The Ic iganDal y
\\\ hi ff hill lit \N Il- i-I) h--i--il-- --f( N . t-tf
VoI . X .
No. r, 8.
PJ.u.1k. Ii1iUI.~ijJ..i ft \N II fit 11ff ifi\fVN
Monster Parade Morning of May
8; Big Show Follows; Vaude-
ville in the Evening.
hn~m theburt f th fa-fa edfircuhs
l im lccr, a d i. nm ord r t l t( c toi
' llr t M i iiga I. Ilon 1 lI t t a
tci n rc lti e otil tarlt igh \If1
fil h ctt l l th Viiat lt I' it
Ittn iin f ttr itwan tid
The paad ctit l iud ihe ietire~t
net~~~~~~~ ttci Itt" tillo ou ads c
Ii lich wil It r fs i IId. on
han : tlt' spiit f 0 tri l~t It de ittd
it, 1 n ''1 fn~l It urihtttt
Ill1 11:t1i <IIi wil' l'l ' 1 1.ltl tili mot
([al-(luin ad dlcta t il atti
i rt~ht toglthe fun tr ; sigl
fillpy 'Ilcc ill heI ac t it datttigt
d tlt dn D ctr fat a d li
, i ic f f u~ltltl -cNl ub tt'i
fn c m ilIil - I l c oe \ io
tan ln Allie-it 1 yi l il d w1st
n~~oive oi () afffh c d ,)s ill ft
til l i citttign u tuie, i l Ifsertt
sud llx V b lci t hettt hatit thavte
II itit \,,rl ut' , and polt rsi c Th r
« lit ttte I 1111 Oi''t'i tttcitttit'c stkill in
t 11id 111e iln th prs c tit fttttth1tttttt
fowls1 ;l' rffe I'le it'fltlflt ndi camettt
(fCnesionifts tt'l ile gratatel flor all
Itm'e If emttptfiutttt fotr tite flncy-
iff} oIft ofectionstIf lttte's, liquitt re
fircsitttctts, catnesi, ticklerst, tchilps, btat
\ttec c ig net d 1 i'11'tt itii
"Ice cluh will g~illa iiitc h w
Frd L wo till co Soc lg :it
1 1 littttta-aie t" p i heisD l
'It'll Im- ttllllbilDofil l ms w
vda s n ill flu h iofCuI f fll'
wil t St. Ieproduce , \ ill iitog ti htir
t i ltes rnd im'Itllr, p o e III] '
Ift. itm IlIrspho e 1111111 S:1d il
Ittf11111 ttti otil' rItlf llff'ff ff1 ll -i
,w it g at1111 111'clo titk itIfighiSchool
hal t; I- f te p o rmtt it l
Chose ittcIlfo I, c ato 1111 .
111111 tpri fit fi itt flit ,l N e,
numbferf at Mr.ill' fl~cft Lokwod'i r
ttwicll lttitt Ill1 ifnd is wo111111
give 1thrugh 111t-1Loc wf odstti'11 pf'iil
111t1ion land te tall tive il\l . o
111111 111 1)111111 il itit n 111111h icli
Tics au1d1'' ev ill' t mtif1 , lte lil of1ill(,
,oll ti tti n uit ed may1'11)111l
1111t f fillr ill t111111 L o cI
11111 1 ) iitt11f,, Noitt} tl 111t111 hult-1
ing, 'll' i ll'me ld t t hel'S 11 11 liti11 I
o nte e s i e P gIf t nI It l t i l i s t u e'm-stec n c l d ff c l ) e l 1ff1 h im
se ttiqua1to i l 11fIltlc tI fls tille1 111f1
tilt Illoff1m' T'tttt reatt t i es w'eff'f I cttti -
I ffh1e 1fti lotf th 1111 it IIIbay 11111 l ottii-
1 develIop 11111t1een a yIuts"ttttil liet1-
athe tatter binlg Naecharacter istlittbettty"
PRES. ANG LT O >,II TOO LilIS x Ii.h P <i
GET LOVING CUP l11>1 tl'sl)l lttf ilordlc
I .
Plans Made by Student Council
to Secure Such a (it by Popu-
lar Subscription. ~
1 1111101 Illtif il tfor ll'h'ftffll' Ilof if
I u l l' ''N ill' fi''ftti t r mtill Il 011
11 ht illiii. "f111It t i. ltl beenlct m
,wl h 1 o coo apeiation f111n11ffoll
11 1111ffrci Ii I pre ient tttnd f !g ill e ll
,teh c~avctr ia l l 1111111 t fifccl
fti lprs l 1f Iifilgllto be illo1111111 to
fit if t, c rd theff111
'i f111,ff5 It'&t 'o., fi t r it1.I tlt
'a 1 1111. 1111il atilt, woki ng ontlllI defl
tiil. ll i~ e l t cl funtill after
uhnitelitoth C till' edtel I11
-c itiott ot I t 11begI i lt 111 .t 11
T' icrth i el ,_ll 111 taticll f aIlnd~
1111 1 1 1111c ssi II n c of 1th 1carn ff
cla" pr~itlc 1 'ItIIcc t' 1111ff ,c
till 11 lreached ;,I iftI 11a11 ff1111 toI
111g11 inIthtill'e 1 111111g
til c~s isd itelforttthe1111 cII li
1111111till , tctill 111111' ff11' ile m n
',lii II i a ttn litgerIt l old111
<cii n . . . licd 11 1ffotst11111 t c
1111rk 1a11one1 ol lit. Nonll ,'il I'
:nroItt. Itlr lld o flr" there111arcI
111' 11 'II' Ian 'll, this111111 i
ff111 t 'I 'to'gtt l aIt'll uarer Iro
fi 111111 o1Iaten ir itl-itI11111dit
o'II' thefill e IhiNit 111 111 fis tte cSti-t
n11' t 1' l o t. T ~ ' '111 Iiil IIotI ft fill
tlill's ithet workltt f tillc1ing1a111 e
II~ btt ill am to 1give 11 or11 1111nf111
fIartl111 ll 111 affo011111 1111 111111act1r1
111t lt i oiff al;II ollar o m k h
nillil(\%Ito' had1chatill' filhill ungti 'I
111ff'c o beI t i Ill) Iffe1111-lGaes
In ,pile1of11 I , 11lc o t lt,
fil dle"ll ot11 1 h oph, Inpllc
whc il1heh11d he ltte prtl o
11111, I ilI, l l 'if jutlhl , pl-!I o
1111 a d tplnist o b111 a,1 big1 :I
1111 111 I tttttt CI 1,1- 1T f
\ fc 1 11 fo 1111 I a, 1,
hell handitedl dtlttt'll'l I latofillbut 1a
tcIIth fif ff 1111 1 fIlt I I ilaIII 111111 1111
t e f n r co li lt i nd ;1111 Ill,'' itill
re or f t 111 tbotll 'tIc vol ill
htadI Ifo 'lrl'~ ilc ci
CII cu isfouihi i icr ftr
no the r1ive sd e \i111 il i ul iif 111 or
sixt of111 t h utlittcat. Ni l IM atill
the old cla is stil ill il l lo til
t r111'1f u lt o nt f1111111ll c~
mIl fi heflfltfif 1 ~l'tt' fro ill' e "
cc1111 f~f av11o111111lo '11m '
thills 1111 :port. il fifc'Ifflifg 11f 'l
\I;\ ~ FIll f1\Y Iltiii ll lINi''fl
Ill Ill 111l] I Ii h R - ( Ill,
C 1 11111 hh okd-or ohla
coor 11111 th 1 c\\II f11' fll llli f billl"
ff111 111111 lh IIftiI,. V l clII
Kt1ill o111 calff11 11 is c m ltolh
1111 111 1 II AtI c~tll 51 Ih11'' till ighl
11 ll1 heifoll. l ll f1 t1eil comi
i: f ltc ui ldn a ig N<1l i
hih i ll' e' 111te Irest il tt 11 'I's111 1
llk llli' Ifh 11 1111lc Ill th" 1to 11111u
1ain 1te 1 ct,1 e aiIIIrmc
ff111' li 111 t il ll' 11 11
it1'I't'l'r ill' rciI t 111111111 III
Choral Union Completes List of
Artists and Programs H~ave
Been Arranged for Festival.
;I~l(1theirpr+>: alns ay c 1cc llrrn ctl
Of h))c ho illhe hci, I 'l ,l III 1
hc e -l 1:11,ti ll s 11111 rclw tad iso
)r~l)) h is ;l illv ho "Ia r sen11
ttic( Il i ll 11ff iti)~ ) ll u i l.111 A111
r r th( i sl ill' f i , sc~sr II, aI cII tl
t ;\(r t II I- l I ;t it IIIs r(, hi I)
h< i e lr~I~c fl( II c itics 1. 11.he
rc(If tI'> \u~cuccetsae 1r
All-(dI>;rh lM l ly t Y t ' h'l'ndis
wcll Ill) I t w ll h SHI la - l II ff1111l
thc ()hc~ ;lilss. w~ll ihose 1ho
")n t I w la r) I iltlolo I u i fff le
\1 . larl° l~ l~t"en :[ ( .\9r.Il1 l Il 11
I~c'I ic . TI 'I' c)) 11111'I 11111or
-h(-t ;I h ts I t~lI rt c l1-1t< c all wil
ti iII
Ii iii
it till' il f~
it i to ave ch n flmense .h N tI'i
I 1111,111111i! illfill hee stfill 1111
WanNol mcancl1e'csa
WhCH >KC~l\011- thi apla 011111ha
J. it Alln (A the n 111xi Illpatll
1 1 gi : - till hfill ing l al f11it Ill
he al expdieil t:1 ilnl ill 11111'' 1111 uld1
co- 1c« u h.Ihitl tk ff ifnt't
t«My thosan dolar to istill thIe
11111 1 11 II Iapp faratus." li 1 0111f