4 00
VOL. IX, No. 137.
Will announce that we have now
received -our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and conflned, in
both foreign and domestic goods, andl
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
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inspect the same.
108 E. Washigton St ,
We have just received a
fine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warrantedand we sell them
right too. See our window.
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Burin- the rest of the college yar we
will nerve lunches at all hours, day or
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R. E. JOLLY & CO..
308 So. State Street.
New Cameras
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When we put those
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with a card that read like this
heading, we were not offeringi
bargains, but one lady wanted
[jjuy one for 99 cents. Two
men thought better and paid
us f16.20 each. The new feat-j
ures make these cameras very
desirable and the prices are
Calkins' Pharmacy i
Your Name
Engaed on CopprPate,
wiIoi atstsiye car'd ,for$1.50
100 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock,
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new Stationery.
Michigan's Schoolmasters' Club.c
Yesterday ended the first of ther
two sessions of the Schoolmasters'
Club and perhaps marked the mostI
interesting part of the week's prot
gram at the Normal School at Ypsi-
A large number of the University
faculty were ii attendance many of
whom took a very active part ii the
various conferences, many of the
University alumni who are now
teaching were also present.
In the morning there was a gener-
al session, during which Prof. Thos.
Seymour delivered an interesting
stereopticon lecture, "A MidsunmnerI
Trip to the Land of Hellas," and1
Prof. C. O. Hoyt, of the Normal,
spoke on "The Period of Adoles-1
cence." This discussion of thiss
latter topie was led by Supt. S. B.
Laird, of Lansing.
The afternoon was devoted to a
series of special conferences in the
various departments of college work,
in which some of the best knowni
educators innthe country took part.
The various programs of the con-
excellent numbers the following: 1
Classical conference--"Poliehromy
in Greek Architecture and Sculp
ture,' by Prof. M. L. DOoge, of
tine U. of M.; "The beaing ond
coveries in the field of Greek,' by
Prof. G. L. Hendrickson, of the
University of Chicago; "The Epi-7
taphios of Lysias," by Dr. W. II.
Wait, of the U. of M.; "Medival
Music of the Aenneid" by J. It.
Nelson, of theJohn Manrshall school
of Chicago.
Modern Languages-"The Teach-]
ing of the French Verb," by A. E.
Curdy, of the Michigan Military
academy at Orchard Lake; The Re-,
port of the Committee of Twelve of
the Modern Language Association ofl
America on the teaching of modern
languages in tne secondary schools,
presented by Prof. G. A. IHeneb, of
the U. of M.
English-This meeting was a gen-
uine conference. Formal papers were
not presented, but the following top-j
ics were brought up for free and ins
formal discussion: "The relation of
oral reading to instruction in litera-
ture," discussion opened by F. L.
Ingraham, of the Normal; "High'
school courses in English-Is greater
uniformity desirable?" discussioni
opened by Prof. I. N. Demmon, of
the U. of M.
History-Prof. A. C. McLaughlin,
chairman of the committee of seven
appointed by the American Histori-
cal Association to consider this sub-
ject, discussed "History in thesecond-
ary schools."
Mathematics - Illustrated lesson.i
"Geometry in tin Grades," by Miss
Julia Martin of the Normal; "The
Mathematical Concept of the Limit,"
by Dr. J. W. Glover, of the U. of
M.; "The Treatment of the Quad-
ratic," by E. C. Goddard, of the U.
of M.
Biology--"Biology in the Second-
ary Schools of Ontario," by Prof. R.
R. Wright, of the University of On-
tario; a comparative statistical report
on the status of biological teaching Baseball Outlook,
in Michigan. The baseball squad are practicing
Physics-A long program was pre- hard every afternoon in the Gymnua-
pared on this subject, and but a por- sium from 1 to 3 o'clock. The
tion of it was carried out yesterday. players are somewhat discouraged on
Among those on this program are: account of the bad weather which
Prof. Strong, of the Normal; Prof. keeps them indoors. Coach Clark
H. S. Carhart, Mr. H. N. Chute. L- reports that the work is as satis-
F. Miller, Dr. Karl E. Guthe, W. factoryacain le expectealconsider-
H. Ilaks, all of Anon Arbor; N. I. ing the accommodations for practice.
Williams, of Detroit; H. M.bRn-His chief attention has been diretel
dall, of Saginaw. to batting practice and battery work-
The Toledo League baseball mien
Mr. George Riddle. will get here next Monday morning.
Mr. George Riddle needs no intro- It is hardly expected that they will
duction to the cultivated pubc. He be able to play with the 'Varsity be-
has been intimately connected with fore Wednesday afternoon, as the-
the American stage and the social Athletic field is in terrible shape
life of Boston and New York for the 'The series of games will begin, ho_
past 20 years, and his career may be ever, on the first day that theein-i
said to have Boston as a center. His are able to go out.
social standing and his intellectual The 'Varsity squad is minuch anrger
attainments have given him awide this year than ever before, and will
acquaintance among the leaders of be kept so throughout the season.
the best society. This will be done because a larger
From the time of his remarkable number of the old men will leave
performance in the Greek play at college in June and the team for
Harvard University, Mr. Riddle has next year would be greatly handi-
enjoyed a national reputation and eapped if asnumber of news ei
has appeared probably before a were not worked up to 'Varsity:
greater variety of audiences than any form. The squad at present consist-
living reader. of 30 men. They are as follows:
When a performer of any kind is Catchers: LUun, Magee, Mor
able to hold the attention of audi- Gardie, Bishop, Burnett, Maynard.
ences so widely divergent in tastes as Pitchers: Guy Miller, Lehr, Wn
those addressed by Mr. Riddle dur- Miller, Yale, Gillette, Witt, Walshn
ing a career of nearly 20 years, his McGimmnis, Gepheimer.
versatility and sympathy with his Infielders: Wolfe, Street, Snow
public must be unusual. Yet Mr. Flesher, Taylor, B. Taylor, Slli-
Riddle has riveted the attention of van, Bidwell, Blencoes.
the "most memorable audience ever Outfielders: Davis, Matteson
gathered together in America," and Geike, Maris.
has enjoyed a pronounced success A number of the players givert
with popular audiences as well. under the lists of pitelhes mini
Mr. Riddle is accompanied by the catchers are also available in the out-
Beethoven Orchestral Club, composed field and will probably be playe,
of Paul Listemann, first violin, Os- there this year. The outlook is ver
car Krug, secona violin, Water favorable for an excellent nine if the,
Voigtlander, viola, Franz Listemann, weather will permit the men to get
violoncello, Hermann Wiesenbach, out doors early next week for work
flute, F. T. Ednands, double bass.
__________-Outdoor Training.
Michigan Academy of Science. Fitzpatrick intends tb co mItenes
The fifth annual meeting of the outdoor trinmig the first o: next
Michigan Academy of Science began week. However, at first only the
yesterday at Ypsilanti. President long distance men not the lrien-s
IH. B. Baker, of Lansing, dehivered or hurdlers, will go out. It h
the opening address, "A Plea for thought necessary that this work
Greater Attention to the Sciences." should commenee at once, regardless
In the afternoon the club separated of the weather. It is time that the
into sections for the consideration of men commence to traim for endurance
zoology, botany and "miscellaneous which if there is a longer delay they
subjects," and papers were read and will not be able to work up before
talks given by Bryant Walker, of the regular track work begins. Next
Detroit; Dr. W. J. Beal, of the Monday snow or shine, the men will
Agricultural college; R. H. Pettit, start from the Gymnasium and take
of the Agricultural college; Prof. C. a cross country run. The work will
A. Davis, of Alma college; Prof. C. be kept amp daily until the end of the-
F. Wheeler, of the Agricultural col. season.
lege; Prof. A. Hall, Jr., of Ann Takinq Books From the Librartmg
Arbor. - ____Prof. Davis librarian of the Gems-
R. D. Earing, superintendent of eral Library, the library committee
schools at Champion, Mich., 0. K. and other members of the faculty
Hardy, superintendent of schools at have been trying for some time tm
Ishpeming are stopping for a few detect the persons who have been in
days at the Phi Delta Theta House. the habit of taking books from the
, ea. . general reading room. They have
Bert Howard, '97, who is teachg at last caught several of the offenders
in Pontiac is visiting Ann Arbor one of whom has been deprived from
friends, all library privileges. Similar action
in regard to others may be taken.
Tickets for Sousa's Band Con-
cert are On Sale Today at Calk- B. P. Hicks, '98 L., is practicing
ins' and Brown's Drug Stores. law at Durand, Mich.
Up rown
State St.
Down Town
Opp. Court House
nf a.r5S