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April 27, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-27

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I TH E MICHIGAN DAILY. <,71ise siigtrs--l b~. Slicha e sats.11
- - _ -- -- I !nd(1 iglttitg sill l° i ne f r ,lclla
\11dl ire lie rest ositheli'stiitett Ihods
G. H. Wild Comlpa ycla lY its fr ginod hi hr . 'trSi~
MERCHSANT TAILORS " srritcs.lrucbe~iswlatedda"heensd-
t'\h e. seri'e I, santithere lessIseti 51110oticeabile
lak ifant vhig likee eliicet, o ig
Haye rceived a large line of ing bu'ithels" ttt.t ti i~ustht ill
woolens for SPRING and SUM- k-F ....e.....1 rdI-;. IGoodinttgstiudentts rc wiith it. anith lis estslhesti
MER in (ltlenium, Light, and Dark Nels i ssht. ..,,.. . .\Icfllgh liae ttl hiosettto tettih\i' rgtie'
Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian itli ii ...h..\itllisr I). 'Ilisyti rootttng. l~et tty;e.listi rsyall mseasa
Dtab, Light Mole. Rnyal Gray, and II raus..... .johnisi'f'. Kentny oodI raciler. selist coo sireitoit lhst the
King's Tan Musics.........Ilollis S. Bsker ceertuig is righttly esitndutedl. and the
We have the Blarney, Hudson, ................ oi sllsIsesitilit is sall sees. toger to do ou iir sirtI i
Coumberland, Chester, Grient, Pel- .5 lOss isi. SAF. I eltuii'sg Csptoitn Sitlliross ishoiby liee+i
hamt, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Jues Is se'alis' \Iorrisoti Sliofrilt I" isue of te Iest cerll I lers se
frderal, Empire, Raeburn, IrishG,.hahrpcevrad-alhslm~tbin
C'.al's ( }I'uiI1. . lse ise i ti ii ss iu i uii
Boatiitg Tweed, and London Wons-antirispenrnarst lort lsito, \islieuigsi.:
lids. iSoCiI ATi. 5551 sils, 'Ilirs'hlion startete l l,'iscs soul
____ ___ 11 h\\h ills Fredl l,siietistisilptshsts'.

1 \TIF('lNNSS I \IKI'l S
twois-coursse Ilussheon was o 5 is
lit the juioisr girlI~s Ynsri I voni
Bairbour issisisssinsss, iii ii abi utis is Fy
two oi sthen)irisssel 1for'thle secod1sia
eveistli I this 16I hii eldl Iis is ir A
resdylrus'siz fsl r leher'eeglIis .
they siav' furtr si iiis(llie )fiti duing,
the bussisiess 5 irn we A"s u
gesirsi ha te.-lii r rs wes tIs
the freshmeins ruts,} is 's'etc.
thrns suntmo>till I msItlie,
Wich s Wiill )ea he seif 'ils eisr
t i i g t e srirlli es , " Is is hIi I
thst rids juiorlas sI v011si tuis s ir l t
this. esistoi, c iniss ewithl iii
thrug isthe iiirs ii ilsissiandsthss
isililisis thsse llusoill "fii sist e clas'ss
aong sthe- li l's--a issisoss s)lore:; fo
l w i ia tecis t

Ird li
Is ick:et

Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.

saIt r1K. 'Issuery
SIt" e 11. 'Is csrIs' "

1II...hl i li
\.1h'. li).Lsisi
Pltl (Irere
\V. 'T. lsllits
1,. 1,lr}.

It is <t setios i rlectisis issnte' stit CIIKL'S hi'\iI11I; ltILh's'
enitlbsody titsaiht iof asit orut casntiss . 1111)t)
lie hteld in its utss'eliithutithle rii

Css\C all'

Gi. C. hillissi

G. . Wild Comipanly
J31South State Street
Whe carysi t siltilete tue
of I'eniitts Sutpplies
Our Peces on Rackets
Pri - - $7.00
Sears - - $5.00
Longwoodd - $3.50
Spalding Gold Medal
We guarantee our Rackets.
Tenrnis Balls
Wisriglht h& Ditson, and (soodrich
Sh~eehan & Co.
Students' Bookstosre
Porto Rican Canes
lii- Ii iiss ls ii 'sicks oI titS
Ioms oi s e, is i-wooIpalmi et(*.
in h .i zs $$1 .50 and $2,pst-
1)I . I -t its '5S, tra hdtess

Car 11II. Asiamis 1.. 11. Lsiss'ill
. h. lull liii's NosrisansIi. ill
Adidress: IHIGANtes AMit, Press Bldg.,
Mosynardl Street.
Masnaiger's IHouirs:5 t-2 P. i., 7-8 p. ID..
daily, rxcept Sundtiay. Both phones
1 Itc'; ' ' ' l I srt is ' c'I.. I o. hi )ttis
scoi ill al so is'.' iit 'Ots tl' 'fi' fhs
is his 5.. d hes ma l lii l's. 4
sat hisebsis 'icsatithe )Riciie sit'
thesi at leic ais i i Is it duit
is fatilhat tistudsetsirc'sssi'sesious
1- his b ist Ifsi101s is eir i
:}, to h il~n s itl 11111 isasig tiii
\%c tnis m~lire thiri apprecia11tilts o
theissioIs theipromotersstoldevelop
liiiate m as , o sit ts'siser. If
fo~rothr reso iiiNv hrst list illoh
stado-; ll hve itsn ( sisslcIti ni the'
time theteam ma is is insitialaper
ance is iosillsIhshm i slisisis today-,s ani
th tlii lit sis i dIii ill heiiits t h iiic
R~ iigsvlttessousetwesish toe
rc mnd he sudet It si\-ts thiesil
iitn .i i ir e herep isentatives sit the I..i-
cr ity i(of lie'hsits ini thi''e li kissAm
io the limi' sit fthir iIisli rst rehl tilt' i
r t_ . .. . .:rt :,., .t., ,, : ....

dy5s o5 f cirin i-Isrihstudtiss mak-si
tug itself esidt.-.u vl tteIi
sit this claiss 1f stint brokle sints-ts
isiselight byii' tiii tighsimse'lveis so o
1Last 1year tIhie oltis t fisairsfi tellro
the s sle ttitttii sie. Stich iseioreisi''s
1tho stuigh s spar'tsci inib a i ryst sti
reenive arestll itoi stirak tsmilsde~r
al.It issiupto iithetudisienti bosh'ti
tse's'sissperm 'nently' ie suc ~fi'l'i's.
hh'' sre ling-his fisrissrs toitilei 'sii
sicsad illssder t mkeit i
pli's lisuccss,551muistiik'e'siti'esi i
isi is e mitd
Wih'isomesi ofli' e I lus l rn; lil
\i il sll theliir fish strenigthi, the'major
lieague' rsces isill be 'a glile ill s~u
sits . Notre Dliscadir ic }'csa'i
lasssusitil sibssit the' middileof Iii 51.
lh 'I I lhG N hit' 171.. h'Ts'IND1)1
In lthe, i's)' s'ali'ndirsi'f thle' universits'
w is ill sappteart i in lamststwoi wi ksi
regist rart'IHsll givessii s te ffiI iaatieti-
Issue'fosr this irear. lReptreseningiie
states sindil23 fireg eosIs~tI-ies, ,223
stissessn tssaesattendied Msichtigssnsthis;
yeair. 1 'bile this showi'ssitslisnsreasse sit
t er censt ill thle geniersil sttesnsanse,
tesiiiles' if isilsies ihssdiecreaised,
3 tier censltIterr 1eing testslslesibsist
5500 o~l i ll tii llesitti'ersils'.
Thei'csasledr this yeastisttmuchlarsiger
thasnsi ssllis it Constatists iniform'ton
regsardling tewsirequriretmentis inste
mteil dealss and. s griadusite i'ieipart-
SIIhOR SINGt) 'sh'1 NSA.\Y
Next Wteduetsdav theliessehs isisder
'lappiats (ale sill lie the scee rofthis
yecars sist settissr sitng'.Itt the lasst less
years this ectstotts sobleco'mseees'ppu
sir attonig ts' setiiors *andilthe cesiit- t
tee expsects a large crowdi. The sitig
siul lie followess nesiiiitis'isBasrbousst

i p u>.ha t akcsi l s ) i ll i 11111,Islc
'sitte list's' it'ieus csss )f ss'ls l's'
cal clu s 71a 5 u(I 'l l 1)w I fo t
si'cs ill 111ishes ' i c i i 1 1 1 _
usussrn its. oi's situ ofth i ii rI \il
an a st le \ ill he' sri 5 . )1 tll -1
s (rii ~ 'li ' )Sc' . . J
' IIi "i 5s.\l \\'s 51,11
it.Am h su it 5 os Iviis s h',c
nt et o Isuluul i I is: i'lul i Jt IT
CO^iultiuse il Is sit1 lOn t e I( i
t e nsr c o"ill itry us il's I 'I ectinsi
httif Isis lii i tli i 111 s I s IC ( I 'j,111
ts. hIa h a. hhii'nil isisisis'isisto
ret i1othe situdc Iss, n551 Ii liiic
silusuiut Sisiss h iss 11,) i 's ills i
Slip i h usus,
dua \SI~t l ll . "isheCiu l I I u c, i 1 IO d 1)
(1ss i ght. ue"' 5 iWill si/ifst

'ofor sYsir inspect-
/ls fl I 3tsecotti-
tie o f
Innis Rackets
ess 5 ii 5/ ust
t sa beaustys-Otiter
of tissstromt.litte of
isae Stslust Is"the
/l ff ,- si t t lhe 1II is f
ryonie Guaranteed
iversity Bookstore
est Siuss Is it Micshitgatn
iid-Hasnd Loaw Books
-~ IMiedhicai lDictionar sies
l)tsle Biteks, etc.
fee litle Nestantusee-
oles tsakenis'ts its 1/ eist
Floor Tel. 761
iior Notiee
s/u us'/ l iii! I/ti //ttli

Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424 'I Il 111 ll iikc ist 111s,5151.hit') sill prl

L BAte B1I-D
PARQUET,$1.00, PREBALC N$.0 .5 5
COUON n~t WIL E 000 OB sIN E T Ra N

('liul,;esM lll-s, h~s

: ll'It lid.aArnold
t IJ4issEii4 2201 S. Mats Si.




S __



.. : .

Spring Sxxits are now on~ display.
Always the right thir-g at the right
time. .


& Co.*

12 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack Prp.

Phone 59l8

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