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April 26, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-26

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The Michigan Daily
AN \ II II \ ,IR I \ 'KI \\ II, 6I 190

\Vol- XVII.

No. 147.


Writer in Inlander Argues That
the College Man Is Not Awak-
ened to his Responsiilities.
"D trXItiXiIg Ihe 'IXcXI of a fy
rdleI or InXlIX th Im ty offro "
for fouXr IyeIars, o r XXXinX XXIX ~ iuso
11111 , cXim ilXic a11(1 oXcial IasIX cr11 a
ths hn s ar left r rir clk to afecr
'['h I n X thXXiXXXi, fom ":Ac VlXTri
in (, ;iXXX Ci I. sIIiX'XIa ledi ngXIX
article, bIyI J. W . Ilk XiIn s, is ti
XXXIII lIX 1111111 IX 1111of XXi,, fX I XX 111111ic
madeII its I> lXIXIaXu111 yesXIXrXXIy XXXI 11111
III' aXXtieis onIofhalfa 1zcu 111
rsig soies'XIXellI XX h
XXIrIot Th Xpli ic 11 esponsiilities
Ine pm c " 1 the1clleg 1rata arc 1reat
I Ii lr1111111 1111-c11111 fXill-X formti ve111
peimX oXf hisXX Xife,11MutXofflIfroth theIIColl1-
111dc XXioiioftm ui dlw i rm
tXil' XX'IiXXXXI' the'y1111' lI elIXXI1,X iX XXX X
'1 XXtlII. XIIaX vIX,11anotherXX v ia XXXiII il
XXXcc1 ienineIer anXXXIX "li" I r
il1,1 v11111 11c atXXX XX irl.1 X III XXXIX
mo-" I ill\,IX 1 ath 11111 ly ai
(heel c m er,,a ioo Iand holsXtX ite
\XXX XXXisodI III n . il
amo g heeIX of1 thatXX ,Xcries.
"I XX Jo iII ~ InstXincXIXllh'XIahlIX Scott
111<t I s, f Ph "i P (eta 1a1pa, 0'll INe cy i
XIX, IfeXr,1of theIhcXIXIXIX;actio
XXXXiX ofIX' XXXI cka 11111 XIXad XXX isjcX eCXX
Por IXrit cf o theXX ri I-XXX'rfII XXIXIcX

1 r3

frmc teower.'ll~ ottii o te GAY CHORUS BOYS
Nvo kIw s cii sta teful X to111111 ii I 1111
XXXNttiti l X f orfXX'IIIX aXXXI' X tIIeure a mpus XCelebrities and U nion

XXXIII ''(III'a and X"Ma Itook XprtisXI
XX I'll '" XX''X XXItS111111nd th ir ) OLXXXX4' 1111.
to X ( 11 XI 11 11 XI 11
.11111 1 XXi XX and f erI hoI s wcreX thI

the I XXX I XX IX XIIthe XiXIXIXI 1111111 of Minstrels Burlesqued in Wo- r
IXrX cX I"cXIeiXX 01111 XXXIXuXafter 1111 nens En itertainmenti
I\r"brug '' k ll ' he' hl terXI dietXn1111-tiX
I~,-ri I II 111ntlt1 I v111 11 1 XX1 11hat the \"dXIIIy XXX t~III XX
bla k Xmil i et 11 III XXc0 1w, XIII- , ef ei'\ . rt\ y t<lllIImallII
t theII lIX, a IrdIIXIdXand It u~ I'hXXXI mt I IllyX\\ XIXIXII
I,- c pI ),XXX)iXt ''c'iucXXX i I hallai lXI
' Thn afercr ingXXXXXing 1111h I acX I _\' rat:Xan nam dil \I XIXIX
pe m i XXIIXXXellc' as i 11 111 ity h I ' h" C ld1. 1 m ai te ,u , '
XXXIII, ha XoXX cdIX ilXlae'XXd ;llt1" 1,), ,\c m
gi\ tl~ i ; XXXl. ile111111 (It11
lin Ita l, frt t o g t bcaXXh , g e td \it 1<llu o1 I)
ihcIXm tXXIsuc 'a Ill o , i XX lare'XX'X'.Al XXIXAXley III XXXIXXXX erX
ckiir~d popl tht euall\ ta whldt fouteci budsim,0hon1 1,01111, Xiii te
t1111 had o1b" 111 1 1ec usXtXXII iXXX "\IkIXIIX X\III XXIX I,. l~<" t
111111 'XX te t 11iII ,1 IXIIi XX' I.I cad.l-; ~IIikiIUit
XXX itII Illblac oleXI X i ' XXXX III la 'I Xchn~ifo lI, It i" ]it ' XX i n X'Xg X'XIkcI'X
a 1111 as 111a\" forlir : 1te 1ciXXIX11III' aXgXa e od ' ni)r
wereII 'Xi' IfXXhIIIwere br XI X 'XX ;it I IhiXXXi, XXIX XXI ]~c
t1," XXXIIc a x1"11.",XIXcurXXI11111 11 ~ia\lX Ii l 1nrya
lu - Ipcx XIof i( i' .XfiXX.XX maXtXXII' I XXe Canid. 11 II XXX I hc111 1,0,
XX' ''l XI I' IX 'c dil 11111. TheXInXXXII XXXX \[XI I lill1111 1 ov I
111111 XIIXIiXXXXXial c tiIXII to make'XX 1'' IXIX"itch. I Iem l l
th cnla~ u i ~u;wll he1lat'X111)itXt1,X i e11d11tII frtrnt
Xtu iI 1111 iXiiiuXIX i l XXX i c " n tXal.Xit" b th' Xc mal, he Ilran
ph ut1,1 rea ized ill,, b I co ld XX if 11"1 tn , ;t, i1 I ; i t d
Shan IItheiXoitXX iouIhXXXksh "IX I XX itXtl-o e lal
ri \ita'XX IIAndIaX the 11OleilX XI h. \tli1111' ig1 Xid I mal!XS""!X
cause IIr i ca 11 1 c Illi I. I r 1IIl1 11111 1 t'1 alte ,
111C II 1 11it I c IIIXXI I \ r e1et111i l vi., \ liC i)a I arul, ltl
lo1ig he Aa ", to ]II" ou, I"" gI (1 I ntl\ 11ctureX 'hat, XXIII' 11111' XXiX
thn11" ''Iro id dXfIXIX Xin th Xcor ,,il y I' XXXIIIwith 'II I'''
I IXa~d XXXIIIAi" I Il Iclclla;IhXg ea
,11t cl(( htAtcy ,lh lb ip" i\"ash11111 'c bac lcr11
tIinXXXXX riX XIXIXXI 1s XXXI XXIIU Itin 111111o " Ih tI~i, o r ll li anXXXIXXI
ilp tc t al f-riXXXIXIXXX XXXXXIXIXX I 1111 XpeopleX' XXi is, I X Iiut al g 'ill XX IIXol 111
I 'tIought1thatiIsXXXIXXXX Iva,1dow11 l ,ter';I I ;.IXX "uI"XX a, XXI I \ il n mb r
eq a Ifte w it ainI I every I IIX I'IX 110f1111oicII I h v
XXXIX Il te ouhIecg hirX XXI 1111II'XX;SIIIX'XXXIu XII>cI'IlXXr'therXI 11111
ima abe f he riht a d r'~icg',, p,1, 111 her IXmX 'XXIf pretty danI ers,
XingItisXXI tate ofXI k fli r, h 'uh 11103% Iu s S tlcve ui ot
thoughtXiX'I I iX XIIorX lX 'XXXIIatterIrXstIX XXIX all Xha'.1co111 IIX 'iX 11111
I X un i ingI a e t rss Illll 11 I eI 1 XXII itXXXX ' I 'lleX"oiXX e s Ck' ' -I in itcle er lileg
lXcture111morro'X at 1,1 m.I i n '11 XXXXII I' elou ina l ack, 111 1 d 'X i I 111 XXII (ill,
1111111 IXandgXS''tesXX' ights." XI 11111 I L uie;P aythn1eitd111' R ve

'Imti tl r f XXXe' jniXorXI'gls.
XXscI n el IIIfallXXX n 11h11nigh' o
IXXk t b rf II (IIXXXIi XoII1and11XXXII
\liXX 1 Ida XXXog.Ic II XX'r'XIging Ilhe
III. W agnerI X tiI 'll, if 1,11ofIi' ll:X '
mic. Al 11011 X eI' XXIXoXX XI welve11' p iece,
till, fo llXrt XIen I.iThe orcX estrais com-
fro theIXX Schl IfXXXXX i "'I11111haXXIbXeen
((10111 1 uti chara, ndr til
- XI XXk i d II II r. I^ingXXIXXXIXXX Ill IIX.l
Iearl XXin the IIIXIXI 'Xof ll XIXIyI;t. I0
"I am Xtol10111tXthosein XI'a11110 hXXI
',.paed Ill, iexe sei n gettXX ing'IIX 11101'
pro XXIgram. II XII XII n e iht X iXXe'
play. 0\ I XX' If giving'aIXXI 'I
,it 1Ow Xplay' in lCghlX wi1111 i X ' 0 lIIX
o X XXelf I Iori so1111 1 111kiX(hsdeoe
((XIII int t p li Xin th pa sa d
XXXt IX' X XXIII'II lli 'goodImuXiX I, andII an
(0'. . I . I X Nk I C(1(101 S
S. I, A0 XXkII 1101 1)NI(iIII
(0. 0.11RIXDrench XXi1a1p1arin' ItheX
Frd y n[ I 0.Ii 'Xbv t il e liIt
oIf X'X'XX('i portaiXX tiX
Mr' 1',II . XXXIt X XrXnks XImong XIII'e gX'I'XIIX
lii' )iCh ~icao XArt IXsIIIXIXX Vor 01111
Iime Ihll' XXaX puilXIofXX linry Ieick
X;IIX3I,S' OlN NIN 1111 N OIN'
TOX II1?111 0MA100',a
Iw IIXXr iX Ii, LXIX I X t (1C11 ofIXX theII
XXXIII XIXXXIXXXyIstrday fternonIa
I~rbn gymnasI'XXX i um.I 10'TXIX ei-fli nds.XI
in w'XXichr theXIfrX shmenXIX ill m e h
Sopom re XXhu II the j11111u iIIs plycIfIlI
seniors, will Xbe Xeld IMay X26, 1an ' it(
finalX et eX tei nnXeXXIrsI 11 01 o 01111e iI

Meeting to be Held Nxt Week
to Consider Plans for Reorgan-
brodenthirXr IXganXIization. Nearly aII
have boXXutIapproachediI onX the suhiectI
c XIII' of the1neededirfX'XXl. AOXme'Xt-
ing011 discus, theII''Isituaion i ll he called XX
ne axrt week. I' I XII IcIX iI'' I
f[llarryI X'X'XX'gXIXXI amXIII k'' iXX' cly i
faory XXfI XXIIorganI'izig the ComedyI' 1111
ofX giiiidIcritiXsXaIIIperXonIX0wXII XIX''XX
XinteXrstedI X'InoughI Io tIy XXiX1ham1s1;it
IXrI'XIX'X inll aai csII I.
t IXfIthose' whoIItake1('tartIinXXXhe11acin'Xg'
r 11intend to'go 11ou XXIh' stage' XXXII' XIIe'
XI X X'IcollgX, 1111')' oXld atItemptXIXIXthIe
tionaIXl XIIIueII' iXXIX <- XXX' iX' lc
I IPats f theseoldXXI a11)0wXXldIIXXeXun-XXI
s utdforl'preXe'tIdayXctin X'IIg 11ut11he1'
ko XXIeIII'Xthe '11111 ciX XXIX)XX'IXIig souldXII
c ItakeI' palI, 'andIatXXemptI toXI rewri'XX'IXX
I XXIhou l lk,' to sceXal'lI XIXImI tinX'XXX
y club ' '' o l andIII X, 'IX'' i iner estii ''XX
IX:ild'redXXXI'1111 IX' t'XhinkX' XmIuchX'theX
111i I a crXXiXXIXX/ i 11of1 flu' lub~, IIml'y
ch itl i eXXXIr1I mII XXXII I I IXXtIII'hin illXI
't XIi ' ItXpre Xent, Ia'd1t Xii'anieffortX'I''l d I
beXX'IX'''tokinterXesX iXXrfgsudentshXIll
hen 'XI.If plays'ofXXXiX XgherX'gXXraeXwere
entXXtooi' XX'XXirXX'X. I thin1k i XshmldI'I I
it XIrun I store ouXItI' plan1 of drXamatXIic cor
nI ill the' Ieaster''llcIlleIXgs, XiII 'mei XIX'XX-
of hXipI if pXXIX IX ort (y, 01111that1a1111
k. lillui X'IXg the chi's affirsIX'. T'I'la11s)
ci'XIXX', aXXXiIgXItr plys h ouldIIIX beIXXIsIedl.
it SomeXXI' f XXIX'oIXerXp111s)0suchIals 1hos1
'11Th' girls' iXndoolr XbaseX'llIchapion-XIIIIX
il theX juXXiors XXXaIIId 11sophom11ors iloday a1
rt g p" mI. 'XXis is the1'lXXXIgameIX'of th'
seasonIoinX'~g Xto XIe facr tt XI heXe is
noXeiorXItXXX m I his 111easoIXII. XXIX 01111
X- peiXIIIX teaml~s arXc wXIIlXmatched,'I 11t1

he hainOIg XXonXXo1111'gamelI. 'T'hegaIXIX XwIII
o- Ic copen11toXXmem'bersXXXoXX 1h1 OV'XIXXI's
..AtletX'ic AsocXXiaionIX.

Ile introduIXceis XIsub ject it1h10a XXXiXeI NX''ICI(, 'IX() SXINIX XXS. khille110 XIIII ''' ' h ' XXWiow Xpc-temshaveXXnot IbeenI pickedI yct, anXII a
o i neo he go ahcl positiXond of turesXXIXwerIe-XXXXXXXnext1 I I i ri on isi sinterestedXXI arIe re'IIXXXXIIX toi XXXII
1t1e soXuthern Ill atesXX showXingX ho i tXXI wasX MhI'XXXro'IXi'XlIX XXI'or caps 'XandI XXii XX A(XIXna Fu1 lleo XXX c.ratn iId-- It XXXar XIIIr XX)'XXXX IXXI 11111 ce.
11111 e presvehato thX11 XXIII~XIII.X XiXsXXegionX menX:XIII caIrryI') Ifill, LitI IC. 10. 'SaundeX~rs, OXXXIX heIOX XXXI i I theI X li ng X byXaO 'r LI nipXX I ;MinstrXIX sI wiXXIInot appearXI inOX I'
AS~ theeI roucs oud ber aisedXXXXIX XXIXX XXX'I II g.: .' C. k ICisty, 111w1'. 47-8 rurl fniy w ovotee romIIXXXI 111t1heXI XXI XXIXXII 1l'X XIasII I' xpe~ctedI.

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