The Mlichigan Daily
Vol- XVII.
a . 14 r.
BOOKER WASHINGTON theasotrli roillrs; of race andre
PLEASED AUDIENCE n ole;ofclolamlonvlt'itced ttt
his work if rc i nant. war racially
Expressed Views on Solution of the prejudiced.l''here ro no farinaof slaverry
i .... 4 ......... .... . .
Books Will be on sale May I -Two
Race Question - Asserted That the
Negro is Wonderful Race.
"'te is rliot of t1lraequsto
.\ i~t iioil it t'ittiil ''iit alc l ii' i
igL' i irsti ndii ' 11 lct i iifr h
Ili w iireciproc alityIt of l nei iii lil -
wad the te.Ile iiitlio ii tani tl
Iihg ii i the oio ll iiI iloi heg et
." mo et, lie a vr iniec
11111 in ti e t w to g adt lyI le et- r
liil ii hi ititalahere isjf11itltc i r ace
actinwi thillncii normoitsi ,t idei
ytar Ile made I it laitol is i
herr oIt i:ihlpng ha dioi h
hintill lt~ng al th t 1ci i I'ilkdltii o
ittf i rthrlen. a i itt arr
Th u i ne ii i heii tutu it ~ lt
ingtll eat: 1r ;candoliht i t ofirtiri
:wdom ll 1 W~~e ike i tutword, aev frt ir i-
ken hsgreatbur't t r ilti ltlri'Attwru
l~e.f tae' a ll Mh neit ergi tutu, forwai d
" rl e I l't i ii ha:\milt he fi' i t ofuu ii
th ir t i II're i iiitti iiil M lk
i i ttwiit t , Iashlii i ll omi tin
h kh ll, theiamlitu (. ingeredini ii hei
hall ti ith",siti i iiit
lt. \'a~iingmm frst efutd se era
rit ii titttiol i t l t o n i it tay o
iii i at ;iliri r h hnlte e r e
had >n Ii i tt i l ig lint alfii il iti ii
\ f ~ e ne~ii l iii fogoit hat Ion
tatti sr rnn ha t r I caftr a rtl
blrn in ih i XX l tes. ' if
"Ifiat ittia titIhere t i ,thbtek oll'
ia,"i ild ru'miwJwiahlithe,el -i
willllie snoretlieenitheiwhitel gut
it'lr Iiti roallvkol h t i Myiditanit,
kelt hetig it e racilt tltaittrtiitit'.
lheirtit lit I i kiii tilt it ina a
solte ast ta iit hich imakestnt' tilt
I le oun red iii ikigat I siue i
alit T Itt itheii nsiiatuis oth
sittilot and has ft ot l iii liiatoit fi i
stu illts, i ill tiff 1instructors to lie l-
ersX-:d ('i'sl'' i a ii tilm tu Iit it 2-4It
tactitnt' i de tttral. i iist~'t Xi it
"We tiltde l i iti Iaceithat hasil
ch iiefe et linithis aedu at t iedt'i'
tilig wih te ir an si n ,itrool.i
tie If t 1 tilia ei isgatiliti if rence
()ie Ic i degrada io , t thert Icit
alization. The ieaoft lboitith the
Itads ein deradnglastatiishedtil
gicatatihid Inkgl Instiit 11111a1
don is thei' bingI ing aot i otis
with lle han s l an i t oa ii t ll
11111'' t'wih ial told hoal ndi iitalin
I ic od y t' liiacr ls iiare 1cul titd
tiltourliftltt'iil It'uaeiall i li flue ce
toikeetaheiblack race 11closeI t the 11111
"In ll boatz I ir tilnandt 1 11
have 1I ile t triniosilititut. t hse peo le
Ire ttr l t i t e n g icit r, i
111111 iii It I tilt 11111 ilt if
ofal I n it ileIt ii is to 11keep g
the std n. on.e o g tol lii II 111-
arc Iemploy 11d iby lituthern1whitesut'hese1
men are to te' a ing tretalime:ti ii
'italofthet'unliatitd il liiWi cm
rai l'uXiitio f hs race 'trait'bliti'
the 1pr 1,cult lii 11ep1ndilarglyi upIoni
ift tutu' nti ii insittii o insIfi
we utuim to ur orth a sitr'tindy
"treim fjmenlaa'tftiireigrandoss lwellit
in utnifllettithrnproblem ril hav
goelongXXtrtiayiiti ilrlisettlingisetrl
lTh lit ' grtrllt"tli Iig slifey6 hrcoot
havhis t'll It'thu hIatingis ntieilrtilegnte
"lmaitg lit' cilel" h'litthitirhap"$189
I ltit' ii leltg 'ilwetretttdfen i tieIa
ihile. t a hitd l nt rie lack m nin i
thecaiostitidon Pfa age ewit i
Bindings will be U.ed
This Year.
ashoird'IhvD i tittiake uh a
'Xi huelt'illii'i' o it Iutu' nui iea t
whll the boot: I wold appear--n11111 1
hutall a nd 1 bia oreu t h a nd ut ftilt,11wehet
all Iftill hiull ave't'au1 rilih huh
tilt' a t u'l'u'l u ii 111ll
Thosillsetins tfuthe iboot wicht i
t i, l" gi' tia iii h ttoittiXlidlilDe-
bae l tuiuitiut, ii hula iii aoit ill
hopy folri thietlut ti,.lge i t hhook
leaefo Xtnl iil ita ctiltde
lii toi the.isenuioratit,>ul1t sctio
Xi11 C lleg( D ys" hitheg itt hut'Icbg
illtI ii1111 101 1111aii a lr'
Tu engravingt inu t l ea',bo t ilt
ae a i g f e t i l te tiltv hulil tl r a i h g a d f ( n n r i l h ta v
beeni ,-tuIti l thu ittMtituitnthu yeart honk
btui th traiititi'' ' i nvoutlvehdt' I tuttui ,'tl
tibew ll reaid i ai fa 11 11 toa eul hut
huaret h mehi ti' iofu ahel board hitit'
"lto theul t ilt t mt nager I wahut h
hrrdt in ~o oies ofth .1ar'
aook for mmli at e .;ale. ii hTwutah uittit-i
drir a opiesuhaveliii I u prnt edutu ihut Iol-i
lo ing the allt huh of iit lt0(X) tiull hu-
telremii nghull 11. i llb ba( n
hiaed I I l t ii utuhi llg wil e
lvIii Go1111 i e, a wilatlitumhd ll Iii 'a
hide ill h otis edi it i wil it placedioI
hcopies u w i tilt I lit he besg tt duaiii tyu
fs ik utucl thu lae iuo t autl t lo
w all h i f hihtt -(tutu aki g to a bo
The lmp lvther ining111 ~ lth
lt iiibooItt h init ingi wit ich megttu ll
foun i ai tuu hh ihitswetit it l
1 iie ' 'ai'tig' tuu tuhuua I hu' hr'' the'it
hidil iteak, aterXlig .(hut oniui tau
sa le a t m hit oran lt hft ime. tl
- i.-\s th ii tiia cnia , a ho k ta
hut a thudesra, tokehplt he mXli ugr-ti
teat ideci ilhunthe ichangetisihfavohrt
I f haier,'ogi ,uhli ha Xuuandbet
Xtr t r liiliittulitbtuindn.Te ty tu we 's
I lievc t leut i t ilorder tutufitishtheui
saleIantrill", "th ii Set lt 1111
il1),r1s." hutytwuIuIutug tutu II huhitiearuiilrt'
ifte th nItirs ttihm huh. tl ht L t
Ahir.Tiha hut li 11ltutu-live tor th it huh is'i
Istigi unutit n; 11 01 tu iht na ok in ru' ttuuu
biii1 calleduu~ iniand ' i' lt, neillhunguitdI'
laau yottrus fututurlil tulltruth will hout
hfrig'fitaytuh t'romi wee'th on( hndrd.
Nf it- targsi igh sc'hwilsIttupt' ther litt-s
I u I lt is hiltmksh ab l tat thatiult ttir
hixrll icl utigiuui itilia itill hndeI he
he~i a u1' lt'i' hin ii a d tl t oh llIte clt h .
I't i', 5te t'elift filit thbat d t at i
r'ear,, iutia t' ill eli iii' ipse tui' o hlatl
o thut faci tt i heupricut aiti s:it y
will1 i I tthe ' uu'ic id'u' uf t (ush
'at--i XN b ok 'alt I X ah'l t i t ildm' that
i uigti
tut uNuI 'uT IS I; I ti tutuig
:iit t de h tuu Cooitt tut ittnwl ic
ai 1on 1 rct t hutii til in iituuitcr iltIHal'
atfft h concheri h t i tit tCh ra Ifign
thu tgora ilt ai tia ha ii'uith it
tnruth It icttill, althoi ~ t ad m
'it ts, ut~ w ich h d ills hutpgilttiii
forc tot rdcut to at i .i u w1aItil t h,
hutict ' of uuaa ciuuuu ii' td if it i
an hula seuftrt'it. ccn~iishc
'hurth gliuli tonghtoil1folowin
Tl'' etryuiu Ihit... ....... hliiutf,'itu
CXroii't tin'beluoa.'.......ttih h ti
I rid t o mei h lt' tutu I .. ( d1?11 Ilii
't eliknt owi leavi' ;lits 'y s.
.Xrilt fitt'er htitrv".....kihhitatii'
lv ucilrihug'n hut hltiot'........ ftraussvf
(Arothioid l siit'int......'hft'iui'i'a
''l au u-tr oi t tutu'' la th i.'..' fri'c
Illr . .. . lit... .. ..'im I
;nothintg duh'hutu ha a huhet ''suutt'u
fr fuhu~sdct t Xiii I tupto I outsituf'
Tit. ii' ut'lionii of ; it i r t t a it I a.
hosdee ub t' I ttu iali usomit tetr.
arc ilhiit iAngll ta u''alud toIia
ihig bytliii'simtitdi o s c m litc
tmilt ht' iii til tt ",lin thtutuI it
ofth itiit i 'ii''ti' iti5it'uuity. The ttt't' ha
lilutjoint))l' Iy' te comittetus of ueacht
v r iy a'nutu i l i nance.thti'' It iwa ia it
open to ny utstder wh wee i tr-'
Prof. IV. I. l'Phiips tf heUnLuiers'ity
of XW iatttusfi till duluirtn hu t', ''ur's
tint' ftut olin, hug tion tt, tis t lks
wtill bhuponuh som a su butject c'oin'cerig
l'oift'aatii' Phillfipas i hing worrk fr to'
''u'uu'giu'Insiuutiltn i hlptigto pre-
Sath lt' a.itryofte nic
I et h atltts itilledillTheorethiri ). Ituttul
if IDeturutit,t' heidonor ioft t'e $joOiIuhl
in I.htut tiptohutthi n tiversity. Mr.tBuhl
fuh1 at'ic'timuutoiia 'stroike'ftapopliov
w'hile hretits itt Nrtw York kit', with
his itifoeittd tchildrn.
Twelve Men Will Start on the Tour
Whipple Makes (ood as
SvIttitdt hio tutll tamtoii p'lsft
\lihiigan n illt hutic p i g roatu tarihiing
lest F1rhidaity. i the tu iltiahti hfolow:i
C'th r hut tlr tt it tl I ptc .
Tit a nd I tutu il:traXX t aitutu ivlg r
andi itt~ h lii hu tutuh t I I tha t' h~u'irdt
hutc i ddn , I itt r i t, i ll till
lte t XX \ hi clu rgtuto ll, Ilotit
Xliii thet 0lt''utguuguilthet tm go'
t ('r d h ewt Iiitill hut'joied
by (ilthu I :,k ; i 'irrc ilt'atill
wilheuplItohinillyhut eti ,l ell ot'f u
in u hin t iIlt Ii 5ort h en11t Daft is iplay-'
lug lint. He it ll phutaltIt ht'assinedt
hiy C hti Ih I t , to o lnt h es
hgain:tia i the . ii it y til, athu tghi
Mmldmig, te ee ti l ring otil
th tutsel'tves aginstiii t hi t' i hit i lltuu"Si"
'Iy r h it; ti llit h i tu n
cor ievdtoiiwarn(11tlii piii~ re
ih p itao t ltie tk
I a p tuait'iht t hrto tifhutetek
will le5th tiS n door NI I ,t i hll ItIa
aX u'rr t aui' a'ftth dancing ja hurts
gilt I lat '"vetiling 5', Buh I-tth ull'gasia-
siu 111 It' thin fush1 u'ingieeinig csa.
Alh' ghih it'wasthe i t p tyuh ofii tli ne''
'tndthaii' t te (la'ssI la' e d ie tn "
,h w d thero' lto s t'uuiu'ulv iii i ir toh
lrge , 111 itwl'o''u ttcwtlt ii aoutitshih'
eif) fluuuaugitec pesbinguttrise' t.t' lthl
'lii tpatyh tuhtia en~tirey ltii'..'iuutu
aff ir tt a if It i w l n it up s
'tutris in ua Ijo able tnthiiis' awit
am't in t heri utit' oci ll 'hit "lti lt ithi
he fuultuuiu' andtu'uuu ou' tu'huh ts wih i
wirl( ttirgo ar wwhsIttuarne tis wa
due il ti:t 1r thiasu tth e efor, o
theiolowng om it t htwhichulaChili
fVlmmSir itviur, ai it.'rgtutu' hutuhy
AS Vluhit (IN ANN ARhiltIil
Ntt ahuui ti 'ira tastwill hut iti'ft'uedi li
bite, An'X Arbo Xtuilroad' fohrt l ac'tionitu
.n tu o e rtt o uufuuu'uvu u lvii tht avings
betet mtati" y'u'vat t ti 'I'Itoret'is io-
eve, a lititl'umare'u'htlt't f a .'u ci
tutpohit lia'ttihrii t t'uirh.iv rn h
I tutu ru'u'gcr u'of i ' I nti
g Iut Il,.tittittg'ao il )(iyb d o
cotrolla it weekt ufhrls h.h' In tci'di
lhe uausetouk 'tiltmanager XfTiii'l
vit hi mself, fr Ie cl iti lege }chu l -8
I' fitail,- fti t imei'i 'll ' the 'istor1y1of
he ppr thanita luituts aae a
'tutu'ytar Slt XXWita is a t'tior it
t a nuth gvetrcetlhi ttr
I~tuitug tf y ii, uuhuuiu'u Iradiute
and lstuet hut afifa eit tutu u mt dictutu
prsent ini rutuu iii i utu if his .forty'.
sevenhbilt hitay
hidefonr ttphrmuac'y lu'uuuutuu'which
YpsilatihiXX'ihuutsilau'Stntprij. A ape-
vital t'tiriiltlotetie thn It, V., 'A, A. 1& J.
htio tI8 o'clock sarptt.