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April 08, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-04-08

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VOL. IX, No. 143.



Will announce that we have now Michigan Wins From Chicago in Central
receiveil our Spring and Summier
Woolens. Our stock for the incoco Debating League Final.
ing season is the largest swe have ever [S.PEcuAc TO THSE U. OF I. DAIL.Y.]
showvc, is exclusive and iconfined, in CHICAGO, April 7, 11:50 i. 'n.--Unauimsns verdict seas
hoth foreign and doimesticOgoods, ansd aweardedi to Michiga, n. The andience was fair and enthusiastic.
is composed ot the bstcfabhrics in M!'iclugan wcas well represenitedl hy aincmni ansi friends. Every inan
every line that can is obitained. We wa s at his lbest and clearly ontclasseid his opponent. Michigan's
carry the largest line of Woolens in forte was in stroiig constrnctive arg~uents andl in incisive and vig-
the city. W~e invite you tio call and sinus rehuttal. Onr men never slid hetter wvork than tonight and
inspect the same, left no chance argnuent unanswered. Chicago lost on account of'
too many admissions and depended on objections to practically
G H ILD O., inquisitorial features and sectiomnalism. These were niet biy decisive
Sanswseis. Chicago wats strong, hot lacked Michigan's thoroughi
G.N H.BOWILDimon opened strong with clear statemient of position and inet
- ANABR anticipatory ohjections. Sanger followed and ftairly ridilled the pre-
Sceeding Chiicago nan until nost a shredl of argnment was left.
SKingsley was in exceptionally fine form, his rehuttal heldl the closest
IW arranted attention of the audience tliruiughoiit. Sinions in time closing five
I~miute iiadle every second count and turned the eneirmies guns upon >
Cutlery. their own argnments. Chicago's work was fairly evein and it was
I I ~~ harid to matke aniy sdistinction. All the alunmni were eiitliusiastic
We have just received a over the great victory. The team will returni Minmday.
tine line ot Htgh tGrado ? Me M w u w wvvaw v

R lazors and Knives, tuiiy
warranteid, and we sell them
right too. Se our window.
Duingtiscrest ofithe coliegeycerwe
niit.Full lineof ipes, Cigars, ami
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
30S So. State Street.
--Al iSIE-
Soda Fountain
Calkins' Pharmacy
Your Name
Engraved ioccCopper'Ficie,
wsihis0cstyiie cardcs , r 1-50
cm0 cariic,c eed tfom your uoes piate, for
The Best Stock,
Tine Latest Styles.
Ask mi en ocr sew Siationery.

LEGISLATORS HERE. city. He was interrupted agiaisnaitd
agains by inthuioastic applauiie. lie
Given an Enthusiastic Reception inI openeid his adtdress imy citing susie
Unicersitcj Hall. l ellini figures relative to the tssi-
The Legislature of Michigan tar- versity. The University line receiveil
frons the state iii all ahout three
riveel iccAnci Arbor yesterday cnon miilliocsdiillars, ain average of $50,.
acid sicice that tune has hoots onter- 000 a year. Thtirty thsoicsancdstudi-
tamned hy the Uciversity. F'acumlty cnts have hoots educated anid netarly
acnd studecnts united in welcomicngone-half of tihese front Michmiganc.
the isiors ndoakinug their stay Time acual expenses are $425,000
the vsitor acidfor over 3,000 studencts.
here cintsgreeahie0oie. 'lie acncal expenses of Yale,
Early in the aftercnocn the 05cm. Colucmhita, anid Chicago are ahiout
hers of the legislature sdivided ists $800,000 for fronm 2,500 to 2,600
sall groups acid ucnder the directini students. 'Those of Harvard are
of faciclty memhers visited time vtsri- $1,200,00 for 3,900 stuidecits, acid
Harvtardl ias acs endowmcent of tivelve
oits lahoratories, shcops, lihra ry, etc. million.
All those takiccg lahoratory or shmop Noswhere else cacn there he foucie
work noeeit thteir places hecsily at son cosmopolitan a university as here.
work untder the ilrectiin of their Stucdents fock here frocc all ciorncers
icnstructors. Thte legislators store of time earth. They do so becaucse
greatly icnterested anid cmaniyseere tic world tlhiccke its youcgmg ns and
surprised at the aomount of work weocmen cacc finid here a thin0 to make
docie here. thecti sore useful scud efficient icc ali
At 3:30 all the sticdecnts in time braches.
University formed its line tat their Nor hiss time University ever beens
variiiucs meeting places and mcarchmed swanting icn war. Ocne hucndred acid
by departmncts and classes to Uni- twecnty-five coon enlisted frons it 1cm
versity Hail. Time iall was cocm- the late war. Time spirit of them all
pletely filled hy timestiudecits and1 as seas expressed hy once sehose last
soocm as they hogan to inarcs in, timeswords were: "'I regret that I hsave
varioics class yells hogan to he given. oly one life to give to my couctry."
Bescdes the class yells the laws all For the first 28 years of its exist-
togethmer gave ocneswhich hsad heen ence time University did scot receive a
especially prepared for time occasiocn, single cent from the state. By judi-
recncdicig time its of thmeir defeat incl cioshandling of tim funds accrn-
the rececnt oratorical elections. The log from the eccdoswmecnt of lien
mecmbers of time legislature stiltimeir townships given hy the United
families and friecnds occupied lice States it seas able to live thirough
stage. these first years without further
As so as the students weere all assistance.
seated President Asigell ruse to hegicn It is nose necessary to asak for
his address. Hieseas greeted sith an further aid. But it lice not before
enthusiastic U. of M. yell The presi- asked for state appropri-ations for
dent in a forcible concvincing speech buildings. The law building, the
dwelt upon the steeds of the Univer- coe roof on time Maims Hail and time

lihrary additioni sere huilt omt of tie
funmds saied yetrly frocm lie summ
raiseud hy tie sixth mmiii tax. A tax
if ce fourth mmiii is nose sked ftr.
Tihequetionmiis oftenmstmkemd swly
studemntsousidom f Michigani re noit
chairgedi higher fees. A.s a matter of
fmact thtey are reqeiremi tio pamy i8ter
cemt imore. T'odty tie ctmnresicit
stmidenmtsof mimicLawit Depalrtmielty
enough tim civer tie rumnmnige xpieuses
of tieideparitment. Wemuld yomm imut
tie fees sim lish timat mniinmresidients
itiuimd nt emome tim tie Isis ieplrt.
clent? 'If miiimiutsiderssmotre aloweiid
a stavingof $25,010 asyearswould e
possile, lit$60,00)) is feesiwoulde
he hest. The fes havse mitreaiiibeets
tamsed three ommfourmimitmes andmonmey
sas lot hy i. Beies tie liver
sity cmust b let -itho spitable1tm tie
studmetsl ef tie Unitemi -toteu, fr
tile endiowm memt receivedl frimmtie
mm timmi Michmigancsis palrticulalmy
favcrcin iithat retadthm if thought,
wiche t comes frimimassocilationli till
studientstf1ommiilli mies tie worldm.
lime unt dmclmrtic itstitutiontlmmm
earthincitime Atmericau cllege.
"titsm youir University andi nt
ous. We mdoimt tisk for asiy thimg
tom it as musr. We omlyasik ihat is
essential tim its prsperity. We ask
fors thattwhlichm sill cmke it such as
yout iwtant it for time traimimg f youri
boiys landilgirls.
After le hl in sed hem i ts addrs
Pcresidet Augcelicalled eummon Sena-s
tors Limeas, o Granstd Ra pidistatd
Potter, cf Isheiimiigacdut ponmmm
Representativs emAuaseof Gmrtndi
iRaids, IlimmemmnmmanmiiCieesmm mof
IDetroit, amd Colligiood.Repre
sentttives Ifeineumaum andm (mmChemee
timd Senattor iPctter arc aumonm ittie
Univerity. Nestry ll tie seker
referremi tim tie LasicDepatmmetminlita
commlimetlry ttmemrtandmiSntotmr
Potter called ttentions tim tilnedcs
mf tie Medictal1)eiatmment. Rere-
sentative Colinmgieood pailia gae-
ful trihute to thtesork tindl sort ot'
Presidenct Angel. Allmf tie seak
ers pledlgedl their votes mmmi intluiencem
fur alilunecestry feumstaskedi my liii
Inthie evenigthtie visitmrs wec
entertained hy sis tthletic tieet i
tie Waterumami tGymntcasium. lie
evecnts sttartedh prommpty atetS m'cock
acidstre very interesting, being
immue for tie ipuriose of exhiition
tacs fomrnrecorid raking.'Te leis-
lators occupiedi reserved setis itt the
rununinig tradekswhiletahimut 600 stu
decnts scre seated ocs tie maint foor
Dr. Angelsas ass interested sect-
tor, it eing the first athletic meet ice
the gyam that he had ever atteded.
Time first event on tie program sas
a 40-yard dash. The tisme 1cm thre
of tie heats swere equal to tie idoor
record. Tie first heat sas sociy
Teetzel in 4:3-5; the second y Ne-
fec in 4:3-5; the third by 'Wetfal,
in 4:4-5; the fourth by Gardner in
4:4.5. The final heat was wti)niby
Neufer icc 4:3-5, with Teetze second
and Westfall third.
The next event was exhiition
swork on tie horizontal ar y Rid-
ardson, Beymer and Dierson. This
sas especially good and was greeted
swithm tunmultous appause. Richcarmd-

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