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April 03, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-03

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The Michigan Daily


No. t.6

Lack of Outdoor Work Makes Prob-
able Line-up of Team Hard
to IForecast.
041ith practicallVy01onlyanoek rmain-
itterixfor the an-it 1,t~ l l 01ea 1
-ta ts _,n il,- prig h lt th ~qai , 11
Handcaped b th, ctat~,: ll 1 111 alici
"r::m tilt t .m %%hch 11c 1 1wth C i-I
Ciioacr"l'111. htcnddte o
05 hi 111111 ] Il 1it 1 111111111111 1to
1110 i1much 1 ,ii hn111 ia11111 1in11th1e.'Ilk111 1ing
1111 1111name 11I 11111 ish 1111 1111111
Il. tIs enclIg 1111 1I~t o \igt e ney
aln 1,1much1111 posible.1IIA1s1a re01111
less, 111111 1111111 and1 ot11111 il1l1 0 11
th11agg1ega1ion111h1w110111 f ill 1Taftil
i l l d whle.IiIJIV 11 11>11l ll '1 11111
woill have1a11han11 to break into a n11
b o fll ofjI 001(1 10Sit])( killoy 10(i1
1110t11041111es1hi11a01a1111114 1\11' 1101(-
wor1k in evealo gaes.1111i,111th110oig
1111111141 krill .1le 11101 1to 1 ilspect. ~ i
Although t11111tingde1a11101 tlisr
wel aed 1111011te inllok lke(I the ilo
11rnge100 rofthee0ri. a101000,Catin
the'irkd iti01ol, of111eifond0and4sho
stopl lespgcivela.oguartuern inlthewo.
t(h1 lietanailableffuritgetstirbtit tripno
otohi ad osotii tho e adwfrnterfllo
placeng omthlit mofedpitces1plaibertao
Iyea pearou ate call.h ohe
hanPhitlirer miedcitrle ities
atiastienificheraclhloug e iilhavetil'

solve. When not iti the hox Martin wiii
doubtless play left foeld, aiii Wheeler
wil probabily hiild iliwn the right gar-

cliii. Slliiant has a condoitint and wil
no ea le t make tie sprig trip, ani
frhis place ill cener field Lowe has
M1e11111and11Pierce, lothtof swhomtare
doingigood111woirk. Melon's hittingI
iiakes hiiithle favorite nos. ut the
situiation Imao01111140 before 1110 eant
oesthe sason. Magoflnl, whol tayeii
several gameslofith le varsity 1100 years
agis llsio 1u111frte outfield, and ay
biven a100 otheil11r chance' to make goid.
fies at1 2,111 this lafternoonin
.After waitinlg unltil 11h1' weather00hs
,iiienl iilimoralted, Captain oGare'ls
11111il t all track 111n))fr otdioor prac
tice.lThe isalmllentif liokrs 1at the
loll Ferry fildi is eipeedenc01ourage
of dsinit 1te hgymnallsimandatitramp-il
President of Federation of Labor
Speaks in University Hal Under
Auspices of S LA
Aii sturdy1111j0111111 5115 11,111 theS union(
Go im1e1(11presidn of tile Anerlcan
11e1derat11ion of Labor, last nilgtin1Un11i-
criyHlli 1111110te .auspices05of teo
made11agaif,1st5 f"Organ i 'iinizdbr: Its
11011eis ait presnt a great tunrest
tio o111f tlabo1r1111prolett,"110 sadl It
loe is iet'itty y join1ing a u010,
lIbuttis isnot Isu111I15i111o11 rn itn-1
111ses ,tolollain11fiii tiis t presnt
econoicaiillyiisubmerligd Itill jstce due
itiir. Allprofsios1 are(100jdigdi by
mivementthe0revesef tiis '1110 i
tapid. 0We 1are itugei bytie wcrst
1(e 1do. iiOiunwiotiiest expnetsllar10
hldlupliias a typ.ThiIiis is un~fair We
111ihouldfirget 1110 ruigntess iii the
strugle in vieI 'ofiit s greatness.
tails pod uctloin;lit this is ot the pom-
1cy omithelabI'lor lmlivementitof 000 hime,
11111 ha s ht 11een for years. Ottr oppo
nentls 11se1this 1ar1111e11t toideceie tie
t 1"urther, t 11s5 lit ai uniform lwge,
11111minimum 41, that 100 ask. It
is1111111r 111a1 right tht every wirker
t As i totie op11111 shop, it is closed lii
111111111111e11 ilse 11111n0shop, ott the
11111111111111mrly reiire that any
wh1o1wi shto1parta11100of the enefits f
ai certain1 .1a01eement must accept a part
t fthieresponlisiiiity. Organization is
mhuiiversa rule adoptei by .men of
liinteress to trotect these iterests.
Fristance, O.sol far as I kniiw, there is
no 'closer sopli' t1111 that eforced by
laivyers ill their lar associations.
r Nt onlddiiii the unions instigate
t111 chilid labor moemenett, ht110 agen-
diis do lmore to echeck strikes, Of
course, ini sme cases a strike is neces-
saryioV iremledy ai ttuch wrse tiing-a
demoIrallizedi nanhoiiii. Arbitration is
iiinly possibl t owtent powers at least
tapproiximatey eqa. I eieve i10t1110
1greatest pissiblie organization of 11th
lcapital and l abir.'
tJuiuis E. Peal, of Ann Arbor, and
Fratnk 1B. Lland, of Detroit, were elect-

il d 10members of the hoard of regents
Monday. 'lhey succeed Levi L. Bar-
tiour anl Henry S. Dean.

IS EXPECTED TO TALK (1.1e, 11,15111 3,571 stiiditis, 1,oo less
TO LEGISLATORS SOON tl '. ihganT, asks $8.em.i.io a 40110 fer
Minneo'itaiwatits fto }ciarlis $i,,;oo,-
Dr. Angell Will Explain Michigan's oisi.
Needs When Appropriation Ill111sin iiiiosly sub gsts that $,;,;;8,-
Bill is Debated., 50Sootwit o f.1011HOW.

Iresident tgll i s pectd to go t
SLansinig soniltoip100s111t 01ihign's
noeds toeriatlbrgr1 appro1111iatinI to) liii
stile legislturel' It I islnderstiodthai
theintul1 comittee on l 1 Uiversty f-
fails w5il shorty irepor1t Ifivoaibly oni
1t10 Newssrk101 l ull bllinlg teUnivesity
an1 itocrease of inelf tllIove 1110etprseti
suinl.IRepiresenttveewkirsk,1 if 'Ann
misat tre-iIghhs f i tutl is lit
Mich11igans shie ha rai~tdy ,adace
frm lln(e1ran1110101 aniterIhs almoilst
exce p foribuildinilgs, IhoeUier sity 0-
tennc. I 173 hele1gislaturel'o ct,
1for the flrst 11111, a 0'iiversity a if
1111eltwenltit of a miii upon eery $,oxm
for ma'inenan1110
By t&8)0lthe ne011s 111t41ichignll 1a11
increaosedisoirapily thtitotithesi-
1111c1 1111lglatureincriOeasd the>rai'
to11on11sxteetih111; i 39i it swas agin
Oaisei, this tie lto tie presentte'al'of
Ithe11ni1ne0yarIs ttita111e0passed tie
needoli f M1ihigtanthave Inearly(dobled.
It is esimated1that a cosiderabtle in'
creaseof te sateallowance mut to
nmateinoif Michigan is to keep pace
with 01ival inti~ttions. To double tei
Unitiersity tax' means~h that the anulial
incomietOfrom11thelopeople f le state xiii
rise 1mm $970,000.
oil Anl rott~sls ihtpit nofficialfigtres indicating tat Dr.
Anigel woiullpresetthe CUis'rsiy's
clamang1114to man1111lines1. 'iTese are
thteineeid if toe hmbiligs tiiatotal of
$,000,0oo, atidia11omilparisont of Mih'
gal's fiantces with uiviersiies'5oilequat!
rantk. 'Te figures fllow fr 1nw bitdi-
inlgs tneededtl:
1. Dentil butilintg fmotit'voin
2. Metical builing, 111111one1
New' mill ................ 21o,x01
3. F~l'.llrgettentitof engiteeritg
butiling(ft .oocu engieering
4. l nargenuentutof lirry.... . u.,ixi
O~r, if added ommMemtia011
5. Newv chesmicalit aboratmry,
wourtt eut 1a1nd toutgrown. . .. 20,00l
6. New shots for ttehanics
1111d newsO bartsmff the catm-
7. Reoalt andi11(1etlargemetttof
heaing antdlelectric plnlt
tiow eoertied 25,0101
. Scienco' buildintg......., imux;~
tle secondtt basis of tie Liivest's
caitm is the large r suttms alowed mlhet
utniesities of like size, s folloews I
41icigant It's 4,746 suients; . salaries
range frount,oo to $3tx0; current ex-
penses, $58354'.
Cicago-Aott4,000) studets ; tur-
rent extpenses anmnuit tom $,a0,oo; sal-
aries eof professors, $4,oo00lvi $7,0.
Coumbia-Studlents about the same
nnuer as Micigat; salaries, $4,oo to
$7,500; current expetnses, $T,2o0,oo0tim
Harvard-S,ooo xstdents; salaries1
$4,oo0 to $5,500; curret expenses,
$1,2o,ooo0tim $1,400,o0.
Wiseonsint University, with an agri
ctultura ideartmntbit no medical col

'T' if~l' .0,'Th0I'l'StthhfG ,1,01G
'lmT t'ght titus anua 111lilittt of . It'e
thie lake 1 hmuuso at W0hiitmtoure take. A
special1tra1n11aslieet brovsidedorfi'tatis-,
111011111iIhmi oattdl tmui tiebqe ttila'n1111
sill leave'othme >\nntiArbolr det: it 110
111051111' theu list ouf toalsts anntittonced
lst eek,0110 Illthue features mof the
progmil itwill t he i ngitig if a coloredl
sestet enlgalged' especial114'fur themu occa-
111eumrs' if the banqueti ommitteeI
Iteistuil, tugmtis, Irma-iot t'ttO 11a11
New Men Are Bilng Tried Out at
D~aily Practices on ferry
],'ety ltiaf timt~teron i mll buthoeegetic
squaduullmitfuota anidate's is sorkinig
oilt: lit terry miifie utd'r Coaciuh Yost's
stuperv'isiont. 'T'e g'retelir ntumber if
tthe 1111111vtills',p11ondetinthe alto or f
P'rac'tice luls lieitn conttinedilatrg'ly to
rituing doewn on pint s andt passinig ti'
hiatt. 'Thet'workt: tubecamele'c'di'nlgly'
strenmious svht'tt the cochmiisett hie'fit-
loiws ho snapping tamck anditthiilig.
''Mote got fast:! andii all tesm
humigttzip, zip, zip-1--1-pitc em tn hitiut
toc huuimuhdiwn!"
Jomy I lhihir ucapt iuaInd ntd'Ifth
ftresh engineer iitimis 1emir'if t' itlekely
11e11 tryting mitfit limiteIttRay0Cmmm-'
per t frieshilit:m mu itet is ilso oti .
"We ican'I tdo tuuch," saiduCoiaicthYost,
I"siteit light prticelim limt wte'tlhbe at
that (viiry iday.I Ihopettall the boiy'sxviii
tutun oiutt Som ikehuly ftellows hve :at-
roeady appetat'd.
Thet coachItsill 1rem1ainin llAtinuArbior
fiur abomututmotnth, minI mtittlihot we'aiter
prac1tilteswtll 1be1con1tin1e1 evers'after-
1Iltmihi ilItItIiitlti t . :130liouclock,

300U Seats Sold During First Flours
of Sale Yesterday After-
W illith eIl'sale' osi .,101 .sea1 i ivlei
hour ' t he i'hig't i I' i miulnstrls
oday opnedtwh t pl'miieto 's iili'a
re'oiei-hre'akinig sct leii'fum te uir twou
rflortmance04s mf Fria inI Stullday
ights. 't'tit iot ickelt I ucsI'e11an1
ratidly' grl'w'untuil it blunmolmm rmial ill
lenigth tli ne hicm hululi mmm'behmforeI'tit,'
lst W1i'onsintfotballuhi}s'lmi. tFor ltw
titirs beiforet'h111'salum'beiganthe ine i ix-
Site11'stret'uut t ihet r , 1and tinc ' hlf-
owly' to Maynarduince'mm.'
adsix welithemm tiket 'tl'sid.Bu
thouight ticktts thaivi' Iitnlgoitg'fast, tll
if goodists115lft. Itisurghed,.ho.'
y'ur the- ir ti'eto i''.lt is'the1m111 ath
soonis iptotsl,', The1satwill coItiu'
fson ti' 'ttsitutuo 1'cl urngthe next thre
iTe popukli tigh 'of Ith iuI mm uum ti' sum
y'ear1i1mayi'fieasiluhe v imattil frio tel
011nsa tfit't' seiandlile'sixt eol
who conrt'. ue th tat o thel'1 howuhm
aetworing -hin ihft sd 'day 'ittitk'ti hu
isen t'utt'rexpec 'itis ott-ilarg a di
'mutt befi ot wh' uiich ty I wit ll ,:
fituadit iatut' mhe joke, mmi..ss'iindm
anic otfirtsheendimenskandihi' ti
n ion tus 711hi y'lt1151 uiuut I lilt wil
jugi, 1mii ii, h pd tot' makei thy' livy' hine
beitisevei r een int'prods utinsi'ofitthist
til l' n ku u b will t a ,'uieo~l omi'nn hum
Tsie 'c hu i sme iter'th in eve uuir t'is, lii~
11n0 will11endertaanmber111111opula
linit11r11f114u 01111flthe lim i tll it(
11111o1w mlillpra tice, itts ipropheiiei-shat
tesktciih willib.la mmughutlstarmiii
itusiel0 rtuivul mli suortedmbylIis
tve handomeu sophoivu es, n1th
pohalet, fit tchItt ii IrisG1rman
rolAogti I hAS ftine l'ht Ontin
cartont , w11' ifliil cm lete h e io li. s um
Bs'tuu t't day u'hste ma m min oethit' r -s
hitial iltf iit'te, 11and111the itti ll's, ef
fotsu otfl all u-at' thur .0mmi.thot.'nion's
muntroil tuariv a,"ut'hual0of01 Aich
hasseo, i er ', bIsntiiit
Becus ioi teure li s1t inlisate:il b u-
'hastee chagedr o hay dnA they. ri
'toTe (hissIuet sitllb +it tWht
'te Itase, han ita tutu Iltif. V foritt
Anlttt 41ll11eavIthitey JutuArr.dpo
aot 6ur3oforlociarttk Ir.iti
I's annunctts tict s ot db
secuedbofe.Surdagt''11111lt, hue- itl
arranemet mtb aelyta

o'uuum)prisitug tie loathing oft'gm''. of(im.
'tail- if Itndiana, wiss our 111lt d t Inian-l
apouulis ,March 2 ..


I 'I'} ,10 01-fk ' 1011 N 1'I J ,Aith '1
41ismutumltrsuhtuig 'Is lht t h ilt' and1
lace'uof'm ee tmtin11 wals time cause if lust-
pmmuum'uuumu n util tontight of tutu inecting
fort''orga'iinii thehim.nter-frautertnity base5-
tall unionm. Motst if thet fralternitie's
thave ulectedtreprestastiuves5atdudehit'ite
tplanls uwill ibe stumittedto lthliimiitontight
itn DomiC ,U'iversity t]fil,1at8:15.
"'itisisespe ially Itesirab1l11 thu eoery
oforternity hol pee.1itnttive:m' presenlt
ait thismtuinmg 11s a schiedule is ltohube
mtadfe out aid soe muupotrtatt uesfiosli
oars tu hum'st'ttleo,"f smimi ssistatit ('maulh
oSanger, whto us ini charge.1ofithe general
o arranigemtltent s lior ti'he uresent.
As there are miver thuirty-foiur frater-
s nitiuss at M1ichigatn. it ulls beotn suggestedh
rthat the getueral fratrnxitieus foirimumone
leaigue'a11d11thetprutfessionaulutanother, 11111
111111 time most teatmmof 'achliof litmus.'-1111y
-for the chuampioniship cup1 whichi is hto
hue putrchuasedl by ute fratesrntitisan'tio'tm
hue heldi by'tile wintning team as lonug as
it is abletoiemmuufietdmthe trouphy
eThis afterioon ill Tappain I halt lec-
Dtture roomi Arthur C. Puntd will reaut a
piaper befoire the ;Sociology (lut. tHe
will describe conitions in the shouitti as
he saw them last sumnmer wheut, with
cProfessor Van 'Tyrte, he made a walkinug
and canoeing tritt thirotugh that sectiont
Of Ifhe country. 'The tieetinugsvill begin
puromuptly at j o'clock.

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