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April 15, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-15

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f multiply the _resultiog sum by two, sod
f + 1 * you have what is best toe 'himt to
-spend. It Is best for hot, to spend this
P' disheS Datty (Sundays excepted) doring sum to get lie beat Out of the eolleg.,
the College year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, to 1150 the most vitta life nto i cot
O.-rcev:'limes building, 79 S. Mlats St. be- lge, to have the' 1orgest uumto'r of
tenLiberty andiiam tes.
sweet EITOR ilterests, to be the tos-tuseful1 tmdj
J. F. THOMS, 97. to fotto 'a Chirmctert-t sh<ll it;
ASS'T SiAiNAGINU EDITOR itiOif moust exatcly sod flly ilo
1s. 5. SnOlos, '98. te condilions wihielhotemoy be ratted
ATHILEtIC EDITOR 11100 to ill. Mony a boytinecollege
I1. 0. OoELensao, '15 1.
spentd.tsvery tttthliless 111111 ;chattis
0. 11. DAIS3,' , best for ltitt to spend; Ito is ottliget to
EDITORIS ,prnd verybitmttch less. Yt it ista
1 . L. nesuonA~, 'IS L. It. II. Coowes, 50. hotter for htitt to comttoi collegeosiand
F.' M.ILosono, '95. BOrsEenLooB, 'it. tob cnmal-ocmii _,vnt
L. A. CAMPELLt, '00. tob rotiot-rtrsott'tto
ASSOCIATE EDITORS the danger pit of sufferiaog slid ofd
W. W. Hughes, '00. S. it. tmilh, 'it. r I eceny,-itatn1111 Iso Coat" it ail. -No,
Fi. A.,llselt,'15E. A. it. stiit '01.
Wt. t'. iserili, '55. 0. 0. ilsdttt, 'Q05. afew- lotysalstotome tt college.' wits
C. Loll, jr., 99 Mit, sleast ver hmr e tl~il~f'ttictre t
expiense for til threlie'fundiramtail tt'

Thte subscription price of She Dotty is 12.500
toe the college ,yeae, with a regular delivery
before noon eacht Soy. Notiees, communica-
tions, and other mailer intended foe pobliea-
tioa must be hasded in at the Doily oficeebe-
trxeeZ; p. in., or mailed to the editor before 0
P. in., of ihe Say prevlous to that on which
they aneeeted is appear.
Subseriptions may be teft at Thse Daily
Office. Meyrrs sr Stoitets Newstand, or
with Business Mtanager. Suberibers will roo-
ter a furor by reportinf promptly at this
office any failure of carriera to deliver paper.
'flit- ily teld Daily Motion will
ftor orgrilatioii.

litlls ttf itilit. roti, tori io-.;'d
I 'etltrgt'r numbetttr of $ oys oftot-tolt
explliitres iai- gistely iItirrild
iltrol itthesleetlt-gneo. Upon
tits ba11- hich I tote iiictirdirt.ottte
Ca11ll 1g'toeellt'ntt'ot~eg1e511 otitils
hntt x'crliig t, t, ill(1receive't'hr
largest bentefts. Ottocan go to c-or-
taitticotleges intd be ottligedt to sot"'
it toeve'ry leost $1 0; site 01111 r'ita
first-raeedercartioitat certainticrotlege;;,
toy. for as smll a 0sut O s two hititti

Te18197 BEN-HU'E:BICYCLES embody more new and genuine tmpros'emrou-i
to cottstruction than any other bicycles now before the public. Never before Itvs
- tot exeletv atues been offered for the money. Our new line, consisting of eigliti
'ttitetitemodels at $tt, $75 and $1i5 for single mnacheines, antd 1i0 o tr tandetmu, witht
Ilet variotts options offered, to nuch thut the molt exacineg putrtaser catt he enlireti;

':h'Ltr '. if -A. Daily Assori tielt tirt; but lie basis I live-i-ndllit'tl
aopitetdit'e re'sieoriontittion aso re- cotntatis ihe essienitial i'ltniits for
torted ttby it'e oitiittee. swithioui tahnitg a itelgiltoti.

titante'. ntillcted-lt'i ltefolloitssil
Stoarrl for thei'n'tiotliveal1
J. P. Thootas, '97.
I'. it. Woodrosv.,l9S.
A. C'am'pbell, 't09.
I. D. Ctsotutt', '00.
Cent of a College Educatint.
The followiog isa synopsis of Ptrt'si-
tent 'Iliwing's article011 "'Tht Costotft
a College Eductaioe,'-ittleattitOSO
in the Apil lRevtewv tf tReviesws:
t'cosibly tilt'first tiuestio whticha
tparen~btolsks himeftis one to to the
cost. Ceritit-olhges tie 0hith leli
tttigitt Ito glad t orndtisoy httlite-
:ttids to cltserd because of lthe ex-
tinskt. Ina togenerail wathi' etcot of
c ollegt' oduication colt bt('easily set-
tled. Certaini colleges exhibit ieitheir'
eatalogues fotr scales of atnitlec--
tense, deunominating thecm, "loot,"
"mlodeate,' "liberal," and "very litt-
eral," Ther stilerconditions 'Pitil
within the colege that obtain ott of
tier college, I cotsider tat for a bov
sf goodl habit:, of hilghiemlts, aelitie-
elating lproperly thi' pterellsielg pouer
if omoney, iltis is a fair eoetho-. of
estintating swhat lee oughet to speninolg:.d g crthfefrl i-a
tion, the fee for rooml and for board;

''Teqitestioti of tost htts rlton
gist' to thle itain of light pturst' iiittd
college Itas schlaritsipsi or tid itSf''ts
wvItteleare grats matde ttlt'eIlse t~t
gttod stidtros.IEery college 11100 10
aible 1o offer t tatin mn i "eijs itt
self-suppttort. .A1 this ptoint the tet-
vtige ltat It' cite- coloege ejoys is
gritly supierior to I tat ost'ss=!tdby-
bte country college. I knowvn1101
ft'tsitdents s-lio, itroteghithe getotli
mOae bytyhle college hiubite cltttitoif
loanis or gifts', or throughi certinot
tht. the college tptu its nttir handstl,
tire emeetiog till Itroexplenise's. lit.
saitd, too. that mot en of thits sri
tore ttten of it'elarge'st saility ,Atid lic
btiest ltromeise'. In a word, it mtay hi'
staidthtli, liotes-er toortii eductoaing or
nteldy of edutteion ite rich eti-ii I-iy
to-and lie is wvorthe dtucating ated be
noons edutionc--it is if 11e0tmiost.
intlortrilict for tt' best interests of
Allllt(,itithatir'hetuisr Piy of ability-
shatll be eductedt. Mianty tecolt1 go
ptr'sidenot sitands ready 1to11e11 the tety,
of strong body, of ligttpurtse, o% 1pur11
inat, of good braiei, haltd tf high litte-
ptoses Is an educatisoi. A boy Sitid
oct-er givet'th te 110111'of at 0olle,~
educaion on theo ground of povt tcy.
Don't delay yonr photo sittings. Sit
early--antIav-old the rttsle"::f Co.n-
mencemeut. Senior raetes to all son--
ioos of '9. Randall's Pheoto Studio,
Washeitegton Bloch.
'1'O tENT-A tntber tof boats tt
U. of 1I. boat liotto(,toyliotir sortday.

A POSITION , is iet 5 ritrti t
Bty blro )t it. JoI -, t t-)St )It- iii i iv c~tr l Col tt ( o r jit isttued, isto
bot; ub 1st i .1Stttidnts to. Cf ,sltn o.t 1d11ci-tt Leo send on appicartion.
RAND, I CNALLY & CO., Chicago.

OfEE.eaay a dzesI H
ter oundo. 4,i't

An iportant Association.
'ft' titusersiti-s oti:toruirli, 'ltti it:s 13hbetot Coal is TOE BEST.
IIoltttlus. l-u Ase. tts itiIt ili ;,rides of harsd and sell Coml-
, Ili t n ties-riI Coutyltodnsie
Torotou, I 'Iicostit. Wisoiilil. loss.l
Stanfoirdl IandSligosa his loi + I . STA.EBL,79ER,
011 fohe oe tl'ltlliot'citt-llOntrinig;' 'fuTlepltotneNo. e. One door East of Atuert-
tteriotlic-tt lieatrslle'cf Enluih Ii.s-
tory. gTss i. mvemeitlof sueiw Bicycle Repairing!
lotlincttin1to1,ltit phrovs , illi stall1-si lls brutnhes scatlhy ted prsoply tdotur
'rice-s reosonablt' Sutdries It lochk'5th.
ntIitonlitthe il'English ttistto h 5 rices.
of Mieligiti. St-minatry, a -omlehte BIN. FOURTH AVE. - ANN ARBOR.
sttmnoary of crrrust tutglisht oslii-
OilM. lItA1TtN, Funeral hDirector, C
literalI t re..tan d tetalltict'tsltets anS Fine Grode
"____ Coffes. Embalmting a Specility. ito. 1t 5
VACATON D~t"I Fourtht ave.
[ 'tio Iotciti cl usoes at the t'utsei- trITI tCI-D lAittI)AD IRATES.
pity ;School of Dauintu wtill 1n1o.111et o heIste aaintikl cl
ordring s-aoatoue. But ae programttparty Pr or thby hseracau'bor tictsrl it
oithtloretsrai lsioiwsill itt'gifell; esodbIh AnAbrRalodt
e~ohh ntudo- t5t'ituh.so iicil11sI tdents Iresentling protper certihicate.;
tusutal admlitssiont of 5'Oc it.tcouitie till on puiltt 15 6andt 17, goon for r'eturnu
be huiget. S~ti- otciiui hut -~- to andtl uuctrlg Aptril 27th, to tilt
still continutio Ito tustil 'ac.t1, onIpuints 111 CelntrahlPess-enger Assorts
tuioswest of Buffalo, N. Y., Dunkirk,
sili ltevoliteg theureill ito gisotia N. Y.,1 ttbrtrg, Pa., Wheerling, 11.
steil'lMay l'orhy, tthichti hOrhntttl5st e ih"-of. adcttiou
all thee classes i'llitbectitlltlo <t-a, rrtoystasdfore.,and onItird ors
round trip.
Suscnribe torthie Daily. . S. GtdLMORtE, Agent.

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