Pablished Daily (Sundays excepted) daring the
College year. at
gmmivx~: The Inland Press, Beaning Black.
Bath Phanes ta7.
0. H. HANa, '50 L.
Athletic Editor, P. W. JaNEa, '119,
T. R. Woonnaw, '00 L. A. It. MeDaeaaLL,1It E
G.. U cecrTT. 'It1hE. J. B. WaOD, 'tO,
C. L. NaLca, '99, C. D. CaOL, '99,
E. E. Chivers, D. D. who is the
genseral Secretary of the international
moveenst of tite Baptiat young
people, laos been secured to address
college nian, Sunsday afternoon at 3,
itt Sackett Hall.
The legislature of Nebraska re-
cently passed a bill appropriating to
the State University te proceeds of
a tax of otne taill per dollar uaponth ie
grattd assessaaent roll of thae state.
It is estitmatedl that thais tax will
yield the Unaiversity $168,000 a year.
Thae total registratiota of the Univer-
sily, 'iclcucitng preparatory schocols,
durlig 1897-98 as 1,915.
Nothing~ Better THE
Can be furaished thaa chat we IN LAND PRESS
are now pattinglfoeth la the way ANNM ARBOR
of Hot Weather Drinks at
our aew Soda Fountain-
Special costing aptparatsand Printer, Bndrs
evrythitng ncw, clean set) at- Pz IE~~ Bnes
tractive. f-ANtD-
Campus Drug Stare. tI~N LC
4444***++4+f +4*44 ++4
Is r - i -r -r i - ~ i -r -r
A. G. Botowa, 'I.IHc
The suhscription arite at the DAILT isac25 0 tor IJ iJ $
the colicge yea,with a reguaedaeliery hetore I) TH .
noo0 ec. day. Notice, commusnicationa, and 1)1 1
other m91tr lntended toe pubation uto ab eU
handed in at the DAILY elie hers I ps .orT- A
omar.dt h eio eor ,i. o teba
previoas to that on which they ace expec ted to3
Suhscrip~tionsr tmay te lett at the DAsrYofoile,j
OMeyet's, or Staltt,'t'.. nwsandaorwith Bisst
Manager. Suhscrib~es wtll toofer a taor ity
reporting peatmptly at lhit'.oilie artytaiture ot
carriete to ,deliter e r.a5E ,
All changea to advertieinc mantler must ibe in ________________
th Ofieb 4p. m. oc the day prevous to thlat T _____________ s"__ T _______
en which t leo- are to aiwar'.
E-. USEE , cienttific palict.
lab CHARGEofo 'o'I-SSUEYorejoye soreows, lose.aininar-
A. ii. McDOUltGALL. M tay 7otely. 37, . Lilberty et.
_____________hours:__10_ a. .tot 8:20 1p. i". Strawberry
rolty at-e 'Varsity plays otnecof Jf'Your Bicycle Needs AND
theioti ortatgmsoth aolrist the stongteait fr'oti TO- BE REPAIRBED, Pineapple
aIllnois. Tisealit'sis Gone ofIIthe
sto etinte et ait onties litre Go to BI ..A-
iithiaantitibroken iotf victories .waliugss
Suriwuu's GoldchI S~tcpti
C==.1 ,
3 =
lntees(r1trii~n~ttRnsrpgn ofeAttressimir rcfaetsmoIip .IIVIUUiU U i IDUIID' ,IBIU
(lavng dfeatd Chcago, admittire
recently N'sie.oainiiby ai storeTof I6
to 0. O(liithe oultcmfth~~ l isgame
depeitis more cthaoa nyal'othrca'meo
to lie playe1 early i thc setasotn. Ftr
tile t<neitti of it toill iladace 'fir
towtardsa the chlamipionttipo cf the
Weal. Tlit'Vars-ity is playinig fast
ball tatid will flay tst witn.lBut thtey
lhlve asoopon~liientsthe onilyctea tiatt
they ttere utiable 1tocdefeatlasat year-.
Everyona eiig to see ta good game
of btasebiall, oat).Idesiritng to see Micia-
iganl witttte Westerna chanmpionshlip
to basecball souldl comeiotat to this
galme anti enicairage the teami. Sea-
son ticketostire ott sale far $2 for
eigl.t gattis. This years schedutle
ad titeam ceerve suptpiort, atad the
mtot elfective way of givinig suppliort
is by btuyinig a ocasona ticket aunl at-
tenintg tiheliotai gatmes.
The British Guards Band This
Student Agents Wanted.
ArBAaNY, N. Y.
loCpe, Gowns, and floods made to order and rented. Also Class
Caneo, Class Bats ad Caps, Class College Pins. Addreso
Wc. C. tBEuRN, Westnt Masgr.,
'1hli otie latnd oathy oppol~rtunity of
hlearitng 11111 otatrest batad fromi PAT AUG 15. 1893.
acosst- the sea"' presents itself this =°-.
aftet'iooii whiein liiiotugh the intasrta-________
mticiality of the Athletic Asoa~ion otittitiiti (ftoi' Lay 0)1
Dan Godlift'y)'s British Gtuardo B~and TalU C~ecxi C111Sil md a
will gitt dale o~f tuti' ttlertedl prto- (boait) 'jIlittdetilt for relit byi tie 11o1i1
g-rants. The Ba-iuiia Guards Bandl iti Combined Grater ad Slow Caller. For P et * onaio wtw-ufbad so-duy ~tsResil je
otoii~~ite" -- tefhllt d0) M. STAEBLER'S Bicycle Emporium.
the aiii of, til batnd as to plroduace' i
toite resemiblitng tile sotitii of an 1111 -L5I1ieu4 _o. 8. 111) West WVas5siiugtonu Street.-
llence pipet orgoti. It is ciaimied bty Faousl Parer and Slices.
the press that tilt) iprodluce this
quality of lotte oait their solo iter- Profiitible emllloiyltit all sulier~t GRANGERS SCHOOL OF DANCING.
formiiro ore miarvellouso exponenats of ftir active ogett. 150 per ceant $o e-Tsi c Wes
their respective itlstr'liitl. 'it T troligoaitctrtiellTerlliaif I1t2oeleks.
hi adofi with ouitrcdre quicttk-silg atureahold PROGRAMME PARTY EACH SATURDAY EVENING.
evetywhiere oad itt cohinlg to .Annt able prices. Yotu coat atore thant pay Priests Lessoas by Appointmient. Bell 'P'hone 246.
Arbor the tatid ihas chitosena wisel )' ltsour schotti year expetnses by) otiamaer
visliting the itoic Un.tiverstty towu lprofita. Write its ftor catlogute anid So its ttr tamous tee cew, hat
of Mhician. patcilr.1 7 i ..I , thte dtfferencttt that thte colder
particulars. s'~ it gets the mnare at oar ceams
A special program lao hei aor- * E EAE HUE youE w0 ant
ranged for this afternoon. It is the ILLINOIS CUTLERY COMPANY *I I ! I E EII MAC WHITE,
soans letiasa0 the evesainag programs ,imo sDEII 1 . MAIN ST.
and includes several new selectionas. DECATUR. ILL. It PEt y o l Bell Phone, 100; State, 19N.