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April 29, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-29

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lbo-WIMEMMI, It>


Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washhmgton St,
We have just received a
fine line of High Grade
Razors and Knives, fully
warranted, and we sell them
right too. See our window.
During the rest of the college year we
will serve leuncheeat all hours.dayar
night. Fell line of Pipes, Cigase,ad
308 So. State Street.
St rbrrWies
- AT THE---
Soda Fountain
CRUSH 10o.
Calkins' Pharmacy
Your Name
Engraved oa Cepper Plate,
with 1 0latest stylecedarr or$1-50
100 cards, engraved from your own plate, for
The Best Stock,
The Latest Styles.
Ask to see our new stationery.

Promises to Be One of the Most
Excitinq oil the Season.
For the first time this season the
baseball teams of Michigan and of
Illinois Universities will meet at Re-
gent's Field today. From a compar-
ison of scores the teams are so evenly
matched that it is a toss-up as to
which will win. Thursday the Ill-
inois team defeated Wisconsin, 6 to
0, Michigan having beaten them
21 to 1, but leaving also lost a game
to them, 6 to 4. Illinois has also
defeated Chicago -and has been put-
ting up a fast game right along. The
game today will be a pitcher's battle.
Trusty "Socrates" Miller will be in
the box for Michigan while Illinois'
fate will hang on McCollum, their
celebrated left-hander whom Michi-
gan batsmen have always found a
stumbling block.
Michigan will be weakened by the
game of "Boody" Wolf, whose split
finger will prevent him from enter-
ing the game. Sullivan will go to
second while the coach has not yet
decided as to who will hold down
Sullivan's place in right.
A peculiar coincidence is that in
the past nine games between Michi-
gan and Illinois the Champaign team
has been unable to make more than
three runs. This has been sufficient,
however, to beat Michigan more
than once.
With the two pitchers that will be
in tomorrow the fate of the game
will probably hang on the fielding,
in which both teams excel.
The Illinois team arrived yester-
day and are quartered at the Cook
House. The team, while not confi-
dent are determined, and it is need-
less to say will play ball today.
The two teams will probably be as
Adait.......... lb.............Snow
W ilder.............1. f...........Davies
Lotz................c. f.........McGinnis
Weinhan............r.f..Blencoe or Mohr
Miss Snow's Research.
Dr. Julia W. Snow has been doing
some research work, the results of
which will be published in the Botan-
ical Gazette and in the Annals of
Botany, an English journal. Dr.
Snow's work shows that in certain
species environment has a greater
influence on their form and method
of reproduction than heredity. Miss
Snow did a large part of her work
while holding the D. M. Ferry
scholarship, established for that pur-
At Heidelberg University, Ger-
many, students taking laboratory
courses in Chemistry or Physics are
required by the University officers to
take out in accident insurance policy,
covering possible accidents that may
occur during the exercise.
Important Notice.
Michigan vs. Illinois baseball game
at Athletic Field at 3:15 p. m. today.

Chicago Engineering Alumni Organ-
The Engineering Alumni living in
and near Chicago are going to give
their second annual banquet on May
20 next.
There are in the city and vicinity
about 150 engineering alumni, and
last year they held the first regular
annual banquet at the Technical
Club of that city. About 40 Michi-
gan Engineers were present, and the
dinner was so successful that they
decided to make it a regular yearly
Last year they had no assistance
from the outside in any form, but
this year Profs. Green, Carhart and
Cooley have signified their intention
of being present.
The arrangements for this year are
not yet complete, but the general
committee consists of the following:
E. H. Cheney, general chairman, A.
K. Adler, chairman of banquet com-
mittee, G. M. Wisner, program,
Alexander Haubrich, invitations,
Howard M. Cox, press, E. H. Cheney
was the toastmaster at the last
The final arrangements have not
yet been completed, but it is prob-
able that the second dinner will also
be held at the Technical Club. It is
quite an unusual event to have three
professors make a special trip from
Ann Arbor for similar occasions and
it is expected that, owing to the
presence of the professors, there will
be a large attendance at the dinner.
It is restricted to the alumni of the
Engineering Department, and is not
connected in any way with the regu-
lar Chicago Alumni dinner which is
to be held there April 29.
The engineers are all more or less
closely allied in business, and from
this cause naturally keep fairly well
in touch with each other, but by
coming together regularly once a
year in this manner, we are better
enabled to foster their interest in
Unmiversity affairs.
Lest this dinner should draw any
from the general alumni banquet to
be held on the 29th, the engineering
dinner will not be publicly announced
until the night of the general banquet.
One of the plans which the engi-
neering alumni of that city haver ad
in view for some tme, is the forma-
tion of some sort of a bureau or com-
mittee through which Michigan engi-
neers, contemplating locating in
Chicago, might get a better outlook
over the condition of business there
and the possible openings. This would
especially interest the undergraduate
engineers, and it is hoped that at
this meeting an arrangement having
this in view can be consummated.
D. H. S., 24; A. A. H. S.; 15.
Detroit High School defeated Ann
Arbor High School yesterday after-
noon, chiefily through Ann Arbor's
inability to field a ball. White
pitched a good game, Detroit getting
only eight hits off him. Sims played
an excellent game at first. Roach
caught well for Detroit.
Season Tickets for Eight Base-
ball Games on Sale Today for $2'

Annual Senior Swing-Out.
The swing-out of the class of '99
occurred yesterday afternoon. Uni-
versity Hall well filled at 4:15 when,
when, to thestrains of a march on the
Columbian organ played by Emanuel
Anderson, nearly 200 seniors it the
cap and gown costume filed it and
took their seats.MAfter a solo, "Ave
Marie," by Miss Young, Prof.
Wenley delivered an address on
"Academic Costume," He said in
"Ihe precise origin of academic
costume is somewat obscure, for
while there can be no doubtthat it
arose during the middle ages, the
dress now prevalent is no more than
two and a half centuries old. There
can be little question, however, that
the corporate feeling so characteristic
of the middle ages had much to do
with its beginmimgs. In these times
men acquired a certain status from
the corporation to which they be-
longed. These corporations marked
off their various classes of members
by assigning them a special dress.
In this way, but powerfully in-
fluenced by the church, to which
nearly all students belonged, academic
dress arose.
"Our first records of it, curiously
enough, derived from the statutes of
the Italian umiversities, point to a
special desire for simplicity. These
universities prescribed a close-fitting
cassock of black stuff in order that
there might be no excuse for wearing
the expensive trunks, silk tights and
gay slippers affected by the men of
the time. It is out of this sple
garment that our modern academic
dress has been evolved.
"It may be of imterest to state
finally that witiistie past few
mnontms the universitiestof the eastern
states have come to an arrangement
among themselves concerning acade-
mic dress. Pesylvania, Princeton,
Yale, Columbia and a number of tie
smaller colleges are parties to this
agreement. Tihe plan adopted is
slightly different from British usage.
The hoods are all to be lined with
the colors of each university, while
the degree and faculty are to be in-
dicated by colored bars on the gowns,
colors being differently distributed
for each university."
A solo by Mrs. Kempf with violin
obligato closed the exercises.
The present senior class has very
unanimously adopted the caps and
gowns, about 200 out of 275 wearing
them, although many of the young
men will wear the cap alone,
Daiq Bulletin Board.
A bulletin board has been placed
on the athletic field by the DAILY,
and will be operated at the each
game by Manager Hans. By this
means the "fans" will know at the
'end of each inning the number of
runs, hits, errors, strike-outs, bases
on balls, and passed balls made by
each team.
Toda's Games.
Cornell at Princeton.
Chicago at Evanston.
Tufts at Amherst.
Harvard at Williamston.

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