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April 30, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-04-30

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VOL. VII. No. 157..


Received a falil line of Novel All-Chicago Men. Go Down Be-
ties for Spring Suits fore the 'Varsity.
and Trouserings The gane yesterday wvas a decidedly
encouraging one, and the outlook ap-
1897 pears very favorable in view ofth
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. gen. A fair-sized crowd saw the.
Varsity brat the All-Chicago Highs
i 6 1! School, or nmore properly teEagle-
~ "TAT TRED EELIG ~ wood High Sehool team bya score of
$will disappear if yes take ear
Beef, Iron and Wine for a good ,showing, and except at a f(is-
# a sernsg tonic.t nesmake it, critical points nacaged to keep prrcity
'0 and knew it's geed. It comes
loll0 eras kettles. well intshe gante. At timges, howevet,
---x---the toamshoowed signs of going to
PALMER'S PHARMACY.$ pieees . Mieth u-as in the hex f o- the
46 S. STATE ST. first two mom'ns, and Ithen Miller weut
{ s'' v' e.® ' .' . a Iin with such success that Englewood
miadte hut three hits off his delivery.
F lying- Footwear 'Sullivan's work at thlird was floe allo
Condon was als well up in 1110 work.
Is that the wheelmeen wears, and tn stick stork Cartwright. Wolff' and
the fleetest wheelman comes
here for his bicycling footwear, Condon lade long hlits. Teetzel, San-
hecause here he finds ample as- dy 01111Mcttinnis oshowed up well.
sortment of every kinid worth -MICIIIGtAN.
having. - All kinlds righltly ABRItHttO A Et
priced. Wolff..........6 2 '2 : 2 2
___________ Condon. lb .....7 5 5 10 0 0
ti tard, 21--------i5 1 0 4 1
w .o J. A PRI IL .,Butle, r f- - - 1.10
IS WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. Suls-an, 3b - 5 3 2 0 3 0
heean. c f - 3 4 1. t 0 0
Betercartnriglit, e 52 1 2 4
0 Keith, p...... ......2 (0 0 0 1 0
0 etM !Jills-cp------------ 0 1 0
Las keenaprmatiour festrwoelp-t 0HoAsllseIt rIf- 120AtE
0 ~ ~ r'ezl 1oy rigt tk o lits 0tmo b 4212t) 0 1
itt it-c elsli-ngarsoatiatery. e Slil. --------. 112.
kilw yetstes yesStywtteave Mcini, p-------43213 0
s o0 11t hno.rf ...5 1 2 0 1
0 are p lteorettatysfortyoy. 0 W osail ss-oth ef 4 1) 0 0 0. 1
Wetikw aescedd op l~o I3b...... 1 d0 51 21
0o ar0ray-o---.--dwrt- ... 000 -
0 0 1rco ,c . . . .
'TFotal------38 11 9 27 1-1 1
CALKINS' Phri nYAC, i 12is4i,6,in
All-Chicago .-.- 4 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 4-11
Snate Pruhib'ts Football.
ti hiuInn nuI fltTnr__

_t "_' ,


t Michigan, Lones Debate. PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.
The U. of M. Daily received today -
a telegram from Professur True- Prof. Winkler RealIs a Paper on
blood, saying that the debate is lost Trgc T1; t
to Chicago by a score of 28 to 35,1.y
The team wtill arrive at 10 p.m. to--
day. The grades will be publishied Last evening the Philosophical So-
later. ___________ cioty hteld its regular meting in Room
Reported Otter of Presidency. 24. Tihe feature of the evening was
th reading of a paper on "Tragic
Thte Detroit E veldog Journal, of yes- eSylnpathy" by Professor Winkler'. It
terdaly lublishies Dean Hustchiinls lit-
torewit th exlantorynot tht lewaS one of thte moot interesting papers
that hsave been read before the society.
'has been offered tse Presidency of'
It was in part as follows:
the nivrsiy drin th abenc in "The object of thse paper is is die-
luskey of PresideantAngell." (15n-
esver the sources of our pleasure in
other page thte Journal states thsat its -A

executive session of the board of re-
gents Dean HiutchIins was unanaimous-
IF teisdered thte position 'and thadt thle
set-rotary had inforsned tile dean that
lie wusld bave till May 5 to decide
wisethser liestould accept or not. Coin-
meenting, on this, te Joturnal says:
'Although lis offering of the presi-
desscy to _Mr. Hlutctins is not generally

tragedy. Why is tragedy pleasurable?
It seems to be a paradox when we
speak of producing pleasure by means
of witnessing pain. In one class sf
tr'agedy we feet pleasure in the suf-
ferings of the hero, because ins bis
tain and struggles with adversity we
arc brought into a realization of the
value of hsunman life. Unless the hero
diti suffer weo icold ,not ind tal .-.

knots-i, it is sure to meet wtiths the 11 v U-. - 1U LL 1a
h is true worth is. Misfortunes and
scatty approval of faet'ltl' neenbers,
tr iasblrisig otitl real heroic quali-
sate those who mtay have lootked to
the ono thmseves asthegenle-tics. It is the development of thlese
titan whosee namee is mentioned ini cost- good qualities aInd the full realization
of the hero's glory thsat gives us
tnec-tion wn-ilsDi'. Angell's,,Ipositionssla
pteven himself to be, by isis long con--
necionwit scool al ovr tiE In the seconid class of dreams a
mighty will straggles for selfish encl.
t~ttitya isis f lts'liid 'x'cits- IOitly iwhessev-il takes fuill possesion of
a bitit1---tue ability- sliest needted in the'
makeu of a ole;;, presie atItineu can we see the glory of a. great
tHe wsi.astudettand pr"ofessor Isere Mrllwwihpoe tefivn
! cible. We derive pleasursfo h
is;efote isis call to Cormnell, and is fistn- ftIue rn h
ilia wit th metodsand actthat his terrible anti brutal will
lia a-itt heInetlds ndiseans net
only of isis idepartent herelbut the i crustiest by te organic forces of so-
etiire woriskitigs if the islit r'iso I'S e
itt-li."IntsIragi lit'ssof the first. class the
Dea Huchns nd 4ec~riar I'ac s-sroidientifiesIhimseislf with some g's.
heas itiellit atitSe-tsta-J-?latl princeiple, and our Illsure is fietret
siceenccyih'lieDaily asid boil cx-
tinsed Otinoes-s tS -cy ll~O~l51t-fioto the fatct ti-at the goodt intsl
pinsteil Iat ally stasiteent of what htadt Irincile is attaZitsd. Bt in toe see-
tnd las heerl-sil oe ra
takenis llace-'in executive sessiots of -astehroaalsom get

lit ' ren2tt silould tiiav et'tt n givien
tilut. T'hey said thtatt-tiley- didlnstwnisis
ts ittisily sttitoiest its regaril to
this itttter. hut that the Jotrlla's ar-
tilenwas entirely sltltsorized. Ito


Just received1 anothet lot of
thatinoU. of M Monog rant
Papet, the popsara shades
Bluo and White; also a Netw
Stock of the uVarions Hioih
Gradie Correspondence Paper.
Visiting Cards Engraved, aad

By a tote of 1 7 to 95 the MIicitiganu
slate senate has passed the bill to slup-
press glove contests and football
gamnes. Senator Bostn-ick introduced
tile bill ansd'it originlally alstslied to
glove contests only, 'but at -Senator
Mletriman's suggestion it was ascend-
ed in commaittee of the whole last
week so as, to apply to football also.
When the bill n-as punt on its passage

time ittof tsese statemenats the Jour-
ittI se-asns to hsave heels. Io salthtie
leasst, mi trifle hpremmaire, ani the
claim that the informmatiosn-was te-
em-is-citfrosts'offial sources nmsieeO
Junior Law Clas Meeting.
'Tte junioir last class hseld a class
meeting yesterday morning and select-
ed F. Pi. Sadler -as thse candidate of the
law department for the presidency of

htr-iise, sundtws-c irse pleasure froi
witnessing the defeat of his sbject,"
At the close of Lbseomeeting Pres.
Sttntteilastd 0110ounced thtat thse last
mseetinsg of the society wouiltd be held
May 13. Thme subject n-ill be "'The
Pliilosoptti- of Representative Gov-ersn-
Alpha Nu Program.
Thse fells-ng is time program of the
Alpsha \Nu Society for tomorrow night:
Piano duet, Misses Wright and Mal-
lory; Imspronmptu debate, affirmative,
Mr. Dickinson, negative, Mr. Fiebachs;
parliansenmary practice contest, by all
mecmbers of the society; music.
Manager Atkinson wishes The
Daily to announce that the base ball
game with Northawestern has been
cancelled and that-a game with the
D. A. C. team will take its place

< y: tSenator Merriman thinking his amend-
WAHE'S BOOK STORE ment might lose thse measure some
Up Town Down Town votes, asked -that it be recalled. but
te t t Opposite Court IRoge
Ann Arbor Mainat. the effort to save football failed.

the S. L. A. The contest n-as very
close, Mr. Sweet receiving 77 votes
and 'Mr. Sadler 80.
Walter Slocuan, '88, is visiting Sec-
retary Wade.

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