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April 02, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-02

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94 Paili



No. 140.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Tlop Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite yost to
rail and inspect ou line at
108 E. Wasbirgtor) St.
tiWe bhave bt out
Arit MattrialfomWet-
anfJK td hae added t
is tow co pete.
ott Pits, Chita
ad othe Wte Cl-
orDrtwing Papet
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Fretirt wk t ~v
I'IttI PS 2X 51 5 GIAL/T1Y.
R. E. JOLLY &s CO.
In New Styles andi Patterns


A WITTY ADDRESS Coach, Henry T. Clarke, Jr. Michigan Academtl oi Science.
___Pitchers, Guy A. Miller, Herbert E. Several members of the faeulty of
on. Champ Cak Etran er h nvriyto ati h ag uinewt ei Catcher, Ernest Lunn. meeting of the Michigan Academy of
Laq uinetihHm- First base, Guy Blencoe. Science, held at Lansing, March
niacenceaoi Public. I Second base, Richard Matteoon. S . rfso ao egad ra
Tetefhadlsntbeonte Short stop, M. L. Davies. ident of the academy, delivered the
stdents' Lecture Association course Third base, M. B. Flesher. presidential address upon the subject,
'as given in University sail Saturday Left field, Neil Snow. The Biological Sciences and the
coening by the Eon. Champ Clark, Middle field, Edwin McGinnis. People. In the botanical section, J.
angreasman from Missouri. The lee- High field, W. E. Sullivan. W. T. Duval, holder of Ee Ferry fel-
ure was one worthy of closing the SUBSTI'TUTES. lowship in botany, spoke on the
ousean ws xcptonll itees- Yale, Rogers, Taylor, Mohr. Origin of the Ohioi Flora and its Re-
tg and entertaining. This lecturelaint itofSuhrMcig.
roved a very popular one and divides GAMES. lto i .s fSuhr ihgn
Professor J. 0. Schitttterbeck had pre-
Lonors only with Will Carleton and F. April 19.-University of Michigan pared a paper on Systematic Rela.
locikinsoti Smiths. vs. Bieloit. Pitchers--Miller, Aos.xns, tions of the Fumariaceae from a Chemn-
The distinguished Southsertner took 4-3 ical Point of View, which Professor
shis sitbject "Pictutresqute Public Apiril 2.-Utiversity of Michigan pligra.Ms d .Hp
en",lie is a tall.sposwerfutlly bitilt is. Wiscotnsts at Madison. Pitchers- u.onpadstguead Mris's iaH.Mp
son a tudntandDr.Julia W. Snow,
tats swith a free toil gracefiul bea~ring Lehrt Jackson; 4-6. intrutcttor in botany, tio r
rid a pleasant cotuntenattce. is rl21-niversity of Michigan pprattbtnla ujcsoIsrte
iice is utnusiially well tadapted to pub-hvss Wiscontsin at Mbadisont. Pitchers- zoological section poaiap ubers sver te
ispeaking, beitng clear atnd meloi-t Millet' Farmer; 21.1.
by B. B Parke andi Raymond Pearl,
its and at te sante titme of sucht Apli 22.-University of Michigan
epth tand force that lie could easily vs. Notr etDatme at Niitre Dame. assistants in zoology, on Observations
ave betn hearid in ait auditorittmt I itceet Miller, Cutot; 5-. t yradIecin fIftnii
s-ie as large as Uttiversity ball. Ad- Ari s9.Uirersity of Michigan tonir Electric Current. S. J. Bolmes
edi toi Iis persottality is isis elegatittvs. Illinois it Ann Arbor. Pitchers- and S. 0. Mast also presenteid the
itiguage atnd keen, stparlinrgswit :Miller, Me~llotti:3-7. results of recent investigations.

swhichi seetms to lie inexausstible. Al- My3-nversity of Mieltigan'vs Lia are Organizing.
motst eterv sentetnce raiseid a geninie Initaa 'it Anti Ator. Pitchtets- 'The election of the Oraitorical Asso-
spoitlaneoius laugh tutd le swas greeted illeri Portet;90 ciation tiotorrow promises to be hotly
wcithiresouninrg 'ipplauise wse hti MyIsunvetrsitsycut Micligaittvs.cotntested. The laws hatve for three
mnaile-in especiaslly atit compatrisonsO0 S. U. it Attn Atrlist Pitcers-yearis'past sitcceieed in electing their
oir teent thrust.Millct, Sayers;7-.whtole. ticket except onte fir two minor
Thei addltess otnsisted itf persontil lay It)-University sit Michigin s. ~offiics.'Te its are goitig to msake a
reinrisiecesibotit tiii strikirng anti Illitniis it _rio Atrbitt Pitchers-Miller, determinecd effort to present the sue-
di~stttnguished cnaricters in Congress McCullott*t: - 21. cess if the law ticket this y'eat. They
and putglrile iduritigIis tertms itt Buy 1lb.t--tivietsity itt Michigan v liihveiihadiseveral ciusies and have
Congeress. Illitis sit tChampigtn. Pitchers-Mil- ateoitnted a steerittg comittee to keoet
He referred to tearly all the mten 1cr-, Mctiollumt; 43. the faithtfuls in litteandstolti manuifac-
wlso basefilgured liromitnently itt poll- Slay .-Utniversitryitt Michigan es. Cure enthiusiastt. The camtss uowalks
tics itiring the last twensty years. Re Illinois at Chiampaigs. lPitchters-Mil- near the main hill, thte libra ry and
described their appearance, excel- Ic-v, Mc~olluim: 4-2. Tappanitihall have been thoroughly
lencies, sweaknesstes and personal pit- ABuy ;i.-tlniversity itt Michigassvs. chsalketd with sucs siuttiivint phrases
cuiharities. lissasfosrded it ssready Wisconrsitn at heftroitt.Pitchers-Mias, I isrememsitber the Oraitorical
svit many an itpposrtuity for .a ncuttissgthr, tackson; -1.telc tioTut esdlay,-h[its tusrnsout and
thrst astitrattlins anecdote, 05 a clever Iriie L--titsessite of ichiitgan vs. downssthe lsiss," ". Wake upa lits," stir.
remitark.tie prisedtBaineicfos its twso0Belostit a -Ani br.i slts i tcheris-.Mi liiheftritshstaiirsclasis to holsitmeet-
~re- r -t ri'' st-it 'e I is C I tn' l-v Allutis -1 4its"this 'afternoonts st -4 1. as.to sell
tnduth 13.Iitee',s le contside resd-t tJsni 3.-Unirirsits-ofusihitgan s.t membsushipsittickets. eo'ganrize irishap-
someti'leng~th Sienators 'TilltmantIsigallsI ittneill1at Ithaca.5 Pitlchers-Mtiller, painrt swhilts lt octefbi'efrill strensgthsof
PlattlCockrstell, 171iels, intlrpsclen-i. itittt *;8-7. heIlcti tons. T'lawiecoiimmittee also
taitivies IHamiltotn, hiestz, Pagit sit sg Jussr- Unix ersits orf1M1sthigan s.s S itluagkin anfforrt titget out all soent-
Icy, tRihardisons,14aitley anisc toresof Lafait tfe -it1Eiston.ltitcliersi-tshr, hit's irsthe idepatrtmsenitititthait a large
others. tetiverstr otIoseveltt was Nevitsill;2-. sticlani iat the eletiont is tertaitn.
ii iy rierulotgit utn' 6.-U'tiversity sitMuihitt s.
Ih ticorinst sust emphttlastitd attdtttcitissvlvanus ti hitlaelpuh,,ias. Pitch- I'Fresh Late Itndoor Mlet.
dweult spots --ithatthcle itost succss-vs--Btllc- r ioitt;t-1. IThe freshmnilawsis'class tlhinkinsg to
fusl anissiltuseuntial stentsirscongress :1Titmi 10.--Uivsiscstyiof Mihitganis. a-rouseandiritaslistethuisism ttin Itse
it-ise been thsoseiwhoselstsrestost r eadyi Notsi ii, treDae tintAro.5ts ittc'hs -tlass fortrauck aithleticissitgurated
wisl stsp eakst ingiraiher tntlhi stea t ller ibson;ii 7-1.i asce slitS aturdiav wsenrstheyhesd
schuolairs. 'those swhsi itere thisways Iune' N.---sitscisits f it lchigantt ss. nindooilicr tteiet tillitt their owrs. No
rieaiy wthlis anser, r'vivri-titrtttvfICrutse1lsO attnnArbiuts. Pitchrs----Mil-iremarukablle tstesr-is otadet'itsatty of
striin fis act au rgil umn~tssoetn joyed si I-r, Ytountg;10u7.tflu'veis ibsttthe'istwo r-uswasesousrag-
,rr-tter tinflueincthatuthelcahifit, v tlthuor- tiunuc1 7.-University os itchiliganus. itug andtifhthis's'r'sevc'rests'ectf thc
otughs schls. s ITreysswho his-cvereenCornesllsit tGratduRpitdlus. itces- conuirtestantts noay lotlossorat-idttsioeir-
mo-sst r suyi-s-usatsi-lise thad' tove ar,- oun; -10 n h ihgntaksi oedy
graes uces wie htm IEI.DIN b2AV~itAtlES. isfluhy es-intsits cllege lonsg enoutgh
learned fol uusdsthueicommmttcet room 7 sandtsstrthardenusgh. The plasit of hav-
store suital,'for fteir tleniss.PGayes. er-a intg ai-hiss nmeet thotugh us s ttost ex-
Itndicidual Records of ILsst Years 1--tutors. c..... 18 982cucttoe-ntOtthauirclss
Ball ITcam. p...............6- 961.wotuslitdoscell to follow.'CTe spirit
3-thlsenc-o f' hi -. ..13 137 atnshcnthutsismso stroussed with live
the followuintgtatlof stthc eeorsds 4-Sn5ow.11. - --......18 935 tuogsttndu tehlt its thina ltsustmation
itt last year's tall team have been 5-Miller. it- - - . ..14 912svittctsttteipvtan eths-
prepared fromnsthetufficil sicore hooks ti Ii ats ni. f.. lb..18 b96t hci osiues-prtad t
by Director tBaird. As ii majority of7-tFleses t. u - lb.....8 192 astsr thse 'Varsity anti its aithltes.latyr'tem rebcthsfi- _iatso,.b....11 86
latyers em r tak 9hseft Susllivan, .ft - ...17 148 Annuai Banquet oil the Y. W. C. A.
useit wilt afforid somse-whoat of an esti.1(0-Davies. it s..C....ab.18 756, Teanniutal husinesit meetinsg and
mateitf what masy be expectetd from BATS'INtG AVERAGES. banquet sf the University Young
this year's teams in battitng and field-MnsCrsinAscainocr
in.Games Per- MntCsitasA cainocr
tog. Played. centage. Fridhay evening, April 6, at Meltillsn
With uttexperienced pitchsers in the 1__-Snow. 1. --------lb..18 380 hall. Of all the social events of the
bitx the fieluding and batting ability o1 2-L unn. c- - - .. ...18 247 year, the banquet is 'by far the Best
the team are especially importanL. 3-Sullivan, .t t -.....17 333 sail most enjoyable. Inasmuch as: lbs
PLAYERS. 4-McGinnis, m. f....... 18 332 sccasion is for men only it is earnestly
Grauat diectr, hares air. a-Matteson, s. b -.. ..11 222 hoped that everyman will avail him-
GrdaeiietrCalsBid -Miller, p------------..14 209 self of the opportunity for enjoying, a
Manager, Harold H. Emmons. 7-Davies s.s.... -..18: 199 pleasant evening. Tickets are now usa
si. tmaagrFoes Lna- 8-Flesher, t.b.......18 1951sale at MeMusian hall, 50 cents each,
shire. I9--Blencoe, f. b..h -..13 189 and moat tbe purchased on or before
Captain, Ernest Loon. 10-Lehr, p-------------..6 121 Thursday, April 5.

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