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April 08, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-04-08

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'il/li'IN'rS (./i 0I 01 11TEN IS(G(x0 I/S im, Sears,
01 TI 51)Di/I NP I l"OK1IY. P1 oIssasel.ad Spldigs Gold \ledl
G.f. 'Wild Collpanyly t rfi t1l~'tirt tt tt.II IH"' i . cni-oyis s a is. utn;will \Vight S.liittm C/aiuiithpand T E 1 N N 1I
:. MERCHANT TAILORS : a- - C. A uinosg le pin sacatin. 'Tlio .taiciii Ioalsto c 311
Nei ossasp00 of tliswora i5 to wsld tgro~p - - We have for vor inspect
u Lee sO White i iollege ien cito ech0 plce t sttresi P lttaaa is, tbs tatd spoons, in
On/ileiicht.. . E. I.Eldide) }owlg0psoplls.nthea . Ch i tii asdels. for wes'and osis slisi e lesignes at nal cir' n, C/p/st ol /0oti( s en -
Have received a large ine of Cs tlinineI.... a/soet A onsier aMl sictite s-ac e earn =cier lee tore, ib S.Plin Stc) t lte line of
woolens for SPRING and SUM- P/si . . . . lolSis .t,32/s6 Siti/ini St.cieods>, 01
MER in (Pleniurn, Ligh, and Dork h m . .. 16isa nts I d Visselllit , 1 ;;inh or peicpni ,tl ;;. [i I te f e-a +e ii I T n i R ack ts
Art Leather] Silve Drab, Grecian C I i o oNliVifl' ull in steirfilc , as 5511anfetennisiR10kets
Drab, Ligt Mole. Royal Gray and place.ai iiiilluI n icIs sit t.t iiii tiiiiiiii ripco -'i/ertit . tlr~v i s siiiee atici s tpplie.
King's 'Ian. iii . oS i rt fli/i lt /c iii /s i ai tii. it lsis
We have the Blarney, Hudson, h5 . / I ~ochtl- Leonrdti'i / I/a pupS us kii ll he oci> Si. ro11111-Thc e ste )-tts/ots. P/sr'
Cumberland, Lhese,Orient, Pel- . -. / Lanse i iii/it,/i ipesentciii b st Racket is a a ucaiuly-Oter
ham, Australia, Cymiric, Bullion, i sGlotsvesuii' ii seii /iis-ci iGresi /bargaias. Go nsit la edr fti- toi ueo
Federal Empire, Reburn, Irish \tIach( Iiiu //e [ ,vrn ne wlltli i / e atii iga,36e iii
Boating Tweed, and Londan Wrs e P //ioi ic/ oD ti ______k,__.______I_ C.Rcket arc tl /iC ls
teds. 0/5 5i. o\/ sLis ss Is ir-ili is/ lcs
tes ina .. dovis l -V \\tts C , L \ I isii ii\ siast srresriiionssarie-r (Piiisslie/I a d the - I'u t i'i
I, I isssi/s N hili/I./S/s-ioth./fillyIs ta ps-l osit aia.~rs.I ilisl ds iss awssil1'1 ej/s/,'
ii. suit:issaJ 00 t'ic , J .I air/cs J. II Sno k nd :tr assiablic tess go -a ass ii
il sici euiistiatttl 1/. Pli lsssia(1>I liia sisis1 /I C bs//iss iccit o o l I-. lii-ii i 3isriis
Please come early and have /1-t, I C. 0 /iis is PaIiLi e, C.____l,1l.I Prc . <
your Suit reserved. .0I/ isis1 / lied aston is s/is lss/sisossio s/it ard iis spig t/hai Everyone Guaranteed
V, , / ol /ll\\ .. lIitt ']It- ,-s s-siclartte ll td tIl/ i is ti/siheel aidssl lu ss he anki/is
- - 0/ / /ssII\. re t/s lc's a i ll,,/i iii s i d ioy , itssil 5 a a u S o ss ssle, i/sui nt / ish n
I, i/]s/us ,/ is_ 1dcio isi-I isi ) - ark s/riaii is Icii' her
G. TT Willd]Compa/ny I'o:e: siti ___ /55i55555a i/s .'tIWitA eHiS
311 Soth State Street BUsSINESS STAFF Thal /th indc -is' I s/ s is rh snr ialdo n itchsues sssssrs, Oi/ees1, on University Bookstore
/ 0/isis utnn1. 1. 1sHtiill /i saissss , ; tiu io iss S- i i n i/Ss t el
Pdts/sr-s: NPICiIsA Is LYs Prel'.ss Bdg nr rc 0 55555 00nd c rt \e lireso ildito ye r agradfailirn
B A S1t isasisaStreet.o 5le a ttt s ees iclteer si rl snil tis issueitt/ir, sslet ts sell Ia yost . A T E
Ji sbitss ssI iSS. H lers Jeely
B AAEB AlL 1itgee 1/ours:.'ts- 15p . , 78pin 8 l ca lb5\au t edf
'I//I I/-I/tPt0/cn'=. /)sssr/s -it/I \i1inIIls ,I/S t
its. lissi IllithitiIci uits' 5i/ Ial1.T
Gloves rang egn t :,oai ingt \atrom')L:I25cST'
I / 01/ is's~i/s'5 '-si/sass/ ire P/esc S ",sss ill- $ssI s tito /ts155
up linBa se cBal ls t e all w h t hI i sin, t f''i Dily 5 al i I s\5155sRsui sussi lIeic/sF,, 'I/slass / ca nd isis- Mr ue ots >Musicsf
pries. Spadin 's held /5Isilmlusu/alI- u-/ 5 iuslt/uco is I llle s ssrs OfiML' esdStic asP1l t iss
r5it a5till ortc-iaksr/ccl ainis sluroflh tlus/- FCsli"tiptoeteeui/tie"" etat't." '."" "
pric s. S aldi g s Offi t, ic, he Itt5 :ii t It/nps.-iit mct e En lish (-lit)sf.'rl'itolSi,(t ,iil Sossuln Iahlesciwe ri.
I / ti ti t,\s' , I iin o l T he5\r 5 et s. 5/55 tic tt io f ithe I 5 i i ' 5 1 1 /i 1 5 l"i i.k a e s is L x 's u u c
Reacah's/iAmerican. Lealcu/ si. . . so/c.. .. /sc C. ai e dialR itH inae
'o tar ,iithistheIi/mr o ne o i ttu su'i us 01usCJ ic hStuslcsg. ' asu ,
A G Scalding & Bros.d 50i555 ahe /se k-i/it l - 'l, sltbetl jnirpo i sisOIldcbookss' takenusa Cncls, Ctll nsu
far(\l h c~~I ad isi forcdit i tt Iiii eCli/ o(f15\CI/ IN /Lt I /ISI. "TheSi us - sss_ s-i lcs s~ussi. -
Jr 4 1/ 7 LXsusi, sss seiilts liuuldsssitasu -stir.usts is/i l usthses/ - --i(\\lusicssuue Sthe resor Bqh Cl26S ATESTphlR t EE U
o 55;I ( of55n5, o ch \ a 5e l to t e P r isu (1 - 55l o l f o l a n t 5t ee as i o m l t Stkate d Fl o el 6
a 5 5 atnl, f- autvstssiuu-r r s s i t yt rn eo n iyis toi/sc cussthe i h, \-late cas oe ai a ndcs ppu lari
(. -susuos is-s- a-ito>, i t ioanuopeing/of/cessss , i 0Ph is-cdasitepexcdts aids rear- actug catle-s JIo-staedsiolleesons, ~sitsis srsi sa
--- - and t/ 4use u/s/ 'sri'u sa-slca s8 IIoles Jstar Sae Ss . lsssS. s' sa
A. G. Spalding & Bros ,-yc al
it hSpn ; ~ucca hss ;cl ale -- \Vssii s (uerc. t luastu- aiI
BaeBll ~~ v~ewiBseeourlStckCoftiODS11 S J icnCili on('at),car /
ATHETI __ ___

Base Ball Uniforms
and Supplies
Tennis RacketsCASAP
and Supplies
Golf Sticks and Balls Spring Suxits are now on~ display.
Always the right thing at the right
Track Suits time. . . s
121 Washington E. -Thne Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props. Phoe .5.4

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