eila)d(sr
t-Ilalltlariee, iilstgap cs on llom- X~. S AE LER,
eiec gl'retltii, tuti eaufly ecaisell'Teleiphona e . S.fane doear EatIofAmeri-
can Ifouse.
texts hav-e tlililar 'ii, ef whbieh it lttts
seumetia disabl e to-hi ltae i'ti)- - Bicycle Re arn
litetlurII gi I lie ttlllliilie eetIin all braaciisa erotly tand preetptly deee.
hiftie 1 ilesl an(.] highest saddis oif Pricesrasoenlable. aitdriesa lt raocollctt
thisewel and reviedetieditieoi. '7he 8 N. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBCR.
ithesihav e1no1illmeely' beet-i art-gd
,ty atltioe or oilier aiifiiaiieii, b-at M.II MARTIN, Funeral Dlirector, Ctatil
00and IMetallctCaketsa luPie Geade
baa's ten0012lrerittenithIroghot. IiiCollira. Emabalmitng a 'Specialty, Nit. 17S

Thie 1897 BEN-IUR BICYCLES emabedy mere Inewc adi tutiee ielpeoearrta
ix ctructtiiothan ancoth~ler biayclesenweefeoaire lice putblie. -NeversIbefere Ih"11%3
sticexctaelltent valicea iee fferecdfeerlice moeney. Our Iteteliar, reesiathitg ofcis it
;it.eerlitoelsat I$60, $75 11111$111 foe sincgle mcachtintr;,aild fiour 1-dl dt-rxst-tit
tlI vtrieous insotafferedl, ilot-lhthat the most exactingug lrha~sur cecIutirel
hilt be.sttred, l id.h,'tIilehl'IS t,'Co.lthnitn"hil bi eittc-litththells to
At-u-, i as iad oterlctchtlic'iuti,..
"i 111tnt few lecil t -htltltai'l xsinl lIfe i' le, lir tiylpositlion
eprelebobmi ittIttla ite- i' i aoice ttatim pastteuerienaa.
RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago.
'9. 5y ,M1- i e.
.n, ' sal t de r
- i'lIli, la30l Qtuei

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