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April 27, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-27

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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
L owney's if you
received a fresh suDPly of Allegretti, and
,amiis and Werners Chocolates. Largest line
In the city..
Lunehes at all hours.
308 SouthS State Street.
1.-A folding Camera with
plate holder and carry-
ing case for $4.O0.
Takes a 4x5 picture.
2.-A 4x5 Plate Camera for
$5.00. Takes good pic-
ture, too.
A good Base Ballaend Batijust
the thing to develope your
We have every varity from 5c
to $1.25.
Sporting Goods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made to order.
Prices are right.

The 'Varsity Ball Team Showed
Up Well.
The 'Varsity base ball team returned
Sunday from the spring trip with a
record of three victories, three lost
games and one game forfeited. The two
important games, those with Illinois and
Northwestern, were victories, and Mich-
igan stands at the head in the Western
Intercollegiate League race.
The team left Ann Arbor on the 15th
and on the 16th played Illinois at Cham-
paign. The game was the most exciting
ever played on the grounds, and was
won by Michigan in ten innings by a
score of 4 to 3. Miller pitched and al-
lowed his opponents only three hits.
His pitching, together with Michigan's
pretty sacrifice hitting, won the game.
The team spent Sunday in South
Bend and were royally entertained by
the Commercial Athletic Club and by
H. V. Birdsell, '90, at the Indiana Club.
A party of students from here, dressed
in fantastic garb, joined the team at
South Bend and cheered them on next
day in the game at Notre Dame. De-
feat by a score of 4 to 2 was the lot of
the 'Varsity. Michigan's playing was
fully equal to that of the Indianians,
but the latter were fortunate in getting
their hits when hits meant runs. Lehr
pitched, and although rain fell during
the entire game, was steady and did
well. Matteson played at third in the
place of Wolf, who was suffering from
a bruised knee, and played a star game.
Captain A, C. Anson was the umpire.
Tuesday's game against Knox Col-
lege; was forfeited to the latter. The
team could not get to Galesburg till 2
o'clock. Before the game commenced
a parade was made through the prin-
cipal streets by the two teams and oth-
ers, with the resulth that only two and
one-half innings could be played before
the time set for departure at 5 o'clock.
Michigan had batted twice and secured
14 runs and Knox three times andi
made 11 tallies. The team was com-
pelled to quit and had only three min-
utes to reach the train, a half mile
Beloit was played onoWednesday and
Michigan was defeated 5 to 2. Beloit's
whrk was the best met with on the
trip. Atkins, their pither, was in fine
fern and struck out twelve men. The
score was a tie up to the ninth inning,
when a combination of errors allowed
three runs to come in. Miller pitched a
fine game for Michigan.
With McGinnis pitching, St. John's
Military Academy was defeated next
day 10 to S. On Friday Dixon College
presented a team of out and out minor
leaguers gathered in from Illinois and
eastern Ohio, and in the presence of a
crowd that hugged the side lines won
by a score of 8 to 4.
The last gamne of the trip was that of

Saturday against Northwestern. Miller'
was again in superb form and allowed
only five hits. Superior work all
through landed Michigan winner 7 to 2.
The trip was a long and hard one
and the outcome is satisfying. With
miserable weather and hostile crowds
the 'Varsity has played consistently
and well.
The Chicago Debate.
Friday evening the debating teams of
Chicago and Michigan meet in intel-
lectual combat in University Hall. This
is the third contest. Each is accredited
with a victory, and this promises to be
the most hotly contested of the three
debates. The men selected by Chicago
to appear in this debate are A. M. Eber-
sole, E. M. Bolan and J. F. Hagey, all
of whom have had considerable exper-
ience in public speaking. Mr. Ebersole
won the national contest in oratory of
the Prohibition League at Staten Island
in 189. Mr. Baker was on the debating
team against the University of Iowa
last year, and Mr. Hagey won honors
in debate before he came to the Univer-
sity of Chicago, and this year was the
prize debater in the senior class.
The Michigan team are Mr. C. A.
Berkible, L. C. Whitman and C. F. Dil-
lon, the winners of the honor places in
the final debating contest of the Uni-
The question for debate is "Resolved,
That the action of the Senate in re-
jecting the proposed treaty of arbitra-
tion between England and America was
Students Can Enlist,
At their last meeting the board of re-
gents decided that any senior student
of good standing who enlists in- the
United States service at this time shall
receive his diploma in June as if he had
completed nis course. Also, that all
other stutents stopping work now to
enlist shall be allowed to take up their
work at the same time in any future
year, without additional fees.
Prof. Lombard's official title was
changed to .professor of physiology;
Prof. McMurrich's to professor of anat-
omy and director of the anatomical
latoratory; Dr. Huber's to assistant
professor of anatomy and director of
the histological laboratory. Charles L.
Bliss, assistant in physiological chem-
istry, was transferred to the laboratory
of hygiene.
Prof. M. E. Cofey has be n called to
New York to inspect the engines of the
Yosemite. The YosemiteL Isthe boat
to which the Detroit Naval Reserves
have been assigned. Prof. Cooley is
chief engineer of the Detroit battalion.
Miehigan vs. Olivette at Regents'
Field today. Game called at 4:00
o'clock. Admission 2 cents."
Student mass' meetng, tonight i
University hall. Everybody turn out

Arrangements To Be Made For
The war fever has struck the Uni-
versity in good shape. The departure
of the Ann Arbor Company,-Mf. N. G.,
to Island Lake yesterday morning kin-
died the enthusiasm of the students to
the highest pitch. Hardly a class was
held yesterday morning, instructors be-
ing as anxious as students to attend the
ovation given to the departing com-
pany. Although the members of the
company were for the most part citi-
oens of Ann Arbor, quite a number of
students were seen in the ranks, con-
spicuous among whom was Jutner, su
tackle on last fall's football team. Fully
5,000 people were at the station to cheer
the boys off.
Arrangements are on foot for a mon-
ster student mass meeting and demon-
stration this evening. The meeting will
be held in University Hall at 8 o'clock.
Music will be furnished by the U. of M.
Band and Prof. Stanley will render pat-
riotic airs on the great organ. Presi-
dent Hutchins will preside and
speeches will be made by Regent
Dean, Profs. Knowlton, Trueblood,
Vaughan, Thompson and others. En-
listments will be received for student
companies to be formed for drill pur-
pose. It is the intention to form these
companies to answer a second call for
volunteers, it being impossible to form
a company in time for the first call,
Michigan being entitled to only four
regiments. Eerybody turn out and
make the affair one worthy of a great
University like Michigan.
New Delta Sigma Nu Chapter.
A fraternity was established by stu-
dents of the Pontiac High School on
Thursday. The society is known as
the Delta Sigma Nu, and is acknowl-
edged to be one of the best high school,
fraternities in the country.
About 15 young men of the Alpha.
Chapter of Ann Arbor high school went
to Pontiac and assisted in the initia-
toin. A banquet was held afterwards
at the Hotel Hodges. Toasts were re-
sponded to by DeHull Travis, Clinton
Millen, Dan Zimmerman, Lewis Rich-
ards, Walter Derison, Robert Dan-
forth of Ann Arbor, Dr. E. A. Christian,
Bruce Broad, Frank Thompson, of Pon-
tiac. Harry Coeman acted as toast-
master. A brief sketch of the fraternity
is as follows: Delta Sigma No was es-
tablished in May, 1892, at Ann Arbor.
Its charter members were young men
of the very best families, and in spits
of threestither well regulated fraterni-
ties then in operatirn at the high shool.
Delta Sigma Nu went rapidly forward
and soon reached the top of the ladder,
a position much. sought for, and one
which has nevpr yet been lost to Delta
Sigma Nu. Two of Ann Arbor's lead-
Ing and prominent citizens, Dr. Davi
Zimmerman, who has lately died, and
J. E. Travis, have acted as honorary
members for that chapter.

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