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April 12, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-12

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The MichignDal

\cLk. XVII.

No) .

The University Show Is Being Made
a Society Event- Low Railroad
Rates Are Open to All.
Ths atron tie n 1ion \ infrl '
take the 4 '104 \icigit en k tr ri n
for 1Det1o11, and(thisi> ecnilnlifat 8 o'clock
tici ll app1 lear11at ill mni c 11.111.iiii-ilThe
\\c'lii heu lihigan 'iou iii andtll ,,
it 1wiltllhe 11eqtuall iided bk'Mccn t111
Iw ra izionis.i li 1115 411
The seal i lit sa a lbeen ti iin plle iat
Wright, rKiiil& Co.'s 111re 11n1Dekrot-mi
has 1cln most encoukging. he ndi
cat- ioiitii, hninu'il, thail lt many, igod
scat llituuil fr tet-ligt ii o i'h
performancinynk-nuoinaie- aiithe
gailot din nertadtilr oe-Itick\ts'o
ths nhitle r ctt lilfth e iiiii-1 le' '
lucre ril sttinat tun pi allt' tn
A nillie -lcs for1111he rndtlieo ii
ha'en obhtid, uit litheprviegeio
altop-aver in trotuls ini idnI ihI f1
Sa ntud iil :itspecial eit urc , s 1f iloies
ratesintiiat-allitudsti k anieinli rllecl-
l lcsiiiiprt,1 fll1 lea\ t 1 n c h, -1101
i:,o itu e tltt hotwille111 khJeI 'rtel. illuiu
T Lhltlll,"iltl isd ulyI hull fr h allte
'i'be ickeit 114givnot theemutl x
changei t hefdpofl oririlrod1t1kets
1for ' fill ii i 111de-to iin trtain liii fill
parf ses i ite l t if 11 maly ofgef i 4 trtf'-i
Grsdee Heny U. ampbll, frl01
I'.lf ck. 1 44 tlT.I ;i as i ni l
Dickion, iran WFff ther\Foli
G.; Lathr)p111S1dneJ T.f:Millr l R
Russeilllllt W \iim A.SitCtl( ihlilelit
IC. TapeiI e i ItH. Ta l and~
SnycSICALC8'S011iiAV 1111f
11. 1Km15011 NUM TU
li'1de Vih111u1itta14clubs ffl11110 lty li-

kurnog the sessililt cefceshtoenttt ec
sertedi. Abofut twfenty ifili t i sdl
tors attended.

_FiCtVR[ FRl t.IC"'1I'FI111

ATTEND 'MARIA STUART' \ izN-'l1Nt k'OMM I'll lr.

as 11d1amat 1c111 1musicfl iti c fortil etilMf
p; i itear an1,I1hlilt waIf las tight
aing i torliiiioy fI'~llUil forIlthif 11s11
ing year. 1Ile 111l1take charge iof till
iii0 fwlia rpotontheyti' Chico
in1g tocollege
After till ii ltilil asl cre d, ii
\Iil 4 1111 1111111liege>oah IoflI
fal's Scrb" 111pa 1111' srpiseid 1
latk igh I h i t f 1a11agnificen
io in utfr nil 1 1,0 I C ieen
is 11inscribed, i 1111 Walter 11111111 ill iil
t ~ill i( 4 S 111)1 NT
0111"11 itt St 'AtMhI"hiR1A\4 ilit
1 11111ii> holime1111dot11't i-o k ii gol-
ii iii loportuiy tgin %;ifiliale 'ex u-
the ,auto tint,,cljoy l l' I tiiiu'il-
mtn PoesorIohiif h golg
l iinl is in re11ceit ofla11111511-1
catio from A iC. i' 1iiiofthe 51ll itt''-
po'sitions1i111141,aster111Rocky ii tie I in
1'If 'c~lits11go1itgion ii liiiI fliftc
,ifIllilill Ioose h ide ithatii Ithei
minra lnd cat Ib'l d lifrot ittale
for 1the 1present1 unl''114y'sha'tll'tha1velit
11111 ii 11>1tii t i itti<"lwfli t ightllilif
'1 ii, ln~ii ii byii i heiii 111 ic i nter1-11
clasesofl ent ill ie n a$leu to s$cur
pstiolns. Primar~ilf i 11111 Nci''i h av'eii
done it ii itii11111111wo it in ittologt 111
itt 1111111a, d11r11. 1 ieii~eiiti ll Ire
ib ii'to i 411111 >11posi tiosa eolisfts
have one li11llt ntillgit logyclttt
h 1110rli iiiitterest int- or. The-lu~tty
liteyiwil lib sda eamsters1>10andi colif
Thifr 1salry t il l1 be1 lit- t o oiris wll e
t iitiyItoii rifl a .1' 1111will1stile alostof
thJill lgodsed.Tetemtr
w i I itOable to I iesatinca k lfs tte
t 1411ime i 11geoloiceandtopograpieswciorket
of'itiir ing practickalcieoloicl fieldl
oxeine i aind11 111 altotodtonli ttthi 11
itess1111 fomofe'tchicati. inso

ichigan Central Urants Reduced o
Rate1 to Patrons of Schiller's c
Fanous iDrama. :1
4112uo itudenlt an> fu'i li ois w ifC'
,ilt' e 211 > h I-lcf t 1 it ic moring to J~e
1111111 t l ii iutliii It ! o f t i
prd to t i i t tfind t he a i upfis
)f theu .it Illill ii e i t litn t he1 i 'i i -
I' hly of \ ieti {:ii'' and111 '. i uamIii
l111, t 'Cui'iiii'ting uturom the p Ill ulln
till hei dctitucdti i 1? ne
In liii lii I 1111 ofi thu laesii ,
\liuoiu"'uu C eutfl railiwai i luill o l
lift ,pii ttiii f ol oc~lt
trait'. goodii t'ni'' -t i ghlftutu m -
cI ii t ille re uar tr i
\h en fi i lI oc ii satiii saiiil it ii till
I --it- itt i i ln ta i t (it iti ii
kii hit> ii \i iukii,1"1,'eljs efrelaigfrDtriti ti mlte
iW- 1>1 thatuuuuuu s i d: T ho'''tutu'
h , 1e1 p t ilt' St ittlu ll o
ouri hetill tou ' et: arei i oi g t
,cot t t e it i l it pro uction 1 'f t it e
staing 4111 Itus ill iht11 ti ctil l opes-> It
loo t, for1vI are p tit-sil$,t- linto til-
In ls i l ii hu." cot' linuid the- s'u'tlu
fcssr, " here Herr Wai 111111 on
itatn t p l. s it lt e )i :;>u 'tii ti tif ati er.1u
crid booshuts apitlauiis ffrs.W
G lmit will ot pc h pr os
t iuis'i hef retnditionof "luichSilerst
hegvn t i 2:11t ths lil itfile lses, l
(;u a 'i h nfive it-i r.'isuiei
illte t fl i ll, play 1ul14 i t1)1 ))'Seond '
ftd Itstantut i liarfwithlutheu' word u of 'ii
th e l i 1 f 1t e a thor.lInd 111 thu'
ofh e Iiu ii lihi y ft il ts l. -itim i lgil'-
ick44sIfrt he 11 1 11 11ti ibeii> iiie
al it o fice fuOwiut trit ii per
h'iut'etgih is fru ooilui herein suitolhbe
-tha1 tie t tu oi i t'i-r l u i-en l- in
111 A 44' (1,( 1, till >s I t lu t.g
l i huaticl iaSll ilt turgt tui il4a
for fit purp s44 tlufnr4 ki -e tf i ll
25iztutinrofuTalft-inks tt othrs cir-.
'lrit-te 'und t'll1ro usecthuul t n here.titi
A Lu lfe tt i ll)ti as 'If een'iius ittuif It
aeulWil s sitandl' this l415>l i'111) tis
Ind- ut uiianae ollwersof he icaiuitif
Aotuly itionitvgsfadoutill hesnitray-

It aecu'rdanceuituth thei consttitutilon
f lh i higahfn1Uionttandtith ii te M
incn f the hoard oI f tdtuettorI hv
4 roll l uuuu S I tuttitti I 'lti'ts
Hull. Jr..Johitte issehi f thur aitl
Icin , i be hei n jt'ntuivrsity- hall.
tuuuioda. Miay I,.
' .1 SIIC:41. SI-hUGS '141 11?
.4I1101411l1841I'11118 4481it
Th,- ciicatil profssors f the med11iiial
tuat'Iit fill lace begu1t15 1 l cft i tilt
lien 1to III ,liixt yull i t t he it' io ustl~t
>i tudtu ltu study:' Sugey')obteuttrius
uiI 111 141' liii I m tdic ie'n rut'l'u s
(its-'dermtology, phhllotuugy a111
uto itti. 1o411 iii e l uiult f m
tin alltses huh 111nprevius workei
u-copeit f I tust iotlf 41beittgieult
-lici walsI ifv''t otlalstTu sulay
ibiie iic auhiu t 11111Isfirthe metiti aie
ttaf lull),, anutucciutis huts ingftl 4.
iTt'elw'lft' oniall Iheuciini stalls ist
(,o d olf t eil tlabot ri e s inthtt'
prnial} i miortttu stuetsitt s aitiua-
toi-s hi igl.4lcatditi he liNw 'Mcdi-
cl buildinig. Te litnhiual abotouiesii'1'
ill f uthicihu lrc espec1illy7 tituflpfI
funs aiiis firtheci eintific stuyI
-'lull, a Idae frefly iutldiby staff
hit'> 115 1us11'm'1111d 411111' periiit. lB--
sdsthe' regular 111flabrtrfy work, sc
tuu-it nitt',s ilt eachitsuff art, allowlet
assigne sbjet;
.4 staif utttitr he '11114111 uioitul-
tng. Thei chiaraciuturuuf1tie hotsita is
heit' ie Dlfti lull moret'fully atdlsystemt-
fvialebiteai-ng ipurposts. '1his
eales thest ttiult ItatIthu4practia
bor ure ablt doislull yttgieni n
manyii meical sch 11111141ngthei
caiou lne:isof practiltca liork ciei
on hbt the ts 'ttaff membeusIfrct hut'stiil-
of pica xtll ina ti-uan ttre'atil
ii iiiof patints utuerthe ii uructiiit tf
Ther iisnomes ati'onutfort'thu
wok h tuett rfiltg imerly fy
nf the meical ju n1 its. 1)1111of the
cis fitpositionus uuurte mnte'by uter
htie ofl 4 ii this 'Iuf s jutir class.
Sc-uls-eutnffsutill icue' tiitost tdtublil
the ntutulit- fu mftut 'eritg')tillth-mtat
]Cr tltutu heutactkbaseall
an sn'iuuuug tuamtsiof (Chicaugout Ci-
pltdthe.'win-ter if aiterft'fwithotlr e-
civijig a co'ii t' r"iunik" nu ll the lt
tutuare elig1.ible'ftc srigicomttu'itiont.
1:\1) MINS'1R'II,S.
Good untilSaturacyttu'midightt 'an11 le
seue t4Walhr's ttuday frm1ito t u12
andr t z 'ocuk. Ructet ate tickets
forerst- and'comhit ttteteinshotulse
1101 111ffeirriloadtand innerjtuictickts at
(hirctan FGxtcutiie Cuut

ichigan's Status in Stig Nine to be
D)eterminedl Next Week-Satur-
day's (lame Postponed.
.=alhletic re'lationstwitht C'hicagot are
ia staindstilh. 'lTe gcamlltschleduledl fiir
attmclay has ibieen postpouund, peninig
I:t' resittof thei'sputef1iallt'etfing of the
Wetsterni Cuoiferetnle, problabily to lit
ielud somtimen nexlt wuik, at wih
CutohStagg t''t litlo t 1 thtis creort to
Matnger lmirdilat n ight.
If thei Contfercufe lec iides thact DM~ich~
41g111'islatttde isjustifiablht, the ganti'
Other'i'c'leugc's intielt- itgSiet'111)
noi rspn 'ufuto utiell' c olif Micuhigatn antd
C'icagou fut'aISpec-ia Il minlg, fin ichi
'afethe hue 1st1ion111ill lit lie settlduntl
lwhlck will tilt ourufort'at leasta
Ypusilanti Nuaitale Ihas beent arrantged lay
Mlanacger liictito b plt yed1)tomorrieucow
itn FerooyFhil. 'lThe auhlissiutt will lae
lThe v'aca~tion tripj ofithfeiibasebtal ltean
till takie plait' asplnndtwitht the
omissifon111of lthi Clhe-agogarnle. The
tesam 1 tillltaveft'rftc an4Rapu4idsfSitti-
shwajiting thelultcomeit'of theit- ro
versy) at Ciclagotheiii'seven'-gamett:solti-
11111'uestionti ias ibeett abaildlby the
boaulrdlif conitrotl.
Cattinit'Taft, wht hils bteit ill sf110e
last Satuirday, tias ale t'oi go to thte-
fieldt todtay, bul the touok no11pact inthIle
prcutice. Ilie will lit'alet'pluay inthet.t
Saturuday gamet.
IThe juniior (iris idefeated te fresh-
11en bty a score otu to itsIIin lti'esel'c
ntd gaiteittf4thelinooribaseblu~l series,
hteldl yetsterdlay aftertotott ini Barbur
gymntiasiuml. Thte suplerior teamt worak
of tilt'juntiorsn-wts notiiceabui lethoutghtut
thef gante, while ith eerors of thtsfri-sit,
11111 litre itatirial fitnctusing their dle-
ft-nt. Cleiver wortk in blase crunninigtias
Theexs tt m t he eriets 1willpcrobi-
11117li ebwenit thei j' unores cantdlsophotu-
citres, dirculy after sptring facationl.
'Tihe seirt entilasinsolt.yett lbe'nt organ-'
iziedtilt is expectedl 1so11nu tilet-crthe.
fate four thte champllionttslti.
IThe linleup forttyesteeikty's gante tis
as foullows

J uniocs,
C7arter. .
RutSitlittati -.
Ni uoyeall... .

It .
if. .

p IIle t ,i
-. uesstter

hh'41'4115 St'tOMINATE1
ATI I,17'IIC I)FFI.'1I41
,Nomtintatiotns forc erltsc of tiihe. 'o-
mtatt's Athiletir. Assocriatioin were ittld in
jIBarbuur gymunasiumt yesterday aftir-
itittui. The eletion wt ill take 11110e
shtortly after vacsation.
lTe folloawintg tames werceIprolutst'dl:
Fotr ptresid~ent, Margaret Tuner; for
cice-ptresidentt, Myrtle hite; forc secre-
try, Blanchle Mutnyait, f(gatBridgmtan,
I l.eel Jacobi ; for treaiuirer, Miss Kint
NIP, Thomtpson;4 for cuss ec'pr 'senlls
t i ves, --Adleline Ccrter, '1' ne RuulI-
111114 ii I ~ ee, Clara 'Truebulood
tu~to- iss Miske,.hMissWisner,'411:s

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