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April 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…he MichiBal TA.TIX No. 148. RAIN MAY BLOCK NOTRE DAME GAME D~iamond Experts Chafe in Idle- ness, Fearing That Catholics Will Escape Thenm. lul1 l' ' 11 f ' t l lltt'e t lll illi l ,l ,1 Yri li , il i , 1 1 i d 11 - Ii' ji(Il ' tt f,' 11 .l \l ~ < t lIt. 1llletrlt:al 1111ti t~ ii, Sl' IN11k X FNI I IRS VLLA ST IIN )TOIT It'1.1S lIVENING trait Ct1hil atci 111 tll it )ill CaIr. cime ilit t ,'ltl .\iI'.r. ( il(lcv w111.1heIliala 11 '111'' IIO...…

April 29, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…he Nlich..'g 1" ly Vit-N-X BLANIDING CHOSEN TO ERASE DEFEAT Scanlon Will Again Oppose Var- sity-Second Base Selection Is Still a Matter of Doubt. ', 10 ti i xt lrr le e e ,] av. iii' (f' te \ii' Da i t s till- sc -lmlt e t ii itt i {lis prclmis to t~e \ 1 (Dam ANN AR I')(W, MICHIGAN, Tl l l'RSD.A V..APIM, C S IAN Cit itCHI BO R ADOPTS NE V F~ iFTiti\itI Klit liii'P)IK () RINKG Itcl till Nt0tlit 8.2 l 2 'IttMYt of l i coach. its i retrfIl...…

April 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…rhe NMichigan Da \\'5, XRPIIIS l 1 --------N---- IN I --- X--l--I----it - VOL. AXn. NI .146. WOOSTER LOSES TO WOLVERINES Michigan Runs Up Score of 5to I Against the Visitors in First Home Game of Season. Thoiis Xse lrt'ii's's tii' t at til ~ e' could 1)aN soil, 1all i liil lct 1 111 'I'mlcd he au~by Woste is isia team,.ilbut Io e of tilhits countig st itt 56 Cli, S~cCwd inin st~rle 1'ta l fir 1 iii t;tie hid al it w, l l initI 11111< iI II...…

April 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Mi NIchiganlC.,. Vol- .XI. ANN ARBOR, MICiG-AN, LFIAARl27lft. WOOSTER STRONG APH I FII F FOR TODAY'S GAME vc troieyothla at Ohioans Expect to Repeat Last dy "gt1<tuaimous eciiontiof 'Ihe kd:-s. T e \\'ebsis'rs uphldl the Year's Victory Over Michigan4 [his Afternoon. tht te iitiatiatc <tied fretereid i -],id I dotdini theiaLitedl States." ' l'ti gslt t1 e ti ii\ ooicr aad hil hiaonts i atr~ol i te'uv tem liM' i am d t .t ;,tiloat 11 )il...…

April 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

… 0, 0 2c, n 7- f, "- y .f . r" .y J I r~-n _ r r I: /. . 7C r _ ^ _ 77 r: '- "--- 7 , f " ./' . . n rv ( , o, ,. ... , . 77 f J. , a C o o I ~ ~ _ . - - : f .., . , r Jam, - ._, r r+ ,; .. J %. I ^ -4 r Eu 0 :rIb 0 '- U . ,,:' ,' O O r t f C: " :"% n' { f iii "t .. , -' rj O s . ; ;. . f ,, r,'.. 1,. v ^. I .^. n ' . f '"" j. ."'.. r. . JJ r. J' .. ... : . I :4 4.4 ,t:4 :4.0 0-14 . T-r L'T-- r j 0 r i I I f I 1 !I if f 1 C n. ...…

April 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The N i, a n Daily Ntr_.. ALA. ANN vhfOl 1CI '111t;. y, 1'l h.I) fir, 1I'IZIh 241 MICHIGAN ATHLETES WILL IEGMONT IS VEREIN'S' liii itiltiici. BATTLE IN EAST AND WEST Track [Tearn Fights to Retain Relay Laurels on Franklin Field, While Blaseball Men Meet flichigan Agricultural College Team at Lansing Today. 'h md lh ,th diii 1 rlav iiteam Is lii us 1 i 'iS ti'iiis loiti ii'' t 11 the 11 'imslis it h t histl' r' n nrs'i i scuis.t l ha enw...…

April 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…. ^' r i ' '7l. . . ;. r. U: t--, ,-. ., v. 1 t f' J. r. 7 7 Cty O~ k"" rt i.' 7= 0-3 rn. ~ ,, ,:,, , - ,, , -::: :'R.. k ? , f ... " J' i i i i I r. ( ~ t 1 -25 J t IC; -- _; r ^: W _ ' ". ": J. , . _ f' r. ' . " = , ~ Ct Ct H H ~c (I.) Ct rj, v .y °q .R n w n a < c m a. n' o i i 7 n .. a a -_ '< rM e i 1ue'/' V colon 1--a I …

April 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…TheM"ic igan Dal y \\N\ \Rl OIHIGNIi '\IIt_ PI . ks!) tIRI! 22, Hot). Vol. XIX. No. 141. TEAM DEPARTS FOR thtrm-aindlecr of ' n\xrnt1 p hI- oonier it Anti \rlor. EAST RN S ALP V~a i-Notre I)ame atAnn arbor. Its i Arbtor. Sflay iS N (trc IDamietat Southtl14-nc1. Pennsy and Chicago Our Worst Maty 13, r;Syraicuse at Aim Aritor. Rivals-Baseball Season Tick- Slay m Icloi taite tInn Abor. et Sale Begins. SIte si2;--N\onst criat Wloostr, ...…

April 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDil VOL. AIX. NO. ' RELAY TEAMS OFF FOR EAST TONIGHT Dull Leads His Men to Pennsy With Good Chances of Captur- ing Relay Events. -sevecn iln a roll wlld he tile slogan of tile M\ichliganl four-mtile teami whtici, together with thte onle-mlile sqttad;' will mleet the crack rely teatms (f east and( wtest ont Franlinild01, Philadelphiia, text Saturdai T he rettlty teamts, accott- panted by Horner and Iowhrook, who carnlival. Beck...…

April 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \\\ bI(), I U \l Clfl( \N FRIDA\Y, \PRILI, 9 19No VOL.. Xi'X. No. i,;ca. VARSITY LEAVES FOR SOUTHLAND Prospects Good for Championship Team; Barr, Blanding and Dean Will Pitch. ta1 liemanedb Coaich MlcAllis- tci' iAsisiaiit Directori Ritcic i andI Main- ager(Aldidge, will leaicc liver thicAiii Arbr1 iroad filr the south. lromi Attn Arbior they1-will cgo direct Io Ciuciuuali, V u-here thll waaill changiiei cars for Lexiog...…

April 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Ic iganDal y \\\ hi ff hill lit \N Il- i-I) h--i--il-- --f( N . t-tf VoI . X . No. r, 8. PJ.u.1k. Ii1iUI.~ijJ..i ft \N II fit 11ff ifi\fVN PLANS COMPLETED FOR UNION CIRCUS Monster Parade Morning of May 8; Big Show Follows; Vaude- ville in the Evening. hn~m theburt f th fa-fa edfircuhs l im lccr, a d i. nm ord r t l t( c toi ' llr t M i iiga I. Ilon 1 lI t t a tci n rc lti e otil tarlt igh \If1 fil h ctt l l th Viiat lt I' it Ittn iin f...…

April 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Mi1chisnDiM VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, i. li CIItfii1N, \\VONl,SI l V, ii.7,l[()x). COACHKIMIALISTER PICKS INFIELDERS Pitchers will be Selected Thurs- day--Track Team Preparing to Meet Ohio State in May. ' lw h e i l l heii takenlxxi onite trip ato iihe -ixoti h h ie ihaschlil tetam- o xCiact lfc llir, asistanxt Di rctor Rfitchie. andui S xiiagrFrtxiciuigc w xii ith has d hiity dticijilixi<xti 111111wilt mxalke tihe-tril, for evry posx-xitio...…

April 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…Bit The Nlichigan Dal y Vor.. XIX. ANTN AR IOR. N 'IIIG(A N, Ti CISiI1API IlF6,i>cx). VARSITY READY TO INVADE DIXIELAND Michigan Opens Season With Kentucky-Mac Develops Trio of Heady Base Runners 'llreesmre. las o p 1 cic oniii ied 61 p ill ihe i it' hases-llteam ii i ii f r e s t aceifi sa sn ile teamii i-i s ionIiiis idrrs for 4 Lexigton nd Niilllmet itheKent llS (lis ri ii i isint ,to chr s ti r tha the eam . a 1,oo a, i ili i eitr- iis...…

April 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan DaI \-NN ARBOR..MTICHJC2I\, SLNDNY, kRII4, 19cx).N.15 \ui .. XTX. :\ o. 135. FANS BEGIN WORK ON THE DIAMOND Regulars Put Seven Coats of Whitewash on Scrubs; Sonme (food Material IDeveloping. I'ei c , ii iteltit the regualit teita t- wa,0itt e lii 11 aprpiaec re iti s ingi till, I tltsh tlitc- lti i e an-g iig Ni ii rn c'~i i _11 liii11 k s hut sit Ill c uil iig h iiida hc alos te i id tas ii .isle id lie f al( plv i-, n a lark...…

April 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… f-- --s' r ,. r f ~- r J . ' r aa: r J- v , w , r ; , -- o ' o f. 1 - . -- i r _ i ,; _ r f. -' J_ . ' ' :: ,,, , f , . _. r . .... .. U _._, r^_ __... ,r V r, .r ;. .1 " - ,: " - : .- ', - 1. - J N ' - . '^ .' "f. l _. , ' ^' %. /" "' / . ' f r -l.---- -. - - - 1. - - O- T, r p r r~ elf r k f :r. r , V r J N ._ 771 7 7 i 7 7; J I--- - - J -O COM p Cad ---3 Mrs _ tics 4- …

April 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…TheMichignDail y \\ \c h, IP (:IkN1. RIAYR)NY 1I'Z,2,R1 tio t .. I. No. 133. WOULD REGULATE STATE ATHLETICS Schoolmnasters' Club Will C.oin- sider Plan For High School Association [his Morning. sloa tc <t ltic 'assX1cition. Ati Xiii "XX te eecin foiii. rii XaXX li ill orXXX''XXX id to the ciom-ti itit X fri ts a~lr<Val I ad ptd.a st )f ols i ll i l~ I C l III )( 11.ii i li t to t e - ti C" - 1ARYI IIM" :,C_,\)IIXX '110 XXSIEiT11S0HN1RXIRL...…

April 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…thei MiaDl -iiX.TxX. . \\ F >t.>I< - _ DULS PROTEGEi{S 1iltrer"tht< i Co i a DON SPIKED SHOES i1ti ~rlia c lan . i-t If ict Track Squad Begins Work For ese ol tiii staa t ha Ills it W at isa patcti lnc>>e pi f he it.d Pennsylvania (iamies; Welh ttIic tiittaitaatat tc tiit of Quarter=Mi lers ()ut. anad iindustrialt iiii ncnt ofathiei flay. --Ar. Piact twas the -heto honira I'c il a-it n l tic- fw a it air wo ar t . n the fourtha anna lt anc ...…

April 30, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBO0R, MICH-IGAN\, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. No. I ts. 0.S U CH D LED sie kassetceed-up cigar was t ere 0. 8 II.SCHE U with tat saume "urry up" stuff that hissaltwsays een claracteristic of hin. FORlf hTFistle cl the bnsch up in circles Fui DUAL gsunts. A fes words of general ad- Handicapv Varsity Meet Will Pre- s"sce folosede and these signal squads 55 rc picked. eee tie real swork began. Cede It-Tenni...…

April 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…The MVichigan Daily ANN ARBOR,. MTICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, \PRIT, 29, z908. VOL. XVIII. _- X70. T 2. No, fc2. __ - _ BADGER COLLEGE SENDS FAST NINE Beloit Team Meets Varsity Next Saturday-Yost Sends Three Elevens Through Practice. Nearly enough iiuniifor Itie eleens~ tuniedi out in repnsec to the call for caiidcaes for the foothallii teai. Cai- ain Schulz was qitie hilarious o-cctle spirit of te sciuad, aiilCicYah os, iwlia arriveid fioiiiNas...…

April 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOt-._XVIII. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. TVESDAY, APRIL, 28, 1908. No. 15i. TENNIS TOURNEY IS ON THIS WEEK Plen to be Picked to Meet Oberlin and Cornell-Returning Track Team Escapes Rooters. Micigan's tennis season is 5oi1 in ean- et. Captain Hoag has annooncted the tnrnaent for the ltter part (f the week. Witithtie comtttletion of the toI- nanent he xwil pick ihis men for t- teant that xwil lay- against Oberlin. Saurday, Mla...…

April 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The. Mich igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGA\N, SUNDAY, APR11, 26, i908. VOL. XVIII. No. 150, BARR TWIRLS SIIUTOIIT, Michigan Defeats Case, 2 to 0, inI Relay Team Wins the Four-Mile; First Home (lame-~Pat Kelley Championship by Default and Sciores First on New Diamond. Walks Away with Two-flile. Nficigan\ lts t ' heti acgnition, F"otokin ildlPhildlphia, Apil 2. he 0n1w (iamonnd, Iwas) baptized in Tile(Sp'cia'0to 'Te )aily.--Winning s'01 blo f...…

April 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY. A PRII, 25, 1908. No. 149. WOLVERINES FIGHT 1 IN EAST AND WEST gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field -lichigan Seven, Await (long at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. , White Captain Rowe anti his sextet of companion stars are strisving to main- tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this -%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et- deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona the husky lads f...…

April 24, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D aily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN. FRIDA Y, APRIL. 24, 1908. VOL. XVIII. O. 148. CASE GAME FIRST ON -NEW DIAMOND Visitors Were Champions of Ohio Last Year-Interclass Schedule Made Up. PTe news diamond will lbe invaded io- mtorrow,. for the ir-t time, by a foreign title. Case hat a splentdidl reod inl baseball and promtises to send(1 rattling Kgoodl vetera squad 5jto 1(1 il I iheingans mettle on her town.XgroundI- Last year tin O)111...…

April 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…TheMchig n Dily ANN ARBOR,.)MICIIIGA.N. TIl'IZ; I) \N. l'III. 23, 1)08 VOL. XVIII. NO.147 TEAM PREPARES FOR CASE GAME McAllister and Sullivan Still Re- quire More Ginger-Track len Leave for the East. True o hiswordCioaciiNIcAlter putt h airball quad throughth-cc W~ialars of araclia, lpracic yestrday ia preparaton for thir ca-ti with Ca-c nest Saturday.-Thec loy- roiiiCa-c are- ,ai t h srog this yeva, adi a cse contest is excpectcd. Thei- a...…

April 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN *-ARBOR, MICHIAN. WERDNESDAY, WINNING NINE RETURNS AS TRACK TEAM STARTS EAST Baseball Men Arrive Home Vic-. torious After Excursion Into Dixie- -Lose Only One Game. p ten taut looming up alealCoulti nt b, made a-teantplay bha-li alliithani ,vaspl Ald byMiciga'tinehula'ileo le souitherniitril. Waheweaniewa fearetd Coahel Me lltee fond trtt1iengt. adhe ha- reltanedtwitl six sala lftbind tl. lnei'ae id mian...…

April 10, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 14 VOL. XVIII. 'ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY,, 1908. GEORGETOWN PLAYS VARSITY TOMORROW M Men Win Last Game in Prac- tice Season--Depart for Dixie Land Today. The training season for the nine is over and things have settled down to the serious reality of intercollegiate con-y petition. The squad, together with Coach McAllister and Manager Kennedy, will leave on the rtr :32 this morning for sunny Kentucky, and ...…

April 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Daily .;77= AZW.4 $a MM-A J=.V.'04 44 9 VOL. XVIII. AN~N ARB0OR, -MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL, i 1908 No. 144. BASEBALL TEAM LEAVES TOMORROW Fourteen Men Will Tour in South During Vacation-Men Are in (food Condition. The baseball earn wil leave on t1e Amn Arhor at 11:30 tomorrow for the Cohtern trip. Thirteen or forteen ben, probably the later. ill board the train. The first gaie will e played next Saturday at Georgtown Ky. ...…

April 08, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 19o8. No, 143. NEB DIAM ND OPEN and then etired to Ferry field where, [ inl t company with Tower, he did several WITH CEREMONIAL lapeito great shape;esrte"r. SRN Fizarci, "and switl aatlittle ottdoor triting 1I o't think tiere is a man ____ Maiden Game Played at Ferry ests ostywh casetho atIi Would Substitute Tying Up" dit aite He is improing in enutrance frRc tn -u ...…

April 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAtN, TUEFSDAkY, PRI4 7, 198 No. I42. VOL. XVIII. CROSS COIINTRY MEN BEGIN EASY WORK Coe Coaches Squad-Records flay Be Broken in Girls' Track feet Tonight. Yesterday afternoon the cross country men tonic their first jaunt of the year. Led by the reoubtatle "Spicer" Co, and fanned by a warm spring breeze tat made the blood jump in their veins, h af a hundred anbitioss ones cantered in the sunshine. The tac...…

April 05, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. VARSITY MIEN WIN : FROM PREP STARS First-Year Athletes Score 53 1-2 Points to 27 -1-2 by Detroiteis -Cross Country Runs Begin. lTe frestman class attached another scalpt to its lbelt last iglt by defeating the Detroit Utiversity slool ithie last of tlte idroor meets. At no ttte was the score in faor of the slool boys atn tteir ttost vatttted atiletes provel of little tvail agaitst sle first-year men. Dawskins fa...…

April 04, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Th ihigaDily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1908. VOL. XVIII. NO-.z-40. FRESWD I. S. MET Of>J1RS TONIWSf Ptep Team~ Arrives TPhis-Noon- Torrey anad Crg Will 'Not Cpee--encgv*s -'iked. Detrot:Utoierity shool pretend to bentvr:hpf~l-eadn~oigtsmeet, and perhap they haven't mntch reason to. e so, b at ty rate they will pt p 'a good fight for the big end of the score. With Craig and Torrey out of the, mneet, the .-freshmen will e ma- t...…

April 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily. ANN A1ROR, MITCH FTI)A X MAA-PliI3,. ce VOL. XVIII. NO. T139. UGH! D. U. S. ENTERS THIRTEEN ATHLETES All-Fresh fleet Promises a Close Contest-Class Baseball Starts -Walsh-Loell in Handball. Superstitios track fans wilt find an opportunity to (ope out the result of the D. U. S. vs. Al-Fresh neet on the hoodoo basis. .IDirector Knickerbocker of the Detroit trctp school stnds wort tit he wilt enter thirteen men in the cont...…

April 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1908. No. 138. VOL. XVI1I1. CCC SQUAD MAKES BRIGHIT SHOWING Prospects Look (food for Eastern Cross Countries-D. U. S. Will Meet the All-Fresh Saturday. Though the lg three ;of the distance squad, Rowe, Coe and Dull, will not e attic to cotttetel for Micigan at the eatern cross cousntries next fall, te prospeects for a good team are not dark. lhere are eight CCC' en in college twho ...…

April 01, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTICHIGA-, WEDNESDAY, APRIL z, 1908. No. 13 . ROWE CALLS FOR OUTDOOR RUNNERS Hiaskins Praises Cross Country Course-Wet Grounds Hinder Baseball Practice. The cros contry course is in ex- cellent conitiois for early rtns atd yes- terdays a large nttmtler of rn were ot. Thie recent rain nde te grontd alittle sticky-ottside of tosit so the mnch ae coteitedltlemseles witlthGe curls tracks' on the sie st...…

April 30, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily .V I ............ , ,. XVFI. No 1 io, ATHLETES TELL OFt PHILADELPHIA TRIP ,en Return With More Watches -Pennsy Treated Them Roy- ally---How It All Happened. i-t cfoiur i}-carp h icrnerd tic gold ?".\'St tl -cu l iiiic. I-i retu nd illtn Cii S o th ii -itri R mei c~tt jlt, ofiiiei YirkiCitN. 'Jihly. i ar lii-n iiion ily cried a -W ,sl h t i is iiiiiiiii i but r- Inn liii isllad b " in" Patter The trp as n li)Valc in liith...…

April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII1. No. 1 49,. ALBION TRIMMED IN EXCITIING GAME Pitcher' Battle Results in Close Score of 2 to 0-Whipple Al- lows But Two Safe Hits and No Bases on Balls. 11111trs w 8k n(at111 m a th faur o hefstbaenl gne i ,i 1111111l 1 1118111111ut1t o i :. and Ito ase11111 al. 0 1 1111 '111nin time.. l I 11111c1also allmvcd n') \pas 1e-1-1 f11 1 rt ni lll1 111 Mellon it t sor 1all1d1ou1 .t11111plat, an an e11111, 118 M1111 (r...…

April 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN\ I E I C-N , NIS. l yl I nnn ,l( RI)\N Nii1()0 7. VOL.. XVII. on. 148,. ART IN COLLEGES [ 11 11[.1; ?~)l HAS NOT THRIVE D 1h' ri li~ itwl ue W. M. R. French 'Talks on Art iniinin iinml it~ 1)',tofitscl~~t 13 't21 4ttii a ilI the University and Gives ILast o l lathu it ii mltii ni 'Tihe linc S. L. A. Lecture. u ol)t tin ninnin\rImmcirn Xii Ili;iSquirei liii r idin ouriiii. . . .ie . iN i n ,* I D n.1 , Mi i llnmii nnnn...…

April 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN \ II II \ ,IR I \ 'KI \\ II, 6I 190 \Vol- XVII. No. 147. .............. WE DO NOT TRAIN l FOR CIIIZENSHIP Writer in Inlander Argues That the College Man Is Not Awak- ened to his Responsiilities. "D trXItiXiIg Ihe 'IXcXI of a fy rdleI or InXlIX th Im ty offro " for fouXr IyeIars, o r XXXinX XXIX ~ iuso 11111 , cXim ilXic a11(1 oXcial IasIX cr11 a ths hn s ar left r rir clk to afecr '['h I n X thXXiXXXi, fom ":Ac VlXTr...…

April 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily NiL. X v II.1 )R 'vii. 146. I["I; ) ",.1' I 2 ,i~rf. Vol- XVIT. No. 146. OPINION FAVORS DRAMATICS CHANGE Many Ideas Are Suggested for Changing Organization of the Comedy Club. Natm a l~lw i nln l i i vii i 'Iiia 1cri w , tl I t i n 'WHAT THEY THINK vf igtt, ihdrawv.'IThev'facet >i4 tha Mihgn w yttiii tv f theIaaivvial if IA6 ')M110INNNNCW ret il i;<t111lat lcltl eeill'+ It! lac' tllt .EUt{,i tllc larc, a < eiter<tl ...…

April 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN \li< IkH(V ,\\'I)NIK'S1)\Y, AtII, 1 \i.XV II. r c. 14 5. TEAM GOES TODAY TO PHILADELPHIA Garrels and His Men ILeave for Big Intercollegiate Meet-(ios- sip on Outcome. r iitkli N COMEDY CUBTO l'c i~ci~ 1zacIi i"e ~t ~ BE ~i REORGAN12 it i' \I N I "l ; I 5 l.ft N'll ZED "' f l l il tip 4"4t-- til jat"4 .;yin l I)<t i °tl ,ctt.i c"rl+ t Miembers Wvill ek to unite tne D)ramatic Interests of the tUn- i 3 .t11 I11111...…

April 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The MichignDal \cLk. XVII. No) . UNION MINSTRELS GO TO DETROIT TODAY The University Show Is Being Made a Society Event- Low Railroad Rates Are Open to All. Ths atron tie n 1ion \ infrl ' take the 4 '104 \icigit en k tr ri n for 1Det1o11, and(thisi> ecnilnlifat 8 o'clock tici ll app1 lear11at ill mni c 11.111.iiii-ilThe \\c'lii heu lihigan 'iou iii andtll ,, it 1wiltllhe 11eqtuall iided bk'Mccn t111 Iw ra izionis.i li 1115 411 The seal i li...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBlOR, Ml C'II( _ h\ 1Iti2;i l 1', I1Zh \ 'P~i Tt7 Vol'. XVHI. No. 14t3. COACH STAGG ISSUES ! ULTIMATUM TO MICHIGAN Says Michigan Must Abide by Con- ference Rules-Athletic Relations1 With Chicago Uncertain. tli a ('iiit'a tiiirant oinon.r on liclig ll' itttt, i th lin it it hav IonpoliI it heh icago p1a1-hg' pcr> ttill 11a1h11a",1 i : returlni to11Chi it; iii iii I hbie b itti h-ie ttiig iiiiiilos ii'iiriiigo date In ...…

April 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \Riiii, MIHI GAN, \V I-\ISI) \\ \APRILI itt 10- VOL. XVII. HISTORY OF UNIVERSITY OBISTi'ERIC'S STAFF FOR PRAISED BY AUTHORITIES President Angeli Voices His Appre- ciation of Book -1Devos is to Canvass City. C oitr ity auhoirities, (desirig to i- thy hstoy ff ll, ickritc. hae se- cure!( AA. I.. I )oc (x), to canvass th cit ciritil it cluit wk. In a recet nu ber f t Alt initi trcidct A gel a-thtfll itl i sitt o t helg...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN. XVII.>>\A .AP IL, Vol- XVII. a . 14 r. BOOKER WASHINGTON theasotrli roillrs; of race andre PLEASED AUDIENCE n ole;ofclolamlonvlt'itced ttt his work if rc i nant. war racially Expressed Views on Solution of the prejudiced.l''here ro no farinaof slaverry i .... 4 ......... .... . . 1907 MICHIGANENSIAN IS READY FOR PRESS Books Will be on sale May I -Two Race Question - Asserted That the Negro is Wonderful Race. "'te...…

April 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- ~XVII. ANN.\Rk():, Ii. I I I lG\, 8VNI)A Y, \I'IZII ,,51907- SECOND MINSTRELS ARE BETTER THAN FIRST Michigan Union Show Draws (reat Audience and Proves Laughable or Entertaining Throughout. 'lii. mss'i iis ii' 'siiisics of liv\Ii l- ign i c vii \Iit"ii''l' vsiilatnih iii lnlcc''iiv hal, aR W cosnducted etchvii uccsfl i t nv foisiss isv TyIII ni- c ce Tle le hal, ;l l g eetd c I lii ilmn. ihoe is.Ioia dsolists wer In...…

April 06, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN :ARIII lid. MICII 1l;.\N, SA'I'VRI:YY APIl, No, 1 ;<> UNION MINSTREL SHOW IS A "HOWLING SUCCESS"9 S C SUGGESTS NEW METHOD n iii reMot ehosen as alter- "CHRIST'S RELIGION OF CHOOSING DEBATERS Iditinglec artc that ilicaionga1,4ain WA NO DGM TC Correspondent Would Overcome liii iiiiiiii li11e litititiilly exel in Coe Speaks on ',How D~id Life Look Difficulties by Increasing Nunm- 1:11(mli~tti ii ee~iiieini...…

April 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANix XVII., No. 138.\ Ill:1. 1'lC1,; 10 VOL. XVII. o.18. UNION MINSTREL TROUPE WILL APPEAR TONIGHT Diress Rehearsal Last Night Proves That All1Is in Read- iness For the Big Show--- 500 Seats Still Unsold. Forxii 'ii xiii vxicsi n h '. iii ii clc xl ii and igi nal aunts, w -x i th a 1,1r xnOfiii ixixxix xx xyxxilxHir a11I W th s x lart c)ix ixi (of Ixx- ir al i i lcc whc ,i si iiiwil iipa ik ix i it i clt iir xThe'alci ...…

April 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…0hThe Michia Dily ANN .XRJillk \LCIC \ 111I \\N, l4, 1907 vol'.XVIT. No. 137. VARSITY WINS OPENER FROM THE INELIGIBLES Twirlers Do Effective Work and the Yannigans Hiave No Chance to Win (lame In the -i 1n( 0 n I i i ll i tIttr-t ailtti il~tS itiil 1)v ra<-'-c s I'iltils' by l~~th az~rcait> iiln -the l l ii I lhl i tit lIltila\i nti l il iii -l liti - 1; i cl trills Tit---ib Itl il f te I cit l l 11111- makshi tlas- ut-iptaii twenin a tc)1...…

April 03, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN AfZIIBOR, MI,,[CITIGAN, \WEDN1ESIAY, APRIl, 3, 1907. VOL. XV II. No. t.6 COLD WEATHER HINDERS VARSITY BALL PRACTICE Lack of Outdoor Work Makes Prob- able Line-up of Team Hard to IForecast. 041ith practicallVy01onlyanoek rmain- itterixfor the an-it 1,t~ l l 01ea 1 -ta ts _,n il,- prig h lt th ~qai , 11 Handcaped b th, ctat~,: ll 1 111 alici "r::m tilt t .m %%hch 11c 1 1wth C i-I Ciioacr"l'111. htcnddte o 05 hi 111111 ...…

April 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…ri tb (0 -n- _. _ 'r: _ _. ^_ I^ - 1 tC y y / J Q r J _ -' .mss C") n 4 A-i _ c 4 - _ _ - _ - s Onil O 0 ... . ,. w r , ri Omi7 'J r N' r a: -: 'f : .. . .+" .. y,,.. 4^ J. ..... .t'^ /' ... 1 __ J; t. r '1 .. i"'. .-.. - . ._ \.+ n. f .," t: ._. - f, r r r 7=, ~" " J° X, v _ r a ,V . ;/" …

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