The Michigan Daily
ANix XVII., No. 138.\ Ill:1. 1'lC1,; 10
Diress Rehearsal Last Night
Proves That All1Is in Read-
iness For the Big Show---
500 Seats Still Unsold.
Forxii 'ii xiii vxicsi n h '. iii ii
clc xl ii and igi nal aunts, w -x i th
a 1,1r xnOfiii ixixxix xx xyxxilxHir
a11I W th s x lart c)ix ixi (of
Ixx- ir al i i lcc whc ,i
si iiiwil iipa ik ix i it i
clt iir xThe'alci arx 1a'
i is pr<) )ii
fl ili i ii
11-11 a m ] t"")
ir iiiv-)ipe
(i l I' a
i;li l iii a
i till lxix i n i toi
Rl'S'RICii.'ixiS uN)\'VOi IiNC
I iii ixixi iI . ii iAithe xUnie'rsxiy Or
t~jrcal ssm ati~n w-illhe idei t+ iii
in t )rlII t-I~w n ele trtl if thew rei ster
with - ecctarw \lar ch t torl Souhi II
s al stretbefo e S a)'c~ck +- xi hti an
haxii tcet a h i.rhwd ni
i'I' i'elei'ix wii llii e heldxi in iii iii i18.
l'i rh Hll.i ce h ()r ~
c)a di1i at r a nc iiixix Apii 0.x
iiisixiliith iiii iii ~ teiii i
c~ ccrl(f h oinee"ii)iiihi i;Iii\-i
clss s ai n ii i w n ;g ii iiii lii
xiii iii '-i ixixix frcii1)(Axtilt
law a d tex ie a-- -.a tne t. F r
Nx 1-ttm n svea e r h ie
arxiii i.n i'xhs xad ancxi a flli
tce agins helw a daIi, c )l
/ 'r ;; h l
xCiOi iii I HiA'iiS A\\\ii
1'cin u Aii iii.\ i Iliiiwr hS
xxiii xiar ( irixixiihianix xxiii
ixii'xii'iiiiiiirge iun iii'{,fi'alre
:111 theiairI ci ~ i i ( nIxixixii v t'
x( I (lI I rI I 'I t eIi i t ii ii x i t"i v ixxi I.Iii-
tit' xxC(- , iit'xxx'i(I'x'xmi
tl ii r iiwaIIi xii ()n i ii ixx xi i xi )
['1V Ix i ii i xi x li' lxxx.I 'II xx I-
reair 11Ie( Iw na11tgcln n[ iii K,1'
xxx ci', xii i iii ax i '11i illh nhi t'
te I't. lI11 ex iil i .Inixixi Il ar
1(irk ti 1 I1(r c"('_ uI~t- rnite xxxIIth
ch~wts. t)1 th widc I xti: xxix xxxiii
\v I w t iii 'I, (f t e i11 I B t
C I- ' C I 1 ai I C IIiie I 11} ttI
t'xii' liii (t)ne' -xiii 1ii 111ii 1i 11 - iiixxixxi xi' i
t ( 1i(. T heiii iilatter ii xiis ( ' i t( ii
I~cI~t I ~e 'th'r ii fettt - iii vci 'ri
stil 1( o lilrre t 11 c rac xiihaiiv t
\iv11Ire h r xiiIy re t, \4 ih i
the 1xxi 'ile )I'xIxixi rtii x rxii', x i xx I'iiii-
EIic xiciixx xxit1ii i aix i II xIii)n((1( xxiiiani
MxIx RESI Ill d I Sff IlS I heIPMVI~a
I i I eNF 5515. Sinl~akCi- ix hisi
Biarbour (iyrnasium the Scene of.
N'i'i~v',.lS lil .18 .1lii Annual lFunction Olive Bucks
PRISIi 1 i Ni; LFllSlllii'i Is Toastmistress.
thlix f~cli ls tc lns. Da'xiii lxix. ii
basbal ciii ~ lc na e sen pa
they xx tiiiiii he seveiito th- ni
It tv A t ist h liii th tic-iiiii i i
tie ;mx' xrixxii of' numeral to tin'iixi
rlin lvi lilly Iill ie 1111 o
th tm cilg tl is. SN chit s111s'
As ' iiiixas xthexx'ixxxi', manager is
slected the ix'xi'xxixii' wxilli h madio-
xInd ''cl i° i x . t iiiloixinilarn-
(11\110 I Iii iiiW"xiiiil
pil lay. N I er 1', \s liear" i ll eg(1 c
()f the Ine iis'ec lisi ivi l\gedlto
and Al rxxxii W , Dr. aii liiiii .A-leiii I iild
xxx7Aiii iMA. ('ixix t;ii n
chosii nI): . It.xxiii x nxii ixxixxxix' lx
A Clark, I~iex'i'lixoc 'xty 'pxeli ina iis
xwix'lvta'kieipliie - i day' I'ig hti at' lxx o'lock
Plce Ncr lid O r i ) t hc tyl~l. Ii ,mii i n iii -x
nig t i l.trt~r g ntank n t 7 fll.iii' eri arci
liv lyxxiOa xlni iii anI tl im e i"i xx ii-
Th m, thc (rld a lre 'xi lxxi 11(cliixii intern
in the center i ()f xihich m i i l iiih t p,
te m 1\ ,xiii n s x, m lth (iii' 1)4 x niii d lxiii
Yeii O Ilx lxf .Ii I xI)ra JaInl i;'t xxxif th w
Theiill)ixixixi ~tLene. InImialii xi
xxx(,h r 1(a t i i xxxi xltheix lxxxiii ear it l ),l
\ c e iv n I)e rl j(r(.tt ltl .1ix lxit xi ll xxx ~ k
Jixixixi i x , '' I xx lxxicxr :itr 41 Ix xxI x I "
the ann r (f FIg' r .\1ci 1'~e,()f"inyt mllt (aler xlii.
a 'ril)an il)161 4nl(re" li. .I~ (~ixixixixixix 4 the
()n (,aled ilt °'rihe t~f M itK M , hil ()n crxx x i l
xx S(xiii ii titl t, , i )n( A i(tl edgei f in(
thei "nii xixxiili ii ii ite",ItiJ xlein xxxiiiY~k ~t
her t()xxiii th c l xxx~rc ,,iii xii ic h (--4 xl'a , i)
(Ii(IIin ixc t() thxitict x, v )(tnc" liii tlxxx- I n xxii
xx liclxxi buxxildini s
lg i a ll ii'li'aix'11' 1-
iv r nseilxxi x-
xxii ii ielieni'xi'xn
xxxiii f ua lxiwil
'xxti u ; -. lixilixy
G ii nlaii I ixiilxix x iluxid
Theii lxxivexxiti s)
so sl fc wii'ii xi
gclnliii iii ciri
xiii 'xxix lxrics
C institil loxl icma .
Ferry Lecturer Begins Series on the
Characteristic Attitude of Stu-
dents Toward Religion.
xl 'xxxix' Ilxixity ~ irst ofiilei.
of ihe civi s ilxhe Iat r xxxvll il-
qu t-y xt> xt ' clicrIh' 'xx i s ;i t Ix'hx'v xx
towardxr iilixilTi illhil ~r
'I xi i~ d ctr;ii l iii ll ii eI d tll o
the iti'xxi ii ixThe xihlxxiiof th
-u ce o t r Clriliin r liii ix (riii li
I xr l IgII I l l~hio i ii ii Ii
,o l i liglof c n . 'bis i llxibei
litc ia i xxiked ill T i s.Iii 'xiii xxiii
lxxiii xir xix wbi 5 t 'xxx- ontJ
Qt'lx'i ii:ixxry xixcrxiv i l a ix i i -
xxi c nlth d of dlx' . Ix I c x l e';
not iiboa.( ii ltxhis o ci on, arc in
Fo te ix xxx l i fx' i xxvii xx . 'iixxi toi
liiio liii xiiiwilixve I 'xi lxxxiii I xiii
i, Is iiiic oiiiiiixxi lxxxtoda
irons .;; x. x-iad iSatu 'dayx' roI I toii x 2.
'Ii xxi lil xxiiahen'iiiiaiiixi ii t tre
Marl,, i ra xii iri li b i ll( iii
xlfnd p , f Ieii l }i oda
we xix x cl h alhii, xx. 'iii ei pele i
rlI i lii Ibe NSTSlc fi ol ad 1;
i Ilr:c ii i wi i n t i A Nl ivi livmg
mag ixpI fx''inxxxxioxx fix'm.oxxx I iixi i lii
liriam ''.iWxsec tixilx Jacobxxiinxdith ix
lxxxid ii l is x "i x l Iv xii xs'pl akeirl
xxxiii' ' nii t, t xac l n icini
and i r i o'iiixi orii i me l oxxxiii d
xxxi 'xxii ixii'INSTRUCTORIS
lxx TIN ixxx ii I Nixli NNii liii xxi xii
to tak i x.xixixi lx ip lxx xxix . ii xi x-
hopes xTo reg i ls vii xx Ibyxhvi].
Txhx 111181 (VIspen I rI 1111s'at,
,MicinS upo n th S aclly ~hwa l
i'l'lctrlfrAY Al tVx'xllll Ill weN
x lic i c ; w i c h'
)v l) . I I,,i
that lix'. . a
xIii~ ix'ii 1 Iu
liii 11 iil iiiiiilii( lxxii xiii(
cha-e f hlikvx k
iil.i'ii i lix'h~l~t
it -in ~ ""a i traxI- x 'xxx
M ''xiii every i xixi ii ih)xxxiiilxiv, lthei' I inig
;ileaartiiixxiix n~n li men i ilixl thei mi cal
Wxx. Hltiii' leaixixil l nclialsc p
104.' Tluxi'i i.iigxii ie tiime
t 14- medicaliA -
Ii . i
Unialversity icia nWo I msresApril 5mwS