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April 04, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-04

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0hThe Michia Dily
ANN .XRJillk \LCIC \ 111I \\N, l4, 1907


No. 137.

Twirlers Do Effective Work and the
Yannigans Hiave No Chance
to Win (lame
In the -i 1n( 0 n I i i ll
i tIttr-t ailtti il~tS itiil 1)v ra<-'-c s I'iltils'
by l~~th az~rcait> iiln -the l l ii I
lhl i tit lIltila\i nti l il iii -l liti -
1; i cl trills
Tit---ib Itl il f te I cit l l 11111-
makshi tlas- ut-iptaii twenin a
tc)1d in ell I tit 11111cc 1 hit DIII
tcc etc It e lai :-ttti n . -,l
lac I tt- in ll Itti ntii placeIti- i
'topIi tiil iit ii i inill-,ti tl W1
thii ci iliti iti ii i n i l c- a in s '
lt)ii i 1 t th t h )c tlll. 'il -ii
is 1h ;n t~f(1, ,tt INi i, i nii i
±an er, a t car 1 l iii~t il tltc
1(X pitc ed - 1 slly, ginst ip i
lne it l~l- a t] a, ns l-il te l ilt- ii
hil t t)hi: nd ]1) il;, \ i pletti I li-
c i lc i1111,a ti its ht-i t- cr li
tl tiltiltii."I t lll tt I t l;t a i 11
W-1"1 h ltt i tic i 1111 it , ml l
p:11 1' titl. t 1lit \ it ~ l lwl liil

St Ill ( tl Rb I ,RIS PROF. GEO. . COE C, A. 811 l(RS(IN I[IN;ALS
I~at s nihttheii-guiir fthe ivsr t nttrrr' -'.A, shitrisibtl l a8 Iiim% bras ilchosen
Cls - ea"e tutun d io -cat-c part ,Second Series of flue Year on Ferry Ichirmltnttof tex'tilta's Ilii-lig-ittsiait
at Iltir hur gymniiisiumtt. It ittis a11 ex- Course to be Given at New- 1liii l ofici t 111ril it aiimeecting luhilNs--
iiiisiti irlis' uaffair -itid all participanats berry Hall. 11111 liii liii' C.liii. iii, o
ti-ile n ti-ldu il t lt- e yl tit of''1 i-i- it riirt I 'tltti it-i'tarke.111I.111(i1i Ili i t'i rAl
-h c ni, T epupse ftislatlr Tonight1 Profv scaurei- --i ti itt ili l iii )rolii rls-lii iitii ut rf ii
Ila~la NI arNrlli aem n ".as1to1afford del ii ii ii t intof t eilt of ectrs ' thlt I til ii ii will 1)ei heldtritint
betr1pprt1 t1frtegil ogt ) h er((1 1,wi i~hryH ll. 1111dbes I , Ro'locb'he i l STItRS
letr- acqai ntedii'-. Itti achtti er Thu '--inr a i-- t lt t )ftihi s bi tililks w i ()f nextty'ituiiihttirtihe c tdt llli
part'was b- lti idr the it lii iti lt . iIu-f-1ypsitf bitt -Ioi i f11 ititi Ain tt 1,111 i:te Wt he111I- o i-lsif'ani ng i
1111 i Ilii itit iiiiii. tmp t till iii a I' liii iliuii(,ish- lr l iiitand tt ii ine m lt ib rjl Shouditt
_.__g_ lt' ticrithailt--ut their'I i .:nes ll() litImemb-rI ofi th


iitiitttti- writ-rs. it is tardto l i ckil
th lit f rot so-uh ixstll 'iit m
lutil bit lt-- til I i-it-i' --iot
I i i liii11that i tan iion te I o ti
iitlt I ilp os n v retilt ei ofi ll 11c
fllniii-t arc itlilit by womn,11nd
t bcati c F re litil l At- ilt
it iiiRo 111111atithesad lilita Nli
ll. liii ttitit L inarll-s frisc
it itktc i dtalctitutponlth Intntu l oril
police f'wcc. i iFo bitlll tim-titliis rc
- It, it k t h uist cNli tail-by aii
i, a atirein vc s rtela l a i t l iswitt

\'t'lii titiltiiI t 2 -5 '-
- ttl,, ) ) ) )t I ()tit)i() I- t ; it
t~~ !ad Ilt-tilt tilt : I tttiiti- Il-i-.l r
,ICaulN N [ rrtIN' l_ It;i Ii{I
lil1t1 \N, i"()il C1,1I '

gills .5{'ced111 Sils if ltri "1 /"cin'urs
lsc tlgltt.

Itrc( Ile tlftthe I1 5 I tit I'1tt. lit ii- i-i-t i- sitI NC I. . A
-_ "i ti-tiu'-fThcitli.Mora itl li ids o th,"i lwih adl estti till it crilv ht IL t ersil onatlt'
Atiil11l I irt (t li - rititti'- it ti t- 'i il lt- ii 11'bi-i tlt I ii - --- ii
t-t. o~ \c it' t atrl I ttId t li tit 'iuu'si ii.i itn iaI uitii l l}'it
et11 s i t i 'i1 -I I titit- I liit t iui ri) 11iibKut (n rg t + a ,Sc on iili- it i II .llyvi 'Ii tIii ii ti I 11lulII(lsiltl iii
Ai th irepoutil e vc lt ~ e it-(,iii uteit hi m111 icaut-l a-itte-t 4 tilIi i
lull t-rlt~ lly tlcr facrlte . o ,ts n te" ' i s tluuuu-i i l tutu li l-i-tl
, a-nduui- uluiui i- illitait-t fut dt-uist- k i i irclsiAi pesn tieh lds t.
Il ia a l th cu ld he tii'il, 1 t tutu llol m I iii 1) ttil i lii sill- tutu tilt ti
svitte tii iII I btinii-i briitr(>~lrsJ htit l us'sch i ofN I uuuuusuuui f
tIlaI Oppor lu tun it itutuis u tlite hu 15511 iiraitlisi diy t N t
iir 15l e t te {rrtl.Iln i Ihe iii ii l t us yui' t cd ii trami ttu i ut i tth y r u i ii ict sIltu
lul ttarei i tuuuuuvl 'hu i ii ttu111 i iltone with uliii'te 1884 an foti u r i l lt 4:5 ite
iuu'u'su- lhce rclli ny en ptw;llltuuIithatnds thelly ui l'-tiiliril t'ttsi ei d 1ii iiitli
b'ii-ui-ttti stigt ut -itt t uslitytulivut tuptinutrusrtutu - i- lts tl tg'iiiu'uuuthe liii' R)r() (Itgi t he
itlto a"(I toutttulictt 'ihii'ii 11111iti i 1'sttti rls-uru i ttiit<1Jcoulaeuuuuu11--u- l at ~uuuu--'
it ii tutuii 1111 .1ri hr toutntilttheuiriii'giui~ hut "iltyiland atIhetu l tg-l sim ril lt itlit
Niletilut, hasunIweiII amlomlcgd. I.isI. I''gra uae -I tluuuc Nit uu'u-e u -i'lli o

lnrity--t luat uuuur-u'I& tLtw Imuilig.
'ids ut- it ul-lutut lll ii it w ill he hel in
P()I 4 'iv-rsit Ilc. 3. a11rdNyc
ti'iitti'tIli-tti I1R.
1it i i t htfit trim ii I ..I eaurust he 'n~
tl tI Ihiterry dc a t , t .il ui--' uiu' b'uto ucon-
Itst iittg I-ti tt ithIe I tu ei-si of the
Board Theu 111tt ftutu wig tilkt ihas-lbeenu
Ian lt, t's08, isecr tary, ealtI?.-
hilega t tuarti ii uuuuaticl-it eag u
I ) ati i iiLeague, R.li11,1t liiitu to s-t,
The lit esutu anug lawtsutaut e 1111 litithy
lai il ''+ll a 11 l 11 1111 t1?11 III Il t' i
thugt ag inst the tilhto st itditpus-d
T i i t tittitutu lheilaw usitutu hut- ital s u.
citim ha rete otalittl} i tt-itt
bi t-th cill tut leion, and hotsu th
('Vt'incea ig itreI htu ich is ben
ittsi l-wohrkglt.-
.t hul - i li stitif i the h lwti, li-
lit , 't iintt ile(t' tt ial .ss cato
tilt fli r ort'iii'uuu lt,'sipie of vice-
ut-sI tititta -u-tJ. tuf, t'iuiuuuu fasitiamed
forth- hus t i tuofsreotuta Iuy lt,
ailt-u wlilt-t a' tr sptit g vacill tionuiti lei
Nite and-placet trliHtutil hei ven ii ii
- t u-it~t ltr. Ih Ih r- Illi
tutultiultr tht co inst 111 Pracwicut
7- (ttu ht r-ut fai1r11 tit-ty111 me
tugh tikntow anyiuthiiing 'uatuall-r sonlthe

he Big Show Is Rapidly Approach.
ing Perfection --Seats Are
Nearly Sold Out
;h itiishedrlu astigt' Or. i Mc-iu'
thehdas ill n ifs face'tuatu rvaled
Its one 'fortihCtobuac Yost-uis fitittit
He' coudi hnhttsaytt)enoutighlinfitrise uof
''t'Iheyttir' certaitnldotifie"sd
it' 'Evry nigt sitssiarthihprust'-
'me t usillaiinvitupr-tenht eti th e tl
ivcit luirfitianivi wenthili'wa lk liii
upon thestags'Fiduay ight''
''let'ntithroutgieu-u-i-vtautil toi-
ight tanulI twlstittuahuito udetei-cti aitu
ratu edgs whtetiv. vrpting unvel
withif siothntiess ittht wsremta-irktblehu.
-i t it te tolio, tilt' sowtuu' tgt to
gnlt-tc evetutu'at peutr snitheitliauduuience
'tltInd uii make it u'u'iiuu'uu hi ls u-ar'
misvvl iitruefornyatt ay,
"ITittorrowu'tight w ii'tll hlutit dress
reheiarusal ndut tulttuButeu-he iis thig
it-hs ill lhe hut omifIc-autus-ut wit
tll catndor'tuu -' it'atear g inig fiz resntt
liteNio thetistrei itti-tiltevuru
wiii is-inthiiuuti-l ithe Iii'ug hutw'
tu6o'lck lIt-inight ai lst c vcat
for totu perfourmanceiu had- ho aut obt .
Thenir ii ~tgrotuul iMoori' 1th-sl uitilt
-tilt ds andulht Iwoi-rs iithe glut
toinIcr-lireakinig u'rnowdIforUnIliver-
sity Ha ll oiiilittio ttrith-i an iSttuitilt
IN \\t '. v sit2 ii I""1, , a t -..
chatrgi' of ihelustheritg tutdhe ruest
who it uh t tiati toirepoitt itohitltir
lh"pii~'lge is alsot opunuedi-ti mlt tiut
Untiveursiy itt-t us' dsi re -t-u' itktu'l
vantaig 'tof i.
'Iiihe IU'ive'irsity Cbamera uttu turt t
snsitseuiblui ofIPit tie the ili'scre-
beigu-itt teinhi litho u-tet-in ic uluhu
titlst 'f the' tadling iu i nitis oftht
tint-rv ar l~ig (tit iciiigtt's
hituwvat-tie orkIfntuitenuhif tt'
ie'tris ngitgfruits tittpit-vis io
Theonuntist luts tustkunrttut ainhti-
ttuesitiong' i ttttil tu hotogrtphut-u
; i utui g utubit-i f stutuin s hatv
Numttedspecluit-sitoft teirworkg
u-itt I hlt hateitseArt it(, plutr subing s
ite bltief tuatu Mihigtanuwill hrs in
tiht dkutiitutu o iztes
A reutu-issuetofTll' ail tiy ttud
tliy ''Niaria Stuat,"' us-ilt-lu is to hut
gil-u i-tiIDethuroutiidauy tltalttterooAll
2, wousulratge' Intuit0)cittsii$200.
As this mtighu ili'ticret tuifasei iuuhuu-sion,
i shottullitsttedtha Vit only liii-box.
svatns e$.ott 'Thurhbst si-ts i thei
houiise tutu)bhuobtinediuuufir t. $u ndu'.
otheursforser eau' utsuuiu-tnt- rferredi,
mayuhy hutaduulfor hss tmoney.i

UnialversityI Michigan Union Mioskrels IA~rj jmo


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