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April 03, 1899 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-03

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Pabltshed Dily (Sundays eceped dring the
Cllee yea, at
°st~ae Tthe Iland Pess, Hening Block
Bth Phesc 147.
F. E mae,una, '01 L. .
Athletic tdie, T It. Weonoae, 'N L.
P. W. JeNE, '0, A. t. MloGALL~s, '1tB.
F. D. lcNa,'0 C. .esUN, '00OM,
G. D. Iteooess 'es E. J. I3. Woo,, '00.
The sslcestttio price oflto DILY I2.50 fo
the collegeoyeaswit a reglarcdeiey befoe
aeon echltdy. Notice, eomuonicatoas, and
otheremattte aeded foe ptbliction eust he
hanei t t ote Doses oficelefore 8.n.,er
nailed to te etitterteftte 3 . eaof te day
ttttttceiyionatty helt olac t to Dnt.e oie,
Meyr',o Stttlt'sewtttd, osowitt Bttiesse
Maettt .Stbcritters wilt cottfeso fttvo by
roIts potttttly aost tlestttfice oy failtte of
caresto detives taotr.
Alectanges Ittadetisingttttser tlett in
te ttltice b y al. It. os te Ott ytttty ousleto ttat
ott whitthreIo00t o tpett.
Wvill Continue in the Wetern Inter-
Reptlresenttttvtes froml teWestrtt
colleges, comptrising te gaduate x
cutivoebbard, lot at a confretc at
thismejtarck F. itlay ad effctedl a
reotrgtaniztattonoof te graduate board.
Clhicago 1and(1Michigatn sere bott
represented, Raycroft comtintg froet
Chtictato, adMaager Baird repr.
senttg Mittigant Otlar represoslta.
tives eer' Lake 11orst, A. . Jack-
sott; Northwesernt A. H. Clver;
WcisoonintG. A Waldo; Grinnell,
C. S Wl litottPurtstleoC. Mrhall
Drate, Wn dedll Hston; Ktox, J.
Rayicftws apptoistetemtltporary
chtairm~anlfthe((ometetigald a newe
organtizattton orthttocommttiteeas
effecltd. Att electon wvis clld for
asndlW'sX otiot( Witconsint0w0aselected
chaittrttatt, tswit Jcton Otio Lake
1 istoas0secretary and tteastrer0
1h Itommittttteeciledtlto settolttvs.
tattttt to Ctitt'co Illtnsttn010M1h.
51 ti Iatet rerestrativttes toet
wis t. tiesIt represntratitves tech-
nicatlev a01.nstl t to ae a otebt too,
ac1 t. itpit a nittttdvistorye capcity.
The (tor11 'ot elgsble. otvote acord
ing tooto ctonsttoneolhtchtpro
vso ttht te(is ne11rtaskng colleges
whlicht contstitte ItheExectiv cost-
tmitIToe tre choolo did tnot
completeola-t tyearadolcoseuontl
ma t otsoe
Intvittiotsswer0 est to titese tre
itittttotnSlo t Iake tart in the asso-
ciattoaffairs, bc1000 their rinstae-
intdoidtnottncltde membrship
alt te asociation, as as geerally
sllltteol I Te reinstatement eas
simply itt regard to atletes, the ex-
puilsionfromtia e(toassociationa barring
tetst frosnt spelt comtpetiton. The
three schools will e formally taken
-back itt Jutne, ht teir paricipation
up to that time ewill e only upon
A commtiittee to select a field for
the tannual games was appoiited, con-
sising of Waldo of Wisconsin, Cl-
ver of Northwestern, and Marshall
of Purdue. Three fields were offered:
Jackson Field, at Sixty-third street
and Stony Island avene; Ravens-

ewood Field, at Ravensevood; Hand's
Field, at Sixty-seventh street and
Stoisy Island avenne.
Tlee flnaances of thse association are
ini good coniditiont, antd entought stor-
pluss is loft intshet treasury to carry
thte ctmetteeoottrotuglttteseasont
ast old olthe anitottlItteet.
Thteitee c ctlttiol owas discussesd
ittfor'itally. T1110 comtltee t w sill 10015
uipons it forttally attIs text mteetin~g.
VToe pristcipal change is thtat lprotests
are too boe referred by thte comttttittee
to tlte faculty boardsols f cotrool of
thce various mlo~ember of theo associa-
ciations. This aill itocossitate a
groat doal of time for the consider.
atiost of protests.-Chicasgo Tribooe.
Reading btu George Riddle Tonight.
ITosighlt Mr. Goot. Ridlcewill give
at readling frosss Midsssssttser Nightt's
Drea m,'"sMrt Riddle' has readi Iefotre
theo Amersiocasn psblic stow orisstaity
years ndttlaItcme an t e tcIablishedo
favorsteo We.qusoot (ew 110es0
1 011110statinglyitsosnottuceGetorge
Rtidlethe(ito stctreadcr befotre the
ptublic.--NymttCin1kIc intht~e New I
York, World.
1H10i10 )110 tulthe mstofolgentits
espoecially gifteos too 111101plot asto to
place beforse peopleit theisr clearest
and host lightt the thots11 of thsose
wchot standolhighest amlongt issmanc
beigs.--Clev'elandl Letader.
Mr. IRidoleo's entertainmetosare
unexcelled. Sintce Vanodenahoff and
Fannay Kesnhle thserehsabetcni noth-
insg like themo, nothing sapprotacing
thtesn.-Detroit Free .Press.
All mena taking part in thse mit-
strel shaowo sill1 meet for rehtearsal
every day tisis wveek at 4 p. iss., in
Rotoam C, Ustiversity Hall.
0. H. HAxs, Masnager.
Thse Delta Upsilosn fraterisity gives
a party at Granger's next Friday
; ATHFN$ l
_ _ h


flh. (Lllttll\(, .
twrwr. ,: ,
w F
We malie clothes to measure if

Suits and
Top Coats.
Thsere is -a cortain air
id~ style aboust tour kisnd'" of
clotinsg thtat yoss donst get ally.
ewhere else.
Thle msot tof te fit in a stit
of clothes is in thte coat, aisd
(testmost of a fit in thse coat is
theo collcar astt lapels. Thsat's
whlere 'ouir kintd"' showos thsat it
isthe tlbest sttade.

Ae elto't fit yolu fromt stock.
Stilts and Overcoats. $7.50 to $20.



17 = C= & ; OJ T
jI ~ IPRTR AND10 151 NUI0"050 '03ER105OF
TMICUOSCOL0LC FINDINGS. Hetadquarters for all Labora-
tory Supplies
112 S. Maitreeto, Ann Arher, Mich.

{ / 1

Fashon OnMPice S
st __ 555055015500

I a *~w"wavwww~wmmmvaw u,~

k-l I


'A Periodical ofSussingt Pietorial and ____________________________________
SIllustrated American Magazin e Sfl Best Chain Wheel, - $35.
for Aprit. The March iseaf the Ilus-E~
trated Atersloan Magazinet was exhasted _RS EN ee Geared Canes$0
within e a dtys aftosr5tublicetion.ITheBel uhneso.
eseing in every woo. A few aofic ts etursttthere isno15 better wetel inaode at any price. Ask Crescenot rioders
nrest-A sptlendid frotapsage by A. B. Wen-Ij1ths so not so. Makeyoosr selectiolsneow011a0 Crescent.
tellt four s tsein coleorIty Frank IHop-3
hiason, ltet Johnsoe,s.ArcheGn~n,eandM.SA LE S Emoi .
F'easly St5an sti . IOtherebeatilpicoe., TEL;SBicycle Epru
sfeta ttuese by o ONeil Lathamt, A. Do 1 etwSllltl tet
Ford Pitaey. W. 1,B. 5iarhweaths O (te 119 ox attn othrs-16 pa'eoin Strewet.
beautiful clseee: tThe IHsart of
Princes,,;Earl ,"a one equiste atgood G A GER'S SCH00Lh OF DANCING.
asAnaleoat Hoaehgsneverawitten.i"Thte
Afral at heeDopeanoelwettedTt
of foree, in whtich dipima tic effis per.
teayed; 'When Married FeolasAgoe, 50 e Frio 2WeS
"Sach Love as t'this," and ethoser ceteat $.0pr 1eof 2Wes
esotestores.Aunitqee Society Seport _ PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING.
ment, Beaks, CapttienestCrities, Ediorial,~ Private Lessons hyAppointment. el'hoe26
es ecAheltlyaehettIh t I-ne AmceAriicaMn etn orApi Magazine________________for_______April________
can he fosund esewhere. Itsis absolteley-
amad. Snd . cet' sinsp es ton L." vIt is the knosvleeeof feet
fora p sy as.thisise Subschpti on race wanmd the art of fittimierthemi
oferill0 fee a limsited titmestetsbeautiful wit[h fototwvear. Cotme ill mmd
a itspafa feaiaedaghB. W5enzell, auitahie frfeeamncg.'hit " ee hoaw aell ewe mnoawotmr
pitr ol epto ordaig owalis with portent impunity.u r u in s , 1Qie --lt el ' aG
The Ittastrated American Magazine, ice it.
t123 Broadway, New Yeik, City.ioahtga~
iw++ lP1i' SO TR#' C~b; go t

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