The Mi1chisnDiM
ANN ARBOR, i. li CIItfii1N, \\VONl,SI l V, ii.7,l[()x).
Pitchers will be Selected Thurs-
day--Track Team Preparing to
Meet Ohio State in May.
' lw h e i l l heii takenlxxi onite trip
ato iihe -ixoti h h ie ihaschlil tetam-
o xCiact lfc llir, asistanxt Di rctor
Rfitchie. andui S xiiagrFrtxiciuigc
w xii ith has d hiity dticijilixi<xti 111111wilt
mxalke tihe-tril, for evry posx-xitio i111
that of ptitcher.andxtielck tiirtax-
w lixl nt te chosen ttii vittl it xcigh!.xi
a ctan re ix x xiit illlay xon lihe tem tisiyi r
xt etii ight to111ndirg theiral o
anixitionigitetfore111tha t oard.xxTho,,
tta tt r-K i fihe xel igi tfot he lit
ilxiiexxii lxiitt-on, iiba t iiiy b ixustitil
were p in the i t -ixidwsnoix nttl
a ne to lii lt, i.f thxix. ha- e t(
pastroi t ixxii - llx moe seixeiri-i x xfiaxi
tx-ir try-outs heiii lxxxi lii MP i t er.iti
The ximeniiwhox il accompani y .- tilti
coach t\ithoxxii (r ip sfli xix xxx l
iiiiiii: . W ls- a t(El liii--!=~t bae
lelS livan xxxiiiand kili-. The
pic es w l e reit tmx tii- lx
xii ioiilitiig',lih ti-xil amo n x-of iii-
xic i lingini thel %(;-kixxofixthe xinux
m ttr c % vat t~r tiat w a s ien ib y til l-l
ma i xhetll xweIhx- lxi xxc-hangeii
ca sn h l to i to xx tifiter fromii
sp ig fixver. iT xxmxmxre ipixctixsxwiii
ii- teldxionxitheiiBinge iii i er
of iotdo xi rac iceta a i- np "
Weto ta txit x. liii criii 1(,i I :,,xi l"i
The iet i n ract:liii lx ii i fx 1
thei-case.i-\largeicnumbxxixof cadidt
Traiiner Fitritc xiiiit<,ha' cix itra
thei teamsixiofIcmiig .iixiiii. -Theisixli
filue tamipxxxiii i ;ti w rm sruggei
Pllxiandiii ipyxare i xiitic ixsri-xo
"Tract; pract ii i x -ix ixtixic al
throughii tixix olihosi mc wh
execi o akl te.I'l i x-tcixixixitri
This includesi allx hei onei and four-xiii
tramicn a w illa i:xhose tatl ll-i-try
getxutterxgooxxexough condiitiotiomake
thou~xghx he axxpresent-xis suffxerintg fromi
axsxifghti xprain to hi., jumingix xi foolx.
Frontinowionxuntil aftsingxxxvaxxc-
txioniirry tutuxxii iiwi tcod to xxii
xcept toase xexiiihoxarexn ii tevar
xs iitybsblltiiqxadiiori arextryinlg for ihx
trackx tam.
Itfir em xxii leitaitici coxx nsxxideingc
withixanioutsidexic au ldxiifi iin t A-
hr tis year, thxat xarrxangieme-nts mxxiy bei
mxadix to havi sixcal ratesx iii the meeii
ati Coluimbusi in :ixla-. .lxaxrge xxxiibehr
if students xhvi- imixde ixxxxiri-x ixon-
c-rning the chanxice ofi vclrixi ;xany rats,
xxiin lii- x ha e xpressi teir intionilxl of
iecxiliixa tg the teamiiiif onix canl lxisex
The- OhiStxaitlxxiien-rereiportiei io
have a isetxof Nvorld-beateirs iitiheix-
tox ixad. thexWlvierinesx axiitihiiixay.c
may hei-caininot be- detexrinedixunitil more
isherdofthx-iriwxrk. ifxoxex-er, it
lare cowdofrootxers to iihier iii
Michigan en xillithireei avoxxrx, tiii
ixiti 11111 OL1.11 TALK iTi xxxlxxxN c-.
JxxxiiiJ. Corbeititxpuiitaatoxxixiur.
xiii maketx-x .leiiinnarboxr debutfatxthiii
Ni-uv Whitneyiitheaxtir xa wxeek fromxi
Alrboixr fxiixin x-latr capacity,,iiheihas ex-
ires- hxisii w iltingelogui ive ixa vsxort
xtxli lxx aniyxxfi ihe xstudintsi ihowishxi
tox hea-r hiiiim, iion -boxingixxphy icalitul-
ureor a1 smilarxsubjilt. As "x -i
ti-ixixix Jim i llxxiii ave.xxthi- xtxiex-txxre-
enii teritheringiisixmay heisxilastxiap-
peaanc asaiteianiiiin AnnlxixArlxborx,
leici iedir xof iheiDalyiiandiiiarrange-
ments i llxxi be madeii i tii .-iiiii 11111 lhe
tie- xxxplace Q the talk.i No admis-
Prof. Strauss Lectures 'Today on
"The Influence of Shakespeare
on Goethe's Play."
Scatsx lor xi t -iicD cc l u-itl ayii
ixax afteinoonxi atxxx l lxx- iL -
111 iiswill llow tnts th i x- xxx i t
ofi slri .x tiix ca;foih I l >lt
ane il Aprxil ?;ii ar, tcxiiic fo
spring vaction.xii i
'x- lIx i- lx i iix xi xxxilx
itilletcias t l xn iii xii il]xi'hii
txiiime i fll -s'-hcrasixix ii 1 iii
thei stage prpi esaei)iicreti
evr eal eea i ecesii of ii iii x
havei bee spiecxiilxiitdb ~ra
ar ist r isxil xiii xianisuc
cure rcvcntxli cunt an - xi xlixh
thex twl fthixcoi i . itei iiccs n
It is i red hatstu entianl WI .i
xxi iii ixwhoi i sh o lxxxi ;at
shi d do xx li c itcya-c aa
wil h c t i i JI o idti 1 iii iii
tfte _lin c I. rnciiliixi Id pup is {
("1yiMIilx Llt i ii I S )
C>:l III l
lx. i-i itt I'hi
___ - Prof. xLoir-Six xx
C1i tifS C(Mf I .T i ii l STILL xicptiic i ll xxii li
W AlxL t i-S FtOif ISiC3li xl A 1xii t xxicc i s axiii-
xi icci
xxI Tapii
.-ii xi~ i
t;l?_ 1
cirxxiiwantsyor -sei-icis. lA futlliquxi-
iixeisxidfor theipixanttionxskexcht
thtis tox he- ixicx-xxixx. Alyiii-oixish
toi tiiiexxpirtxmuxitipxhoie Normanxxxill
xxxid workcx ixpixi beiforei-pxit;- vacxa-xtioni.
Nora Hxiiiiif woualxdiiilsoxxlike to xxxix
i rol1 non1 11 c)
SI lxxxiiim havp ticsyxtxcentsxcallfar
xIi Jilixl)W aikiixx, xithf-L..
liftlx\N AlNDi S'TuflSif;RGiR
) lxxi- atxxiithexxxixrxandlxx ingpii-uilthe
'leaders, ic-iiixiiiitxhe f iis oor n thextoui
namet. Thirtxxalifor hei;criesxxx
)i ithxiai;ioieiif 2.21)0.
The t-lit liiithirdtplce ixixi-awarmx
I vudShuxptinxiiandiiDavuc k. sciinxg
uto securdlth hxuighiscoxresidring -ctiihe
feedix thelix-lxxxi-lxxsinighti. iHoplkinix
xIid\\Whexmxfailidtc ppa dsbt xxxxxxxxiiixiii-
compextediiiwexre x:''orester xxxii lxxxier-
xxxix. igiixrii xxiiixTxxneru 'ixaiintxg axid
lxounxghMiers andii M. ightiiier, 'Thoir-I
xxxrii'ndxixix-ixxoxx. IutVicker axdxIi-
liota at onxxiii and lii xiiMici~onaxldx, wiho
finishediiill theiordix-n iamedi.
11.1,SR xxxxxiii iALKl (IN TRAMPS IN SPIi'N.
Nilr. uWiby, ax iracticingarcitieci uf
ietitt lxhasibeenibokedihy thxiArcihi-j
tx-cixrxxixocieitu io gieanixllustraited
li-ctireioxxxisxtraxelsin xxSpain. 'Tii
xaddressu xxwilxbe gu ive t Ip. il xi, Tihurs-
diay. Alx iti, ini Room n30f9 of iticNewi
Engxineing ixxbuiinxg.
God~ ,,FnII)IC l I It
and of a Seri(°s ()xix - I t c ix "
liiin tIxuux tlt ulxux lxx I I t- l)- t
.111t ()xIt xxxix xx xxi 11 Illisxxxxxx xIv
thei V it t ist()i prexxi I "xx xix
an u tgnm-th ()fi xl wu "Sternix I IndI
xliii ixlxii ixin G rxxx ii 1ttrc
th cief (i-iliet f\I~ \
ralitha l lxxiii midx s1
It liii
lic Oc
li-u i dclliterx the xx i lx x11 tl
-t) xxi u I iii lix i(- i. eiii lr
f il ri ii ixtr ip lxray i t -
T]-xxc)terd i hi s aI 1 -t
lix l)t.texoxx s I r nin<1, I I i
()ic se ior Iaw (\ .t~ nl cis
O A T. Y setlux i i n th i nt ),fx xx g
hHo si n the - iii l s +f th iiit
lx x xiiitl xxxii - f -oic ix. tt
xiii fain n~tnlxi xxxiiitht
chie \-lne of he "ir lie I ix it-
t1 (rit~tivc settc~nl nt (f ai ar ,t l
:lxii x lc x i f o t e Ii .
Ill x ii ixitrnoIx xxIiiSAW lxi t ir Or
ii-f ii tnc xxinhi ee t ;;rs u c
"d teipoducion in s ra -
A l halllastixux K lx. xxx h
theiir eix xilit..s-. -ied
All \ he xx i ti x - - fo xx he i
thatthei xix l layxi - sin fi d a
ofxthexfoli gh,,i t p w rs(fIpx('11
lx)) -avc ay.i a cl itreach d xtiec lx
t he s i f 11 t al ll ix ix lixnTnc
\o. 137
Committees for Intercass Strug-
gles Appointed at Fleeting of
Council-Changes Suggested.
T xx ~rnc ontets werex thei ri ncpa
lxxx umlr i -iu io t at iteispxiali i
Counil i tcci lxast lxgt. i';. 1. xxx
xiiV , lpl i l " oli i ti iixi of x
all ii (lxxxTh om itee fo
i un i l ppinted toi xxxii withx lix
-u xxxplc reit) I lxi liii- r otxiixi
1 .1c 1 ipp ite ib h rspe tixi
ti , i-- :, iltxxiii ece t x-irani
-i ~ 11i lxan ti lx wihitsiall
cxo)i - l~c"c td n i fost iot 1h
tI i' xx --au lclx i(lne by i-i-hem.
I'l m e- tisltic- ill lxtx livid ort
i x ii i ISatt III aI I l andu-ix i li
=,c 1;t -. '{ It ismx , cmhxx iil-t f ip - xi
i I llt isi " 1 i t :it w s eill th
,pu' xxxtll m iii xi.
,\t n cHatteii l h fate male
- x1 h. nuiuil (1 h",der ise .iCut-
- -h h laid iht ix l xiith ir lxi ixu
it m - i larder. x u li lxxxuxkx
" ~ i. ,l c xiiuimakx th1 tugxulgle more x
lx xix t-,
, I c :' "Ith i keI xix lxxxihe itans-
I axxl-xtutc itifi"r
p o i n t-1 1 x i r c i x x xo o x i d e ,x
d e . x er : (furi as thatxii
xl lll~ t<,illliui xonxxiaxlighniglii
ill- ~ i a-il(id a xco ig c from xxi
,m i,%,r ol: pati n ux anux actuaxxii
1,111, The alnl ins rmounablexii -
cuxii i-c l t i tti s ta h
secndcxl miii f ixl xiiiurnioutitxxi
: lxii i i muuihitix
ctl ii and : lm ngt}o s cnernigc
it l x ilxxxI" g lad l xiece ive t heixvmenu
x.1 1 x xx xxx('k lxmi i xxlxis x xx Luto xthe
lxaii i I- i lr lti°thet witer mif siPlx
xx a1gc ifx rli ght cldwt -~ io- xxw ii
:cix a u il lii ti ll i eICI (iii t o all'ii
xxi u xi-ix toxliii xi. The xattrxctivenesxs
of lxix rcxitai, xfxouchedii for lip xthe
i-~c ii tlx iuxWliixichxxealas atend-i
ix the , Th rxii-' will begin prounpt-
Sille lx will g cnV aeI twdyApi
24,-the itdaafevctinTe
reserved seats wxillhe pt imWe a
sild fromu .1 t until 'lW te sl
the lxxxcix on ofi theli play. i rhis er
fslux tp- ate fx l rdgy A rlugo
xextsx Sixtuix thefxxxi m ilxh
soiii ax the pricexix sve tyliesc lt
fix xouxc tolixr. Ali helix- tsxixnx thex al-
cony, e xxcxptx toxein h atfv os
xxiii he atx th xhe iixrno xpixce. iii lastifv-
nioxxwilxienreicrced fon thexuxixwhou
Lprexentthir erletraLn xixiiixxexsonh
tickxits fur generalnaidision onlyuuTp e
gxaiiery iis lxxtito bexxopeneii. Associxate
membenrisxof thenCeclenwisinig to se-