The Michigan Daily
ANN \Riiii, MIHI GAN, \V I-\ISI) \\ \APRILI itt 10-
President Angeli Voices His Appre-
ciation of Book -1Devos is
to Canvass City.
C oitr ity auhoirities, (desirig to i-
thy hstoy ff ll, ickritc. hae se-
cure!( AA. I.. I )oc (x), to canvass th
cit ciritil it cluit wk.
In a recet nu ber f t Alt initi
trcidct A gel a-thtfll itl i
sitt o t helgi \ <
ofich itv aehoi otadwt
11h occ- ls ow 'publied uibilthe
bridgeiirrc it 'r'itch 11cc wich wastiIc
t l t ortothe le trofesorI tins-
iiirc, tci es l Ii ttli page il i ri i es- i
mem ers i' th fcutiesprearei fo
theimotuptu byith carefIuXlt hand of
d gvn t it, tii ut ifeatues oft he'iti
Pr ifes ir li i ~aciii tit losed, it r
tot, rt ftheil l Roihit titstihrs
tart incu rl tilt iga it' areic profui elyuu
ilusracted wciiit xl ent halftoneii ric c -iti
iii-iif thct uli ng:, and pori i tratiitt of
tit-fo td 'ilrge ti f anidiurofesso r -
uiRiiigard i i eceit-iftr ist ri cl
iiiil, roeso lutiti lsitrkttu it
tisiirrh ioi ti mas tl. ith cremitar
al skl, in h i irst illt ichtutu-rlt tn
hebgn ig ofit,'educiaitiinal r(le 'if
background fortii icture1111collth thid-
Hetenfccs Iiicitfth hi rit hand
i iiiitf ti it a tit citile trit ,ttcritc.
th i I i tu ttuih siti tcusthii tiiis longc
'esrcdrayrinitg D r. Ritubn ter-
sont.professor of obtct'ricsanunct
the name titc of tt' imt'mbetrc tfhisi'neitc
. D.tiiitit t ii J X1'. 'uden, tut . X XX
:Morse, 1) 1 n)1.F d . 1. (rgoryR
f. iR. b\itiiiiiit I_ \t'. Iiiiit Xhic S
1, Silma i lley, Xnd c', it. S 'cStwit.i
cucrai days agot lri~ ddeinifor
mr itiign tiiient, aiduiritrit of i
Cturtis G.Rddnwu sseerly itre
Honorary Chapter Will Elect Mem-
bers rom Seniors in the Liter-
ary Department.
is itlas aouttobe ea ie.T heli afpli
itvme tingiat Ii ic 1 eth NItti.t Itlt'
st, ifomtposdgf ietreset tlitv'sunfromt
th civei chati ertti Th e Lisici- t eillth
meet itn1 i-cittic', ar scnltit i
t iic snto doubitithaitu w ll tit
,cait he c newtuc icltitiat chapter. li tt
Theici fPh iitcitBe t apa eninthe fc-tt
ulty iwlicgoiaheadi- t c e ihtwit the itpro-il
c-i-ill- f chtosingitwittic frothci thei prtutu ni
teniorttliterrc-ilasri andiillSu prtobabtiy
makec thir elieciuti 'ctic nbfrthetii
cMcia n i -it 'ecomittiantctive i
in etet-mbtetr. Itill-Thenttrc obafblytuce
Kappaiscifg-ltttschasit tll the hiut-I
Spanish Soloist;Gves Fifth Concert
of the Choral Union Series-
Audience Large.
An illiottit tto ea leit-tt tlu A i
musictioltrs-ta t nig t i 'itit i t'ti''
itk ilt i ititI ttii e og rzt he Spn i shtik
itic "i-i-it tdelicmelyt colotredit oiitht taski
tie uien'' wast large. and gredy1 of
lil theiit ltote titntdcliaxt of tiltitttro-
lit - ri tit riiI it fu tlly iienougit dcl Go-
tilt'iit titv hitt iroup of tre'?Ii i i tc
,titt-ibit-tilit- . h hrebts w r
hf reattt /r i c utu, Indiai aretei-ti
tiltpitduclit byutheiit n ie sp uit g f tttt-
ic Ito words andI ofisigrtoiuic
"Lau tirliii froh th c slc i ttu l ira
Strea l thin ti lt o11 nu-itt resit onluucanid
depodi ny ti i T iiiite " iinIout e itt'
ario,"begin ing tnsely c \y! iel A f
prims tted tticih the tcm limti fct t he S
iuutusu t ad, tukcd Irvuthe 'imorei
grpea; uhrtiticalify Jutanih, aid-
tihere tore itnga- itt-c Icicn"joiable,, ntc
-cghtcull tiuiu-
emotioni l ii i i-utr"Atiu. Chert' T hei - Iititt Crettu uc fure tur ri
_ iii' ct'wou it Irt c-tplp luan
wet til t-i wrdtutg ii I te uttg uitur
of histherersi "iic nkiu to Mec in 'ftheuc
lhdto repea ht and 'l'urty erup ioncctit
XX'ttt-iicri". Motther o' ailinettu" tuwia lii
fi-pesv.Thur tieirsitinictyfrthe mittar
ituicsb rugt ot i P kr 's-uttiu t 'he u iit
prgriiutu cflgi liii i c iit lien int tat
SttLenz,'' litlii gitu itRubtuin'r "I s itr
Iln tiltr lii ttfu-u'ndut ifaXcii t, act-
Cowtin ctalr:itt Wtiit'c tbookh torr,
Priuics,50 celtic lt$t. y0
Enne J.iPrecley, '07 of Stttt Fittit-
ciscrtmiihut'eiteatfiedicicinti ot htit
fiototll and basebcll tti tStantfordnttext
N i'iAiXiS NF'XX' i (Xi iERS
Miichiigatnuiamtta chaptrTaitu tato
Pi, h sniortiientigineiur'ituuitut'soct-yp at
gil icetut -tutnlt icnititfctefllwn
tutu i aitri. ut -sen ior fR . X'('ieitrg-, .
C. MorgniR.ifSiHeatiltV B.itz-
uI i i i " G. It. lI it tutu Litit.t I c IC
liii hi I i. t 1). tlitii itt. a les 1it
P ttu i ii it . K. Rolland.Ti I Xil XX'We)
Student Council Proffers Correction
for rawbacks in Last Year's
-heut- ed it tihutiiIii hi t-tt uucul",t tug-f-wartu
this sp ing in d it ht i'taiz the contut-
cttlot afuford itt lt l' uutu ctt ii Ahi-
tuet'nhg of tilt- Studetuiu t(tiitst
tighutt ucas iv' transtfer of tel ay tit'gl t-c
fro te in er tic tuto the-u-usod it-on
de ts tun I gilt' ll patcii'iat ac if-i t-
chance u tiin h 0rce,. t>i til ti tuu cutoi
thei trackt ilti-li it beiii uittihi titittI b p
thil ac oftul' itt ic tutu X tihiluilti
ill the cpartei'uponiiwhichti theiiattacintig!
pat ri tiathe rock i ithe seti nd-
con tsthwait-voredtilt Itci dtt iltthiwier'ti
ciii tis i l tv ii g thliii a o
at reugulauiu ittion l iii tu orthe l t I cotil-'
tistoc t ' het'four, an-tlt negotitionsuuu fori
tiha alttutu hutitg made. These
to-1 illt it ac ieabeIu
-'ttud tlt- mtlit- itill c tuute'fro iu t (i- tilt
tttdeclt ' . Toicitth e rakicit itlof
pontdthtot cuiucrruiuug lite )e.
,ela. iii rotutu',dhScheatrurittTutu,
Seti-A eait If tXeX'irNI lfi~i'
The- cotlp util ins itggctugions tro-
u-c tseatii ofi'' u he men'i f l as Itill-iccitt
Xiu CI-I uiu i' t it-FIRST O -iF' gtu-
ilinthiuye',,I (wicnclnt'tutueXmtuto
giv ut--ieryu u'i ic ti n 'f litg tutu ia'rg-
e ttst -u i t itis t ic of t Uci t
' ihiom hr i l, yehid i ll he welle
byuitheuuaddittu'ion of th at' if uuhihave
iote 'it' favou tic guttin tut ti n-ru-it
Ala}'titJt. ii' ct te mtigi- tiillgune
he '.iniIti-illforuuthecswin-o-uti.N Iatic
neciu'''i tt forrt- s tit uu got wnsui u utre b ingt
ciutucl slctirionst. Arthec lie rcces
ini Unirit'i iy I tiall, hu e nuiorsc twill
marchuutattu the ui t li-uuuu cit utncausolemn
tutu digntiiidIniert-n Accorn toi
prcedeut-u i- t hei itt-alt- cill Ii eld ity the
tutu 1nd thecengineuers uandh ttw-c wnlt
Engineering Society's Publication
Contains Much of interest to
Scientific Students.
itch cii iiney Xtle fi'tui tutiotutu li i-
fi~s ssc fth Aihit f iii icuig'ithel-
itg cuu'ciriu.
Thisuccon -tautin, manytutut-tuuuuu-ofi
intetrsi li toteitciug itt tmdcm:it T
frontiiece' is ti cureatabytineikettun-eiss
hith lte Pr f. .C sslformerfulyi
Ifa i f cc hi ic ( Iria ltath e t r
tW. 11guHo'iuutuuIhiisuccssor.iii' cn.
F. I. Scatt it thecs f'i7, gicec
then tutu' cengineietut'oIltutuetlikely to
prtcin f it , ictututu''uweitll tic
iiimoe om lcti nt, ii i v le t
titAntt lit-ui tititi Icuforut tcnsfo'u'mig
ahrtilt cur-i' i l'iti-'en 'iut,. ihsrecnlyi
teii i g ctinitheiiu-uutgineiniug tt-
'untlruitc, c is icusucuuiehut .i. IC X ulut,
and uu it t df man uftureds icl
Thefla k totuici Ia,,ither rccut if te ctc
irttuttiupnthe aprtus ar itc hiven
\-lituuisIcami I-ug'iuue-i ttiirutcttc5?''
is i( i tie o olt i t iiit I 'I (". -. I a it ut
au'traduuteuu i e,''ti li; tiiuti atutuei
cuujct-iof ;rtutaturcuuuliuu-rfuuuilu'elec-
soity lwru'c.X cTh uuarticle tdeclt ith itutu
giii-ccig coc ernj'- ;iufui i'in t ittt't'tiex-
Sui-i-u- it- r' li fii ndig ngn
eerigctucftu problms, from i t-
gl n n ttu--iiic 'uhi'u i'iiS i i ll i le u dtt fti i-t-
roomiu to' hlasii'ht1detil t ofii', ft titli
ori instcllaittiontit he i eld-
tuesritu'' ofiti--itheu' lexuretting
enugineu'urinug lai t orytiin, is c ittt'itcd biiy'
aut ccut'ofesor iliamsuu is ru-c i -
Wet-fitr i thstintfeatures of ci te achne
whichul wltc tutudi fout'the' ' ic-ricchp-fo'il
iscecribed byup r XXWX. ihtiey. 'ii
ofi the sfvetutu ergits ilgute' ctu ttu
crf tHaricptutr t ut TheIfewliialtettai-
uitincessary u ii to renderit csuitble-for
it iiiiit ticpuros c ar ii huiuut:ut tl
ini [hei arttuice, tge- t-u'r ut-uthu aideiucripiu-
ion ouufteiIittestit are to beImad
Certgr XV.XXWinerf thr citucof °fi,
tutuoriutd n tiu-tutu"A C('il
EninersI )uc-huiu' u"uImprovitilt
If indiiator rcurufor igiiin ictin-
ncttu-t Ic iii ho wntuut by itutu',4'fiiiuuci'-
L'aii tougtac,'of i t--clscs 'f 'St?
gun-c tiescri ptiothif lani ao- e
Fun the constucinou f lihe nt-liii -
guit 'uuiutCen uuttra t ud t he iii i uitt'
theiiex-ehletctuo1 theunl Techniic isf'fdue,
is Composcedi 'f thet'fotiuuuimucumembers:
R. Dt P'almeurcciha tian;C. lu-crhuns.
ID. tmhd tlli). XM, XWgiusit-i .It.i
XMcAliscter, andti.I}?>happelluuu i, iusuiess
this cprit;g incudet ,,'t-h'r thirty giutu-,
mosuut if wiclthutilhut' ttyIitXlti-
icracyc and igotas cte.if the. lithi t Kappastoftufhuefaculty
"TeIluni andtut ri ndsi -of the ~i- chaveicuiated 1s1o suticcsfutlpy'antucht
v -siy ua ethifiigratitud oPo-<natiuuuicihapteris soon i ii tto caralitp.
fessrsccnc I hhlt'and I ti uuttiu fon theu liii fiatcntylpis liii highetucocllegiate
hutparaionuof this tucti in uniFotrithei hnrsctiiiin tAmecictitutudte Pi
cakeh nd fitiha il.Itt u of cchiiUivIrcity'uit uta, itpa kpytis rcotgncien eerp-
I hoedthat iiiititt.n a idetirca-ntwhetrneccas tutmakuof disicti on.i T'hue
fututut tutuing f aciiiptehu-eitre, itisicsaid,
itwiIi-litti p uotonl ladeeredti rcgitioin
ProtfcccorTt r ueltood'siu cSihkcpier'if Xiichigantscholarhip i but will talco
citcass tint-reustuintg intug lean,"cuand ricvg Ottl incive 11 tiachill higher
itill gilt.' uitiic retcitals it Doom 24u ta nda'tlt d.
tonuighu -uuhttua tmorow iht hile finch
cectiont itill ahueaintiscccnintg, the sec- Catauint 'Itft if the varsup ityaebal
autnd Tihuursday.c Xiuctors a rn welcome.Iuteamhasceunutill sitnceScatudcy, cud co
The peru'formnuuccs beguuin t7 u'rclck. htsubeunu uualelutIcreport fccrtrachice
at Ferry Field.l ihe ewill pcrobably hue
W~iim J. Initt ll hue thin htonor tut either todaly orticomoirowand will
orautorucat thin Ioutndet.rsu' yneletciuiutn dunaleitogut withithue tecan tihen it
airgni Xiuuu Ii riii t'htAprih13. J trace e lnrFridauyp-fun the spring trip.