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April 27, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-04-27

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The Mi NIchiganlC.,.

Vol- .XI.


FOR TODAY'S GAME vc troieyothla at
Ohioans Expect to Repeat Last dy "gt1<tuaimous eciiontiof
'Ihe kd:-s. T e \\'ebsis'rs uphldl the
Year's Victory Over Michigan4
[his Afternoon. tht te iitiatiatc <tied fretereid i
-],id I dotdini theiaLitedl States." '

l'ti gslt t1 e ti ii\ ooicr aad
hil hiaonts i atr~ol i te'uv
tem liM' i am d t .t ;,tiloat
11 )ill Ic i''anak, I flc~sa
pc~i coniclc l of %ict n t. at ;Illt
c 'ii (thIi tiltpomies t eatt;ita-
r ii ' a st'a'. \ ihi el c
fore te oi i lit' f h'O ia u
lias t .s i. it a I. i a' It li t' tais t tttttt
tI l Ii , iiat ii l I S ith v terans.it
ha k ol orti t 'p i a a t a le all
.\iatii'ai'a tilt XX rtill , %Cc.
'if it c man isiciu t ta tt itris
is t l C lilt tfabi gI pied ita . IClil h
\cliataa'aihat i ding taa l t of ii
la t ng ta h ti het o at Ite Iitl,
at. 'erscnd ,t alldctwnds on
ce," dcila if ti coact
hel illpy l ttt i i litss tia ttai's. it
a g ndhIat t at it t ;I ke a r i n
tautan Ih ad alw m [il a
a" tt atuXi alit d osibyila
th chice o c ii\ls v ol
Il ~aspita' lt cancti et Ititati iflad
l,.id this ,car and t i cc t i ll oni
measur for li,; ol da ite ating
sk all h rs.Titian lt' It'Igaas' sh we
np c leC'l it oeose tal',Jaicatasa
't;ie taa i c11' l'd'sah ala' the tls r el
I f 'ig mif't t hetarlit ~tit if taiia
hiell cd it f tttli E, it; he)sthe I
c a s a' m tt',"I Ila~i'g o n
tii e utetee, ilte stihlhiu
The est f t e tte ts \61sinerrypelts
tatfa%6 igtch fsol.'Ills'\sisity stttaIl is
turtlerti f .;c\ it 'It'. s' s ta nd ingee a ti
imtire tsitis a-aitlil pai es l;
Igai est li'arc dst tilg \histanele
totite olis ent tfotrie Tilt asoet icketsri
tillet ts ti Ctt t ip ast' tte fithe1

at tils'is lthelhatNitsidetethelei'ap-
t-.1.V.I oeli'l1 . J. ,Itersad
I. I. K'fere'presett ebX\ter oald
I. J. Ittcu. Caterl Esaerya,-d Car II. 0.
tAin tee te lit tami. irotf . .s
'1'T. Itarls'atedisil s tttles.
NAM ii i~t tit il cutp deate ali
Invitations Issued for Patrons nd
Patronesses at lay.
It' ('ercesDlratttifuit'Fantcais list
made in innovatt itn i esititis affars
lit iititiniig 515p11ritns ait!ptroesses
ftr t'tplay-.'I,e Iatilier tde Seaile,''
umitbers tf the faculty, their wies, trd
othler lpersonis wo a vlter sppoitrtel the
Cercle ini its tdrmatai adi literry work
Quite a itootler of te faculty memtbhers
hisie showin coitituet interest ii what
thie Cerce liss aceoplised sie its
esalilshmiteit, an tewat it sais tat-
cuump~lish ii in t'Freichldrtiaisatnillit-
erattre. 'lTo these tpersnts the Cerce
tishestishowss'its sappreciatiotatd
Ithankssby exteninitg to temi the prii-
lgsatof patr'tnitand att rotntiiessesit Itieir
annlpeettiltnif atFiech lassie
dramait. tlay 11c1heitseii this ear bi'ig
Se'fllef It iwill letprdceed ext Fri-
dlay 'ventinitg t t' Ntiw \X'Whiteyte-
'lTtoseti'holiat e beet initedelare the
foowinig:t Preitent Jtites 11. Angell
Mr. and Mrs. . E. Beal \.L.II'Otge
V. C. Vaghtan, H. S irltrt H. C.
Adams, Ca. -Gate Naicred, WP
I,ombilard, 1-. B. HutcehinsisR XlM. XWent
ley,XiV. It. tatte, . I.lBrwster .G
C.anfieil, R. Peersont, F N Si-tit Ml
Wikler, 1E. lDesX CimpilllI11 Xl
Battes, L. IP. IHal, GaW.XPattersoit 3.
. Red. 'T. W. Koch, I.ILorh, X.
H. Hiobbs, A. I. Lloyd M.ILeit 3. 1
Markley, SaIL. Bigelos, I.XX.lDos,
. RaEffinitger, L. A Strauss, XW. H.
%Vaiti, .S. P. at'alock, .IP. 'Tieme,
1?. Ioitke, XX. I. Buttls, Ca .T'l'iden,
MX, P.Tiiley, JI. 'l'lTtomas, C PaXWag
ner, C. 1. Eggert, . . Bi, G. La
Hamsitontit, H. C. 'Thtrnai, 1ta.a. Ke-
yon1, 1L. 1. I'iersot, F. R. Xalrot, F.
Pa Jordant, Ii. A.,Finnoey, 14. W. Foote,
R. C. lttrt, L. W. Bowe, Mrs. I C.
Itttiaelt, Mrs. G.1Docek, hMrs. Crteia
IDaiis, Miss M~arta 'T. Stirgis, Miss
Mary . Lotmbasrd
It is alt uitdersi11111 bys manypof the
assocaeiitte iiembers tof the CereteFra-
cataist titup o timrttirsele tf ttu'
eaaot tickss entils temo to at re-
ucttioati iof 50 eas ii huyig sats.
hifs miasthaIst they masy secure $
seatslfotr 50 cets, adi 75 cet seas for
,;cets. 'ho thters te rices of seats
folloir the reglar XWhite scales Pr-
thi, $.oo), 75 cets:t lalcotY, $1.00, 75
andt 25 cetis. Ticiets for reseredt seas
treion sale taily etwsei thIe hours of
d adtb, at XWahrs Stae strtlbok-
NotI tle otdilsoie by'setior societies.
in _their fliritatsnittstring i te
iregultilotiiiiifortm, the Shinttx jititr
soitiy sill etteraitinitfortmaly' sit a
iaitce a te Cuttry cltl, XWdesa
ighit.'Twetlyidaitces, etforced y four
extras, wiiltmake tip te progami. Pro-
fessor and Msrs. Hildier till caperot
Ite pary.

No. 145.
ITownr anti Country XWill Blaze
XWilth Pictures of the h lichigan
Untiotn'as Attractions.
.i iiet , tit rl fer t e ['lii- talc ur-
a ' c(_l"1£ (i i ''deed sI lit
- . C rs ilh am tfrat fronti
at 'itt ma s ( , cIr hseat
t 4< tr~nt t7cl P 'a tat st
li~ c)12~ctc~l ithth alitta. 'lt'
i S [' itetia I:itatl fi
a.) . gyd 1 'a ills'are 'to I'he ee t
E am ,3 t ailt ist~ic ti Itl111 Ans littla

S~w1111 itt lt. its tsatiat, \'ttatai; I1i t ita tt 's h Pu ' a ss
Student Organization Renders aFAU T
Difficult Program, With Corn FA1 LT
positions by Local Musicians anesi
tore playedto age'thets'u. an itreeylteal~t
di cult task, yet ithat it is poassile als i aani ti t.XX
shiotnat stthe ctatcert tivet' st Itn ,()da anie
lay the lUniviersity'itrcelsstrat. Tile oar- iaopcd at i
cliusirsalassworkeds'aIhaidtIhaias yaratndto be a ha at
in e h ietol f XI a. tiSatis a X 1tiio I a
l,utek'ttait lss s'ha its' p daI uaitytha tluau Iity has1a c(
is utusuial inttIlsa i aetiusur aorces tr'a. hatamt of'aX th
is hardly 'fair tt juga' suc tah.1it r i-lsa t's tut C 7S
) Ite standllarIssutp liedaI tot 'ta t a I ha a1cdt( a
iinaul orgaaniaton, aetitt spift',of i s-f t T .a
,ittitl crudilt ity, the p rformanceti at u tah ot 1a1a ht]
hits toe t realat t mint 1 11 an rc t ii , rl r~t
a greater Itreteitiotas.Ihrue
C~ontra ry tat twhat us sat-aoitenatruat he ala ici ,r
orctrra wtu riatherthanii iitidatt .: tdc
Maig w s the featuit's' fatheala er,'' tlltluauric
TseIpart5s re-tell tailacdtri-- ulit
tit ~ l atwile at firsttiheaptayluss re a il t(1
ntuit sureslisftthemist lesithey alit a a i c
patd sawait axcelenu tt ecsain;1( 'ftei ~ li
aitilathty. lilIt stringpNvatkaas cx- 3. a I at
ci'Itioltuly' goadlilndta orh esastta s rl) tiri
-uhoule' tits tuta i~u aterill a' e};tutu ' Ia asahi t by ict
this buassoonuu ahd ooe ayer is fon !(,a it Ioa
t it. .. i ao
OSf the v'aritauts nuaal ti rs 'Schubers t 1nii"vi
asmphonutuy' showtthes'l gre telst careandt a cnc l
fitnisha. 'l'his symphony h alic uhiisi1111-t tutis(i
uerssully' belotedl met i th lIits usual I i 1s itt h ii,)
hrseisalioaltldutah t naunsu iialaaiaaate itii taut' aiii
interpiretalitin hay that trsclhsstra. Illei - a f' omteat ri
Billelttof the Sylphls, by hierliz,.w ic at tcscf
provted sot popltiair Iwhenatayedhby t I hat' hea
''Tottas sorchestralast shring, wt ive-ausil'ri1
trithi a skill andtuac ise'tat ruasedtlthat at tiit i ua
auudietuce ttsdemand ia st's'teptitiont. TeeeIit
Baschi cotucerlt fair Iat astwovo is sti-Il haiticas at siala
platy'edby SIr. anda Mars. Sauael ht,oc Is",' wt;.
stood, white AMr. Phlbert l tnlsaraaadtl: .Pbi
utp tehatonto htleadtheisosrcetstrsa. li t itiat iin
TParkitusotu suitthuehlarinettt wsapau-<ndlitc
cut, servie'a
'The lt' two umbuers tcomilpisatd tbyt'loa ii itaut at''
tuasiciatts, PAr. Ssnuittt-hP. haLckuwoadaoffiaal co
ttundPir. Roty' I. XXelh, elt rer "I calcllcftc
intelsrest. hMr.ILs tutu a's Valse alt ft tliahitii
Cotncert isattuturk'of uctsh mtierift ua and tls list it n
was sell plauy'ed. Itcotainlas somtiti k-tt tuetelst
ittg conitrasts attdlis I aes'fully' eta,' sna)ps tathue
struteduattuleffectitve t'ttiltoitionTa ile
"danice" front aacultuireaa"swithaits iiets 't-eeIst
tarratugemtetlwsa thu'tlsisastiecallyreatesityt hall,
ceised antd reptesated. Nttt a little otf its it, a at /
attractireness lay in the hairtsrhichlth evroebt

tat ar~ltitl5 X1, t1
El~igibility Rtl es Affct
ers of Lathil saf
t1211 ' t ~ ti: t I t } C'
't at st i f t c 1i a7t

' l- a ' ')h '' ire tarkitug al-
a1 t tl t lng t i ie gy'iilasf us
a i m a tr iil t tseiatthle shttle
,H1al ii th a a ils idaasr'olls arotud
al.n 1111ft11 f r i' tutu
t~c1 ita I auhasata"larst ouasaill
at, I umll aa hat i'attdttof telip, tea-
,t tf t h altpro utioa t In is Itatlittlae
;! l", 11a ha e rav l at'vithsuchll
rt'tc' "W ntl s () saT henlig
tutuit t aul~c ftisvic'inity ktnow
a11ti c -t l s( l do anetiit cottes
O,1chl kircutis prodctiontsu, foru
1w 1i'ptlant t~f th lillty lt'sir at-
11w pl asur wit feltchthey' tt
:t ;nyt ing f t is s rt. '1'1115 isnt
r;Gii t' h ;ti~ (1)1'5 ilct. It is four
T 11'lw) at a ila(' taule trhiacutioits
<tV l~cn ectre( fo teatxpress tar-
a1( 1tttu ami h e au:I lh In fe ttt s the,'
. f ;,t ) i the a itat'hd at atii 5'lia t
'1 l le~ll, \h ah i a1)y far thue
iw ll( 1)si i~t~le ill ee- 1111tail
1 ''Vcl l fr a successfutl
)1.1 rti.(l t~n he inal win -tutu
,rE ils il hav aco leecharge
-dirlyal rads illlead ho Anti
rh -_1 i 5 , t ala y li of thle lig shoss.
'at 'a iistw a hatve a elnamataudett secure
'aahh'aaauall ' eciftg litnes, atndlit is
1ccadt() ial theay' last'sitoirs' alay
leather-hlound Senior Year Books
Will Be Sold by Coupon.
Tilt. IC1iancii fatti salea'wiill conutiue
=.1 ;i t ait Hialltt od~lay, lt'beg i intg'at
Throghaadely' inithehbitnd-
crti, atre hanuig adeliv'eredl i-ry
a:owy h () Italy thue tahiti- auth gohl silk-
1) I at 1oo awll 1haso'tl today.
aStute atctautlt faheeskinu hoouks
ita kar ldhat it, I a hpln hass aeuit
atcltc ito asis aprs tsesiroaus of
a ii iii he;latilt, 1intuihgs. Couphotns
will bea ( oayfrthin sheepskin
lok, ahih anbe trsetedh Xedtnes-
a ti i tuetu ai a-autsits IHall or at thes
Xicig' aut saatofficin ttI'hetre'ss butild-
iu hareathe - anu talastill1his' reservedl
a I h the 1per ails hhling ciertificattes.
I) 'a ialtettalISuppitly if thi e sa
year- -now ben 'olus'hesale will
1') ' ine i rtSeera tuay tmoe, swhen,
if any hoatauas tremailt thisy twfillibeplacued
anthe tti' atr ~tstoes.

t a c ict e
halltisti atitI'
htato ar liht
1 anv 'ti is
CItf' a il c. - (,
ttuii.'i t iul
at t ta doIth hi
t 1 f1tha t hite

olt( St

it a(a.

h ti

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