c . o
Received a full line of Novel
ties for Spring Suits
and Trouserings
swill disappear if yea ake our
Beef. Iron and Wine for$
$ a spring tonic. We make it,
and new is'sgood. It cones
in 50 cent bottles.
Flying Footwear
Is that the wheelinen wears, nd
the fleetest wheelman comes
here for his bicycling footwear,
because here he fids ample as-
sortment of every kiid Worth
having. - All kinds rightly
/ 0
Solo Water!
9 enc in sel in la swater. We
boneowettee lo, no. We hkves 0
been epeimeting uer Since last 0
/ July, trying to make our deinks 0
esmore palatable omore satisfactory. 0
We tinko wc have succeeded, o 0
iil you soln you iy tem. We9
a arc ready tr yu.
Just reccivel another lot of
that fine U. of M. Monogram
Paper, tho poplar shades
Blno and White; also at New
Stock of the oVarios Highl
Grade Correspondence Paper.
Visiting Cirds Engraved, and
Up Town Down Town
Ann Arbor OpstMain st.Hus
No One Yet Appointed as Acting
the Regents were in executive es-
sion yesterday afternoon and ook up
the matter of President Angel's re-
quest for a leave of absence and the
appointment of anxateixg preident to
to fill the office during his absence. A
lease of absence until Otober 'S was
granted to President Angell. No act-
ing president was appoixted, bsut it is
iuderstood that DeanoDOoge Dean
Huitchins anth Regent Babor are
those w-hose iamxes are most promin-
ently connected wills le pixe.
Presidni-itAngel staled toi a reporer
that the date of his departixre fox' Til-
key- is as yet unerai. Early' next
week lie will leave for Wasintgon
cxin ill visit Nesv York, Boston aid
Providencee. iis old hoxme, before re-
turninig. Be nill e bsent abouxt tei
dlays in all axis will know- defiitely-
when hle rexuris;concerning his d-
ia ci x re.
Ini the msorninig the Regents were its
regxlar sessiox. Dr. F. BT. Dixon was
mosde actixig'assisiaxnt irofesse of
poit eal ecotomy for 0110 year; W. .
Piecer, of 'Cornsell isolr-xxtor ill Cr-
la oisfr one year; Russell S. Roland
assistaxt i zoolisgicsl laoratory in
ilhoer of Miss Jxulia Bxutler. resigned;
and C. D. -ones assistanxt is Prof. M.,
P. Cooiley. Leaves of aisexce were
giante(ss to Ds. Novy- and Dck and
isFAI s Ttis Diekioff to stidy i IfExrope.
A s-ste oil thanxks was gb-sit to Lier
Lallixi Mills axd the S. L. A. fisi le
gift of 150otis the Woxmax's Gyimnxa-
siumi. The stxim of $250 on-as appiro-
p1ice sios]fix eight texnis ourts to lie
lai oxut 'ietweexi the gylsllasilxxlsaxd
tse medital buiilinig whorexebasblall
was forimierly- plyec. These coutrs
are to replasce those suitl of the xsxss-
oexxxx, which were destroy-eil by the coi-
stixtetioxa of a exiseit1wa1-l.
The Regexts adjiournedi xxntil May 5.
Blyclists Meet
A large xiuxmsier of exthuixsidtie licy-
slists attended the mausseeting of
the Ann Arbor Cycle Club at the cort
house last evening. Prof,;. Taylor,
Stanley, Frer and others addresed
the meeting. It was decided to build
a. cindoer ibicycle patti from Axntu Ar-
hoe to Whitmnore Lake. Dr. (arrow
n-as ciairman of de meeting. The
executive omnittee rwo ordered to
make the necessary arrangexment for
building it an sooox as posible.
Baseball Game Today.
Thxe ganse today witix Ile All-Cu-
cago Hill School ought to be one of
unuxsual interest to all. It is the fixsf
timie an opportunity hue been giveu to
see Ike 'Tarity againt an oxside
'team. The eans is coniposed o1 pick-
ed men and ougit to give the "aRity-
a cihaxnce to shim' there mettle. Soue
of these en on the 'Chicago teaum are
of great prooise and may nmake Mi-
igan their ala umater. Teetel 011
first, is of ecia-l note. axdiistosidi to
tie a very strong xmax at ftll back.
Thle team;lsae as folloss:
All-C'hieago I. ;C- Teetzel, lst b;
MceGinnis, i.; ;Sandty, e. I.; Kxnox, d i;
H~uteixsisix. xf .; AMooixuy3d i; Dress,
s. s.; Giffin. 1. .; Ericson and Dowd.
C. f . .xxxuxn, c.; Cndon, lt b.;
Hlesari d d .; Wolff, s. s.; Ssllvax, 3d
i.; Butler, r. .; Lxidloss, . ; Sean
e. f.;Miller p.
Athletic Board Meeting.
At le meeting of the Athlilttic Board
bst Iigt Manager Atkinson preset-
id his repori on he sislg trip. He
anounc~lleeothatihis at c itn- xNorth-
nests-rn for 'Saturday-wnuxl rexai
in douilbt util the Bosrd of Cnitrol
takes as-ion tmorrowniiglt. The
ruess on inilerclasts gsxnes Were amen-
i-i so thast the rixle allow-tg rofes-
silials to pay 015 clsitsteamslis inotW
to lie construedl1o apply- to track)
teamis. There is a 1)1-i on foot to
hold a oarnixisalixet bixisen lbs All-
tresihmen axd Sophomore track teams
aills basebaisll teans.'thxxusakig a
iostbtloenee. Teideiacistolhase the
euntest as sn exixbiton for te Ors-
torical esnest nen isho nill b iere
nexiss'teek. '-Ie liliot nill b e ldei
Frildny Mdy . --
Will Banquet the Orators
Thei Orsatoritcal :Asoition swill gie
a banquet ox aMuy 7 to the representa-
tivsswnho isill ake patlxx the ra-
torical contist of the Northern Ora-
torical League to le heli here on the
ninue dlte.
All of the second holir en of te
six uxiersiies and the wnneur of the
contest nill respond to toasts. Te
banquet iill be held at Prettymn.
Tickets can be iad of Miesr. C. Sin-
enls, I. Paul and P. Eugeiart.
Want Pres, Angell's Signature
The senior class met yesterday after-
noon at 5 o'clock and appointed S. H.
"9mi1th, E. IH. Humphrey, E. . Sunder-
land and Miss Smith as a commiittee
Tennis Will Be Boomed.
The regents gant of $20 for campus
courts nill put tennis on a better foot-
ing in the Univerity and the Athletic
Board intend to help thi branch of
athletics in the future in every wray
possible. Manager Herrick says that
since the faculty courts are this only
one available this season, a regua-
lion nill be exforced allow-lg on man
to play only best tswo out of tre
sets. Couxrtesy and patience are re
quesled from ile players axd every-
uxie mist expect ts be incnvenienced
occasionally owing t the sarcity of
courts. Mr. Herrick als anaunounce
thic tennuis tournanent for the third
week ini May. 'Thle tournaient this
year ought to be a very successful one
owing to the liberal first prie of tho
silver cup generoixsly donated by
Smith, Sturgeon & Co., of Detrit.
There nill also be a numuxbe of' other
prizes. The dual 'meet between Cli-
cage and Michigan nill take place
either 'May 2S or June 4. Chicago
seuids four xmen here and le contests
will take place 011 the faculty courts
oux the campuis. It will sake a sery
pretty- event ansi is idoubly interesting
bsy resasoni of being the fut itercol-
legiate contest Mlichigan hs ever had
in tennis.
The Western Itercrollegate meet
nill be held in Chicago pobably early
ins Julie. Michigan sendos twso umen in
singles and a teams in doixble.
Society Programs.
!Drf. Sisix 'Winkler nill read a pa-
pr before the plhilosopical Soii-y
chits esening lxinloomx21. The sub-
ject, Tragic Syupthtly" is oue of
greast inteuosM.tal susdenxs of duamua,
sell it is sue.-o l ich'lislPof. Winkleu
has disotedl sogeat del of tougt
anii stiudyJ.Tlissmiseting is thelast
pslsic umeeing wihts-le15scits'of-
fers thits year.
The programn of he Webser Society
for 'this evening is as follosws: head-
uxu. r. 'Whittman; inpromptus,
Messrs. Miller, Kid and Boyd; de-.
bate, Resolved, That the power f this
speaker of the House of Representa-
tives is detrimienutal 1o public inter-
ests,' affixmaive, M. Miidlesssart
ansi Mr. iMeCixo, negative. M. Nieg-
lar aild G. F. Stewart.
Yesterday's Detroit Evening News
contained a tn-s column cut with short
sketches of . X. Carmody, J. S. Lath-
ers and Walter HTA. Chandler, who are
now in Chicago to repesent the Uni-
versity in ie lhgn-Chicago de-
bate to be held 4tonight.
Subscribe for the Daily.
J1. C. Saner, '96 L, is' in Congresoman to see President Angell and ask him
loss' effice at Chicago. to 'sign their diplomas before heaving.