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April 15, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-15

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Jos, W. Kollauf, WHY DCON'T YOU TRFZY Theehland Press
A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle atI
TAIL OR!T BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Neatness and Dispatch
Latest Noelties in Gents Suitings. Half pounds and vounds 10and20) cents .A few boes of Glve tees a call.
______Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound t0 cents. COR, HURON ST, AND FOURTH AVE.
104E Wessliestns t. - 'Up Stairs. r HE ANN AROR SAVINGS ANK
D x { "r""jCapital Stck, $50,00. Srpus, 010,000.
PHTGOAHF'A NIG Coitrs and patterns Orgarlzedunderhe~eealtanknLwl
BCe'SHlkeOf I hsll -fti tt.Recesps, ts, buys50 nd
-- peal rates io Seiors a .y~ ~~Iofieil it sells exchenge es the pricipal cities of the
Makrs il ur oot Uted States. 1Draft cashed aon peper
13MakyinaL eringfApparelctFiBE 1 I dnifiation Safety deposit baes to ent.
.13o1" ian sWearng Apare O 0rCERS Christian Mack Pres.; W. D,
dori an, Vce-Pres.; Chas E. Hiscock,
E. Huron Street for Men.-- TAILORS. Oashier W1..1 Pets Assistat Cashier.
nOaptai, 6100,000. Surplus and Prefit , 0,000
Plains or larbelized. Any color or 29 ittsboeri toges foe ---2---- 5 cents 43 og hlead Cigars for. .. iets Transarts a geecral basing business.
1I"Li Prinares Stgies for - 135 ets 6 Prodigy Cigars fobe . . .--- ---- __estaForeigs excange bught and sold. Furnish
st le. Aii stork cguaranteed. le first NatioalStois for. . .53 cas IftPaadisc Clars foar . .----- _5 ears ltters of credit.
A . C A. R~ rL CN i0Yrsisa Stogies for. . .------23 ents 5 ia Dios Cgars for----. -----5 cnts i. I.KINNE, Pes IIstttISON SOLE
A11NL O . I Afonso Cigars fr..------ 5cnsouls Ilrry Clys for..--.----ARE---- VicePes
... ... ... ... ... .. 13 re."ues S V LA OCashier.
With 'iTrrkrrI & Co, 18 N. Fourths ave j Oar. Cigars for . . ..--------23 cents 4 Owl laiuets foe. . ..------------ r5ents
6______Revo_______ Iilrd B reaters foe. . .S25ets i3 Royal Rannesfr. - -_. _ . i3 cts
RIF 1 ' Bunwul i tr eafat-25cnt firg tra httt til
44 South Main Streetsno. Malasd0th suoo strets.
2Capital 10000 Surplus 580,000. Issass ci
A ItSODE Pnrleaing bu Csies
N1IECREAM SDA 6 UNIVERSITY NOTES. Sll Object to Northawstern, i.~te
Staw eris S_ llt' Vte s o s o-it, 11met Io Noeltiri tinl ivierrfilt :t~at id i
T-5 I nighlt. Iin thiir-ir lit sryocriti i t Iil lii teels rn ; < itgi 51110wihi F . J. .cSTA EST ET e
E tiand l.e Cream T 1 11115mee t t 1111util ire t lc t . 0.1115.ofIholii'1c t'l, l ter uegr it tey ',..... Ari.2 .SASSRE
i Fru1it Ices. ri,,rr lillii isslls ie Iiss i io r i b .tt Sells aSolid Gold tountaiicn at 5103
F T te tii' sin i a tiio, it w\ork f1-i' i ilill l inklittere o i the -ak oos Boud 2 res and upeard
U. o 1. Sc eas and Poessors 3% bs Li-
eBdIll tring 111111 iltki'ii li e i I' ills 1, 11.'. i isu-iied t o 11.rile i ie--ea P ae a r5 eass
o llNt ooks 5 rots ard upards
tColfun H ail] WASHItSON SS S'S st ienti l ta ttidlys i lT I lliois till na~lstlt i l es r
1[ibytof rho Cni--il irl o' toli Plti ltlie lauloiinii iti i sttisoLowney's Chocolates.
p 1i l potiltiu it O lii l'tlllli III Net-i I115111shouiil Ho o n it Lynches.
Make I tlt s's omenandMen' li' I~it-i- lly 111 tileilillililse illtin C1't4sf8inTU 4 5.StatSSt
D~ak to c3dcr omenand [n's1llyoueI;re Po ~tIh'p TTi J1 LEB
Ersl iifinii shoes ini all the 'liii' sonili illsl it h-ll' l e H c ih i i ' s 1ivd o n topsg
1~.1tstyl~es, thes~i' ollillitsltlia u ly lltblctilt i 011ii5 i iill iiReduction!
of thi.-Ann Arbo-list iit Si-he . tl ilt' I l l ai to hii c 1 tl iii a st "
_Best Pace otttt Xi'diul. It is, ti- i l I'll tp ll h tiltl itii il 14s i I, 'i i Or price lhereater
lit liii'th tiii it Si-isout. n I1, aed t I for lU. iiofIMtilt Suttlons
Repairing _l :t- e- l hn.R I +ANL
Slliino iit i ii 11 lllnili. ii M.AROLLEADING JEWELER
tilstil issitiipiu5 gt it111ditanal iltiNiil.UIVESTYSHO
r~ri, luitiMissouri clie ettt't'l~ll lii IIiNOTICE
lii ii lii'llisilnlillcg trainignglInillSnci A1l
oLii i tleii hlt airi' st edii llto rlli 11 ll G iokw uli, 30ant it t
-.I 11 Am . i'li i i itt-lll Vc i ;111l 1 e-isany tio clases Oie,
- ~- - 51ttlrI~it -sp iigttt .1,o l~hliiiisa~.liii it12?' Thomapson Street.
ftli asisito met. n 1Boo1 f';lis-,till bIleitli 3ai- S.
43S- 1. gm. St. - Upstairs. ' - - . i, :4.,, inatler riolirr. 0l. LII l ?.ItiilS ls triod. oo ns te.
U01 \VNGPARLtOi Rdtlih ~~T , Lne of New ipes!
L nirmsa S class. VI Z..j.' lot and Cold Lnharttal ours. Agents
tmsie ds ir ."--nz ns atii' n arrs, upisfoelyle's od Siliams atd SVrn erOo-a
taira .1 tn f)I'mittii ~to.statie si s whai't lllS be piopelysanildi iflmenSwi w ear 95011 9i i 's ChooalteaBnBos
etts "S elI ,Muted" pinoueaittquait sly O o Sstl a CilR . .JZ.iL. O
" !sti tt 20 iabt h tiafdeig -lSState St.. Sager nock.
~~ ~MIEWAIRD, "THF1E T LOU-ntnTefl
0 s' , ...AND T' t.IrISCGOIE:S.
Tritks andailiss Rwied Neatly tand
Yr !tCh aply. Nl.s 5S.Allao t.
I SA clsifn Prices. oi stirt
ime we wi
S + i its a te i oa hh a tr
+ ~Jisoay parson itieretd is umn nnmat
' r 1 ~te rho loves animals waswill aend freno
up0o011applcatisna py of the"ALI
ANCE the net-an of thi Society In adi-
-Lionto s inten sely itrestin redingh
Jyfp cntais oafte1valablhiand unsulproru-
- an&a.AET, ' cffii osien by the ppe.Address
21 S. MAIN ST. 14i0-i1 UniodChreBuidiig, Nw York.

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