She Ut oo9
VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., MONDAY, APRIL , 1900. No. 146.
ATHLETIC ELECTION. Indiana University is met. The fair Chicago Engineers to Banquet
Springgrounds are so poor for baseball that The following letter has been sent
Spring ~~The Board for Next Year is Chosen little can be expected of the infielderstoalUiesyofMhgn en
Announcem ent Te at a TFame Election,n h rosar ay hte
annual election of the Athletic the errors will continue after the men gineers in and about Chicago, relative
ay Association was held in University get to playing on a decent field or to the coming banquset to be held
hil Satuiday aternoon. Compared nt is a aestion hard of soltion at ,there:
G. H. W ILD & CO. with some former elections it lacked this stage of the game. 'To the Chicago Engineering Alumni
both in enthusiasm and atteisdance. Davies was played in te infield in of the University of Michigan:
~~ "~ '~~ 0ortre past aeeku tue result Oi toe Satrday's practice at short stop "ttescn nolbnuto
We havc lust recivedl our line election has een evisent t0 those woo wheree he 'played the latter parte'scndanulbofeto
of spring woolens for men's weie on the inside of colege piliics. last season. It is not likely that he will the Ci g ngueigAun s
wear. It includes everything in Opposition to tie ticket was reco- be kept there, though, when there are sociaton of the University of Mici-
staples that are suitable and de- gnized by almost all as beiiig futiile so many other men after the place gnu that sas held last year at the
sirable for the season. We are aidmthe only oes wio opposed it were andi Davies' speed in the outfield is Technical Club, it was unanimously
also sowing fll ranges in nov- a fe fraternities wo could not get considered. Utley did soue rathei' roted to hold two social affairs annu-
clties, in quality and style 1o the sesilell ioilons on taoetLcket si' goid work in the box, keeping the hits ally. One of these was to be the an
suit the most exacting taste, cleisc ionlisunli too laic Inc more comparatively few ii number and well nsal banqset in the spring.
consisting of 'fop Coats, Suit- ciplno ai. ile oly real coteat scattered. "Mr. Rober P. Lamont, who was
ings, Fancy Vets and Golf wa15 s frtie le e o treasrr an The work of this week swill probably elected president of the association,
'rrouserings. 'We invite you to amsing he iireet rriie'a'y dep,- be hr ad seriusas11 the meai for the has appointed committees to arrange
call and inspector line at anii. irie OloOuiil caliliaLes in spring tripl sill be chosen uipon the for this year's banquet and the date
onelatw delarrii,'Iir were ar 110tim basis of work done from now oi. The has beeii set for Saturday, April 2t.
iiS1 angeiositolithie ticket [ts 'I u- 0t enin leaves next Friiay noon and be- Arangements are now being made for
WDseaice.01 oulonest 1 isnouii'it one o the sides managers. aird soil Lancashire, the hour and place. Youn'ill be d-
reOils 101 tiue siial attendance aiir thirteen players will probably be taki- vised later of theselparticilars.
10 . abogt!)S. l,,i 5er calres. en. If the custonm of past years is This letter is to brink the matter
__08___.__________________t._ Alectoe lmeetiig was called tol followed it may be expected that four to your attention so yoo can mark the
S'irdler by tuie presientithlie.seetary's pitches and tao cthes will be tak- date mud make arrangements to enjoy
1Q01 I isi the p1 eviouc lmeeting sas e eie h il ri sobi101tst eveing in company wils yor0111
t ave ofAtiut ie, iii tp se i ion'. Thi sheuile foi the tripi15a coleor' friends anil classnates. Last
Artist tesoko rit ra n apoe.Il eot fg
h~~l o, a- tl raiiOr111 iaiii sleaylardi one 'nd ii thi s. i a iliiof ea's banquetwsa in enjoyable eventaeil rmwt i( test'iadfnnilsceayya
non'10 oks ore a 1111 c1 11 biolii r'arii l'the iiames they plily theiy laiy'bei.crn and werist yoa will enieavor to hl'
MIaterials ri an-a uduo0isiowa i cKtoisri 0 rdie gstiiteta e aeaddt tl ted for thle eam is awas 1mo01 make this ya' aqo loase
tothe sm unia. i'it doior less iiiiettrid t thiisearl dateea,~\0iiettohv etiu rf
Oil al~il, hia ..iii ~rl~i iiitainiilevint so f cInidieiatisii fle ide . co ene, dean if the engineering
ilPithia hPuDeaParadRpd.adohrwaerCol VicePreientael ItpirBoi ldmoializingsfecOes f liii'contant IdeparmentProf. M. E. Cooley and
os m ihiini Di iish ravel.ohirs of our foriier lrfessors aid
ind iBrushs of all 01, hngileisooii ill -
kid R'ecording Secrer'tar',at'r A. v Prof B11.1 hempon Dies Senor instisctors.
esiii'iiihiPiiilIDela I uetaiioldo Lae .las Ofichiers. "Enclose u owill fisid a list of lie
WidrsP am c hOioProfiessor and Ms 13.Id.IThompon iiAlumninsof the engineeringideparment
Wi luers Pharmacy ireasuiiiri Thos L.5oinisn, 10 ',as' ciriir nemiir to toei'ls-day ut the University of Michiganshoasee
Zet1.,1a 1sitas i noai Ohio oflies and iiimusual coimaiittei's o located ii and about Chicago. Look
THE OLD For severaliwrikewe rave Corirespiiondiiisescietary, Fred'iV.fur' seiiorI-useclas oii Satulray at iup y1our1classmaes and urge them to
neo Eaig LnABLEock:fo the Piuiloter '1 L,Ludington 6 p mr.After the dinner the guest'. attend the lanqut. 'fhe lprice per"'aewdwihRLA L afulinear LUNCHSCl- ILierr'irectos .uiloiuLILi'.ingsllayddoa n iicliid wilst liii listenedioulaCiii'te awi[be $2.00, aiiilt111 date is as
l"57' -VmC~.tX. toil, C hicago, tunes Stiasbuib reninici-ce siusrof iuPo soil bov - ated-Atril 2.
I ',c o 'iiAiliago'KGmIdyL'rtYr'.2 'hose preset swer:Yours truly,
0Chcg KendPotr0,siR . E J' a- Y_ ____ tUpsilon. Jacksonu; anailS. \. Ladrd, U1, 'I'A onlonpsiderinilit'VsW. hiWctIC. 'W. WHITNEY
B tetau 'Thetua F, Milford. lulasmt, i icepeieni; J. .iesuecondiii10hMaruette, lig.
1 Lawsiedirectors, lHenry u. Feduersunvicepesident; - A F'unm]iousei t Chairmans IvittinCommittee."
Ci'0 L., nituiche, i., and Iococ p* tiriice t.prein ; fl.Bety see- Chi.cmessAril 2nd, 1100
Fresh E. Ads '02 _.,.Dleta (,Ii, Colorado eay 2J. J.Croswlei'yfnancial Sure- It s expeced that nmore of the pro-
re hSlimings, Col. Lary5it1J1 Strwart, ti'aslier -5S lurfe'sois taimthe twonmemtioneiabove
Ibis / Mdiial lIreirr A. A. Weber '02 Mil ~i, a ii ii i1-'A araiuii ecwilal e uin i tenduaue at flu' banquet
St "rT~ '! ey i Bta Pi Jcksmu ...ager II W 0Dnforth valedutor andiihefs date is set during the spring
S ta~'erres i Detlirecor,arli.1.Macthud Ie)in . E. enns -tler isi'torian. . -valcationasso flushthey msay nuore ed-
hi D, ton I ndrur K. 1iutt r, pophet-I. 1I I- I lt pff iy o.Any ine'grauuulte engieer-
'02day H Fsmltsn. Bnd. I nItii m iec1' iiihsl, RIVK let ag stuents swho live swithinistriking
.7 i~~~Mosi' u1,.tBirdtirector, Arthsur Lti, aniiL. 1. ill elliof te miemoiaI luusaeofCigoinespcolyam
'Oiis l i., ay City. dsac fCiaoaeepcal n
puimcasingt conmasittee' G.'W. Goert ite oattendi. It umay be of prics-
AT THE SODA FOUNTAIN drer, Vernon E. IBush, 19CC.Cliisk andI. C. TIyurori.U . tie immoi l hirelam bemeit o those seho contempsllate
l3attle tCoe~ll rill ws 'tdelnfetued b I s i tuiu omiuiusttee. Imcating lam Chiagoi andl particularily
luu lirrti'yii reeuir, Ioserd i'Ptro o-w - for the S~lcuitenefit
- Kichm-uhoso, 't, Sima Cii, Saiosseh~silcert.coni cainiutrtd sitta lmirge numnbter
andI Hal Feler 'C1 Maduison, Whos I le -folow n tascsity lade, have of Chicago engieers. 11 any cain ar-
CAKIS'PHRM CY Fr hsewidirecor C.. Rfrscler 0 .,'lnlcnsne oac optoaeoofrrange to attendsr illsire further par-
Sigusa AtheiScalchtsbeefitconcertgWedIlld.ytisulars'sregarduing te Matter Ithey had
J. TGold,'O L, cmsmusnicate 'ithi Mr. C. W.
'fle retiring ~officers ar: eveing.itWite Iteuulhrsgieim h
W___________ _______ Oilain L.Day.lpresident. Mesdame'.sluarry B. Humthins, V. C.Wclosey tteadesgvna h
JamdussRBWood. vice-president. 0ahinclooAhsa U d .on- sitfthe letter above. 'TheoDaily
B A EIA L rtu A. Oppenheinmer recording, VnhlH .AasB ..op will anmiouce fle details of the ban-
'.ecmretaiy soums FIt Mecem, J. E. Reighutrm, WO.
ITsm Is Woodurw,. treasumrer H Pettee F. N. Scott, 1. M. 'faylor, quiet prparations as oon as com-
ANi ArthurmiDU rookfield, financital sec S.K. Cial or . It. I.Mosher, . It. do hplete.
Irtaiy. uietrs eheJ.''fLPont W B1Hindale, A. C. McLalgh-
Q O I)L V GOOLIQ5 Walter Adir mn.xBre rhooI.C. tLmseliW.A..eweoAff. Ne York Alumni Banquet.
Wter vrm~,MxBrefn .C-Rsel .A eeA .vnon Bo sh and Hal Felker. Lloyd K. C Copeland, E. 1. Campell, 'The Uivesity of Michigam Club of
Low dlirctors. Clyde Thompson and I.1 NDntnmom, J. C. Knowlton, L. H.. New York City held its annual dinner
ALCO A lnAmbsmote gof H. S. Commager. WleS .Bglw .B rsot tteS.Dni oe rdyeeig
Medical diretor. Harry McGee. WakrSSBieoAB.PectathStDnisltlFidyvnng
Dental director, K. T. Mathudal. I J M Martin, G. W. Patterson, WinM..!sixty-five graduates, men and women,
IhBown iAt . .loff, L. P. Hall, Rich'rd being present Dr. Lewis MLouth
Mason Mis Alice Bailey, A. H. Patten- - -H adta rsdn n
On Nw SylesandPattrns Saturday was mode a long day for Hinsdlale, Emmett Coon, J. F:~ Avery,' gemm was Sept away by thmeserious ill-
In Nw SylesandPattrns the baseball ean-ddates and the warmI Harrison Bhall. H. S. Dean. II. J. Brown, ness of his wife.
weather looened the 'men up) so that J. Sheehan, H. F. Johnson, John H., Letters of regret were read from
they got into the game In better shape Cutting, S. W. Clarksson, C. H. Cooley, Unite'd States Senators Davis' and
than they hove at any previous prac- M. E. Cooley, 0. M. Martin. George
lice. But even thoimgh the good work He1mph, B. A. F'nney, John A. Watling, Quarles, Governor Thomas of Cobo-
~ conllnumes rapidly the team will not be Tpsilanti, Jonathan Taft, Cineinnati,- rado, D. C. Worcester and Assistant
V V IH I3Ig~ any too good 'by next Saturday when Oscar LeSeure, Detroit Secretary of War Keikeljobo.