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Spring selections just arrived
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Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
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Lowney's if you
Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
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1.-A folding Camera with
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Takes a 4x5 picture.
2.-A 4x5 Plate Camera for
$5.00. Takes good pic-
ture, too.
Described by Hon. J. R, Burton
Last Night.
The last entertainment in the Stu-
dents' Lecture Course .was given last
night when Hon J. R. Burton delivered
his lecture on "An Epoch and Its Les-
sons." Mr. Burton had been told the
restrictions placed upon lecturers that
nothing bordering on a political speech
coulid be given in University Hail, stud
e qite happily illustrated the distinc-
tion between an exposition of economic
facts and principles and a partisan ad-
dress. The lecture was very instrue-1
tive, admirably delivered and full os
valuable suggestions and advice.
tie said in part: As the crises in the
lives of men are the periods to which
we look with most interest, so the
epochs in the history of nations show
us the character of the times and the
drift of progress. The year 189 marked
an epoch in our history. The greatest
panit the world has ever seen was pre-
cipitated during that year. It came on
entirely unexpected and caused a loss
of over twenty thousand millions of
dollars to our business and property.
The year 1893 was the consummation of
the greatest period of our country, a
period of invention, expansion, indus-
try and progress. In some respects the
progress of the twenty years from 1870,
to 1890 was greater than during the
whole history of the country previous
to that time.
Kansas participated in that progress.
She soared the highest, and, when the
panic came, fell the farthest and hit
the hardest of all the states. Capital
had been attracted there from the East
and from Europe, and when the Kansas
citizens found how easy it was to bor-
row money they soon found how easy
it was to spend it. The result was a
great boom. In 1889 the bubble of spec-
ulation burst, and ever since the cap-
italists of the East have been trying to
look very deeply into the panic of 1893
without seeing that its cause was what
is called in polite language speculation,
but is, in reality, gambling. The one
principle of economic prosperity which
is above alt political platforms is that
emblodied in the parable of the Talents.
Honest toil must not be looked down
upon. Something for nothing will never
bring success.
Prof. Hart on Cuba.
The large audience assembled in Tap-
tan Hall last evening to listen to Prof.
Hart's lecture on Cuba were well re-
paid. The lecture was very interest-
sng and instructive throughout.
He began by stating that the purpose
of his lecture was to show why Cuba
is still retained under the domineering
rule of Spain. Before entering upon
the subject proper a short account of
Cuba's wealth and resources were en-
unaerated and her importance geo-
ggraphically and commercially was des-
Spain, after the discovery of Amer-
ica, became most powerful in respect to
her possessions in the new world. These
gradually melted away one after an-
other until Cuba is left, which is re-
tained by her with the greatest tenac-
Throughout the lecture numerous al-
lusions were made to the conservative
policy of the United States. Spain, in
fact, held Cuba for seventy years sim-
ply through the diplomacy of the Unit-
ed States, when there were many rea-
sons and opportunities both for inter-
fering and freeing Cuba from the tyr-
anny of the mother land. Basides this,
the policy of the United States, has been
protective both to Spain and to her al-
lies. This policy was clearly shown in
the rexatiorship of foreign countries, as
France and England, in regard to
Cuba. The lecturer treated th rela-
tionship of Cuba and the United States
in great detailfro 1795 to 1895, just be-
fore the present insurrection. The lec-
ture was well received.
Bay City Wins Easily,
The Bay City players bunched their
hits, the 'Varsity players maade errsr~
and McGinnis was wild, and as a result
the 'Varsity lost a second time to the
visiting professionals. The score this
time was 11 to 1. The visitors are play-
ing a better game with each day, but
the same cannot be said of the 'Varsity.
The latter seem to play carelessly and
do not take advantage of opportunities
as they arise. This was very notice-
able yesterday. Praise, however, must
be given Lunn, Condon, Matteson and
Butlertfor their work. It was a re-
teeming feature.
Callahan, who has quite a reputa-
tion as a twirler, was in the box for
Bay City and kept the hits scattered.
Sullivan caught a fine game and his
throwing to second was perfect.
Bay City scored in every inning but
the third and sixth. The 'Varsity got
their only run in the first inning when
Butler made a corking three-bagger to
right. A wild pitch brought him in.
There were chances for scores later,
but sac axor wissk on the bases spoiled
The summary :
A B. R. H. O. A. E.
Cooley, 2b. 3 0 2 3 0 1
Condon, b. ........3 0 1 0 0
Butler, rf.. 4 1 2 1 0 0
Gilbert, ss. ......... 3 110 0 1 2 2
Davies, m. ". 0 0 1 0
Matteson, if. ....... 0 1 2 0 0
Wolf, 3b.. 3 0 0 2 1 2
Lunn, ... 1 0 1 6 1 1
McGinnis, p.. .3 0 0 0 1 1
Totals ............30 1 7 21 5 7
AB. R. I. 0. A.E.
Lowney, ss........ 5 2 3 1 0
McKevitt, rf. ....... 3 2 2 1 0 0
Royce, lb. .......... 3 0 1 6 1 0
R obb f. ........ 0 2 0
'Conklsin, au....4 1 0 0 0 0
Housholder, 2b. .... 4 1 1 4 1 1
sullivan, c. ........ 4 1 1 3 2 0
Warner, 3b. ........ 4 2 2 2 4 0
Callahan, p. 3 1 0 0 2 0
Totals-.......... 1 21 12 1
Innings-- 1 2 3 45 67
Michigan ................1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Bay City ................2202401-11
Three-base hits-Butler, Housholder.
Two-base hits-McKevitt, Royce and
Warner. Stolen bases--Gilbert. Bases
on balls-Off McGinnis 4, off Callahan
5. Struck out-By McGinnis 1, by Cal-
lahan 1. Wild pitches-Callahan 2,
Time of game, 2 hours. Umpire-
"Rube" Heard.
Today's game will be called promptly
at a:30 o'clock and both teams will pre-
sent their best list of players. In all
probability Coaches Watkins and
Clarke will take part in the game, the
former pitching for Bay City and the
latter for Michigan. The U. of M. Band
will meet in Room C today immediately
after the Athletic Association election
and head the procession to Regents
Field. Ladies will be admitted free to
the remaining games of the series,
If the track is in condidtion the re-
lay team trials will be run this after-
recover their money invested. Prof. Hinsdale's Lectures.
As is natural in such a time, there
Prof. B1. A. Hinsdale will deliver six
were thousands of men who lost every-
A good Base Ball and Bat is just
the thing to develope your
We have every varity from 5c
to $1.25.
Sporting goods of all kinds.
Base Ball Suits made to order.
Prices are right.
k Up Tows Pews Towsi
a. Stats at. Oppsiate lCurhUouse:
E Ass ArboH n lt t
thing they had. Not only capitalists
but working men were affected by the
great depression. Men lost their farms
and homes and property. Soon men
who never earned an honest dollar or
who had become embittered by the re-
cent disaster, proposed to the people of
Kansas scheme after scheme whereby
their losses could be made good. The
schemes were based on the principle
that all the government had to do was
to start the printing presses and make
the money which could bring prosper-
ity. This same idea, in a somewhat
modified form, exists today, but is rap-
idly being discarded, thanks to the ed-
ucational progress of the time.
No nation can be prosperous unless
it obeys the laws of legitinate com-
mercesod honest trade, No one need
lectures at the west virginia univer-
sity during the summer quarter on the
following subjects:
"The Teachers' Problems."
"The Teacher's Possibilities and Lim-
"Teaching Material."
"Motor Forces in Our Educational
"Presirent Garfield as a Student and
Prof. Hinsdale's lectures will be given
July 14 and 15-three lectures each day.
There will be a meeting of the law de-
partment house of representatives this
afternoon at 2 o'clock to elect officers.
The Athletic Board will furnish
official ballotsat the election Sat-
urday. No others will be counted
by thetellers.