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April 15, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-15

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IiiZS. :1 N(F1,1 IS NAME!). irate foo'lshnes for anybody to -main ANOTHIER TIE GAME.
-IL)fiean that 132 men elected for two-
isNomination as Minister to years coldl handle the affairo of the Second GameBewn 'Varsity
Ils\BtenReceived a full line of Novel SettIheSnt niverity better time eight regents anIeigbeRsut7to.
tier for Spring Suits elected for six years. Bcuetereet-eid h ei
and. Trouserings it thN~ai INKinley yesterday set I here was n toar attendane at tihe
best tie be iu te i laes ltre n refuotin to obey the man-bolg eystra afrioi bn
1 g dates to) the University it regard totospretwreeaddbyetg
t Anel r ti i tietix. - to toehectw evte ysen
1 l 9 7 0 Elb at llbsI ioditiiry tint liii- te rinoyal of the lhonepathic te- a gro lid oe. fhn Ineligibles were
ia ,Phi ipitiaiti ry f t Lut e itarintett of te University- to Detroit nta toga hywr atSt
NO. EWASINGON T. EAR AIN i- hr Onietiis tie chief reasoii fr the wagar Itss-tiray. is "Edtdie" Shields could anot
Stifit-s to urke. Iresidtentl Anell
TIE ELNG' ~ i sno istvl roan. h nctn Ciis ieote and ttd nrd sitward were ti-
in tut-ti- Prendti.tis notoosstrikeyale to be out. te ei ibles led
THAT TIRE FE LINGfl Sentot'Preton moton t st i ii rn tlit]itg anti itilooked lik- tir.a
soliiiina fystaeieittll fe ante utul the fifth inningwuheat the
wil ispparifyo tkeoutiled itin ititirftee f th -lile, snt 'Varity giiedl tout tins on lawo
aSeef, ron nd li-ak tic thesenats saittioneid the workitgs of i-te n aib-lls a-ilht b-iSuli n -n
s a san rg tonic We nfinle i,, tif
an kowisiii. tco e;t e miitttee hit-a ivoe uf.21 to 7. ra ts-s n-ler bytis- lia-lieu itianei
tan > o niottlsoa I q0 -Sheei-itiptitcd sie attic lir the
rE ginnern' Stag Social. - rst -iittt slaeh tlt wl
PATL tER'S PHARMACY. liatgii r lllai z l -ti~t-Siteli i nierialls l Ss-wing goi"fent
46 S. STATE STi t ititreaf utyiaitia,.tTheerts-lore:
tntitspucyristilsasIi iih sact as-c AS RiHtO o A E
4oii2 0 0 0 1
lic-elves il toliiniicieititig -5nlitV-F. Cnan 1_0
"Motin" said thie Ditliess f rLdow,2.-------a1
Newcastle, "is the life oitali icit tcl' i r Ccctitat t- tag Crtwight ._--- -io
thing's.'Wse Ep 1)Shoests v-sCii gtli-it by i't ler and Maindolin lt kI ------
inag 1under thse ilaplse oftt i,Ut, ait lit a-cltii seill taie on Clu s t raner'. TheiNoratio the.citeKeth)--------0 0 0 030
irresistoile Illies, intl it is te atpi t.. tlii- i'ft--heeit s g-mii re-stii ta uuasiu tc aitT-ioii ad Setl 3 7 t 3 9
iiWlySli-ey er. tc hu-lt--og liis--ii'-. lii ic ii i-i y taittil i liii trogrni a sti INELGILES.
al ayclveiiir. or blitittsuttil h o eve it-i-th ne st rtarc hli lii S
soitefritic encorodiBonh ca.b;- iA
ii ita i ~titte itD titti t ii ilt-lirnworhaliebee-itadnt-sCo non, s-s--------- 1 f 1 x 1
withut siree _____r__e fom-D ,-AtheKncen, l - c..... -3 1 0ii 5 1
I . WASHNGTO- -T. AN:ARBR cret-it fr te instgatvsickttliCooley.Iif-a--------n, .0 o o0
Warner Resolution Is Defeated, lth yy itrsetlcd. -ifute I plrgrain a visi. f- 1 2 ----- 3 0 0 c0It
iii- a- sh --n t ttttihaiiiirit rcii-lttt-tt a Twalssmita- Tot ala _---2 t a 17 9 a
0 5aftiii uiiiislai oiletia ice f c i I- ii it \CtIC-Itli ti lzl irtlelit'i tonnike ittsoefi tuin at bat.
0vit-tilnoc Stritutiaticci itit; alther cto ichigan - - - 1 a 0 0 0 5 --7
A..Camiiera. 0 a oi t alt ioiitn sulaigthyli-i-cgrils Inelgihini..-- - a 1 0 4a1t0-
a li t ely sitje o igsa tiii-me a . o ti e itlt firiiiurt. ITwo bsehts Shnhaatkisla, loube
Subji'' ec - t-iit lti' ir s a t a ilita: i iltiss.I 0- b ttia ,2 ttn 0 sa S iia -
or a st rul-ther. ii iaQ. hml StonDfydly Mcie.Rseo
o -ni-t i- li ryiha s itt uoicrls :a .hiano Ic(leClb CO bls- fKet, ;ffSeea '4 iiWatr-
Wht stI I rl s~le 0-tl i a Iti l citli ac-sit- hte' gttti 5.t . . - a notan Vitonpborn, ha
for vacation sieusat iatr:li erin -lt- 1tit- ie tautele. ae l. ''iit ptit ,; -a luas. b. . i.uoii-4 bi Wtt- ktuin7 tolenbai s iti' larirlians3
eho -nyt it ci sei . I ii- Usn ;it- re l te n luefiltl itt.~-- aae r t-et t. fil tsie i
I W y o 4 I ilm k e ao Bot ick i ta t ft- -h iic e s- he l -l ie -.i2d - t ino is, l -e dcl ss , l ie ti f Lnten st-rica
liii-.iii u ii t' iiiII'lie raittuief.ofeth
ti0 Ctse ®c 55 htl5 '- ii m t v t-i-a U i vrsiti yiu then. ithe ,-- spert-cni.Serivuice tedium ''ll!.tt..srvi ate-
i Ca~taica foiW elaseitam.0er-it uuii itgii tra as olbii- '.-C. -s li't itutulu' lldctnbtays.-s t ii~
e t ot v r nuro P olew ul ee haihe t a fi-lt St.:t i ng- :uIt.lms 1 ' the lstto. th ser s -it n ioil
0 -iic o ll cto ie e I n iai-ht-li-a btthe Chuu t f t- i v aii d ilsihut- Ig.el . d2T-NedlI i IloIE. fnt
0 titihCoticituu lugieetltir hiat Ft fo.ttiutwl-.- Misere-ec- tiut lie u t a~s tryhu
0 0 51Ai t elhato tnatiutttuIoli
Caalog s' o - t hakin .AOY ~ l iii ~~S- i te t uigthere ssrr it sf h brofrou- - -- ithe yflvuoii "tin ratus Mrlsa:'t Viit')
R, l itlti. litarculus oeti e, ant - lb. it. tt'ul tbt ma-b. din 1.'tt C .I' Stin trod 5iiilivel t h'tut orld.tut
_.' :cdthi -nii ite tyumltt'redab ot-iei by i ur thcu (50-6-))''oi fo
t tt-t 1tliiuulSf i uit u Anet orI1Wln eb atendoluttiliuisnt..itu-I
o ! iiE fltutleil ftttu i ko -'taLtu-tiifolit-uoitb-all-utIutr i s ar lttutl'u henIu rveT y thial
e atM. 1uButa l-tl g So--I). ('5auel;t ttmast
thellin U.ofE. ohogatl i.itsii-ia0lu01as10g"s0,letiluubi.lii.taW.eiis fu-ru ua afI.t C.' s-arm- __________Coue tnu
Pap;,tl thusifpthlFlar Sit adgovern
Itiuuay isa liu'uio lutleitrt tt tltuItt til tit it ittt '-as(_('vetti ;gat Sete i -i.at ,
-l -'aac W it;-lso a es' iv las fartera u Is li li-gsha tnd s t-lif A 'fte Jit Dbat e.il s i- 25 i huctliota HoutaiSedet sitteu
Stocin of1d .theon ariouts iiil-l i-~nlighftuinn iw sil hiditie Luitersity, iuuut''li ii itillu fteu nig sowstacte t'uie-lli-i s ( ea gia \nit
JutI misante ot O e odt au t on e ihfro une sa-osuint u iIl it-u u int cite tletis-ttrttilieroti ePi-
tlad ie Uc f.ospoiul Mnog er. eaoenasued Sentociadet s'Meting Teof itavhirs
usttgC rsitrtael. e i ii t-in th-th'silong'as r th It hebl- -
Pate Pitie pug. r geus itaitparty fas nct ro thathne ed talifortuKity ti-lit- till el r e utes. Tsu ii'eve uing at S-ittloctin tn)te
Ble n. hte ls N w iano fear as un t ts le slahtu l this his a ie ittuc l'leat-t:tug tel- staut Mr. ilu Sokiet Suihodit
StCI o te lbio9 lih p aid auifoetbt- Nthi'bso theU ierasiy, usn n t'.til peing ofy thireinavi. tuditese t mit cen iysselcOoriau
;roHESBOKST ut b is-ntfeenset- helegketoof htc tfei'ettstll us-antt Meetiscgssof thi e Dals y Bord
thetirst y - t uteuable 1o leisltivt'e i~s.i hs m
Snn A teort Mtu a i t . o n o mi a nD w a n L n ve st- - i - e t ii e h e ,th is aftern o o n a t 5 o 'clo ck in
A.Sa Arbor osi nt~cs, eit-PColmaun said it nas consunmt- -Subscrie for the Daily. L Room .

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