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April 10, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-10

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Received a full line of Novel,
ties for Spring Snits
and Trouserings
A 0COMBE----
$ that will wear sixamnoths is a vood4
one.lWe can geeiYota Comb ta
is warranted to wear 12 rmonths
ordinary uci~gw. We're got biln
# cmia and little coms, oarse
combs and flee combs, good combs
0 465S. STATE ST. 0
Before you select that pair of
Shoes for Spring, suppose you inil
spect our olterin s. XWe believ(
itn securing only the Latest Styles of
goods eaeh season atid early etiongi
to permit of careful inspection anal
decision before actual need in here.
Our hon of Spring Shoes anld Oxford;
in the new shande of Bottle Greei
and Chocolate is now ini stock. Tin
prettiest effects ini footwear yoi,
ever saw.
S SPRINI 3111311 's
O We hsave in stoclk, s~x dif- I
d fereint kinds of violet. We
8 thaiiak thlat "Garland of
sViolets" is lisw oeetest anld
®cheapest, eveii at $.t00 a n
0 ounce. Sonme are 50 mud 75
0 cents act ounce. Lilac, ,
s Lily of tie Vtalley, Carina-
S tion, Crab Apple acid May-
0 bells, are all seasoiiable
nowv and cost yen 50c a011
s ounce. Cotne in aiid coin-
pare tlieii.

S. L. A. COURSE. Profennors at Lansing, Senate Content Tonight.
Prefesoors Lombard, Vaughan nod Applications far tickets of admission
The List of the Series to be Given Tliomopsonenioct ltLancing Thuroday to theC Senate Trophiy cointesltenight
y Tuesday Night. to wvork against a cerhain bill which have 'beien-ery iiomerous nod there is
9___ they believe wilt, if panned, wvork I every cerlaliily of a large audience
Among lile leading hiuiiirioto of great hardship to sleidents in the ised-I being present. There hove been no
Aicmao Mr. bun OKendrick Bangs ical depbartment. That night Prof. entlries since thesee -annoonoced 'ester:-.
lion elijoytbi ini t vistile disintionsi foc Thomnpson, Dr. Vauighan, members of day, hut the toen that have enteredl
nanmv oir. ticeowastoborn in Yonkers, lthe otafeliealthi board and others, ap~- ire expertiandi will affonrd an iterest-
,(Netw York, ini 1812. is faitloer wao peared before the joint house and oen-- tug exhiibitioii.
- maio-is N. Bongo, oiii of tfletiost ale commnhile eon public health, ,argu- 'The events to be cotesied are fence
I i-otlinient lawnyers lie bolt of Neo nlg agaisit the bitt which in knownvauoltnig, ight kickinig, rope climbting,
Yo ai s lin iowni, andi his grasndfather no the Bryani bill for the prevention Geritan hioroe, tparallel barsosand
1w.15the tRev. Dr. Nathaii Bangs, mn- of vivisection. They urged that it wan tumiobitg. Finst ptace in an event wili
lonlei of renon of the :Mthloisto de- eetlial to educate otudentnsaiid se- count5 poits, seconid 3 tpoints, and
I mowiieonii, te historian of bis curch cure a isroiper knownledge of surgery tIhirid 1 poitnt. Besde hueis e contest-
l11a1dctic irst edittor of ito pliica' he l. and diseaoes, and clint it wan alovayso ltlenoill be ma~rked in geinerol toio-
M,'. Botig s inheri-ted a learning exercised undeolr sropercrestrictions. catidleopmenut; first p1ace counting
IO aoo,?ls liteatre, a kein btitkindily Pu tGeneCnet 30 Isolats, second ft poits, andothird 2
innsiglu ii int iutannatumre,ail nvery PuptGeneCnet oonts.
ineiti leulrgy aind po-er of tlitlica- Vnivcrsito Itoh os crowded laot It has beiinidecideid to intersticrse
-i '~l
",l~ie ilude'gait~aeof toillli- Pftlt numober of the (Choral Unlioni ser- owresting, onhictt proeso 0ptoplar <i'at
- W~ lila(lege Br. Bngo wain a ciltiehi- its. Mr. Greie',s Oilging 0000 onlir1il- the indloor meet. Thiere will be three
?.t,;eo to ttie Acta t htuiiaa,' tand otae Iv -aplautloddat sll iiigosad> min-bouts ini the lighlt veighit ciaoi, and
ii f tse(itrs.talld ishigh retputatlionit every- onein the featlhernoeighit. I h
I "I~t n lein~ g tollege' tic' eiticeedthe Iti:.Hisotethering ,of "kelikoettig" foriter cltoss are enteredStessrs. tHatm-
sotill '1ofhits foathar, b1u11 after ai year or by Schiubtert, woas exiellent. This in a iltoin, F.1.l. Loud, Keither, Goodmsan,
Il tie., fetting himself irreistoibly sdranntitost difficultietice, itree' voices being Douglas intl Ramtsudelt. Mr. liacoath-
a t ot. nt~ a litertary life, lie gavoe utibie introduicedl. Thie aocsitiioaiinseltis totn is the iteroollegiate light weighit
siciy of lano. Iy hen betl ticameilaso- tilso ttonhicequliren a niaster inl chamption if Michiiganiuallot Mu. .Loi
eiaate editor of 'Lift' on ere, iioddi- tlttline. fMr. IBowarutF. tierce ill 00011 the 0Vorsity cihamplionsip at tile
tion to til edtolrillwortk,liteatcotrib- I ic eposition of laccompaittl withnifigreat itotoaGr meiet 1011oneeks agot. In the
gaedtlheii'By'hglt ett fy' ItilgO 51111 liicretdit. Severtal ecores orere resptonid foeather on-igiticloss blesses. Wtieeier
L7 alocst itoeitibtle'ttatooity ofoiginal oil to cait ite otit egoaastr nt- t fletie'arec enitred. There onill
also hi' s teamilrace betwno-et1110Decito
o itt ii. eoinii'lTtursdati'osDtilvy00-is extreme- 1 h1111an iiihetFre Oliit 1.
10 "l Iboiietc0-a li 01-ly plesig.
tia-i-to-il Lf,' i " efttiit'tti,- 'VarnttyGiven a Rent.
0 a t tit i' bltry,' his firs olvtrkto u:ci- inter-Deipartment Debate.
a p- T~'Pi'ebod iclt rofyestorda~y rca-
e ir in loo' firm, noas ptisihitd. In Tfis~tiniimaittebahts meitiweoea limo' ieltil iot-uooir nitrkcfomr theibaseball
01tic' on mt'yeotr, ill collaboirationi oithm Ailt'h iotiety of ithl'iitraryidiptart- ien mmpmimosile timd itey wsee gin-en
cln hut a~ anlfriendi, SMr. lramik miomit tiandtt' lJeuf'fiesttmsI~m ef thi'it«b.tarmat. ''ithe im'groititlooere itt bait
Dimihitli' tilrmott, liteonrote 'Neo NAto-illbtit'eit-Itt iii AthihfalIthis esimm-oniiitioni, it is thought thtat if lime0111
of gclii tOldI 'Tales,' a cies of itug-at t8ito-lo. isicmees titt tis mlorinmgthey owill be
a1:11311(,r'tilsa11111 satiricatl Iii)i t5 fit teo inimit mtbiem . c~~ ondtiitiinfin tieschleiduledtgain"(
os ,-itlt'ie ligitlt'stllis tafiernoton.
O .hotltits ttim'eit' rttiiredtlfrom'Lift',' ntio''t, Stoat Ntaimmsuffragei's10nott'- iem' oilt'eaht tiOi''iok
0I :1,1 d i 1YSleiWr'otiet ' 11S at '' , a stultlt.- Mises. Mui-rIili, IC-imact miii
Trstiy,' fur liii' rainatileassoetmm- IHirrt'g of liie Atltlit coill ti'1_tn' vii S. C. A. Mborning Addtress.
o :lifit ii mthe IICiompanliy, Seenth iith fiinti'iailt, admlStiytrs. Iliit- liii' roiltar ttddress' at-Noeo-itery
attcigilti'litN. ti., S. N. Y.l'efollon- iegSangem' multISlitatiahlt ofi. thlie llSOundaby moingtiriignoill ite by Iii'v
A Ig g eill 'St'histtohmeoe, aui 'tnettm- 11 ffei'itn, tilntt'eimigitin-'. A c 'ti.it(11(dl t 5h.M-
wt a cis wtit,tel. n181 s u ,--,-",IMuolt noill bit'forihihed b r. allot

.a Jkl} TT tl7 t.l {f tl:. 1, .)11 1 t r i c)-1 %2)tr!(.:.. )
fiv,, (, of Ilk

-AT - m i~ f, ilitrim. I11}liso tetnt fit-
~~~~~Il B W AH 0 K TOugRE. ?h~rfitiio10k
Just rec'eiv'e lttinthlet li-t of 'itt It sirs no-ith itailtou.'
thait fitoe U. of M..-M'o-r emoal ltile'"i7ph-tio thii,
Pap-ar, tiho pcnpl'tr sit-des 1,tn I, no- ttbihil u. tittom. '('of-
Blue atnolwhite; tinas0aNewv fti'V01111 lietmrlt .' imutolit'ti ttiesa~ilt
Stock of the Various High i ti by te li~i'mpes, ha,,s beet-a imist
Grade Ctorrespocndence Patper. sucessft ook ifor aoler tieoie. ina
Visiting Cords Emigraved. andsti 1S9thlits 'hree Weeks ill Politico' o(Is
Plate Printicig.plisheud, fi'lttninm'iin S1t95 by 'A
ITonse-Doat ithStil y1x.' Souse of his
otlierhale'wo-iks arms 'Mr. Boi-tmiarte
W AH R 9S9BO0OK T0. LE if Corsic-a,' 1Thme Iiot,' aid 'The
Up ownDow Ton Wmater Ghost, andithtiers.,
205S. Statest Oppoite Comurttios
Ass Arbor Nfilat. Subscribe for the Daily.

Shurs. ltttmtu, miii ''ftcii.'' t~o I e ani ans1j1sf ri imuitetlfrom a utellp
1'>t, mii liihe ntOwoso quattret. teumuu ilei'oirld itioptoltigli e full-
("i --t ight uiniomi hostsIle onill ospeaku ott
Freshumaou Clans Meeting. mi;,oi'ptulane of hitsinviestigationls.
11cc1z 1 fi'ntbba( tis ntlin Room (j Slay MNeel Californio.
ySt Oltinut mift i llbittl 111t holtst' ytllowt 'Tile I iie'il-a-of Clonia.i-i don
i~ld ,.Ide i ihir l~is clor. noe rittein to Tracik 1btimmter IW otmg-
] t-igil tilli i las1,;z hI'iiteht o- Witko'i'gostig m. ulullttai twee'lnt'i'i'alifoe-
as cuas loelesa o-hun lcieptedl, thit lut ,andthM lligaito bhu'iel at Anal
blue sIreume 'ti dlari leuildto lillthble :Arbor. T1htere insut etronigtprobtability
nt(u-aue'. 'fhu' bton tdecidhed tt leovy anthat a iueetonill tic arranugedl,to taket
aissess t of tt.VSenuts per niomitber. laie eston afteertt e'. I. A. A. A.
ammi to din-lutelieroiceteds itboemi blemiettClcas
trcae nd1111 imsitmoll teamas, forty per The' proeeisofrout the single autlnis-
temit going to thec forimer antd sixty to Siont tickets Is the Johmn Nt roltek
the lltter. Tiletpresemitex etitive Bang~s leecture 00111 be givemn to lteAthi-
eontmmitlee anid nix addition.a1 umemobers letic Association, 'ickets may be ea-
onereehiosen to collect thme dues. tined frowi any of thme directors

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