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April 24, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-24

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The Mlichigan Daily
ANN \li< IkH(V ,\\'I)NIK'S1)\Y, AtII, 1

\i.XV II.

r c. 14 5.

Garrels and His Men ILeave for
Big Intercollegiate Meet-(ios-
sip on Outcome.

l'c i~ci~ 1zacIi i"e ~t ~ BE ~i REORGAN12

it i' \I N I "l ; I 5 l.ft N'll

"' f
l l il tip
4"4t-- til jat"4

.;yin l
i °tl
c"rl+ t

Miembers Wvill ek to unite tne
D)ramatic Interests of the tUn- i

3 .t11 I11111
7u ic i liiied l ' 'l 1(
f1 l i t it ti iat 2 _l) 11 i
a t n it tt i
lioach iFil 1111 ickdIt1i
>>11t w 1 lt y ;t1
t ih th latt ite it
C 1pail111 -l 1111c1 O

itti~ t(t
c 11 111:t1

Ni1 t t> ct tlu1' 11111''t(,i ; i~rl
tu m (ca w th th p lt i t lth. It


..tlSSt R ASS

t 1 tI IkIc tiltl Ik
ti .ln ie ltiite. 11+ 1 '!
Ix ich l11111 i ii
i iii it t

'l ttcill l ' ii i
{il ' ;t111 l'11 1: 11111 Il~~'t'
1 IW 'lcl iii'c l

1 t't'c31 , i't
t l c' fit
Its' I t C(I,'
tl 1'ltit 'Ir
Itt1 I I~
rtntlit sir
tt t tlld .I- ' ht,
I.t i ttf


it tll ite +i cittttitt I ttttilt l
tI.,oi , "'1 ilt' t w ill '1111 c t
g~-ti tr vcltr, l lhe trill
ItI t il c t, i \ ay ,
Ili l t'. 1a, 1 iv t 11in11I'liii
a d til 'a titt it itt till
R, I 11 Ill o 't Ilai "

11 (11°<t1 it ii t i
i -lrit, la l \i±1c l .ltit c1
it tiit i \ c " , lc

1c c 11r111
lii [tt'e'c
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illit'I" 11:1
.{ tl1<1t 11
+lrcII[14 )11

itt t1

1 t, t'i
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t,7 l

Ict itht'~ a

Ty ilciwr 11: 1: A t ill uar',1tril
IN.lil"0 ( lil,. Theiiciuit,1\111it(,
t ir i tctit i t 11111 c111(1 a 1(
i ir I i i (ftlii l t iii i r lillI t l it(le
tlitc t I *r~ t\- c - tt tii c 1 it : \ il
il i t iii ll it Y ll a1(1i C' mitllt It
ti' Ni(> \N.v N i ii 'if I I' t,. 17 t 'vp
NN \\ i ii 5 l 1i I Nt icI l Ii ll:m , ii
})t' i 1 ttit 11 cit I ll t tt 1 11 11 "t
ll( tl{Ii(1(1i11 l 11,11 icc tlll tilt1c :
tro cil w h i ti ltci iti t adils
ta 1i tt i " , t btti ;l it11111 iti 1iiii1i
it tutu> r lw i t hi rt llc leli
1w ril, : o n lp i('1 1 1-- \t i li

, 1'1 I'_, c" I " ,ittt

*Hi ill 11zlit t tIit nietttt h
t tk w 1 11itI i i


ll I I l 'i' ii'
< ; ill' i, h 1 i i i l , i

Bates and Iane Explain Con-
ferenc'e Situation--Chicago Is
Friendly, hut Firm.
11 Ict tilt()o 11 ,t tt111111 ti't
i t t t'lt tl t l ti i1 ttt Ill 1titt t
1~Il , ttlii ip I~c c~ttl ~f lst Ilittgt
tilt l,,11(1 11, t tcwM it , ilt~lttl
,o 1 iu''utu''tpa l" 411 ihit' "t'> lt~
r t it t tit ti il i l a c t lt , it' tt
Ii Ni t tii ati' iltheIatlt 111111at
t~w i "I cc , ,il' ih il 111-t'l
il tii c , 4 il(1'l,111 I,1A t~ h l
tl ' ia14, a .Ihil+, 11 too tc 11111
it'c f t"111~ wa ilY 111 i i i , o t l if t
wiht it tll 11 it tittiferi iii1 ill.tti'
[ilti11ha l "ch ltl 111 i ii wi th t ;" l
S l lt iwil. til tltc lcd ~
0)IM 1 tvtll h~t tl i9tl 4 t
' 1 '"1tit ''llt 111

'Ill il' i Mlii \NVN


,II ' lit, tt l 't llt 11111t int lii lii l,
I, I I'l ttt ill , ( 11 11 11 ii i i
S III tt r it tp{I IIt ilt it IItt l 'I 1<

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r flit
11 cd,
1 )t)

'i It III't' ta'rth

t itt ; 1111 \\Itil 1)c l ii)i ) i
canh~i incrr)llcgatc i ii'.
i a l \iii c I l1' - l~a i) I IIa
jli~ii' -( t)1 ) 11 cc t li)
c ic f 'tilt I i ri it I w i IiIcit
t~iIar~(litt ,ta I ii ac ie+t I I rt in" cili

j e t in tllr
1 ? t i7IIIcaI
l I lic ,> cct
illl'C'1 3j f ll'
tl ,trl * r

I, NNi-i'l' NXi l N ' iii *'tS,*
Nitil Iiil i'I it 'lit I N .NI 1'Ni

,111 titi '1111)i 1" t to

n, >>71, r
tt"t1 ; i

lit' I c itl)I(

Iff) t N " it t
lii <. ii ii 11111 wi
111111 ttha N i tra
r17.7>rr iii1' i

ti it '1' lliyr(it ittitli
ii il' 'itiititt'iiiiil t>t

lci i~i i NI tititt i iit
idl. les1 nc'o
Nri.t~ ol rt,

ri ii ri
N r

iturtu i llc

if1tl' ict t ir i'(a'
111111 c \11ch
W I, i I? I t i I C( il
I'll lt
I;I ii i 1lii ' li lt(i
rl I 11't 1ied t- w r

< ;041111"d1 % 111~~
it 3 c 1 t I 1 t i

fc 1 t it ii n t~lt iiilar l i 1
Ii ii ito tt( liii i t 1 i ti
.r i It lf1 "''l ll 11 I 1 1n tc
~f 11 i'0" i , -li i t I )i a,
;'tiii 11,r~ u{11i (tti Id-c- "w ~
ho l F i i llt;11ctltI i t lt r h
,l-"lE (f G w 11 ;11' , K Itilt c,
artii c, w 0 11ilw iil n 1 t 'l
, lr r t , u liii i t il l t, o u fo t

ii ttiti It i i'
~Iii I liiil

\ ,I N 10'il
111111(1 i iit
I' i'tt O 1

c t ccli fcrc r~ cY kv Irc t fit r t,11 ,
sr ir l; l{rt, ir, w i chti lt' tt' -

i iN the team
their n ut7c
r>f fi<'c tl i
h1 has icclI
aserl u tt:n
tall its «h-
lare %vIII ]It,

tf NN IliliK 11f'lTttFR 'I
Ill: IS A.NRlIf ) iiNFI;() hi

I If hut
fitI lilt
tit(' It

lii l ii ii 11111 i )ii s o w l t
liw.nan- tha oe wi
,rrit ititittithed die ire t I" hv i
link;- catch wi>ith fthr(iT onb ses I t c
it. Scor(, Michigan7, i' V . 2

'S~ Sf~iiI'~i~' iiiNiIS

hu~i" 3ll li a bran'dit

ln i ti wrwig impr ii 133h1
j 4ti~i~i~i, c iic c lii t tt p (-i fromt
(111 , . t iN' Iwit it l ri 5 tt l ill ,
,ii tit' titilict iii I i p in thei 1Q lt 1N 3,
li \c t liii ~tilrtcit~ Ii tc w al u
lit 3ttnd 'c ittt'tdle tc5 t)te31
iig" Tll }clc(Idc ) g~tilt IfonV
"11 U iv rsty of C' I n 1 313" I
ill i mp ittly ittre1nit c m lynl wt

lit~ bss
tft'rr ';11 1(
II- t >1

>I Ittttti 111111c
it C till(-11la l
thr liwcii wilt

II I'll t s
itr Xhut

iii 11111c


Sch &

,a tyf thfeNrear Icast Init ill t it
'lnit Ni _'l' N tit fif t' m le

lW< (<t r, aa l tl ti i ' lric c

rf.; llelh)n. cf.: AIarpt61;, lf. Taft was the World-; K. H. Ontia
w in ",nclitirn a, play. Qm sti<,n" : 1 1. T 0110.
'an next 'Pum WEI Iw played with Air. Kinvoscivin will
the Vp, ilanti ,:crnlal team, hhirsday, ,-nits laws at their Ka,
tp<m ferry Field, in June,

lilt t tit l

of lrf"k ll
()I I he !
tIl.' c x ccl
ll;lvc lw(-]
ko;trd ()
tll;tt IIIc%

111t11' l 1,o Il it lt t 1
ti 011 1, r t it

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