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April 28, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-28

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The Michigan Daily


No. 1 49,.

Pitcher' Battle Results in Close
Score of 2 to 0-Whipple Al-
lows But Two Safe Hits and
No Bases on Balls.
11111trs w 8k n(at111 m a
th faur o hefstbaenl gne i
,i 1111111l 1 1118111111ut1t o i :. and
Ito ase11111 al. 0 1 1111 '111nin
time.. l I 11111c1also allmvcd n') \pas 1e-1-1
f11 1 rt ni lll1 111 Mellon it t sor
1all1d1ou1 .t11111plat, an an e11111, 118
M1111 (ridding, seared ll,-}'-11 ivlnmt
\'(11f01118 11o18 11cal (11ird 11(1111 I tie i
111111 118 1a 1I c 111 c 11818 in ri1t111. l
error1and11 'II.to 11on o It a hall
';IfI s1111 at grun8r toI (1 1 11In
cr goling.to l11t 2 21111c o t.
'bai rle 8 co311 I 3 c it 2o 1Bore I
\\ 10e lle. I heI h 4l. 11e r 7 2IT 1

6.by L h mS.IIlit 111 pitcher1 -
Whelr, h l: 1-ath m. 81111111al--
-Tait. 11111n.Icell 1 T me111 g in -
t ':35, ' ire-- 1,111111 111111
\60h the ;,hinder new Iyear the tact
.11111-1 i (m ((it) he 11included 1under Ic
t 8(1111'' 1Ths 1ac1 a a -11 s t ti
SI S \V 1d 81.NSVSI 8(8ee (v rdd1)
fierce, Ga. N2l8,,v in8(I'':'%(I avOwe


Mrs. Hiussey Advocates Practical
Training~ for University Wo-
menm--Literary Culture Is Not

Rowe Finishes 100 Yards Ahead of Pennsy Runner
in .Slow Time~-Garrels Gets First in Discus
and Second in Shot-- Patterson ill.

r t t tl li l cI fact. Net -trati e tc "I V.

'(1rI'llad1811114 - -

I1II(. ( 1-11-ll l

lias S ow in ,) wayi I ll l thecoo
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1111111111fmir ilde c 1a 11ran)is 111(1 8111 1) llly l-C icgolirst I 1 l-
II) ( 1, 1(1 t e v ri t ''III am1 compose1(I of 1111 1 1 h1 111(111 and11 wenty1 ya1d 11
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III1c1a'(stIle.lFrst plac1in8th(1181SeIl.
11(111 1 1 ' t I 1111,(1 (1111111 1111IiII 11118111II li-Ihs; (ll nanl' onell-ird
(111 (17 1118 III11 'f b111 oad1,, 23 I'll fYC~ll 11 la \ v.t
I ldfirst1111, ?! feet 0ind 2 ;1181118; 1118181 t
'yvric ti ers i 8 1d 181flI"RoseIsll"8 1,-Row87-eI
111(11 11111heI rar111 1-. 1111118 1-1111c)1? IfCa1 lisle, 11seco 8d, f-I- 'II fee 15iche ; 1211-
'(I ndS ('(11(1f III 13 18 1111 11 (11 gl11111 1)11 , -lcvc t aat at t)n s, P iceo ,t ir ,-afet I ic c
t)111111118 o ['111111 11111ti) oIthrd, 1 8at0 inche Is. vIl1,11 1-Il
1 1o c} 111 8(11 111 11 11111 ; I la Iisc11,1 ---11 11 111 11111 11 Michi11 gn, irst, .I;1'
(181 , w Iild th thr lecne I-!1111 11117 I feet 111 1(1'88"inches;1 T 11l1ot, 1Merce111b1171
'1(111-cd andI'' f 1fty yards 111a 111ad of the 111third, 111 281111feet17 I Iinch1es.
1 ((Ill1ll .1Yards, Pennsylvania1111 8 0 11)n118.121rt ( 1' ic es 1-1' 111 111
I~rrs '.8 expecte'l l oo'(I irst in th111 arv11d11 t1 ird, 1111 r1111 i nches. 11- 11111
0I (inch(ls( Ilan ef yac se1ws se1frs.t, fet1 -2 ic es11rr y


'(8ertisin 111-81 (I tand 'Ann A111118
ticket 1eceipt 1 I-, dviedllna
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11(l 21110 1(l111iig cI m hv
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1311112' 1 2'(rl'I121111 (118 uW (:1112 121'N'IfI"1'INOUNC N
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toIII gr 1 811111 111 111 11 11) Illtrnocl fu ly ee tio an dnc of onne em t
4,ltlt. mean" (11 1appeal, I IItr 11to81ff1c11 wi8 lhld tn8 h1 r1bour111. 11(111111(
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willsttl' It Itbe1111'e8t11e1 1111" foe 1111ctoi 1nIf-1111118 IiI1'18. ''~~
nlteansII, 21111. 11e'lf ollc h use befr 111111111111 11111118.'' It,11 (;le



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