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April 02, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-04-02

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TheMichignDail y
\\ \c h, IP (:IkN1. RIAYR)NY 1I'Z,2,R1 tio

t .. I.

No. 133.

Schoolmnasters' Club Will C.oin-
sider Plan For High School
Association [his Morning.
sloa tc <t ltic 'assX1cition. Ati Xiii
"XX te eecin foiii. rii XaXX li ill
orXXX''XXX id to the ciom-ti itit X fri ts
a~lr<Val I ad ptd.a st )f ols i ll i
l~ I C l III )( 11.ii i li t to t e - ti C" -

1ttc iiIi in il}.:DARWN'SMEMORY _iii XXXIX~rltXXXXX X c'Xi'ttI i ii ltel GENERALLY "HELD
XProgram of Yesterday Contained i I11]rigiiitcliiiii Princeton Professor Says Dar-
li l ii XXXhe mer itso lif nt m n foi t.ul arh of(IIteiiiSw o r
Xi'Xi iXX iiAddres.s of Worth; Various .~iiliiXXXiiXI liXi XX iiX winian Ideas Are Substantiat-
[h.Xetpe idency of XthX Xiciiig e br f ta e. fiti cr evral
itiiit. Suchiil X sIXX.XXXXXXis faIv pre icc Theories Were Ably Discussed. Sweih foki]dan cecs, itic rcgiilii "resi- ed; Centennial. Celebrated.

iiXiiXi' i]Xi i ir, n oe l: tIXhalt IheX need
laveI()7° expressIX Xli(')p iiin a t XX ii XIXii
' will rXotei'. Tis i'Xiirii'X fall] andi
Ac nuXXXX'X XXiig'oftheii Xiii' rs
;he' A~ln, andiicallIhe' madeIX'iquite'free
'Xliii thi ii' ti i h le ld Xiiin ()f ; ii

iii2 li

i l 1)C' 'lt
'17 1t1t il Iil
I follild
arc 11ck
c x, c' tcl c
11c 1.111c',
:1n11 lip r11(f
i 'i<lc ic r

)I> I1 11ii i'lf
t1 Xli c'() v
lii XI ) I I] w l
XXX r.lt°Is it
<XII tii ii io t,

Xlie li i :t Xiii Xtt i lcr~ iIi iii]
(a Xcit i()f thiiiiiiii , h'.di
c ;> :n >t he 11r t~II )t I c ii'tiy
in iAXXXaI( XX " "ll I ixein
Xiivi X ii li' i XXX 'Illl X rs fit. \61i
In the a''Xii :,, iiIr.iw gc 1)
Maye.1 " X i nn atni~iy ).C

clln .al i Ii"'ci ii t
X IIi~ci ii ; ttiii

iiii iti ti1):!}
ii r , d I)N
O ii i]] i

ii'mc ili i t1,X to secure. elect iX'' in
tIIiiv ii'Xi''iii i than it I {hi hea" X ,iii
Xiii 'itngit i Xcii ofi i s XXXX I il ctol
nod maifs 'iI fX X ii riii i l-id Xii ai i X
ion ld~i iicI ul ce t i' i n somieii Xloh
t~ erttMchrIll, koXXIX' \%X','iisiiii
:In ] ii lid, pc can ilXt it i eXX i t I
'iI timit i XXX IcIlXX not X ie pX t toii ill
Xiii ,s cn ofi XXX'X i X ii wih iting i i iii Xi
XXXI ilct. fil thei othie]ri hand.iii iii
Xoiinti a d iio cih sarcl
hi III'.m . h i'Iers. ji
To imanepeopli~t see thtX noI ir
tions It ti ll' XXX' XXXIX Xo l iii ii XiX]a
,Ite l ii I luXXIII eINil betr w
XI X, nd h iX bsti N II] XId XX i fo
nIlii ' Xii maiii I iii iii ii Xi t14 once
td o tciliiiill the XXIX c i i iX'i'X'iX
II Inct'tllIi N II IZLpr'I'.AdampX]leP]
(might. Robert I I le d ill i iiiiilii
Iltiii' cell] eiii ii] i hi s a ts. i I ii 1t
Iliati' milb i llhand i tii pi a) XX ndXiX lXXad~
in the isiin l X iii stoiXXXXX til l
lier ilXX'main iii.'b ii ' ar .
MA N iI\Gii P XXXlIii'ulS. A)iI.K
IiClair XX iic ,(lid ilc rcc s i ivliicii
appinted cI sicee Xiii P Rtci

T ii iiii cnln t- Iteiiiiii'alI
Lii. J. XXv. heal Xpresied Xand ifourI
TheX iride X fXXhIX :I lIiv Iii
,.hark,'c'iiii I:_ M Xii X, po ci Xi l i t Xi
"'c i~c ii ii of iii rol thiii c
cll isdopcile ii Xiiiiun tin iiiciiii
Prf ao cliii nX readiiit X
m ain oral iie Xiii]amt Xiihi I XXXIX
=n sit t I c lt o iiati t\ co Loraii XI
it. r. A LvI Ii Xiii "utXii I Xii speak-~i
Xiii it theiiii ti ' o f Xitie '' forms.
Prof i".C.Cae, iho 'i frici a lii]b.X
iet "i\itic I X Palaeontolog]yXXIX and iilii-
cieni Xi XX.;arc XXfr XXXX It in i] n
XTXIX aJ XXp Iper. by I'c liii Xi d Iiii -
iXI liotnclV v i nt" ,i e
XX XoXth wrkoiii awinaitD
Viicr l Xx~ i iiihtte lc lt
of nturl seecton idiuuiion h v
XXX]] I.c\\. Ij K otPh.'., Xi crt Xl
nti gc f V c c c t ip '.
i re-NIX(XanXX XX,,,It!IIhe[o
whihit"i tatii -; Ma ." \I .iii
ici t ItsiX ii it ci hi X ,iiiI 'ill c XXI
Profiii A.iIii l.i StIvens 'ii]X iii'pal: i
Ii XX Xiii'op'thei nhieitX ofXIXXX nXi lic
:,f Dr.XXIX Xi" An e lspi denXX tii IoXX
]ili'X'of]Xi' Xi tillii' iii iiicamp 's Xiiiall ii
thcciorii iii in h icap I andigc wXX ilili''

IIX I Ia1's X (I l XX 1 i'tX cf h
alil&XjtsXX Xc XLII iI] XpeformXd
Im isim ' f it XXppXXXIX i rls.ii XA ibiis-ii1
For illir ii ink illX thXiie iliiiii' of
heXXIX ui XXI X Xito idg il t Xiii ii of
li'.ii a I I i X li iii 1 XX X \lcii a
'XcrcdXfori NIhiibi nfiit IfiiltN7 iii ii liii
I Xl'bii X XX 1}i ll i 'XI I WXXX ftXc Xii
XiiinIandi ii iii] eningi'plri' ormnc'X ei a it'
8:I; The program follm\S
1. AiBelatedi Prctice.lii i i m'sXii ili- ii
Wwit XIIIou ' 'XX"X.helStile"XX6.XXI -
Xiii I 7. he l(1,10- Norm. S.
XX] iii Xl uuI iii . ]o.X i]Xiic ii
to Ctcim ad aXMok. XiiSres
Stai Xad XeiaceTwntX Yar
w h i c h it h XS a l X Xi l Xb e X m o e d t oi i h h o i l l iX liii]
r:1 ]:'io'. Ni'' Xi Lia. l iXXX'XXIXni'XrilawsX
IAgin]AXil y l caper;INN.SIt wad
Xi iflic ofXSthXie'I'XX I'In II;toh ii
to i h I i th' tihX XXX'X'icXili \ t o i llc
,c ri lr A llcourti i]] ii ii'] iii i ni. I
XXIX iieter ,.ll i ch ii I. Xi XX h litc'.X X atX
Xclw I ii' i iX ii ii'he iianneali iXXXX' -
tn r it i i coni X.X ii iijoke iisiiiicth
stniui and XXIIIii XXXX XXIX ii Th i iia's Iii' l
c Xiii XXontXa iiis iionic liviecr cstuff a l
Xriii" editors arc: Si W iey, ci
do iie iie XiiG. J . l i ii XLI XIX XXXii Xiii
111111 X XXpitXureIXIX'eIiii'eiii' 'X'Xni i 'XCii
XXX i and Rower '~Iowa:i i m-iX i

Glde ieriausices oiX f theiResechii
L(bo h 'iiviiii oiij ichX'iligaii,
I)r Iu 'Xtiii Xi BesXidesXX the Re-iii
"iii Slp, fit" iigan iif AcaIdieiilof
XXXIII Xi Scho lastersi' c luiand
h Sg u i %%c X iii XXIX i cul i nis iiu-
MII ii Xli ci n theii etire.ii' iiiy cu
itiimlcrsoXl thoryof aii 1 illihe
Xii iiiino inaur liiii of any X lii
ul carefiiuiliigion Xthei theiorisiil
Xliii u dmoe irlhaiiiws]o
gear; iater it, ii na l. iioi
scec plcooto XIXX~i l~logy h's
XXXIX Xiii' iihave'todayi morleXiii', i'i'' i
ii Xtu bcomeisi ourii X i cf
l iii iiilt Cin ivXeX Xly 'lll-techiialii
iiiy iit Xivid XX hXX ini tis t flit n tii
:il, ~alii] X l iii in the geouliiiica illXabora-
o vo f i XXI] m lus 'iXX' . ilil lii
l tlighlt filedui to api earS 1ilu u t XXX'iii-
'''Xi plcyei's' coitiu edXX T'wenty hand i
xiii_ 115 e sOnTedyalgt u
Jhi NcoreswereAn ge)11rIlSwr.
Ii)temsthtINN dl as'.tIXnighN',NIIR '-
:ii'coXre f boith evenIings, X ei'rltogta"
i'i iiifiii. liian uiToi' rs, &44: Trip-u
stiuicori s X iii lI meet i et iiieliiiiin hc
finailiiiu's ii.hc 'ci 'cdiOct

XXXIII ii iii n~~I i1 1 ), Iii X t utua
.i Ii lihic, cc tXhiiihiiio Xc iii
iii ofit'.Ii i'h ' 'ol C 'X'XXXXin11n ;
I Xliirf. ir~k . Mann- tl
iii tc Xiiof l X Xlii''iii oiii C111i]tlil iX XXs
iii -chid I td :tcc -u c XXX iii loi
the Xtrl Xi I i iXiii' t ut ccio] pit s lu
of icl-st i XXI II I i' i ii i u''ti of''X ii-
i)dy iiic Casicl confXii eren ce illXi
_iiiel hX i liit ill lull ci' ferenci ll~C~
Room N -;; IfIi '.u hiy 1111chool, and thei~f'.

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