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April 27, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-27

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The Michigan Daily
AN\ I E I C-N , NIS. l yl I nnn ,l( RI)\N Nii1()0 7.


on. 148,.

ART IN COLLEGES [ 11 11[.1; ?~)l
HAS NOT THRIVE D 1h' ri li~ itwl ue
W. M. R. French 'Talks on Art iniinin iinml
it~ 1)',tofitscl~~t 13 't21 4ttii a ilI
the University and Gives ILast o l lathu it ii mltii ni 'Tihe linc
S. L. A. Lecture. u ol)t
tin ninnin\rImmcirn Xii Ili;iSquirei liii
r idin ouriiii. . . .ie . iN i n ,* I D n.1 , Mi i llnmii nnnn:1, c.
liii ioii iiinc~~~ei i ri t l lastiin 31). tt l' l ii)i ai e
ilust. liiar a in tl ml il i l t g i l-+t i i e .)ri 111111 p
ii N iiiii i iii iii niha ,I10) i that lii i N lea en r i a I i i i -mm c nt
pat o u Iiiic iifiiiii immif i mmn u h lt i ,i ii )im m- li
u i me ar aii NI iii iit)inciaI 1h piliiinn i gii inn p I I I ti~
miiuummymm liiiton'. ilili f I li w ll h
iln rovd w nd rfuly n he isttw ntt tt~ nbiii un lil liii.

IN GRAVE DANGER' e , , t ,vhcs ,, ,s)ta
ml hAelthn ha; er)dmc iu-u th it
Newkirk Expresses Fears for the i thd

c ia note. i nn iiiiii imiae itiAtai
i~nuclasica cass a smaliepi mm 1The
co ies re jiini ins giinni 1ainthe oii al s.
Idle piiitrs ti lim themig acmmiii evei y
nut nil fMi chnhtktplmnain 1in
of M r l e li i iitInn ioii tii tal
Iwii ii m C ini ipo iti n n iit) tnlniuiig-
,)t te ai s . TIih m Iritihetii- axmmes ii
his si ect. Ijn innIr ihnn n rii aresI.an o-
fil n "Ah pinent hamitirm of eviii
i, !ilir in pini eii. He i rs ok
for he gnera outu ili tne-ornn eralmnmnmm n t-i

Giranting of Increased Appro-
priation--[Bill Pigeon-Holed,
iolhmi ii.ii hI reii i m s t)h a e
iii mmmiii inn)i e I m (- crni hati' I
pee t atii i l iii theiiii int Ilar miiiii
A dth la sin of:iniinii ;t criii (Ii
i111 iifttlese build ing'.
A IIi Ittm n \\ i imade iy mmmi m
pili t 1 th t it a, l j nm ry Ii li i t
iia iii i t))the ii n tii r i111lttii it.
h iti a ). 1;s e l iit\\Ill ihale it))i g4)
1l 11 ll ti lil itt e li il t ii i liii
w il gl) im )) iihewia) ind c il o
llit c )f il( h ))> . Ifiitheeiim i c ii it
,11c-itlcliii iiii I th iiiitake iti
ii )11't e i n c h c ,ii l l t mv
th iiil ~iii iito i in
11n ii mum ))i atmii iit ii inn 1 innhisen fti)r
Qh.)inn nihaiiien,)\h in itm_~ il. lh
i isok l n ney I ii in i ll
hills. I'llcr are D l IIi cii r atiii
i eck; I t.fi inn he lyi m r

ra ,( tilit',inhi iiinnn fnniiit- Univeriniii
int l ty ninre- iiiiScci mmit t h i )ei in"e."
Wigiii n 's In i niii propiiia tion isi i
,It)CK lii1YI iNni I'iiilt itn si
Thiiiiniii iat the iiiii itil NO Nin
TO nl iii ihall last inniiiniturc Q
War n~cnn if the iann ofiinDiri
hill ton ini11iiiin n n ei d y"
In hil mrini tin il' p iinir w s l
t th en rhim ntil~n o ipii
151 ai 1 1 V t.Iiin ii" ip
l itnl i pmiii n i ii m r a d din g ii
li~W hr n istiituittii tnhaing preim i be
N mmmliiiia i mnntmnin gin ifhe c him
Inlaii ; i ltiiii, lii nfuirs e-w e nn mii
th N1 innni nun inmin l y apm
;lrle tignitian oahitThe iiier tn-
inmnd to tel"ten mii truith, i n ow of
ithe itr t, ipirti f ihin tuth, Itin y othe
entertinmen, ill slakig the I n ip i
fgl he d f nepin l Oui teiai
Ni h .lyl~~-,it bin nnnrncorndeh
dalcii i lintin t inn len a id e
r "lfter nnte n gin ir, ii n t "o it

tni Niprac tie innigialnn in ta
tnt in l un 'c e~aniiii iii ar
w iiini miic~ vr in iiniin innninih iy n()\'i
- Iiai arcii inn iig i t )(d f -n
ruin gin un sar stl in rte )r
( ~i n(i ii p i-c (tnneii ir t l~
nicram has610 th m m tati il
ctm innininh\ i niiii ii lae, te
in piiiii i iiti - iiigh laki-
miii ii(in tin
i "1 lwh v" ' idnnnit 1mn I ai

B~ G. Whitney (ives Assurance
of New Edifice for Ann Arbor
-Particu lars of Plan.
"nn :ANmort i ll nt ptinitivelnit aveii
'Ihi mac iii t ii in gin-n- Iti ls
nigtt bytnt ,I CN NN ltnne i tin n hit;i i
tirinig the asncou netfnwek, lir
gu-i ninite a eilN eiifoiiil oking
Al lest tw lnt l iiplasnitltit bei
D tolO ra I tninigm ilXii nnii
nitim \\ it ummminiiiini igauuinni hil;
liom iMawtii andil n gcmmi o Ninwmi Yonrii cntn-
tin itmirece n t nnnnmt it i n ro
nwitititlWhitnsaeio. cirn m
, lsilnn ofmithn I ld iiii nitjnn finteatr.n
hotil alit nl inm ca mnunii n nnihe b i t i n igit
ofitihei gril iini soiiniii
nth html mther ii liii amining room,
aicpi ousit i nn iicc, aigril l rotioimitin d ~
foi the tineinne Xt Mr. tithittyg nrmn-
te iiitha ini t inllhe b ttr tian nii i~ ii
tesacin iaiitowiii ofthin niz. It Will
sc t tl . 'Ih t g ill hIi 1.li t'y.3 7
feet, mi Inrgr r anu tanithlit f tin I i-
(nt, O teran11(m e stage. Tnteinn tinii
nncitnmg wilitiheifalimt hreefet it hl
thtinnouf dtein ti Opii raI douIlimi
AN $inpii iitr liitu ii insioigiiimlly
inn nied t iihntit utoo ititi ntr. NWhi-
nit'exi etetoitin iuild t mitalil, huth v
ing hIcninvfttnid lity Xnnmn Nntrb nmlaitnl-
that throughia i ,mmiin ii tminti hg tint
nnk w r frnaidlof tthe pretint
d nropped iitior t ie tietbitng.l i
iitSt SANtOO~NS FOMtXI',inF1,
tu dents thn e im Umivestyo Ilnos
inn nccmpii~ n -lim t mm lginltitein itnni-
tr idn t mt tntint nsnaIloo n from tie
tin ucinmtieUbn nt d Chamm pa ign . lmi
li mit ei- t-te t ninpa sit i h s ie n a limiet i
to t in nimit it indfi whentilt- r-miti l
hil k mmiii d efre thillilnmntaturitm t
inn slillfuni iobbyinng, idefeatdltem eas1t-nt
orN owninnnfi cormmniisi ipettinunditm-
nuii mtmbeoiig nrsfmakesni l mstnncer-
1 a Sprinigfiildt itill hlimitoin mlii lug ma
oficelmrn fr lith coingttermiiat atet
tug heldi ast minin-lg. Thnt rtsllt ihas
a,, nfllowsn Presnident. IN ,I llnbliti;
mi-presidenit, Isaacim R. 1-iii htmlc
Lmar, tB. B. Collinn; treasuremr, PEn, Ni.
Mommy ;icitrinc,NW. ND. Iti-niui; tiarnshal,
ConiFl'r, lng ihiNitni -Mn-mumx.
lTii Asnsociinnilf Collegiamt Alumina-

n- ill nieetltii' aftenrmnoon wiihMrs. J.O ed n"thme oalsno irl.
rt-ill bInhlliant 3:311 o'clocnk.Mrsn its
i try ill readial a uitui nn " mmttit and
the Uivnersitn.

lit . ;,.. ,., 'itu ln i I tlr(ntit'wmiimm utilhitupm-n hul imt mI m iI mniIinIum m IiI jt IIt ' )tI 1' ii ttl t I Iii Itlii11 ttI-u ln I f I I I
ti uut i i Ii lumnt iii I I mmmic(. i. Itin li tc l l i it it( 1 ( 11__j____ln 'M ro e l
''c lieti itict,1 r- I mmmtok 11'ie eri h;tth c m t ilhe kti uin'
Ill)in hin tilep rte tynteie: itin m-mm; inm n it ii mmm ;iii h Inu nd htn mm it) mmitin I miin it I 'nnnunwasDtin t o ni i~r' eot. mN hii ll a o n
mlaiy aa ce tralre o tnlt tx e r tiii iuui timm I in emt hnt; runt mum iii mm i ll.mii mmnmiii tIh dton til l tlium gui-i-Nil g i - cIltN-NI tlI li -
r~(Iat(i1 r w iio , o trst itIr Ie cld.tat it ~ mia; i(t i mm Ii inn '("lmm nt nirynt inn nn t he mml i fnoniiinin
chn g( 111( NN1 i si p iity.l TItNillusrat ni ci t av tII m m it ii Nn bi n ammm11mmu mul o lln mi(i hi
Ihes ltheNI allt l ayers, mm(NI NNr. ill. moum .1n I' 7 anm(n sayi I a I m na li nu(fm limitvcr= until III1 (',drmIA\V l'..nMS W Immiii,"
Iandu I s, ndi;I hum hipofnt-mutt-nm)mn-hilt- -nm-titlingd wIhn()MNrlin
-mmm- i nthtitntuk, 6,t;inlf 11I1nn i inra nin~v, 1. th t the 111 th m M ate
immnglut 111111 1 ii h 1 : i I: i omm ,iiI i o toi t k111n ullwh It iutr itut Mt)IIII I] w t e 1o iy o l sd z
limitit(.int itutithim i thin inimemulhemtoldmitt uiniunnini m mum 11111 N nmnimnl mmiiiln-ill uthmr-sthndnut- t
" I'hc tin l I f n tith mm iii iii mlii ot I
rciilt had m Nil mml mmilmmiii nil Ituit tim iutr _ toil lt niIti l lium N11miinnti l i n t mu-mum
Nb hu 11m i X X N N)I ( I n t nmmhent b iIwclnmmm y Ihlttlt hum NIcmhut n Xiii moliii '( i(tcs
mml nn in h iltl nnm u ml I hmhliln(nu i) u'o ( ra lv nt i u t-i huntI cinn 1mm _14 111(''. _______and______ will______ c
i 1 ll lintaccnu ll Nn u nit in intuit Inn mi t1mint li ghtlnIlengn iii NtiXto InIver tm 111
1ii mnt ii tin itloitoimtdii Nh t mii m(ntm IIilml(timL gn st fl.I 1)cl r Itil irSi I Ive ;fN l~lt l. I' NNIS a lIV'
cIu mini-n1t11 uilprellarnih momMate nu-ii,_m;11minim mitt ritunmuilit h I 1' 11 1 t a kn<nut }Ii(-limit
in);Ha t In ItI I m gi(n.t-n ifmmc htI nmut t tntnparmtu mi lmt-ni mmmii ihmnum mum inimum tilim elnn 1;tn(i rIn Io Innnt lit iiittIn lm r nnn li m ijn
mm mmlnmnn mnimum e et urm ~ ntanmmm in I i vn ii tumult ninit uui inttoi.'111iii inn Ninmi Xiiarmm I n ti mum nil me(I h e n i winu mm it-u t hem
W hit nimor nke ltI :tt.i riv I in i i ntin NnA FR tim SNiuTut (uin Iui1n m-m-n tit- inuimimumg- mmmiii u lu;11 i-n lin('t-h- nto)mth mu-int iit il.cl mn i l nll lugnebate.mmrt
m; ulln dy- i nmmms Ii lm mmi nn mm i-ing gnmnmnakt h ohe -n-n nil iimh ng l th In m11igtfIIlimi-i monl Iinoft-nmmmiI muminii miint- natI8N'(immmm Iiri
iligo- tom Di adrIl ;It-il ou ll ii iat-ilm inn i-nmmi Ph is (f t-inniiin ivn iniI iof $ to hi mm111(1 it; nupw nmf i iin t iubithtt iiI j minig it- mmim m-nmimt n-iilmtI
a fin dinista1m nmnt. tti -Im rnin , IavemrlInih-n Ilimmilecti-nm(IlImini itminc IIak h i m tin luim- nt tnul["I)nI-nuig tmumut Y I l i Iiilr-nut nn-

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