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April 04, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-04

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94 Path.




G. H. WILD & CO.~
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality ansi style t)
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of lop Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
1ironserin's. We invite yuto
ralsuet inspect our lint at
108 E. Wcsiggtor) St.
Artist wehavee hcou u
Maer als ias ro W
is nw c smpete
Oil Pin. Chia
and terwate Col-
iid Brshessrof all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD For sevral niwe rav
RELIABLE aflad r raywt
esituilA. A '.irGtALT'IY.
In New Styles and Patterns

ORATORICAL ELECTION with the laws in taking the bal'.ois at
the beau of the stairs and nearly a
The Annual 'Hough House" And hsiudreid to vste entirely. Thay re-
Yelling Contest is Held. mained in the room and attempted ts
C Te mmbes o th OrtorcalAs-get recognition frons the chasir. After
listmemers f te OatorcalAs-a number of vain attempts n the part
siciation met last night in Newl:erry of the officers to get the Tits to ps
ball to elect officers for the ensuing oupn oe niatraln ait
utyeasr. From the moment the first con-t ndpolsoweeaeclafredlod aie
tingent of faitfls arrived until afterthpoe'wedclrdlsdaate
the ballot was takesnpndmnim ellr ite lu-st iasetsfor the cou .
pneoim Proufessor- iaeblood suezthPens sotl
reigned siipremse. It was one continual
round if yelling and cheering without took charge of the ballots, refusing to
let-isp. The laws came in force bound allsow thcns to he counted umtil the lits
to wn lst lecionin site.siall tisd a representation. The whole house
positiona. Come wchat wossuldthey nstseas bunted thro and the Ilts ivere
win the electaon. Before teesseesig astked to takse part in the cossnt but no
,,se law classes gave their ria yells ltcslib oss tososi ersn
laysa s at eflissria~g c'eisrun!Igs us- thou edsprtmielnait inithe cossnt. So Pro-
moreserousbusnes to ollw. ;Whnifsuit Teuebloost finally went nome
bistlly Presient TI. K. Jsackssons csil 1edlsuit the scount vass talken. It resalted
u s feolloces:
she~a mseeting osere i-facest-stut
Fist Presidtesnt-
as) issordierly -aniassemsblsage s co. ulds IlewessltsyisCole Vt0 t.,469.5
possily te sImagined.it ftetr civesratl li, ' ee. 313
suiits ie aisipis tie catted fsr thesreI-oiii \ci t esisent-
pot .iissstayans i s i lt S. Cromer, '02 L.,-457.
Sectsrs e - hg csi hese-.'ctI'tewey, '02-1t6.
us the l.st . oisistisaetingI sessrer
Hissicyic st te fsisiitil ~For Secretary-
1 te yar.It howd abalnceof 14. 'A. IH hlyatt, 'e2 L.,-460.
she~~~~~~~~ ser tsutdabascof$4 Eardt Sissieisctieisi.'03,-109.
001 atter alt bills sout sading are paid. u i uasti-
Ncets-y es-erys-ncstensse-seas ----ected;CG.S. Piggott, '01 L.,-473.
swsthiyestfsia-ssproval or othserwise, Hs--igt E akisF01--7
isist. islIFotrissts esse Seses-tsies-osithes-Cenital ebat-
Aftt' i is-s - s-' ig softheii-tresi -s 1s-ui
-.eitiactusins's - 5'.iiimade tIi a uit tW.ReinIoldse'0201,-462-a
o ne is a t- let the hallts t i-s ic e-Priesidlentft itueNorthern
Otorisical ic.-site
the cusesoms n t Iis s reranlihe trouble
It u-as hisi iis-si s suased sod, this ote.;I iRhert LSMaley,'02 L.,424.
Itsale athe tis - -isiniinins oftheCls- lensy 5 .Willise '02,-105
55 ThisTits is- s zise ditsspertiet T tt .H loe l oiNatts'0 -sL.t.1 s- I

No. 141.
Scalchi and a Compantu oi Artists
to Sing in Universittg Hall
April 11.
Mine. Scalchi is the greatest con-
tralto in the world; she is the great-
est artist of them all. She has bees
repeatedly acknowledge the Queen
of Contraltos-she -has held the septre
of power ever since she first appeared
before the footlights in 1866. Not one
has aspired to her lofty position in
the musical world-her claims are un-
disputed. S-ne sang with tire divine
Patti sor- years, who in fact iwourld not
sing unless Scalchi was in the east.
She -has conquered the wvorld, and i
in reality the most britliant star in
the firmansent. She has an extensive
repertoire of more than 50 grand

to every prima dona of note. Her
success as Arsace in Semiramide was
most pisenorninat tier Azircena in Hi
Trovatore is koen the world over.
The "Lost Chord" by Sullivan was
made wsorld-renowned by her, and she
addded mischs to her laurels by her
charming rendition of the beautiful
Reserved seats for thsis esrgagement
-will be 50e, 75, ansI1.00.
Facultq Concert Tomorrowe Night.
Thess tut -oncet f litis smsosth
is, 1bin so inosrc tlss
b \Ir. 1?sa 1oil lra jssssusc . Thsis
Tlius(]~v,.Aprl _that0:sis osclsock.
"'. us-c° i l Iissisg pressgai
tl~lt i tita>1 1111 F [It tla js). 27

isisie.,,,i ,ee,.,i,,es +in,,1,,,-sige -- i,,+1-,issis

I For Delegate to the Northern Ora- I

sit isotinigbist the tue-s would rnot havie tat t oslcI 0--;iit
it so. -A motion sto rsscoissse-e a - '2 L-f5 Nsliess
rmadess isisilost. A mionisrto aitiuisj 1the Ii isiuitspobby sid fromss2i50is
sea iusststr utet tio-i iy iii lgal 2100i-isles aoit if their tfult strenigltitisat -
is-ett- scsi t..i.I.- .1.us , ..i.lisci"I1',"cMlC

harp essesiimoe. tilp

Atticluetter stirruastsin had 'ists e-i-ast. easitisnigtisithetarlked
Aftiri urthesklirtishng's- si quies genI-era si-iosih-suitgcasesaresei
;!1 i-ile-l-ii ''esarat i ts iscasiusoiatsioun in this
c~c l <<i)" rn - is t is-c ase ;li i -s litera ry isde irtmsent. It isis ssoee r,
disthserspceeciscor nomnationts.i ei-cs is ractisallyi i isiii iht thes elecitioni
isiiits- irissi Vwh 511 toinominatedineOINitiibe5orstesitdass the-sigroundof
si th se pissr-s for ofsite rose to fIceillegaslity,-sssthes-exct grouasasre
-s lisetisig molsis seiic-iws estilysosc- susi deersiI mi ineid. thte iileicolur-
islupetdciithsitcsicewi -ssuisosut'iit asditeCst: liine on uses u e isithodof elctlissn
cae s iot i it fr tn o hs -ui s liiilaiss elihasdiias majisty.
si-stssi-tih ississturn gotutpstsexec-5 is- lie ~s -lasimedtnofirl slot oeulsd be
ii l i si positsinsighi ts-rs s i -strus aeaiii-soc ,at ai ~is iidte ussiausi- ese
is atiitudh ruisled sometnilsig i in 15w1isisitisin iisuts lesitc st
I sisiatol ad sat tiown, hi sic iueoosit sue i lots us thisy passedi
Cussria iatalt wistedon 50ticse ii oth e door.u - The liusireissedi C0 il
sires-siofssdes-isis ofs s s~tit.-s-i Por 1is hs atii fisrucst intlsuer ion conssented-
they s'ee no the iliere~el los at-tI1it luhn te iti ls si-sresunwsillinig to
siriisci sotf0tle "artI sflarts" acii nysillseidelainsg sio fir el-ectson coull
thi w v caleo-re-sues. Nota lie hislo t osllliitodr th is-e-u--iiistasssssc.
noiiss tion s ; is-aild, andiiil 11ie kil-st nigt wsiIs I ithied linus Ciss
iets siCeads to findsot 5 i 5iso i be i theula sccsussedsilt the offices of ilei
assoition.'hs-finst timesias insr
Citesr sIlt I is cosslsirtsol i: l -s us-si lii'i-1-en t e ss captuiredt all
it IIs i ii'so'sthe sieC ie01 5 s lso cs. in '5 they oi tue samne.
noiu a. 1 h nitsesiae 4 iII'))ieit5- s -'attevery uffice except
election sconmmenced.Thefluhits insit iiiilaCtsot vice-inresident, and last year
an votings, sin passing . out thue-soe i-scsiesectesdast exceplt treasurer.
dosoir while the laws avantedi to Curevious to '96 the mujurnt of offices
icenstfisteto one- cost thensto Che uther
ecolleet the ballots inrueil rooms. otepartmenit.
Finally some us the headers of ___ __
the iaswsere induced torchantgethtir 'srirkit
positron arid a caution to vote {n tasus- rC ~sit cnring numbuter with a~n
ing out prevails.5 ppopiiO ilo lsild outer will beslut
New the hits U tus ieistis-Is at his-ig 'Thuurustas. list atmosphere of the
stubor an Usyse~ulrig Thy uia-paper wish he decidedly spring-likre----
spring editorials, cartoons. jokes rust
taintd the motion to th-.rC -e tire above all sareisl verse. The dra wingse
method of voting was illegal becauset include c.x11tr-botions from Mtiller,
the former wuond have to be reon- Brown, Mitchell Fergnson and Pitkin.
sidered and a motion to reconsider sad There is uhSe usunal amount of verse by
beenvotd dwn. ailng n thir on.Kirk. Macstralt. Jones and others. Prof.
ben oeddon 'iln i l ieco-Johnson of the law department is
tention they declared they isistedl Wrinkle's favorite. The centre page
that the election was llegal anyway is entitled "Spring Days.' The noun-
and declared their intention to protest her, on the _wt ote, is very cr-dtilable-
it. The lit tellers refused to pair off It is of the usua1 size and price.

! Y t'. l' til 1

" t cus-tI w 1 .. ...._ I er t> Josusus
Hors Frank Monru'tt Will Discuss
Trusts 'Tosnight
Ifusruer Attornue-GeeraFrch nkcolsA.
Msuunnshu of Ohio, setllsaddrss uthe
Goodt Governmsssentcushtuoigut on the
subject, 'What Constroulluau the State
user 'trusts." Mte. Motnneott hsas just
closedi a msost suscecsful term as at-
horeYeyneeraslout Ohio. While irs that
iaosition hue ttnusuted to enforce all
the usuti trust luiws snot naade iiiurn-
compromuisinugbihtsun tile Stusosiura
Oil Company in Ohio. lisiprousecu-
tiuonss oftCruss waee the ablest and
most fearless ever aitteospiedi by ani at-
torney ussuse-suatt hs iscCute szkSuies.
Thuss becomes not as us theorist bust as
a prusctical politician,.tie has both
stoudied trusts. anso anti-trust legisla-
tioin, and hauus used every meusns known
to the Chiawsi to suppress trusts. The
other lecturers on this subject have
beersetsueents only taut Monnrett is
both a student arid a practical lawyer
wtho comes from the front and knows
the difficulties to be encountered. The
lecture sill begin in University halt at
I p. in.
The meeting of the football me
catted for today at 4 p. in., at the gym-
nasium, is to make arrangements to
start the spring practice. Let every
body come out and help the 'Varsity
to have a winning team.

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