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April 06, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-06

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F cAi , It>
$Ulf> till*

VOL. IX, No. 141.




Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Oar stock for the inconi-
ing season ie the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign aniid domiestic goods, and
is composed of the hest fahrics in
every line that can he obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens ini
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the samne.
108 E. Waslingto'i St,
We have juat received a
tine line of High Grade
Rtazors and Knives, folly
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.

tomorrow night the first acinal championship debatinig contest cinder
the auspices of the Central Debating League will be held iin Studebaker
Hall, Chicago. fic the prelimiinary couitests Michigan defeated North-
western acid Minnesota fell before Chicago.' Thus it is that this is to be
a coiiteot about whlichi imore than the casual interest usually atteciding
debates is centered. The miei e in are to repcresent us are Charles Simons,
W0 L., of Detroit: George K'ingsley, '99 L, of Pavla, Kas., acid Sigmsund
Sanger, '99 L., oif loledo. Pluir opponentls will be Messrs. Clendenning,
Jacobs and Mandeville. 'these gentlemen semi froma Minnesota by very
mchcl the samiie style of debate that was emcployedl Iy Penccsylvania here
last muonith, speakincg exteicmoranieously for the most hart. The record of
our past debcctes wih Chicago slhics ia victory for each university. Michi-
gan speaks occ the aiffrniative of the cquestionc, Resol'edl.'T'hat the federal
incocme tax is desirable.
Either Ferdinand W. Peck or Alexainder H. Rlevell, the doncors of tihe
testimniial in the Censtracl Debastinig Leaguce, will preside, acid Judge Taft,
of Cincicncati; Chancellor McLean, of Iowea State University, acid Cliascc
cellor King, of Corciell Colege, tomea, ciiiact as judges.
Presideict Laticers of thce Ceictral Debaticng Leagice left yesterday for
Chicago to cmpete the prepsarationsacid to stir cci intercst aimocig the Chicago
alcucmci so thact the Michcigani cecc wiiilnthe ectirely ivithiout sucpport.


..- ~-r SCORES A HIT. icie for the play. His latest commm-
piosition ''The Victors' March" seas
"'S~ -A Night Offl" bq the Comedn greaitly aplipreciacted cciaccllecicors
Ow P611 u adfU K ll Club a Great Success. w sas called for after its renditisci.
Durimig she rest cf the coegeerew Atis '' <ie <f'A Tecs fcaatr sb'i
wilsevcuneisniati iaelc.hourdy or JAetsrts ia Nght he csw:hariteoi gvc
nigiit. Fuinieefci Ppes, (igars, and 011" last iighit at the Athecns'Thea-beoe
Toa. tOLY&ro. e, the Comiedly Chub was greeted by JutninBabtt, Professor of aci-
aRpaced huse.Licefacclty cieect history in the Camptown
308 o. SateStret. paced huse T b faultyand Univesity............Mr. Sutpohenc
308 o. tateStret- fraternities attenuded icc large cciii- Harry Daniask, his son-in-law..
________________________ bers and thus play seas mnamde tics occa----------------------...Mr.Comstock
*sion of a society event. Several if Jack Mulberry, in pursuit offortune,
Caersthe fraternicties gave theatre parties undrthnmof Chunley..Mr. Puage
New ame as I'rd ulbrry inpursuit of Jack...
New acidsa-rge nucmber of guests fromu.. .. .. .. .. r. Young
99 out cif the city swere icc attendance. Marcus Brutus Snap, in pursuit of
it acad ha radlie hi Itheatrical thanc social success. Con- legitimate aliases ....Mr. Crowley
When we put thocs . Prowl, usher at the university...
new canmeras in the window sidered fromc all points it seas the.... " ""......." , "........Mr. Holbrook
wit a ardtha red lke his most successful iproductioci the Com- Mrs. Zantippa Babbitt, Professor of
heading, we were not offering edy Club has yet givenc. 'fhe coo- conjugal managemuent in the Pro
bargains, hint one lady wanted t sic, tgigNse, th ounestd'... imp' olen
to buy use for 99 cents. Two an uuha ica bfer'sth oushl . isghe
men thought better and paid effects weere mucsuoperior to thcose household ............Miss Gibson
511.20 each. The new feat- of past years. The conmpany weas Angelica Damask, this eldest..
ures make these cameras very unsueally swell balancesd ansd lie act- *..**. . Miss (Clarke
desirable and the prices are lug xasunfrl good truht.S ste ra et "at . Miss Stewart
All of tics phayers had thin ease and '...Miss Burdsal
Cakn'Pharmacym command wvhich muark the prisfes-
sional actor. A Reception to Gov. Roosevelt Next
Mr. Crowley, as Marcus Brutus Tuesdatl.
You N meSnap, seas the star of the evening. At the urgent request of a friecnd
Essenced on CppeerPPlctc, His delineation of the actor-mianager of Guy. Roosevelt, he hiss consented
wishloo iateiscylecarnds, forVIt.50 swith his troubleswsfeunltomtth faculties and students of
greeed ithentusiaticappaus, th Unverityat 11 o'clock on April
cOO carcit, engraed rm orowslteo and liceseas given a curtain calh. Mr. 11, in University Hall, and address
90 ENS. Sutphenu,iis Prof. Justiniaci Babbitt, them briefly. As his object in com-
The Best Stock, played a difficult part extremcehy swell lug is to speak to the Unilversity
The Latest Styles, and seas quite a favorite swith the audienuce, arrangemnent nmust necess-
As osee sac sew statoneery. audience. Each of players receivedl arily be mcade to secure first to the
Ash isthe approval of the audience as the teachers and students of the Univer-
A T~~'~' occasion-swas presented. Great credit sity whlo desire to hear him, admis-
!a sdue Manager Woodworth for the shun to the ball. If there is then
general conduct of the performuance room left, the public will be admitted
ANN ARBOR and to Mr. DuPont fur the staging, on the same terms as students. IDe-
Up row. Down Town wehich seas excephionally seell done. tails of the arrangements will be
State St. . Opp. Court House
naln an Mr. Louis Elbel arranged all tine made knoswn later.

Whist Club Senda Representatiek
to Detroit.
Tlue Ucniversity Whist Clumb cil
sccii foure teamcs to take parct ii thin.
Michigaci Whist Associationu toura-
snt cld inccDetroitsdurig tosay
acni tomcorrow. 'Thmis isthis'nuaicc
tosurnamucent of liii' assciationm ccii
will be cc iacge caffair asetweens10
acid 150 tecamus comiii ingmfrom all over
thus statsciiicolmets. T.he-troiphy
cisctests oiccurs tonight, eleganut dia-
mond stick pisis are oferei as pries.
'omnorrowe ight anc opienimeetisg
sill ie held ct the Russell itomse.
'lie visitors cwiiile entertainedih by
the ladies if thus St. Cair Whist
Clcub. Thusflslowing ciii comicprise
thus teaccums whicehiliirephre-sent dlii-
Ellsweorthc andi tRussel M i~lunlacd
F'ishecr, Robinsoni ancdi laibcock,
Marshall ancciii llipson.
At the regular meieting odtice
clinc hast ight timply e si5dltxch s
Paul and Klesey .............23S ice1
Smith and Alandebauniu_.220 4 1
Robinson and Prentiss......215 -4.
Murrill and tHuston ..... . 21- - 7
Paddock and Trible...I.21.-
Ehlsw-orthi and Russell.27 - 324
Robinson and Babcock....244-1-+
Phillipson acid tarshcall .... 2.7 I-
Lowe and Beardsley.......223 -- J
Gould end Fite ..............220 --tmC
EmifoecU. of ALl.DJaily:
Sir-Is vieweof thu s csssiuci ri-
garinicg amauteurismc icc athletic--
vhiclihavhce tuakenc ilace frmc timce to,
timec recently, the folowicg, iiidctru-
tic's of proceecdings elsewher ccmi,
cot Iecwithodiut icterest tIc)id1c1
''Durinug lacst athletic secss i ia
cuamuediM'Derccott etered i-c -cm:
amuaeur t liii'Belfast me5etiniicHes
weocs tcwo prices. T'he Irish Amurcu
Athleti- Association, suspslectcig hip
amcateur status, nade iuqucuy -cues
discoveredlthat he had lreimeousy'
run for mioney. They thereupm~on
raisedh cciiactioni agsinst M'Deecuoti.
icc tics crimincal courts, charuig humf
withlibshiinug goods on fahsisprim
tencees. As us result iesas se isuest
on 23rid March last, toi six weeks irn-
prisouuccect; tics judge, tkng Iii
previouso gosid chauracter into account,.
liucited the secntence thus leienucty.''
Canciot siomcething of tie kind l hi-
disue hers? I am, f&c.,
Senior Lamn Class Day Offiee.
'Tie senior lawclcasse cet yesterdasy
and elected the recmaicning class-day
officers. For the positioci of prophet
Miss Frank Shaver, of Pittsburg,
easily defeated . K. Jones, of Con-
ncorsville, Icd. Chas. S. Beardley
of Kalamazoo was elected historian,
and George C. Brainard, of Grafton,
Ill., poet. The class voted to give
as a class memorial to the ne iver-
sity a painting of Prof. Meechem. H,
Randall was awarded the contract
for the senior class-picture.
Seats for tie Minstrel Show
on sale at Walr's, down-town,
amnd Hangsterfer's, State St.

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