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April 27, 1909 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1909-04-27

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Shave Thyself 1 TRAIN FOR ESENME

tt'E t f't >r li f.iit 3 ti I'


Gillette Safety

New Process Blades
Money Loaned
WVatclhesanduti Jewery repaired,
Bargai r is a Watches &<iDiamronds
Utti's' at rstide ic 31o . i b.eirty st
Ann Arboir.
Captit $50000 ) Stratus and Profits $90,000
GeneraliBankirii usines. 3:percentrrpaid
onTie and S'is'rr.ttrerositsr 'afrty i~r-
riesirt.uro',stoeresit at Vi..00iadupwardts
!; r I'i'Prs. 'V T. er riN',a.ictrios
It. A. StIrrir,_ .r t'aV 'V 'r F.rT.r.F, Asst.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Ctliitt 551 5 'i. t Ii rilu - ' 555551
A (t nea) Itanking Bttsiness Traatettd
Srsrt'io.ri's tis t'h s. E. hIlisock, }'res.; XW. 1).
Si. . ii To . 5'5'. , ii toa t.
irs . 1. W rrer I;.I'. i
.o iIIatr r Ita. ch
t rrist 'iti 1 ,rt i F immtri tirrst'
Sf:. I.\). iI I tr11;() O. 11
P i.ries.'t i VSttti-Prsr'.
Capriital. tX1,000.S. aiiri ii s t'riiti st, ii,00.
11'1'1n- neiL¢l' axiI sBank
vr.Ms~O. on'grd Liboo'ty Str'eets

Track Men (letting Ready-fleet 0.
S. U. on May 15. '
IDisappoinrted 'tvar their failure no
laind the big pian at tire Petr'nsyir ania
grines, threissueramile team, togetirer with
thre rest of tire Philadeipihia squsadi, ar-
riverd ittii Arbror Sunaty'afterntoon.
Keenre Fitzparick was greatly pleased]
ovrrte shoinitg if te cmrtit tire
onte-mtile race, tire expierience thtat they
gaitnedlinthatrst cotest breittg exceedrittgly
rvaluablie' treparrationt for tire easternin t-
tr'eroliegit..He wirs tttarle to eaiit
ih os f the I sung rrace, exceptt, ias Tull
admtiits. rhat tire fifeigart capitainws
nst itn shapre ts rnt a racee againttotsucih
asmanisrir ais ll,5 Bthur.rFitzpatrick
strs] Caprtar1itt]]llihadr] ttl ut rt aise
ftire ire trnt ire'st atnd MFay, tte
runn fWest, wit]t tr tsitli' tatterup
tin' forlys'rsnolst by ' lltsaek butt
addeidrIfifts's' r e tonrgis'e tso Say, wot
rnit :birtd, cointg irt fist'exep~tiontarl
IrsII the seialevnts s ilt:sMihitgan
menlidiw's'] inntrwere]la$'ittg inthrdi
luk. Itn tt'actice' liir'te'rtht]shtoved
the iretitwsi']] r -4feet, listrasa
uir toreacthrtisisst'ak int tire trils.
Itrnro lso, tatdeia' iuti (f .44] ret,
busit ins lea'v'iing'tire rinig hlit'seppted ot
if tie ronst hlsf, si foul]..\s ftseas, hr
forth i finairsls. Irs tire discuts Horner
surpisedreves rybodytrib' thtirowig tire'
Gecsian tools] rier 130iifest, 'srts lit]a
fist'incesi behiist te tihers'iof Ilitr,
)f Sy'ercu'se.
1 itlits the rPiladlpiarl c ir'' t t sof tin'
sit'ay . t tckathleeswsilltrnss tustr
slir satte'ntionr ist' tig' easternti ite
c(lcitss' whIichit sill cstruthet'latttetr
tatifflay~, stir]its'htldt]hiis 5year sit
teI larvs',' ta ium si. .As si rejiara-
,(is fire ruat, siismeer iasobleen'tarrattlgedl
fits (this Sitats.tirseireld iiatt Columbtnurts
nib ' .try 1,..
JstuwhateItmtnitilsi]]enteritt tire
j-1 risetihasntsosf cese beet iedlss
ct, sutra''inre r J t/triik still tavt' a
itch sltrg'etrfeldt]oispiek ft'rtttmttn
1st stt yea .'Catin I iti sill ibe'seettits
t'e two-m sile, whierse:ire' sill sav's'a
Chacetoget tr'tnge'o'srt onstg, osr- t
rell, swisirir'feaites itin tttts'e'cross
counssrtry r'sit sriirnitetrtnlast]faln]. Itn
tih' stile, flay, \WestaTt ow'Iuaer stre till
'd adshouldsriurn strPaullantsr]Berk
ofi sirs sr''ssrtssfot'firs'] glaiee. Nitire
1La~, hhi~ ,,- wil hve ii'wtrthext
(.tfri fist musts t imeitsltne'ar Stitt' (if
ts:llwhot ied]tire irts'erilenniste ''ort]
it itt uniinrtie twr rssserelay at
705 North University Ave.
0. A. MOE.

thte Peuntty "gooer.'tale hta a fast set
sit itaIf-tttilers thtts year, it'f*lohn-
'ni ttttotattirrootrr't
In tire qirarter -'sitG ts:a5 a Ia '.;
11issuer of rennet s wsho Slits ed itt IStts
" e'et ate ' t siri']tn se ire
r'''e evets t c'ni t i" iis] ce"-
rait 0before. hsrk,' sirt asie a It '5
2'O markt i Saturday, shtotldii, sith ie ex-
tcrtietree atts gsirt' -ildsri iris
fitrthrer rttriting irerill recisc.eitret
t'ttteet, bire to tswint 'fi stistlae een
agaitnst setter quartter-nmilsrti t tstre
aeits thirs'st ph5 is year. t sesc, nisers
atnd Gambnle iii' i'looki goofrif')!. 'isees
ontt team.tirt, iraig w'tisl tk
estee sf tire 2.20 ttii tlltdtr'
zItter itttin' shot-tnt-.
Altoigethrer, rdesipite tesdefeaits std-
ttitnisteredi srt t' Miehigansmun inthtes
Phladrselia ni gameunrs, tti tir otloosk isfatr
tritosdarks, tntdIwitht tll tlii'ittetn its
shttpe' lte \\'ssr'intes sill beai lrg
faci tr irtreiet Inetaret]dtityar
Promising Athlete Resumes Studies
and Will Probably Remain.
Chrles C. iteicssicy, ' t tdi, twhiis left
sciostirs]eccently, liss rtetredan"stir]
tnaken tttrir is collegiatle trk'i. ittreen.t
whoi as ost rrced's]toleave's sir accou'nrtrso f
fiacial] diffcltiess, iasritertngi'di iis
aiffairs ,'ttdl tillremttainro fre n'rest soI
tire year, It is itighily irobabstlle thtitlite
roil] b l' itShoolr aga'in it s'artt.
iF'r'isty is resgard'redi iy'bstllsC'oach
'trotst adtral'ereFtizpasttriik so si'ns f
st' litasll-rottediatihletes it schoiostirs
'es irsst'sttul iats bentkieenly 'feill.
Ilsi 'setrsnau]itmike'it po5s ilet'ohalist
amci tslrontger foostblrtl teamtntti ifalt]]
ta wl hrt e r bit]iseisenothli'e csss'if lhe
thrd nri] lientiit s chosirs. His ablility
tlt asra nropi~-ksicereatnd i ts isall-
ar'rrrtrihaslflrbac tws isquicksly reognsized
by Coaschlo'rst, totirlire gi'es piref'
if delos'ping itot h ie rest haltf thast
Michiganrs itsadslsitte erli'stsn tar itt
Ftreenrey watt;sastocosidiered si tsa
psrotminenttcatttiidate firete ar's
trck teamtttstir]woults]ieentresdints e
title vattlt, its shichet he recenotly set tire
vrsity indooisterecites]by ceinitt ittfeet
itites. It sw'as thourght thartwith ott]-
door tpttcticelie swoutlt]gin sell above'r
thtir ar],ran d ttwsouold]Ie this' to coutt
sot icints intthie intleeillegiate', set
tgatittst suctenrtritais littr sro IisnHari]r,
whorrse rreits:inte recett iladttelphia
mt attrtcetdsicotnisdereso at' tetntiont.
C'srn tg' isutt"sleof iltssast a rig re-
rlntr siat itroswn's IDritl Ste'Itorn1.
libnerty Si. 20-errs]

Iesvnstr"Oeootyos. Can0 0make. ie yo L.. box 1+ss .stailtiresn
Ment's arts] Boy's Stnits Hrr (oeire so atrativ'e
ds-tintliotnittli ridttslity ciratrot,fahn rigidtatnd
dutatlity, stte varietieso etsr the i i'notis exatstinigsie-
Hair, elegattgotyoes brih tugiest rriuitesKtnox,
Stetson antd Beiacorn, otreadsers.
Matoitattr Shinrtsfrill lint' iliiives, Dlentis atnd
Petrr ittinall shrades.
Eletarrnrsdtisplaysof sri 'S ' 'kits iiid fncry \'est.
REULE, 0 I ) 'i F EGmEL

Gillette Safety iaor
Clean shav °g s a rt of the
college mans go pel t! fos with
the exercise andotor1 -wt
good spirits and go U Ih
Five minutes is dy,-g 's wIIGilGlette
Safety Razor keeps the fac. Theh I skin ts
soft and clear.
'htehiettAJ 11%i4 i mla
stnonrtlne-ishain srr ;' <~rt;r ii,.E ','5 inust
sell a eiettn ,ttu'isyisri 5 -' Sil:t ;~i
tought meard anttis
saver of ttnue atdti urn e
Trhete's no tazo/at ,1 3 .Ot, i
the swor ft he toI 1,1 :
'he (ihlette Safsli az v d ,t1>I' o ir-
evetywhere. S rutant n ild:4m~, ,l m l ii
teed globe.
Standaed sets $5.Ott
UlILL'FE tIi 51]S isrMiI'N
tmty tutuiec sits
tttts s sa tane
apatten ttt tutease
o ttand p.
CU. Slate fSlur I


Two Piece Suits Waeaig
you frosnth~e tmany exnclustve styles we are soig
Alt warkdnae itnnnurrownop:
Imtnts'inrjTailors- WAf~tNIs5R.J diC

May F,
Sichool c

J. L CHAPMAN, Jeweler
A6 H urrpqy I ALARM CLOCKS $1.00
a'e~rvel set, or II(.ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 f=
Fll~y Guaranteed1 R V '
estival WanisRepse.irzag a SpesiaLtyt f
stiero ecltent sesat', int oa C n':, li t n0 n
Rowe's LaundryinpesteCiEct itflitow
00f m usic ' ~~~THOMAS ROWE, Prop. , tCandr iloetge l<ip r xc1 -n ote. oi
and ian 326 N. Fifth Ave. a noywher-n ie
Now Phoae 457 -Bell Phone 45t7-1. T7Y'5T SLF " E
sri]] iageOudyMKR N EIGESC N L'U , ilae youtr wife's dress and perhaps OF COLLEGE JEWELRY "H E 'lHTEC CN-ILR
can he fillhediinstn'rtlys urlh ,,,tii 5 i , i r nesierreYou
lien temopetr. We ate prepared to hire coul'] fill it wi t it1e ,r st 'tdaunger of
yost anny kind of a rig yost desire, either Hailer's Jewelry Stotre soiling. l'esidtesiss'eriirls 'lttstiretg
fee attenading chutrch or a pleasant ride 26qaiiso h oki-h eed
itt the country. Church nails should 26SOUTh MIN STaRvEETqshte s ~eCsunrr irpI e
____________________________________Leaditeising eeruansilthe C t 5s. if r ri' r is trot,ander
ire registered now. If the proverbial ndirest. Prices, X3.00russsssr. 'us sutsz i t : llsu n se act stalor..
'tatter shower sotur:ouor' fachlties are Large Collection Antiques inThCokiPeColi)MttultsBd. oloOo
sute to he sorely taxed.lgrass, iron, Copper aid Chinaware TeCnlnPnC. 0M llod'?3cgTldO i
F'or fraternity and sorority houses And
Fred C. Heininger A drss student dens.
It11Stt Miss Florence S. Babbitt


?IQ lEast flu ron Street

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