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April 05, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-05

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VOL. IX, No. 140. ANN AI{13[), R[CH-L WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1899. TnREE CENTS.
G. H I 0 Elect all Their Cadidtes Except Details of l lin the Classes Are to Arranements All Madelfor a ue
Will nnouce tat wehaveixow Yesterday afternoon, in the mxot In honnr of the visit of the legs Evrixdcto oittoxixt
receied or Sping nd Smmerlargely attended election the Orator- ature to the University, next Friday sccessful renditio of D dln's comedy
Wooeno Ou stck orthemcmi- calAoscitio ha evr hldth afternoon at 3:31) o'clock faculties ''A Night Ot" hy the Co medy (lubil
Wooens Ou stckfortheincm-laws succeedled again in electing their andl stdents wiii all asemle in this evening in the Athens theatre.
ing oeason is the largest we lhave ever cadidates. While there was not University Hal. The legislature Rehearsals have beheldii every day
shxows,in excusive xandiicoxfed, in the itterniess mxaxifestedl that hasxwiii ieitethliexmxthere andxiview tie for the last twoxi week xaxxdlthe plaiy)
hotx fregn xxii loxxeticgoosandbeen lpresemnt at past electionsx, the stdnt ody f the Uiniversity. Thin vi eln n rfsinl-ye
contest swas as hardI fottghtsoil en- xiille the first tiiie in four years Mr. D~une Wagar has beenm ivii
in coimosedlof the hest faries itsiastic as for twvo receeding yrears. tx°'xl eilaxr xsvstdth lccn iehoxfei i xiriextne
ever)'line that caxxn eobtainexd. We While there was sounme cttixg, the University axd tieir visit thexnvasxnatd as beix of greax t 1sostxxxie tin
carry thxe lxrgest Iie xif Woolens xxxnarrung factions xixthe Laxw Dehart- the last tixxe tht llxxthe ii tentixth e players nwho haxve tkenx xdva-
the eciy. We inxvile youxxtoi ral andixxen t seexm to han'e been drawn to- nwere assemxxbled at onie tixxe. Coin- txge of his cx iticioxi.
ixspect the axie. getber toi quite a uxiitexdsuxport xf parttively fexw studieito ix are now 8The crtaix will go nix lromlptily xt
tieir tixketaxxthelxst xxxmnxt, le- ix, exolleg han-n ever Osen such a :15 andtx aiiiare uriged to bli thirl
canoeexof a realizxationx thattie lits mxxxxxxiotl mas mseetig of students, seats bhalxt timxe linrer txat txe.-
Cu. nvwere outin x force anxd lxxd a good 'Thle placing of xxii the studieninx fix-t act xxay mot euelxyed.
.1chaice tox nin. onxe of the featires tx the lxxaxxlarrxanging thea nithxouit Th''ose nihliidtxire seats ii the ixr-
108 E.X~xxsxiugtn St of the elecetixoxnvs theextting of onixfusixoxx xiii e a ificlt ttsk.- The iie xi) i xietioixixthm ti
108E. athint1St, oitgsiexry Iby the xxexxxer of Iis crowd illviibe enorxxous, exclusive f aternoxxxxxxxe xle tmxxx ny hexx t h isre
ANN ARtBOR. xxxviicass. the ilts sixcceededt i lexislaxtor. With fxcltie ndxx sti- lxxave xxxt beix calex fox. If txee
electixig uone officer, viz: C.1). Hixrrey detts tiere xiiieaixoxt 3,501) personsseoas xre xxxt called for befor xon
________________________________for trexsurer. The vte is givenx le- presnxt. Major Sounexiiil e ciief thevill le resoxd tixiaftexxoon.
low n detxai. nMxxshaxx of the xlay. Ie'xvihave Specil xxxusi xiii e renxdeeuby
W r a t dFor preident-'T. J. JIxckhsonx, of genxeal sxpervisixonxof selectimg tie tie orchesrxx xner te idiretioni of
WarrantedCiic-igo, 2ff-;'1. Roxiixnon, of pliaces of meetig for the differentl irom. Louis Ehhel. T'he follownig in
Ravexix, 0. , 262. cxasses, tieir ximnner mitetrance adxh a progrxamxifor the imni:
Cutlery'. Fxor vice preidet-D. HI. Ot. etig rrangenmen '1he llalOerture~-" fxymond"..- A . 1loma
mey-r, of Evanisvile, Ind., 263; S. whichi le ha preharedi is very prac. (a) Prelude axd Intermezo lronx
Wehv mx eevda W. Utey, f Detroit, 259. tical. Cavalerix Itstana -M....msagni
lin ae s e ctneo eHgiv(drae For secretary---W. G. Spaulding. The legislature nwill sit iipont the hb) 'Dance mi thte Bayaderes" froni
-fstage.inenef HigheyxGrade
Razors and Knives, fully of I+reetor, ., 259; Hf. E. Wester-sae The faculties nih it i the ~Ohra X it r-t.A. IRubixitein
warranted, andnve sell thenmn dixte, of Chicago, 255. center andi frimt of the lowner foor Mifromer"..heuLittl
rightitlo. S.ee our windoxw. For treasurer-C,.ID. limitre), of The Literary Departxment, eing tie (a) ' arissus". .Arc, by Rihard Vbe
Anim Arbor, 2miI; 1. li. V.il, ohfildest amnillargest dehpartxmet, xilhl )i'he 5ictors ilachi. -.Louis Ebet
'~blll8Al mont, 259ocp ~ern ifti ovrforDediatedh to 'I8,h.o M. Football'eamum
jjFrseconmd nicepresident of tie 'T'heprofessinamh ldeartment wil l'The ist of characes apemasbe-
Pll~R~kOY Northerni Oratorical League--H. E. occupy thin glery. Definite setixoson: mi~xvsxnmsx~
- ............. -Burgess, o hdli. 9;H -for each xdehartmentnill eai-lutxinhbhtroeocoa-
owM ight Mrary, of Erie, Pa.,3. nouced ater. cenext histor mx the Cmpow
VJ ~d W~. Fo delegate to the Oherlinm comm. Theinffiherent departments adx University-----------....Mr. Sthex.
Durxisingte res oftco igiesyer we tet-W. B. Haxrrisn, nof Iniaclasswill assemblhe at crtplacsHarmamshixo-imx...
wi inre luces axxall hmmrxday or ity 327- 4. A. Monteouxer., of "-x x,"in xxx - -in-, i. Cto istok
ni.Fxuiemof ipes, Cgars, xxnii Y' ' - wix and marh to te uhalinii miitry Jakmx1 lerry,in pusuit o fetn,
Tobacce. Macon, Ill., 46. formation. The Literary amd En under the name of (hamley. .r Pg
R. E. JOLLY & CO., An amendmenxtneas crried In the gineering departments nwil umeet to Lord Mberry, in pursuit o Jack.
308 So. State Street. effet that hereafter emly six spahk- getier. Thin senior xand sophoimore----------------------- " * ".Mr. Young
---ex shall tahke part ixxthe final ora- classes nihhlassembxle inx frnt of 'iap- 'Marcus Bruitus snap, in pursuit of
torial ontst.Th eprsenatinIfmxxnsd fortune, under aiou-
oraaleor aestsTp r pre u ati n l5iH all in char ge of M essrs. W ren it- legitim ate aliases -.. M r. ow vley
N wof the classes nwil remainimthe same more and Menel respectively. Thin Prowl, usher it the university .
Ne a ~ r s an it hiss heen. But of thin eight junior anid frehmen clamses, iii friont-------------------""- i. Hilbrtok
orationslhadd iii for thin final con- of Neerry Haluithi Pin. . E rs. Zantippa Babbitt.Imrofessorvii
I or '99. test, miy tie ixreceiving tmeIxghCooly amd Mr. Effinger iii charg esrc o shldax.ge ..entiHler:,x
est gradies in thought and compsi of thin respective casses. If the Nisbe, the youngest "i lmp of the
When we pt those tionn wilbe deliverned.neeather is ad the classes nwil assnu- household...-----Miss (iheen
stha card that read ike thisix - - -e
haing, we were not offering variation of fromx sim to textamd the Thin Medical Deatmn ill Sua,- - --basist..Miss tlarke
hgains, but one lady wanted its demaded a reconxt eause of assemblhe in their bidingxintchageMatiasran t tDmassi...Mis..twar
L deiralcamrasinthewinow Thecoutsof he elersshoedbleinsdeof he wohilihs chAgelcaiDamaserea it ldest...k's.
tbuy one loin III cents. Two the closeness of tie election. The of Pis. Huer and Yutzy.---------------- -------------Miss Brdsal
mnthought better and paid laws refused it and there is cssider- The Lanwchxasses wiii asembhe in--
us16.20 each. The new feat- al eln bu h atr
ursmake these ameras veiy s~ exgantti atr the diferent recitationm roonms of their Too Mddulfor Baseball,
dsrbeand the prices are5 building. Pin. Johnusonx, assisted by 'The aeall nimexbiad thieir first
rgt. Minstrel Tickets Going Fast, thin cass presidents will lhavn generloto or rcic etim~vatr
Calkins' Pharmacy Tie charts fox thin ninstxrel shoxw charge of apprtioning asembhly non at thinFair Gounds A gae
_____________________- nhich weil e given next Monday roodms amd marshaling then classe. had eenischxdued withx thin 'Toledo,
X~ o r I~ nieevening at the Athens Theatre, weren- The Pharmacy Department wih laus team, ut_ the grounmds inere
Yo rN m ,opened yesterday at Wabi'sad assemhe in front of thin Chemidal foundm to e too miuddy for piy. It
n--i xx eeeci Plu,. ~ Hangterfer's, and at 6 p.n. the Laoratory in charge of Ast. Prf.nesvixtontfsifelhmatc
wt loateixxtytecaes, xor $1.50 State street chart shoned ut a few Campbell amd the president of thi namd oly thin outfielders could o ay
remaining. This first day's sale be- senior classnwork.
uoo mudinegravndxt im ouynxr owxx plaie,-fom peaks a packed ho use for the per.. h etl eatet ilasm
TheDenal epatmet xiiiassm- Ahsut 50 spectators turned out to
90 CENTS. ~ornmance. It is advisable for those bin at their building in charge of Dr. watchi the men. ft was imphossihle to
Thxe Best Stock, desirinig to secure reserved seats to Hoff and thin president of te senior get a line on the men as tie practice
The Latest Styles. purchase at once. Several blocks in clas. nes necessarily veiy unsatisfactory.
AsS n sn sa se Siaisery.the parquet have been sold to the Tie Homepathic Departmnt xiii The Fair Grounds are in much het-
Ask o se ou ne staionry.larger fraternities and it is quite assenble at their building in charge ter condition than the athleic field,
\7 ,T I 'AS probxabe that several sorority parties of Dr. Copeand and the preiext wihi nieyudrwtr rc
wilattenid. A big crowd ofDetroit of the senior case, tice this afternoon will e at the
society people are negotiating for - Fair Grounds, amd if the present
ANN ARBOR seats. A number of parquet seats Seats for the Minstrel Show wather continues the first game of
Up row. Dawprn Ton will be occupied y faculty members on sale at Watr's, down-town, the series with Toledo will be played
Stat So Ons. CO t* and their nwives. andl Haugterfer's, State St. Thursday afternoon at that place.

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