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April 11, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-11

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The Mich iganDal
ANN ARBlOR, Ml C'II( _ h\ 1Iti2;i l 1', I1Zh \ 'P~i Tt7

Vol'. XVHI.

No. 14t3.

Says Michigan Must Abide by Con-
ference Rules-Athletic Relations1
With Chicago Uncertain.
tli a ('iiit'a tiiirant oinon.r
on liclig ll' itttt, i th lin it it
hav IonpoliI it heh icago p1a1-hg'
pcr> ttill
11a1h11a",1 i : returlni to11Chi
it; iii iii I hbie b itti h-ie ttiig
iiiiiilos ii'iiriiigo date In factith
iield tit aime'ii i iie t ii ifor n liti' ill
'slia y t'-- iiired rsiifii Chicaiugt,
Michigans athletc powers
stia iii hi iii' ithei Stag itit tnnii
r e i the tft s-ti I iisomtetimeiefo'il
it d i thl cl .tiii t ti "iii i i I ii i
. iii T ei aiy iio s theu1icago111
' i \iI iStagig i t' ttiidere b\ t ie ill
%or~i~v ofChica i hoad oiionirl toil
Iftift i c i ilimi thai t iiil l lt tins itli-
iw c ltc iii ii ttui ii twe tiltfhut
Michgan icf hidt it ht-ittitil iHiit ho t
" I1 'Staig'g lii iiirp edlttii tat iii
,I;ii ns er rnti ll(ttu 11111 l iii ft-t
,limas o rite it eit iii ii an-
iii tl \ic igm a t iiiti i- wti fr
(ho a g h i imitigiti 11111oitdinotillotert
' i t tillor ed i meditely up
ntw l o \iiiti tti ii t thti well
it-i lntit meelt lim ofiiii ttic iilt tilt
nl _ itaidein it ili he'11 ill, Ci liiir-
the ii i itd11111 iia11'11 htmorrowli
tiiiliitansw t il tl I do ln t liiiy
ia t itllinoi i i 1111 i ilshat to 1
"'iV til iiliip la teg amet tiialia
ad tilht-l jl t tridte, hrw it lictga

1111 oi tilt itig Nitnt, atd I selittleto

lie gainediby ity ing setven gamest in- "MARIA STUART" DRAWS
is as t isi, andtiIcanntittunders'ttatethe ttSTUDENT AUDIENCE
"Pro~f. iEdwiardi iCappt, witsi a mtemt- Special Ratea to Detroit Secured--
her of tl ttthe bardif controti hictiiago, (lernian Students Enthusiastic
asltil tiltnsrfoile, tptpsill to Over Production.
grant ihiitgantia leait'e of absencttefromtit_

if tretichairaictrs antustirtrittg evtts
itilstti t n cig att titlitentstitt o lr-s
int- tait isipit col o icaitlfly tle. -
lI ithstndntheifact hlii. GIVWH
tir 1.e' lt i ikm w it tr o litoi .

the %vestern athletic Nvorlc. Iie held
that the recent action of the Wolverine
heard, in allowing the maize and blue
team to take on more game than the
allotted Live. with sundry- other grants,
was unfair to the Conference group.
"'\licil1g.111', action has broken the


ru lngoftheliiir nce group,'liil he dc-it til
daes 'ii f lt i thigh ttlita ito titritwila til
itti hns"it is Ihighttitt litshuldaith-lii
tilt. tilt I thinkt hicagotttu th 1 i th
ash hutcliganiitoi withdrawi.
an tiIcita ti~ti fom Cicagto and111tilei
lit.huthitgait I felihitgatidoestt
wantlt ito litauti iin tilt'Rig Si,antl
slix i ttom te grp' .. i i'ii tIitti '
tght utuiiu loft hel ahlul eiiti ibo tilt of
conirol st n'tiight isttiit a deilled tilt tbl
adisabl t htu ttt udtte.It it atndiProit si-
gorllsa t ivtl 'are11to 11111intCticag1 o liio-
nigh tthouldild aIt contf'rienceIih th111
Ch icig tsor piti. I'iti liii iii mci
iEn i0hordofoit-rl'spoitionu' o
th ii ler~c. It is' fe t tht itc' - t
illn's liat t il ''i itudei Iis iirt itisiUitlii
hhe tillttof hi t nferenc firstknow
S i)t Gt I RiitLt hit UIi ' i'lTiit'rf
li it u h iiPtiitul TNIGH
hoiorioi ti'senioir's"willtaepace"
1at iutuiuiitiiHalI ton uihtuI- t 'i x
''iithit itut lltwol hndrediuestrtits
w tii li i tl1he11rasen t. h rgamti s ol at-
e i- ot iit siga--fuiu ri' itrkey.il
hill"ig Wel luht s it sititirti nit
Ai Shiln i lt's sChan gis- gR tilt'sutlg iar
Erros-Hoe Coklin
T helilt i rs-C1 iilaa Inlt isi utli-l
Rtilts it tie yeron

Arrangment''u s hall' 1eiellmade lfor a
se ia tra 't iler t-he lichigant Cetrtal I irls fill'11111 1 tes itillblithe order
for tose' gililug io litritt oill tie ltal-t' iili tila t th iprfo ma cti' to lit'gilt-init Bart-
hpil til h Theiiftutu'fort'htlt rutotul trill Iecus.Thiitiuiti ariplain iugamoniig
is 7 cns, utanl thos11' ll-ll'itg lihem- tte iother Ifeatures. t an laboatutu tk11(1
ii esoftil t uluuu'iuu ilaire ''ureiq u id to it'i t t h icigatnii tuiut s IOwtut Min
take te t h aiti h'u a iutuuu iuuuu g. sitrcit itnt o'iT hullsday, Aptil >,t tilt
iTh t ur tut p11 1111 nus he it madteit- till lily Iwill Pay it eforei tliihirillssmates.
trin t he Frui i iiayut' Saltutillti. I ht liThe litalini partI ofi ihe play utill Ihe
everlnymei'gtoDhtrou'hulit cn hu iln li lftt ttoagrlvudeilin hc
chas a tuikt at i s i ra11te,' whh er or'i ii the ttlebitiest t ofi t ticampus wtiill hei
it hei ton tmplthis attei-hhg th lt' y.i "rou stedti as utl as infoIrmed I as I'-
fhhutIlowkiofi. stats uonusailea t he ""lentitinkisiiteah hlt- s
hh lur's onlyi abou1t lifty- remlainituunsolhuhglinthg icharacteiic i csthit hubyisauh
Thei ittchull situatdaaea llh uuii'it~7; 'iof-ltm. A uhuus apr io Ntuisuuuif
cets it atit ti'heurom theliiiI it in 111shteluuwhtw
In Qfi 't u't,"-hi-hh :t. Whh'tis tillheugit'll till ii tutuii huhAlthtughi
ier' ceutilettra uultedc u m f Germanuui tinigildeftti It a t iti nsaiiit as toithe
players preu'usents ~at til t'oit I pi t Iconvnti of iihi t i11111hins t;-i' ee
l uu F idalti i 2:hilo Schiilleri'hils it'llItt roii pedt totitIei oftilt t t halt i iithe en hill-h
uonofhis m it-si t wtwkaaas. l'uuin l11tla t ite5e's Wow tilIvput1to1sham


if -lilt-itiIt g itelushuspeialilt tilt cr
stils tuf luttith origin1
y t ,. bealu-ht tutu ( 1u iii utw114) is a r
Ii li i ii111 inhirted h ttneIof ScolandIt
huhic heade hutft i (oldes
riash whiattheIs ultihit f al (int
eignt t t I i tglt I l 'a ttt l esti I i' t -h('('t
11111'of I liem y uV I11
liii s titis ted l liii 1 tlt silthe thtroit
if EnlandI ut ntu he "i'Virgin tQuen"
never- Iumgave- hutr rutival, eithertutu her
over aitll u-hitcateiinti cohtatct I withihtil
li-itic l tnIreligiousit stilts of th gra
qluartel ibeitweenu iithetueeliinituvwil](
e'mphiiasiig the -tutu ti Iemiine.tWth
rottal iiagiaiitiuMairy hthuacete
lhe ftatt if iiElibth'si succtess and for-
goitItr 'hit iirivaly h henthn
shut is tempoutrtarilt Ieaterhubyua fattionu
oif lietioiwntpeopeiiisli tihrowis herself
npatheurcty ofi i i' ht ii byfltitng
is)i Drt,-itllan . slit is tuullt disillui oned
wthentislutfintl-her~self atpisiner. t 'limit
mifots t tuehetrtumd'iblimittruadmiues
ini I l lmi se-ir'v-ttuot-ly, t ld hit-u-hurl
stilto ii ttrtittiumi
S"lilhium s mtnautgmiti u-u-mu cr-sitallizedu
haryts Ihopetimu thu'teffectieintsstf ta
pesnlitrviw ithm Eliatm andi
steni rethmmli iit lact if hisudrauma.
IThr lisrnIt m roIomiuietitiigh in riain
for ii t thstwtu prom( ival s, tntuila
litth sign ht eii iimii tfm limit.
hiartyiwas far front bitg 'ii thugea
heri peitenmummtsll-atcuisationit f Io
plicty it m hem urdern hu f liii worthleiss
huusband.ulI~arl l ammut uinluy slimit it
awake ed ii itti it-iiu-tis ipassionstandm was
herselfi toomtuuhi swatiled ltbtt himtot
titlist tto urrpahlims ettiysit Stil-
hut ittultucdthe musittliimgint ionu
of thei ummtiitt ~mutu i Celeini liiififth act
mun wic tuhi tmysuit ititi Ideietus thaycn
tailt n m iii i thei vaio us ottii ssassin-
au.mrte her 11val, hn looksuon her til-
praintiitg detht as an'miiitittt utouf het-
milieu' lills. The i specitator- Iii 1 5 lthe
Shetietr twitht thur tutu ioututha t hMry-
Stilari tithud to aytheipealmty mm guilt
withuitwat-s fit-tut' uonliir byitheiiruon
'lut-res ouf fat-.
hMary -Stutart 15 'Si lti I shemsi t wman
cre-auton. Ihlizatilth is tihamaterm-izeid
with all thei'sevri tyltof john i ii rl
Grteenlit tiwithouitt the redeminug Itrits
w-hithli tismtiortitnil-scti-itus. It is
sotmewhat unfortuttiatethlt Scuile ''sr-
sourctes gaeitmttniltInuihter li i t' if
'hi aria Stuart" us hirst andi last a
itwork if arti am-oetiu mlrauuut gut-thgitt
concitrete, tangiblem fortmta repuresettationu

anuh t v r t -~" i l t the p()tuiiy' btut
Ict itill (t dlutu f )r it- flre in heii
itn)1ntiiut A. h thg .)I il l aisutht vem-
hilt (>n thirghrlim.
hitg (,liii' ltstl mi tgm eis ht-u Itt I I eI'()
wchhasbmitt imimhim i itt i ()f steg-le
Ofmthew vent tumult sitIcd i ilium' 5
complex pe11th ilium limitplanned.iTh'
hn i mitt' is limiIItt lii h t imimut gills, as
t t()\it'' take iluma mt vehcIfIti-tm-il a
it he m ad puuit urteilIy s 'uh m
ItuuII i- t i tit cha get li ilium iii Niia-
"liii I I and iF i mu h mm , lullominal fit-
o£ cet;imis charged-mItludefrtat thur
( is f II li1
GYhli-h'"T'IC'S CLI h1Sh IS
I1'111lit m's hi S11th1
Severalmmtlimit ietres mchaatm-nized-mihem
girls' tclosingigyit mnastumic exit-ittshl
asniht hbuh mmigu ilnium ist t7:311
itihuih. SumitofIthem liit-es git-ti by
tlmi Sui--(lispi mii lk daners lst ftaliltere-
tn.rsgatheweav'inthg dancew'ith ucttl-
ciss, andithI hird yeari t irguls gav Il'tIl-
othe-i' folktdancemith teir ilberhiit ilii-
iuIg. h tler"Iii' iii i ittu 5i ii iiere till' p(ide
thrill andi them' ~tmuuu'Of nmu mbtt emhm.
Tiit s ihi it w sts ilit, l mit - w If tile
year andmi hats munttiltdtflfurthem'factymht
"titd fiend, 1-)~f lthe' iii'form erms. Iliu(-
more -week, tafter' the aatm- 1 l(
tiht gtuumuutiilim tctass turk ft tt tr
''ll(- prigrtatu Of m t i'exhuibit wtts as fol-
(;an arh; mmilitarymarchtu~inig, tm-
mii yeaur'; ft-mnattstic' mtty's Outdeit fresh -
Iu-u'tweaving dance, -si umuuyea;i(!tilt
swtinginug, 11111-41 tttar ''l'mmiitit' fresl-
tn n IlII:l; ( (rlfe lr t n I
lull. KAi,'lt-lthh-h 'I-hI, KS
'I'l_ l "hs E'sRItI I111
Thei' mmiin i tt'" 'tumu l ot)i hum-huhain hi t-i
tug tushtnight ini hei liii- ca cet-
of tlii' nt-iming ut-stgur 'ive t). Ct. 11.
'Smmi t'mudiim's m imi-eGi fft-uI Eiint-
hat itt"' uhr. utaumnlubast- i , r~m arkmliis
upo mi'rtinit sitinrimi-itts miit h feh
I au t 1m Iii iii ttayiig thtl by milerthy
Iuchatnginug lthi- mi iis ultiet-u whicith
1acertain funmgi tim-hi-gromininmmategm-tam-
}sue-m Ortgansi. IDuriingthm'eu-m-humg mu-
ftrsimnts iteir vedt'm.
A meemtinmg (if the-Sm-mirIDenutail so-
t-cil-t' wil hl l a tshtnight ii li i t-mitden ti
Sjuts wert r e t-ti1 yi-p setetal hihu, hits.

'ause Discovered-French Play Re-
hearsals Field Daily -Elaborate
Preparations IBeing Made
rtini' lm-kluism i i m -it thi btweeni t he-it
''thuso I andm0mii ll(- am tftern onm a velut
toppd t twon ul t-u' t heum er nc
ilimits 'hilt I itti iih i'm iti i whihi limi
()ril I liomittimheuiing 'hit'st' -
iv ho ile I )ailatft-rsn in liii ttm-
sit-nh-ute mav u ertoon i redico e
toremuugIntidethS-inuiLus t- hugs-irinhml
kmkha loatd i ditrban tuta,
liice 'mcoahing hip tuittlittitforthu'
m'tclrIiii m i rt n I rl il n'.
mi-t-I 1 m Na I T e til-r tl itl- h.;
)iai r by- 11111 hmm li i iitiseg lft ut
mum' ilium itis im generalhm'ytinm-mnl
hous iist liifurithit limt t o I ti
aidt I )r m iatt . /i is i lum mum m aiiimmtur-iug
l-uI I Theipr utitlistof g~timuga
am wemi toliu teus I tlin''mu'if l-eting
t l ~ 'eat Gitl limit iitliiihiii li
ou tme to sm otin o t l-ii itlimit.
oree lrmteIi s tlt I &Ia miiiCo
mf 1ici-githelarlugist Iet ,fill f its li
in \m it ut-hll -hmlg ill Ieh ial
of th 171[1 ' um i i'nd w lihe mull hi-
cd i ikiwitean ol. it wllb
imdesi'if orde ifilioitne ith Dlrft
vari-iiet f fileu cene,, u itt much-ifit
l)ti ft-i ll. itnrml ifi itheu e f r .
,n c il i tmu he um ii i IIhut htilt r
seted omtmi hati thicihiwais ii mii iin
him- limit, f hi tut hv m h's it mum A min
matking andiprepinuhmmmg fleiislct ituit
Tleii't itgm tils fr hut platy11' imtir toi
proe Srpi se, fortilt miiibec
planuut-dm oi ';t ' ' al Sel itfr' at-
itg hams lben mde iespe tialit- hum' him'
pliy. 'himrmuwilli I tight lafts fred
in matterin ilt-a ul i iie plut
titer fe it 'hudtti'i ii tii h
plaedon al jut ftevcain. It
w ill be illium tim bi lilmttif its authr
So ir , al ".limit i ti tilt t is
filst-iodconti wi'-lliaso' it i
thei cast ofliii ii iii I wiit' tutu ii tt
iipla uhf glt il itt liiandhitit ast
tm-cl iltliive fittuheIretonigsatins
"It is i nt m umrut es ilt', f Iaid r i i af
" to ha iie long and ' I' h-tlimi ts it-ito t si
a few mof sthegemumid t imis t,, tirt-na s
uill f-anmi ngi i n iium iertre-
Sums it-i wll i m mi haur u
tit'ca tt, il e t liiile a ttlii'mibtIfook
lit-my a e w datu af-thu-uru'the 'reopening o
tutu ht tlsold iii- tilt b~sit ik t
Io's Si- lit'sohitheGSIlES
Themmsectt-tdIof the-'erieis of girls' imm
dol mu ltsuhmiu lmits wtil hum-etplydl him
horo tml 'lock aliilut Brbm gummmm t-t

mrs he1mfint gams:tof thm'shrirtw;i
it-mmhu'fr(tsh minawl Isophi moitt- t
;'nmiwtt-s html my thei'sop1lotrti '.m-t- lmit
' unt s pt-mi muoall girls iu'uhhimugiA-mcces.


()sicar I. Gut-mse, til, ws ltec-tedl 111t-
t- agi nt-iltor undlJ. W. Mt-tandlhessni,
1. businessuuumngtr if time gulficthigani-
c esiantiat tiltmtinhg oif iiielmt-t-rdiof

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