We want the most particular student in the University to come in and try on a suit from Hammersiough Bros.' or from The
Stein, Block Co., and then he mnay go to his favorite tailor. Poor fellow! It'll be a, cold spring dlay for the tailor. He can't
make such clothes at any price, unless he is one in a thousand. He knows howe to charge for them though. Don't shoot
him! He means well enough; he does the best he can. Do you lknow why your tailor charges double the price we do? Does
he say, 'Your money back if you want it?"' We do. Come in and see what Hammerslough Bros.' and The Stein Block
Co. have made for us for the spring season of 1897. You are uinder no obligations to buy, we simply want you to see our
magnificent selection of gentlemen's stylish clothirg.
Of course you need a new Spring Hat anid some fhne furnishings. We want to supply you with all these atthe Closest Figures.
37 South Main Street.
This space is reserved
for the Grand Opera
Fedora Hats (new stock)-------------------$1.00 EAT.WET.
$1.50 Shirts -- -- - - - - - - - -.-- - .--- _75c Ilalland Ex-y - 540 Ni: Y.Specia---755
, .Seil..4 58 Mall------ 58 43
Other Hats --- -- - --- - - ---- -- --- ---- - - 2 c -,isto s0E----ti10 v5 N. 5. Limited.--925
New tockArrvir ontnualy. tlantic EFo---7 55 Prcilic Ex---1215
New Stck rrvig C ntnua1yI?. N.Expresse---- 5 5 1 Western Ex-----155
ITN1tR Holcomb, Son & Co.,R. I trens -- 1 i. W. as-tox----
utlNK1RS 1D ND - -A--l 'i ot 11 1E1 .1'. t~& T (ib, ~tica.10. Agt. Ann Arbor
Athletic Notes 1i1-;wk ten, ad il iets larub orl thos
Iihe dte fort- Is-interoilleigiaite l iss no i oi it i li le iu
petitioitll 111 0 (e ol elil A hi c: ('lt-' ul _, ticco
eial liaio£s laeen b-i ii. S Itin .51 lfor ti il l i s-inliliti iolitel ay til, sitl AIL OA1
tvcttuiofills tith ii he i -- O :itiiiii~l l ili1111 0 1 itctlll,-Na dR IL R A D i.10 .
-toiti m li1 1 lat ni t it was-l d o- . I to-. 1110 abe,51 an. 017I,289 .
tii competitionii fioriili. 'ilt to e -_____________ 'ln i r ci l~tSow.
cided 111 1 Y s in wld i-iitiis ii Asngth Colgs C iito~ onAboadTleonl
v( r}-c~loN.. 7:3 a.LmM:30E. Am r
ell or 1111.m etitin, folsifo. lon-loi11:s 5ltn osls a..LII n iN T 1P . To1edi . m
sul st~iillcs willit? aol rIbllbiis t , i l-I- .. Aiitrainslaily excet Sundal
j (Oli-li ile ald (losrl ots ll a e :1111 . ,~ . THE KINDEOARD BILLIARD hfAL
'ktit-do younplay?" ge1 a Tlliburniits
No Home is Really Complete
Without a new 1897 Meodel
a b rn Guitar, Mandolin,
r ic s t-aveberin sealoid down is acres- o fiithe ji110 1 Iii t il-i ik lt-lll .I, elll.ll "orii
buyagosntineoWshlbuofline voy latrot dein I rl ill ills (tuill" lilt' sl11 nl v(log Vet-Icc.
Frorn $e.oo Upward. N o i i ti esil i ll CIi'Vil i, to10 le-
I''ien~ ~ sbarit Mlndoiis ocradiota loipatre A-1 hut 10 ut-ellhaveo tilrely 1(')00
fromt formestoles. It is ioeet, daitit ran 1(taoilIl!10 yollZ'rle
lighitest M51ointoimeginable, -and iltstoe poaesli 111411 1is hopedithailttthis llilililli0 tiill Illiyli lltiyof.10Fllle
tory na to tt offineotl Cre-onatitiol~ti- in. as- . bil:l-il by17 life-clot/.Ilitist if AIl-tol
burnoscareesoldtilixOeilad tift ii oymprctosoby all firot- dll heIi tliiiliy Iily iste. ilo .. h"iwhihlis ilto opl5 ",(l11to
tih sae to kitoweleedstnd o thelt
Abrtistc acIiers andtitGlee C tub, Our ne00 slt.. tyi iv il Si, il1-osll & (ti., i o 1 -toi('1.1' 11111hdi tlil llgilliiii~ii
d ltfu tl fut l t i m --,enore e l yt., wcil hr 1.111 1 lilts i liii a2I1111' ~'litalllolilll' ci yy is i-i-Is1.
ill intiltio i I t o itefcoy
si imrov"vvi iag '4 ideakes a ottiwhict-l iii i151tls ilt- mill(-of lilt i f ti ll .1 1111 Oit it S Cleyuty si-ll Ie(
f i iye i -a ste v-asgby. i ,
6 . cs ' ...:1 F -.wSI' Ill .ill. ro Si iul stn1i otn- lli. 11titliloysoys is-Si lii ,r121 11-11 117
.: .?.A.. /::'--------.i.tsyT (4111 -- -
Whoslesale Cigarls, otiibaes ande
Cor. Main anad Liberty Sts.
, ,, ",, ,, L 1)i"t lot11!ili; 11111' 11. 10 i ntf 15cer" l the B u rc h
- l iO l'a l illOO .11 11110 liiit; ll vil om re:treOi 11t Dr.itl - " Itlilit s.dncetif11eilte I nisyo .tlli.1-1iiiesHUROteN ST.,e OPPOSIONSTE PP OURT C U HO OU EE
q tI ouileyibet ll 'P'S 1 itl151d W i. Cli itigi t) i e lril lltlil.Di-. liolall.
[ ., tale;ynin iisc I tylllli. I Y- I lill-'lulliveitI7-of Pi-lililty 1 adies Tailoring Annex.
--- il i o illleitiol lll y bl(ii tc-iil~. itiliti Sl; T(tessor IP. I1. (liolelis or
SUPPLIESflu ti-ilyi'lii ttllas-illibia liiseociiy l Ind l of. Wood- - INTERCOLLEGIATE
Splin Leo Lo ue BailSri oi . 1KS tc o t 5s5 1 th . "111 ic thy ie-g1il,11, 1 -11 Wicoi Ii.ill" - U EAU FOR
Aiana~eiarlison l id lotrosamplyes isd
speiaol Patoos.Every requisite fCu enireus, The Caps. Go-wee and
Gol, ceicitet. Otdo cand Fild, Oymn- S~ T.It - ~ilt~s. 1ii -isill itt- 113 C- Hoods.Nn.'rlS
iasou quinsnriment; angadaSoloutfit- (t o ~ortsoete illiil
thelir floi an uols tod;ido11b7th it d 111of lthe -il. ,1111 ieoutit o ef iiEaster Vactii lon TI ELL& LEONARDt
A.0 PAT~IG& RSJ i siwii lll o-illi-l i sill sell to tllilellis lr. 1.eOntlla eeiii J . 5 aoe ii - Ni uoure.
Ness-'as I. eterags, Phlussllplsl. 11.con rlis'at =4 p. it.. 211111siill be ceates froli tineClii- S ls ,oud ndV riglii _____________?4 .i lio t
A ALTHPHTGAHReoiili esivery afli-yatitia of the i' - -tickets lit tile useuilreduction. IDat- ; rCtl i it.5" I Z 01
R Washington n oBlock, j - ill -1till lit- -l 11 nsIii xt-iytIcCf stle 1>, 1iiandt 1Tof.Apsril, limitied ~
Ann Arbor. fittii tisreiliin~ary - i-iliiig. forill to returenlipto 0111d iiellllpg AlsaSi O. Jjs ARBOR. M IGH.4AN
/The Greern Book, by 1ilaurus Tolial. The "Blacki iatell." the Re-orcd of an Ilis-
Nisba. by Marie curell. toneIlcimiot, by Ar-liibaild Foresr.
XTT -Amerioa asid 2molcani. fioiiia5 Irenchi The Cod-tdan of the Ancients or -Sea isi
N -e w P~~~~~~~olt of View.ReionbyEzaBrGml.
e ~ ~~~~~A Trasoatlanic Chlatelaine, by llserln eiisb laBtiOibe
Cboate Princei "Glamor,"a Mecti Orred.
A Cheque1y0 5for heThiousasnd, by Aerthlie A Deeop Water Yoyalo. liy Pauilot-e Stes-en-
i A Tooe Witness of tiheIRanob, by Frodielyt on.
S Tliiclituni Clarb. f lii Ctoniogof Chloe,.1it The Duchleus.
IB IoIk s. the rPonmpof the Lasilettes, by G~ilbert "'aster Bello.'"Iby Mar arot N. Saucoter.
0arhier. Farihet North, by Freilliof Narieen.
f °All the Now Beokas 201to 25 pee coat off Publishers' Prices.
Sheehan &C.
030 S. State St.
146 Woodward Ave.