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April 05, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-05

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No. 143.

G. H. WILD & CO.
We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitahle and de-
sirahle for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quatity and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Troiiserings. We invite you to
call anid insliect our line at
108 E. WGsbig tor) St.
Ae iC stcofArtist
Matrias ad a tvaddedvcs-
to e sae pun i i
Oi Painis, Chia
aod other sWaterCol-
anti Brushes af all
k is
Wilder's Pharmacy
TH E OLD For's( vrlisut is tae
REELIBLE i fll laietor15N(tf]4,. 51-
vIii> '-. As. 'i' ti h'i'Y.
R.E. JOLL &C .

STATE'S POWER OVER c iement. Every dollar a Rockefeller1 A DDAEfU
TRUSTS.gains from such a trust which is fair
TRUSTS.and honest aecording to the capital in- For Offies oif Athletic Association -
-vested, all well and good. But every No Contest for Presidenctj.
An Instructice Lecture to the Good extra dollar, every dollar gained by Considerahle interest is heing maui-
Gocernment Club. favoritism, underdeatings, ete., is moo: fested in the Athletic Association elec-
Boo. Frank S. Monnett entertained ey as wrongfully wrune from the wash- tion to be held Saturday afternoon.
a fair crowd in University halt last er-woman's purse, as every dollar that During the past two weeks hardlya
evening with a scholarly and interest- 'any public officer ever took from the day has passed without a caocus or
publc teasry y emellshmnt.meeting of some kind held in the in-
inglecore upn tust. I~ihou plitc teaury hr mhttihmet.terest of some candidate. Altno
doubt he answered the purposes of This private property is guaranteed to numerous candidates have heen
the Good Government club hotter than us and only can it he taken by the pus- spoken of for next year's president, it
any other speaker who nass appeared tic for certain specified purposes, but is now pretty generally conceded that
hee orthm hi ea. e aled~ i~ese creatures, ;these corporations Lenads. Verdier, 01uay L., will he the
hereforthe ths yer. e tlke asonly candidate by Saturday. Among
an sulvocate, neither was he radical 'or takie as they wish; the private part those who have been spoken of for the
pessimistic in his views, lust on the is greater than the whole. Thus exer- position ave A. B. Felker, A. G.
whole very conservative. Be possesses vised a corsoration heconmes the hay- Browvne, J. B. Food aind Archie Gook.
one ofthepubicit oliema's lubBait it is understood that alt of these
a powverful voice, pleasing msanner soluian ftd uiie otsusn ls have withdrawn irons the race.
alt through his fine lecture lie held the pathwvay of wvhicha is strewn on For vice-president the only candi-
riveted the attention of his audience. either side switli financial u-reck. Pay- date who has announced himself so
Hi fiildt as Attorney-General meiit for shipping and traveling is a far is Arthur D. Brookfield, '01. the
isi he tat ofOhi fo th pat furtax and should he carefsilly regulated, present finanetal secretary of the
for he tat ofOhi fo th pat furhoaard. For the isosition of treasurer
yeairs placed him ini positi:on which T he salt shipper should save the there arosnases to lie a hot race be-
c'sls i otrottnmn rtssante rvits as the large. Railroad lsveii'1hoa s L. Rohanson, '0h, and
-1-'1th mr chvtaiges shouitlld e as unfisctualing as Veraio n E.iassa'00. Mr. Robinsons
aiiist the abuses o 0 e mei ataimps.if stamps were of different has heen in the field tar the past week
tr usts. or so and it wvas thought tie would
Ite first defined a corporation stat tisIhifrn prhsr eta ave no oppositionuniyetra
an"th ttato i histtawad ueiladivesc places there coast be swhen the snsme at Ms.Busts was pro-
slae aalsatfoth rgameis n i titrobesaldp-ct lisaamount pail for isosedl. Foi hnainci atsecretary the
sans joittwsorktint of capitat ndstanpis ssmah compisaredt witha the only eand state is las iayet heens men-
favo Sins pid ot fr shppin an trael-tionedias ha.W.IPotter, t0t L., 'Wm.r,
m tai Corporations have ireasedam,1,1t(li o aagad hi .tEsvearsman, .,is actsyItsvorably talksed
prossucsts watts less swott. It has itO' of isr recording' secreltry aiid will
changed thesmaan asith thse hose.The 'sIt I-. siaseth gave smucs festsauny probalisave us coasts-stfor sis post-
isan anows riaaes iso sasedt to \valkthe.tirs ran astaraaa ttte Thtliacelectaion o1flisa'boaardl ofnine
assst ta -as os' te secs-taa tseabuss ofatthersv cotrtautationis. 'Tihesttett5aal'tadheaatelfg-
stabe bo isnow he mchaictelsatasesuit osathelIarlatsea-Stats Com-c aisg cani tewaffrdelection ie etical,
lask alavas cncstars astawseth-eangataeca
vsner ssaaCamassioan founadamany' f-us hatan'sashisaldadeattalttciartments
lisaevs hass.aean a stdyrevoltiont.s tt s I a hs(iaatss l a eachdavea conac liraector anal thscir e-
Altcutig has's'enavealipuubeiinreccomfort ion wsalcreate so specalatexcitement
and caste vulture.Thser enass seen iaa'aaaasg iat"herat ston'teleay tarcandidtaates Itromathiese de-
ov lia~lsr tti taeeithframata hease daffcarcutpartmeantas aeA.A.af Webcr, A. 5.
atceporeso mncie'ncver' andi..ImteLOal an I It ats isa las litussiharmt torandtKis.1.Maistindale, a'euacc-
she adstsve as ing at isas d itta inlhattownstatugross atscram us saIils. Ftromth1kvaisvidepartment
voltin. Youg en,' e a.d.thaoseashoanhare aniaousnce d themselves
"should not5aaaabitstoas-aitttoetsitt ion'dom-i ass R ' d,'2L. .C akr }
stiassatatfotN.se.,ssn saltsna ii cutiatIn. T i .rSthat t0es
otta" hhe'compsilation of casupi it.stN 5 iicatrstasv 1'maia 5 'andS. hL. iea-
as a a ssasis: As soatautatioasarse'nowsvatochkit'1 'I.assosits arsacto lie elect-
tat nDOio we tavea'a lawv fast'the ttprpefomti eatni.
candutethettsre as ro'ot flucvtusatitsatnatai stslt t ataa
sr investigationandit Isi'-hbns'st'of sass aiareclts asill ibe vlected
ratala. tBusinsvs ltria bcess tsmaso r ie ltsr-s aa tta
eveahaires whien fliey ceass' tataas5 lsdo what ttl a s tsfrotiaa t iltrrylionstisnal
they ought andstconmmit nuilatti" butait'cd Mr 4nttodlo inhsA ngheaddtsfomhsd-
hatrm atnstcatmamaIt ai' s aoul acid lsatetasi'nvestiastiotinataOathi' heafosndl partmen'it a's' i. L.Postav,'02,S.'iT
san tatahssaatti asaasl'a 55' ttasa tiris suitsracts wvitahtse ara ious Ld, i'01I-as. Sirtaste"g ,'02, A.C.
sanl slit shataatbat atoptad tainteI'itscIs'3,'C.I'Dvorak,'sit andAl'. HB
satoftMchiagan.a ta sa trI teI aFii ielker, sat.IIasit w li e h atdto sick
The owes exrcied b a orpoa hng b whch te ltterbits's-ae he vi stasom lissbtuntrtsansI tha
io ar of 5asovi'retinanaturan'dso "good asill sit thesnesap e r-storthetr a'cais''priamises Ivtis 'aataryprt cty
tae t-its tE.os--st'atldasse cittol. fhevcaseaItsea xiaianv'-l lua'wtic Shttanatdoe
Coil Companyts imposeta upon theat roat--s---tu saris

I'es jstate silulinistalntllntsthe 5commtntttlt Isisos uosal' isa tat s if'tsisps t itus
-asiaacr5covnststisiItsaa isghit tacitthe h
Straw-~berries cidal 1e1 tag o ass tia's assists Sit ii c e hre "ie scare i
dits I lisa' the spr tahla' ashout' vcsnsti - al-as Cii I-rsi ar '
tia.ias-i saulrstaledisnd --tustsiI hun
ItTvolsslsdsansls'sstaui I as itissiilyllat liflii
Ithis'past itiglit uit s a ish iniitiss "WSall (auiithasya ula i st00 p araseat frona
vsssstras's s sta't of juti e.s v a istm thu ll a t c rasusr~iss onisasshatusay 15 0 lt
AT THE.11SODA (FOUNTAIN fair altlls'e andstnuttfotrsaue osacliaa sst s iai'' ia
Its Ohia i eyws- ea-ct ova'-a-thy-a cus- - a 511ha c i ttamis a stticg. '5 5 iiti l -
lisasiacasfret'sbtuv asoteth isar con iaSon liii hesallttshuiperainsta
stitsiiis. Thisshatouldat isv done i a lasorpo ationssa a sassathat liiie lssrtmsc
every- stats- sacelse h oolbs- s asmum 00to10 er Ghs-ulsh cesssanus oe fsa
C ALK I NS P H ARMVACY' isgof t va-fusughat fast iav oas hitatstaet s.hais anassiase i,s ahlach
cso sawilsl ise a ting of ste s t -1rii lm 'a t it ,ala aey sat the i t-s
''Tsna- hsate oscfiiMivigan lastitngiasssasaIlalvtltsrt-a'vf
____fromthisbilt uf rights? Prism alesabjecttungiiscoansysa toa asa cri sah
B3 s A L er etnitionefsot asa'-asignats' at t sis o. a rii as ITlay u sare yeaeverting
imspossaltahtat thisvaress tauatd b t a irtila orstiss.asIt maks aneyn
supeuri.Inue statv us aa c orpusatssasanal has sia v t ofitsalaihec
AN I) ~thus Natiooal Governmntsias a lrust. h saa ssae uetsitnaas
TIls, goasvarnmenatalt righiavtsaly theiss iiiaaeisaofMr. Monnaiett. Not-
1ba usedl iorublusic purtposes anal tene- "a1ilia' sathe causesit Msunnaas. State
fits. As soon as these righuts are given ofi Illinois. 'lisscase dlecidhed that
touwld rtelatecrortonprt whertopterty is sublject to public use
o.tegvranment the governmenit A fue' remediiea for these coresup-
JE R E Y 5 shoud hve ontrl. cenoratlont ionsunarea First-The state can give
intuhexercises a tax union the or reserve as msuch 1power to the coy-
pepeadthus unea the greatest of poratiosa a' it wishes. Second-It
can take away the powers given, by
to New Styles and Patterss gvamnalpaeau o o sic se of the writ quo warranto. Third.
to Rockefeller 's using the right of em- -tt needs simply the cxecu tion of the
____minent domain but I do protest law. The enforcement -of the Bill of
against the asic of soch as powerful Rights and the fundamental principles
function when the results derived of the comm-on law. Those who ca
fight for love of country should be
therefrom are not for a public bene- able to stand fir for its unuderlying
Ww HIaR f lt but for their own private aggrand- principles.

FialInIter Colteqtatc tDehate.
Th isnal debaavc assthiv Central Do-
isbalisIe agsus as-ltlisv held Fsriday
sait tat itUnivesrasits halla lt iussr--a's
tassass the LTiscc at e:; of icshigans
ash "lanins a- Michianushas thisaii
sat natacs- ssi-esatthyeoquestionssA 're
tileC ass(sausac ala'.-uulageasaoftrtusts suit
hiscisal tojausltfythi'xiv stsenciaassaier
thue laus?
irhiitas It he peisas-sentedaI hy t
A.Ohlanges 5A. haltClau and litH.
Camd -w uasiwatsha'E'-hSonnensichein as al-
ternate hlis as the 's-amas'teamtusthat
usat, C'iicagonearlier' in thu sason.
imusoasmeasrieO.a'. Mu'itcsshtl,
A. A.Ilaurger anal 11.IG.IGistahut. 'The
tatesiing-'asfficer as Alvexandser H. Rev-
'sishigaasateaum wattll'aave toauaay at
1:3 p.usas iannthu Maihiganas Centtralt.
It assredvsatthat tIe tuudensshowv
thiarspatrioatismandsive the buys ias
goodii a seaid-nit as possble.
Mr. Jenes to Path?.
On Friday evening Mr. C. D. lanes
c-ill speak before the Engineering So-
cety, telling of clue U. of M. Ligating
Phant at Granaville and its develop-
ment. Mr. Jones is a thoroughly prac
tical man and a clean cut spesker so
that his talk cannot but be full of
valuable points to ahl engineering stu-
dents, Be is -popular with the ito-
dents -ho know him and undoubtedly
there will he a good sizcd audience te
greet him. Be will speak in the Phy-
sical Laboratory Boom at 8 o'clock.
All footbaull playvers sndcai-l
dates for next yeAr's team, re-
port today at 4 p. m. at the Gym.
for Spring practice.

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