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April 25, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-25

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U~o( 911k
VOL. IX, No. 149. ANN AR1B801, HICI., TUJESDAY, APRIL 95, 1899. TREoE CNTS
EXCELLENT WORK., Ilree Alicshigoniibatenou Ol oly After pitc(hing a hard gameieFriday
G. W LD ® pop tp easy flie s. The score: Ie pitched agarint Notre DmrSt
6. i 1I Varsitt Baseball Team Had a Iloings ...l0 3 4 56 7 8 9r. i. i3.iurday tand(] ed ftere hown to fout
Wiacnsi...0 03 01 02 0*- 4)8 hts.Yale showeil iij)well i the
Mos SucesfulTri. Mchian ..1 10 00 00 20-- 0 i ttgamlie he ptched iland eidently
lieWillytaiirtrte rn lteisWicnsn, Jackson and hnlr okipo ici ihii
Will iririrti e ti itii Cieeeiiiii itoatm iti iriig een- iensl Michig n, Lelr, Yale antI Lun. lelaiwstetdwt h
receivedl (tr Spring andl Summeit nualspingtip) Sttirdaty e is To b anhits Taylor, ale. Three- th toinwsreed ihte
Wooleis. ~. ~-~* Pc i inI i0after ote of the motiisuciessoful ibase hits--Wolf Bae. Dobe play- tmtot Cottey eewere aidl iiet
Woles.Ou sockit he iOr ttrips ever recorded it2Michigan's 1FleshetadmoIlf. JBase on balls-By withtlino eerinigat any of tte rnl
in,, seasnis inthe larest teehave ever-a lti itr. For'. l C ams er 1:by Yale, -; by Jackon :.It. r. at i e- wll-ereroyll
boir foreigir andI ttttestice gooand i tiintg thre~e ot themiloingtti theJarelson,3. tUnpire-Tneal. ptivri-ile-tsif theIrs uiiar iii ardt
crytheletrget ine of Witolensoin thaec einlrwon Lethtthe i vtt iWnb rnu tliiiiryserl ieTrackWork.
car te1rnfnnitl 3suitc sl trY iaMichigrani batters il thlie balat will.
tire city. We invite your tin call and iing farr above the citasioi Western Tie Michigrntrentrersenfili of git- Juitig the vactiornttany f tiem
inspect thinsamrte. college teams. Michiganirhlas tireger dri rrbasrie nd ie le ikte tcnitts fortlherack temre i-
ottinfrretiiur hiowever tntfimrakig tsprofessionrmrs. Th~e Wicosir en iaineu iniitin iiorier teicotiiue
good haitshouing rgarrrtt tie Breswers siort's(ethecomrlet reverstai f foim.their tinring.'Thee mei htve nt
G.H.rlIbh s ideither Wisconinror (Crhicgon Tie score: Ibeetdiappoiinteudftr tie weathert
6. ii. Y D ' 7tJ*inn their- gmtttmes uvththe Murkee Innings. 1.l3 4 5 67 8!) t rir dringiglht iweek was ll that old
1OS$E.Wrshingtoni St, teani. Michigan. . .0 3 5 3i 0 7 0t 4 x*- 2l 19 1li be ted. cL Otboor uworke eom-
lire teamleftAn Arkor lFriday Wisconsin ..000 0 0 10 0 0- 1 1 7 riniced ii ernest under thIe not
ANN ARIIOlt. April 14, ginig(diretto hampaietgn. Batterier-Michigarn, G. Militer tdraurslicious iretmrnttmcee. Aout 7
Tire following tmen rtsne their Len; Wisonsin, Frirman, Baer ad minrwsen t to tet rmk daily aninthsomie
Hennsel. Three bse its-Mctinns, o hr h itie utrestt~
Ctcers,LatnnarilMohr itceresSnow, Loon (t). Doubtl plays-Sic-ofteth dianernrsrc
Wr. C. Mille,LehitVYte; Snowti biiis reel Snow. Base on brlls-By wa~lkrs, weent tieadar. It to
lar e ist bamse; 'Tyhor,irtd base; WotllSiller I, by airirirr 2, by uter 5.exiecteil trrttidring this iiweeksand
s.; Flesher, 3rd litse;IDves, Me- Stolen bases-Lunn, Sllivan, Tryor 3, te ext te inurmber of candiate
Gliril aril ithlvir eliere I~tecMiller , Wolf 3t, W. Mller 1, Davies 2, sili teeie i ne 11.Vi
ttcxitnnis 3. truk ot-IBy Diller 8
tulry or Bidi,Catch lar(1kiSturdentutby Imirtotn . 1 spir n-Tindal. o f themunitaieeeinertimred as et
Manaimger Eummmiinacsmee nimenthe At NotmreDmne Sttrdmay tie teum ibut commemncing thi ues- he iy rwihI
We hmave jist received It teram. wesntupmiiignirst in tough hrposnitionble, frequenertly time sti thuat tittil
hume litre omf Highn Grmie At Chammpaign ai hemau-yesheto- ndtmmi it wtstnly only iy'thinsmarpiest letirnmtin puneter mrunnmrm ire~le-
honors andmiKnives, tally ecrrrend trtjustbfonre the g-rmeut-s hintof pmayigtighamtMichigtan tr hFiltzptrik s uttt utheIiei
wvmrrantemd, arid uesell them caled nd lthe lilutws rmdi rset (ipulledl theme uno(utoftefmire aftr diliy fr-mm 2:0 to 3 itt 'cic.
tight toss. a e u rimdwlofu. it iimul, rndmerin pthemiai-mim otitNnre Daiume mini scuredni leadI eretifer ecrimmeeot tie Iren
possibne. liii temmrmis-entiSunilay inthree uns. CGy Miller unis meinber f cndimdaters i t till bInn mem-eoer~y
I thca onirrd me- t ie t ilwaukteec inn tmhe xanl keetitht~e Notre LDanie t minetceerititur s formmai-nemng
1 l-hI. P HI1 eamume team MiXonday ll([iToh eidayhi Iempe uhigesingp tll the whIil. Mihcl- emisi evet. liine cimiig iutlfor
___________ - The innrofeseionamls wtre entitrely tom igmnnm's twonerro rere umde bIy Sul- Prmmctict uill savetu' ime y rporthung
stroimg fir the 'v ris- rwinrigtielitan,uwho hredl tmher iXof'smlmceeatmintcmen t Mritzticin-lok , n
0pf e D aicifirsft tt uamn 15-0,mmdtIe seeoni 181.mt ohort, the Imatter hmivng split is till asign ithemmihouir-.
Q p [ Dau l h. he Mielnugunteaemmwtas miutle t lit timurmb tie tinnt'ios Imay.His umme- lT'lislit utftowhnm mne rnil
DIi, ier-nf h oree erwe telme iitmmlee ptihiesewhlne themr csume oiti.onmacconedfr.th- tae laen nMiwak, amgmaislth
ail nur lnhe t l imurs, at e ort e t1in.l inn le
p .- sunt in o ri e -, randoponiie nts fondnmtlittle htroubhle sith erro. lThe somre: Uilritmenonlf WXciurne flm e hsemmn
triac.tie'Varisity twrlrns Lehr uuuanod g . : 1sba -. mll tinmmiiepnort thtutheI Ii Vt mnn
R. E. JOLY & CO~~ Yale wetemum the bnx fr MierigauniMielmigmitn...0 0 it1 1 0 s3o0 7 2in rankmeatirui nimve neee triauu upd mily,
305 So. State Street Moniiay ushmle XW. A. riller uril Notre bmme (3 000 ni0 i0 0 (1)3 17 adIru nmmo mupin ntod lmmuireo hey
'I Iey" Crie usoce mm tic slbfnr Itmttrisiti~uhgatsIViher mostLursumhumve alreadny hell Immue umees 'lhe
tie Vumonh y the ecinmlgm1 ane. Ntre IDame, Gibson mndh iiNe. 'Twotmeet t XMiwueeenwtill Itaken take
S'Itin nn rtmeeit litsunmiec miiibrie hit-Slctoumm. hnh ren-btuse 1it
L L hhleinmippI osmtnle atayilaraeyetINdIdhuhate nun tie 20th f MayIthums gte-
nnlnn.Dal la-alyONimucehnfIrnthtieaI ut miiidtinyytere ini Donauumle. itsesnals h-y Siller ,1 rig onur tiatsrfronnnowtire nubutt
mucemhettertrtialm ithenu they- umt tie by Gibson, 2 Stolen basens-Wolf, Snow- timree uweek o titmin. iThi fmct iwill
u~~ rri ~ fast Beinieimmure loit Whednesdamy Llnamhue. Striuckn ot-By MillerI tannino(lly inent tim ey-iofgni-e oh
S aw e re (uyMller wushtail beeni aiti tiltby tibson, iownmrerJones. tie proseie track)enu who d ill
w immur lie shonuldiner joiethlie emaum A smliicrowd-miof stuesrut nt mtremnrer eednuringuvaction.
_AT TE-theeicihedlthin gaenmd athiugi thie teamonutuitsar-vl hn AnnmAn 'iTrainer Fiitzpa~tricke ismuarrngin for
Beoi it ifreely he hen-htthinminiSaturulany night, Tle ternsumhad it meet to behel ilorthis 7th f Maly,
Soda liountain itslulls tcacttereul ndetaidielbmy ighttpractiecyesterdamy~, (uoach Carmurdmmiihumuscohedhnultie ' V arsit mnueet
almrot iperfect fldning Miclhgmnrhadpyig omml uteuiu n iebn-Finn tie I tl f My. Trainmin
T dylittle trouube whinnning by ta scre of 4 ting. Tie teamn expects ia rdtrlgaime tuble till strt ourte 1st f May.
to 1. 'lhentabulautedhscore: Saturdauy, seen tinyunee Ilnoi nnu TiO he bicyce inernlau-inbhenrdi smng
CRU H Cc Inigs .t3 - 30 5tnnm ii. lie omne groundsh. rotadl uorhe uiuring vacautionndatnre
Michigan....i1t0 0 0 0 3 0 0i*- 4 8 2 NOTES ON TtE TRuth expecteuh hereafter tn reort Inn
Calkins' Pharma y m Beloiit ...0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0- 1 10 3 Fr theirsit timne in years tie 'Tranier Fitpatrick rnd lernitie
Batteries M ichgan-Guy Miller soul tril) sas un financiali success, a snmal daily sork they uil be expected to
tunn I3let-Adkins and MMaster. urun beingp cleared over expenses do. Th'ie earn is very sdeicientl in
your Naie Tie-base hits--McGinnis, WolfI. Thisuss (ie to tie careful itage- goosh ueigt inen. 'lhere are pinduh
Brown. Three-burs ht--Snow. Doublemage
Enrvd nncrult-$ .5 play--WIof, Taylor ani Snosw. Stolen inet uof Dirctor Banir,uwhosill of good mennsin scosol, but tinyhv
wt oa style rsinr$ . base--Mch~innis. Struck out--Sy Miller endeavor to mnake lie entire season a rot yet appearet fr practice. This
G; by Adkhn4 financial as uwel as atlleic success. annourrncementwil ntsornubt bring
non nares, enga ePr onour nate, frT he Eetearn ternent to Maudisn, 'Ike tea t aslanmentalauy uwek at lenr uti.
90 CENTS. Wis., where tiny mnet tie strong lie tck dining te entire trip, tis
Tire Best Stock, University of Wisconsinn earntThutrs- being due proably to the lack of Band Meeting.
,The Latest Styles. day arid Friday. The first game was preliminary practice. Sullivan was
Ask t tn sun ew uannnt-y.very close, Michigant losing 6 to 4 te steadiest iler on lte ear, There will e an important inet-
through her inability o hit Jackson making front one to three it each ing of the Band at 7:45. It is in-
bu on account of a lamce arm was on in the second XWisconsin game, ane. E. P. DEPOT, Mng'r.
replaced in the third inning y Yale, making three three-hateeluls and oei
ANN ARBOR who pitched a seany game from single. Prof. M. E. Cooley spoke at a
Up Town Down Town then on. In the ninth the bases Much credit is due Guy Miller for banquet of the Detroit Engineering
state St. Opp. Court aHouse - '
.ainSn were futl with no o us, ut the next iis renarable acrue in trhe x.sotcety last Friday evening.

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