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April 03, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-03

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Ulf> of


VOL. 1X, No. 138.



Will announce that te atvhe no
received our Spring and Suntmer
Woolens. Or sock for the incom-
ng season is the largest we have ever
slhown, is exclusve and ouhnled in
hbtlh foregn tnd domestic good, and
is complosedt of the Ibest fabrics in
every line that can e otained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite on to call and
insect the same.
108$E. WuS1i11,teaa St,
We have just received a
fine ine of High Grade
Razors and Knive, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See onr window.
0n611 DaUdaild Night.
Itaring the esta heetgn eass-n
wilsevee]saclep at at] teuns, dy O
ntght. Flt line atfsPie, Cigas, antt
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
308 So. State Street.
Ie Cameras
When we pt those
new cameas n the wndow
wth a card that reat likte ttts
headng we were not offertng
araistbut tne lady ewnted
to hy one for 9t ents Two
men thought etter and pad
us $1t620 each The new feat
rea snake these cateras verv
dessrale and the ptces are
[.m Calkins' Pharmay in
Your Name
Engav ne Coaper lteP
wih n0atetn ars tato I .50
t10l crO,engaed frn luroan 5 tplate, for
The Best Stock,
The Latest Styles.
Ask tsetournwStttoney
UP rown Down Town
State St. Opp. Cor tos
Hain S

COMEDY CLUB U. OF M. MINSTRELS. at Hagserfer's State street, anti
_____Walr's, towntttowns. Price 75c,
Is Ptlug the Finishing Touches An Ening of Fun in Store for the 50c,astd 35cl.
to Its Production. Students. A grasd street parateswill e givetn
Tihe Contetly(Cilshleil a ftll Sateisa h nvriyte oat nttototttoite dlate of erformiate,
dres rheasalattheAthns heare Stuent attheUnverityaretoApril it0, ttndlthe stttato te
sirss elctasa attia AiteasTitatentjeoy a real, live stisstrel slim ehe Athess Tettre, te ctrtaitt rstng
Satttrtday morsitgasd thte ray intfcre returaing Itotmae ftr tihe vacatn. ltrcmrntly at 8:15 o'clock.
thetircarttisr onpsaust greotaitiTheidea of reviviatg studettsatn-
thteir vaiuhue tgr rttsrlyiere was seized upin dritg Pro~essionalism at Northwestern.
thiits for te ttccess- of their pro- tite tolidays tad siatce tienthettprn-" '1'lan ftltinlg article apered ina
cltctaott '"A bi te ttOl aswlinca is to atttters htave searchdclthrough the yestediv's ree res
hae tasthaX ttelaycwielttat pret sttdeant hbttyftr gotit ttateriaiath IA lttle tittat hapeielcriate
seafedtob.y t tehtuent i ais searestlts thtat iave srprisedl even a sttweetkethtat awil ntttlestd tt, t
oettc-l h tte tstteat tesapaty th ieamselves. On ext Moday eteat atte 'Itote efot ttat tt ettg iate
maiaiter cehiscc ol ottt cisedelit tayity htte ig aggregationa of ovr sixty tel iinte irofessiteoaalsmat Iriocol
proleastoatalrganizataiononthie rttadieople cwill try to smake AnnatArblreeatleics Ntrthwestertt attt-
Eixcellettawot: cwilllie itecesr i v sttter wvhy stdretinatstrel slittes vesty sat notet ytet toftthie celtt
tihe present comap-aty wses te suner.hav'e eesa dormtant ftr five year. that tobcretiamatettriaattotitt-
pasate woraicdtone by tihecaus olf Tie showtr wiii e stagediadco- ftotba-ll teatttlatiall athaentQarte-
forateryeahs ttbttatf atdac atins ducted as anear the prtofessiotnal stan-a hscIRyat expti-et is cta tcttait
as-llutn teta ntina khtstiea'saalubofards as ptssihe aad otly iglagradetisthemaataagettett oacoteetil of fai-
wil st ane mak n te n atttf atter attl artits have eesatolerated. tare o hettclatter t ayt- tesu
Michisgtaniaratmatic hiastory. IChoe Theemssic is tdecitetly eatchy anasl agreet upottnafot ltttsetvcties asoa
trim swill appear assthe lprotductiona lesidesesoeie scbtallats, and the miembile ittthe eleensTat hie attitade
are: - s Suthentt IX Coast-tck, latest "Coona" sngs will le heard of Nrtwaesternill msiakasing n t.
J. J. ansiwity LYongttteJrF viussLeouisiElbel's latest cempiositonitemsp to clear this universita- frtem
IfeHonlok, insE1. Gi. Hl~tdean, Mis"Te Victo'-s Marctoteictahgaa's dhage oittrleittonaits Ithit laidltela
Alice IBired al, Mrs.I. Is'.Clarak, Miiscaiattso hs aaaea ic sattsaeattl iitthsre
Stearurt itottsi im Shlseng aedicated to Michignutail e crticismata d-aenottw they "o farther-
tConseart. dsstsfctonw sax-itroducedlittn this as acii Musical anid ask Ipermissio-teo eeplay - iat aoa
tresseyesterdayovuer tefact that Di ectorE1'eihiass arrageedspacaial the blls ItemsxcwIo amitts Ie has
it ntumaiber of seats uhhae arked musast) icsfor all patsasee-tedsaoneayler las s-eeicesaoit
I Tselperformcantcviha. cuntaiat- hal phayetra Iis nameistaiWXest antd
etlf before the plats cere opened 1ta ustehvalstaeexception oeelter-it hle iia teser shortstee.While a
this general puahlic. Ini rgairdtoaissonbelatweia patito aduhthreetiembtertt a littl e etellege teatIhe
this mittter- Manager Woeeoedwor ithf Part tcc'e ciii coasitiot-t-a te Ialsittayt elccwitthaeac atow ie ad
this lub, igsaid iti te:ah -siecialties. Part thate s to ttbe a sas-ehitrecived s haigha as 81 iea
"aTh atomcaareteo thunc lubhis buharesqutseelsthat'"Jlittlp''"The gasame lees-hitsiservices oat the iide-
rn etos oaoreyaltowedtthteats evetitgciii e omi. eelhaitifrotm start pestdet Icaltb. Wile it ia nftutta-a
hofee hirsae fseat-iuher mer ofsets tto inish;a afeatuetsawill Ito this local tatathitattuclactt a sa-tt maa
baalefr c-s ot baegman.ThmoIsathits amidgags amakisg pofessor sind fromithitamater rask acodeig
isiuaitetiwsetaeftag es thoga t sntentssit ajirtm IThis cmtpanyto -a strict ruingastaekhimat.a pao-e
inlde om f h bs sas itnaumers thisfollowviangaseli knaotvttftessionalan as suclthihehaitsee ii "lt
this house. Thi salt etfteat-iattr-studeents in its lst: bto pla yedita5colee ine mt. State hat
dlay' sasslarge,bItt ievsha to anaouctmes Interocutor-Bliss, cnsetelto plotyeorthwstetanatawit
Sthat a fete very' goetiteals stll ras EnatiMen-Hertdtms saters Gn-rW'est s ii.the statis t itnetdoehbt-
mai, tait at tie ratt they ate going diner Mies, Crowvey, Pll. ies-icbeing iprolmitea as as eleeit-t- fot-
they ciii sootsbhesnamppedi upj. GitsefAlets-Woocrow, D. '.Jones torotet lae wt ahiic s tettiledl
New oScheme for a Memorial. flayesLasTlerrill, NWorenet, r froetm playingotntetmtareteenieleveni
' The isossaleeiterary cilas has behertcas RIoinson, Watso, 'alm teeoramtofensesfIlshivso t iig asethat.t
smetimig ithtamucha tioubi mleisatlhtm0heynoldstis tel Xst Ihelinae mst hietdrwnati
a memiorial wviicha is acceatblse t a Bant-E. DaPot, Withistill somemin test, adi eactoaoidnargametst,
nmajority of this chas Nonae f tie1PotteT.IBackus, Schock, Dar r, misndetlrstandins adtl bickrinig tt
samy plans protposedl have smet iwithaH. DuaPot, Coombs, )ykis, Zit- ativae eel Casier XWhitev cutelelI
tao, hut a schiemasevas thaoughtcatfsaesma, Saundters, SatrhaaimbeItslowc el.Mate colee athleticse
th astweek wvhicha if it castsbe Sinike Caskey, Spering, 'T'loampons, ahoolutely-pumatethen all toublhie is
Icarrisd through ciii prohahly lbe AIBackus Munford, L. Otto, II aveteti AlleingieXXst t hlls' i
adnsopted hy thus class as tiny Itavs Otto, Myess D. DuIPont, Warrent, atd ereceltent to estblis. 11
exparessedi their interest isa thes natter. leader. Northwerasterni shotuld wivuis a e
Ifthis gov-ernamesntcil oate a cn- Orchestra -Elbelidir-ector; Schmck otdtlacimtutthisWesterna champion sipi
aontiepluau is to lana- thus class Zimtnerman, Otto, Eananat, Sciaer crett shouecllnote aellowteedl on act
erect a sutable fonndationa of stotie i, McCornber, Darr. toaut ot a slf-cofessedi professioal
-or amarhie ottwchmthis canon cwiii Specialty Men-Cohen, t'icli ad patiamtng isathis gae,.t Ile
he placed. The tmmorialtill he son, Betrer, Dillotn, Rydach, Ryaneattcvay astiseasistcay-betsutrt
dedicated to tieMichigan tinsswho Seahot, H~erdiman, McCoy, id- they are amaurs, thenamgaad."a
died isatie late ccar and their tisses asan, Snow, Groeseck, Shnamoi, Rbno- orPeie
vihesc-hdoutie pedetal o Mrsa.ii
foundationt, It is ilanned to have Solots-Motter, Wetmtore, Blitto LRoinson, of Ravenna, O.0
the cannon placed near the as of Crowviey. a aerahs of treim ette junior r fcl-a-in, n-an
bauer, Fenton, Parsons, Hartnan, trcwAsoitonasie ntoo
Will Plstj on Jacksoni Field. Schazel. the Literary Department Ftid.y.
Manager Bairdi signed contracts The slhowvin couscted y tie fol Mr. Roinon las taken at active
Friday afternoon for Jacksont Field, lowing officers:- part in oratorical corok since siter.
oat crhicia thus Micligan-Wisconasin General Manager-O. I1. Hana. ing Colsge, cwinning second place isa
football game wiii he played on Musical Director-Louais Elbel tie junior class contest this year anl
Thanksgivinag day. In viecw of the Stage Manager-C. B. Ford. i reported to be weeli qualified for te
fact that the field oifers bettes- at- Assitant Singe Manager-George Pithis. He is a member of the
cotautodatious and better transports- Bliss. 'etaPsi fraternity.
thou facilities, it was the choice of The sale of seats will be iarge. Sale of Seats for Minstrel
tie sites offered. The W~isconsin-~ Already the managenent has betn Show, April 10, opens toomorro ~
Michigan dual meet, to be ield at besieged for blocks of reserved seats msorning at Hansgterfer's, u-
iMilwaukee either ou May 20 or May but no seats will be sold until tomor- town, aad War's, down-town.
t27, teas also contracted for. rote when the charts ciii be opened, Prices, 75, 50e and 35.

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