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April 07, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-07

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The Michigan Daily

Vol- ~XVII.

ANN.\Rk():, Ii. I I I lG\, 8VNI)A Y, \I'IZII ,,51907-

Michigan Union Show Draws (reat
Audience and Proves Laughable
or Entertaining Throughout.
'lii. mss'i iis ii' 'siiisics of liv\Ii l-
ign i c vii \Iit"ii''l' vsiilatnih
iii lnlcc''iiv hal, aR W cosnducted etchvii
uccsfl i t nv foisiss isv TyIII ni-
c ce Tle le hal, ;l l g eetd c I
lii ilmn. ihoe is.Ioia dsolists wer
In h h .or c e ii Iii fIiisi aiii to
i ll lad hoogh} ii v(dth im
,tant appl ssss~i'c0111 'ii is'r
ioa le m Io teI 'm toccil
al ii iiytctt ;a ind st.s o
avfac i is sliill ith a ic
tiii ssitoihei I Io Ill 611
tt hcli lio in lism Isofthe ish aiii
g vv'iiii lilisig"1 iiivv"' It v'i in
hiss I ii for Ic, (illed hIackssi
ir ti e i "l iit am s .oml,sil isi
'Im"h%\\ Sisls l 5ree ed fo r m
coie,. 'isis1 > s h ant;i excellentIs
1"gorysif,~5. is "its rar f i iiite
liibl an e. o , I LI AC" s ieili
"'trm"I' or isis's' nntm." stm
,cm ti , i S tub"ill Ii paiii i roll Ili,
wai iii >1.dc
I Ia r I aii islii r i I([ 5il. isIssiss A isit
g vlii 1i i5i l t ing cll 5 iss isi w sit
,( lf. ndIii'v' rlv' ivsi I ilmerisli .
isllnisermnsis oogstsspot
is hissin geat;i i tis aii sasn ivislvi
ti t usc< ,' "isi "si 1 1< \ "sl im isa
h,"il," ofvssall n atin., Ssss" i m


TI. ll'sliiiv'isii 'sss 'o Xli,vWhIlls. I)clnps'so s i

Ilildt"l+ls' lCCIIrrt'




Booker T'. Washington Will Tell of FIreyburger Ticket Carries the D~ay
Hlis Work and Ideals Betore With One Exception- Casey Is
S. L. A. Audience.IfElected by Opposition.
'I' crT,\\Vslsingssii prsidetofTesiscts ~ctr sic~tit
tiin in l'iivvvsiip Il1101 lil ss y i~ .a " l~ i orsvr yas h
Mrl. \\'aisliisiv'is is pritsills thes = 0 n 5 i is1 iisiiii w lasiN6. \'ailiv
prominentlisissin lt 'Isi stats It il nyh u isisre iOsl 3s vosins's
th 'ea ofi.Africansifieedom.i Is is telIi lli whleIj I'i's' -iis i ckeitlv s n "-
sedro h r a cle i Ii i''ssvv'naln inie s1is Q riiiwth tixcp ion of I{. K. IP.
ec>;n 'cpor ssespsc illsy isind has> lvi silissWh siW Iidefeated Iiby IL NI.
inevre s asblishs a lirigh titu e C se. T e Aling (> hsl s acrei'ss
ins' acs. le ais i sisiss tails is - 1v et Vhh sl It V II I er
fo pliiclpote, n sriestc ro Issoisslii siiriiaiy JuliuSA hh'Vag-
andindstraly 5 'us' IsTrustees1.AinsiL is sn5A.51,. De
II> sis isissIasusrisnig I sch~la I'ns- IIos, ~ .(ot aidsl SI IIc
hini's'has> 1i5''iiii Issi vs i tu 5 a 5A \ (i ddllivgs, I. \I ('iais'.
almsistiideal ins i . ''ras Th ,80Is'ascl s
sisnlis tiy ill, sianl ieachigradsuate' lssi sj For lsissisls'ii l'iisliiiis'i 317: sis''-
a Iprachr of \Vhh'vliissssi's idiiis. E>1is20.F rvc-p s int isis's', 373;
Thrisift, ss i moral ils~'iiitylia'di'ndu'tr'a l ieficincy Fro ',7T For i'i5'record i viing sretary
areinculsaIsdis heI Ii' i s ouresi ofls's' I39 ; D is, is 4' QI liii' c
lo c toarc. Is is saulid ishat s slil - liii 5 4: DI" 5 Its, 30: i(00 1 21
gil IhIssblinidi misniitIihe ss sonIlrngisst 2p ssHovr,;II IGiings. Iss;
vsh inpa st w ddesi bys's Ii>' ' gradsl('05ss201 , I i is x30,3 555 aye , 3
hates Ards, 22 : R 'id, 2 ;; liii's's ,11

Superiority Over Other Medical Col-
leges in Pracical Training Is
Shown to Exist Here.
isis 1,m lccn, lus l y ssliss iih lilvul
liii c inpciinc r ;itiai'<f' ntr:
sI I llg cn la t c I.by th sois Iii's
i i iitlsiheiilgs'i m t s' I si' sii'js'"
mIsi hll isisblt oni lii slslii ai sag
the: ;iti ieio is i'\cy i'v'sgid, iin
nrc e d id iim Sisis Si\ l sill'atats fail
1?er mnierofIla ~iv 'Idislysulis
is lc~ rgd fIissssiisia ill
vii, i Iy Ihi scil\ ss1- itailsofsit'
is''1 Ilk iiss a IInglil hiii s. r'grd
lris I olssn ii i'iu''s'u Is'il l's l's's'
vi h I Best tei t Nivls 'a liniai te SIoringa
aillt i'iviv, and co sstd fan via
w ia ora sl wn (I l' jsiusi o'. I li llis
ex mn t'lss'fs'es's's's' ii s siland i A
hoiidilin'v ii'slii'urilot lisisliiiierk
;n oher s dnli ,ti 'v5 s lmads.lBsts i t
,\';t, it) t e a t illscca ly t at tt
lisi' lnolils 'home. sil s : s'ws'I liad
I I us he ircv iii li is' iviI> 'a il 'si i I
th irs isiiti i I sin rc i liii rk, i ngll
Tund iosei s s ss iinsteIar Is ndan ign i
cam. lii, sit l ii an utline Iis si sili
(aislssto'IvI il'min ts Ioveii''s'iI lli 5 lolaYpa5
Il t li\,,k hes lii \lss agfisot se i
vvsl ls lu'giisl ivivata lss u
Ixainat 'in ieolio Ilsv lis sliigall ilt
i n il.wa e i rniip, il h liy
Il is a vvsifsillv I \ l'ivnd ils omsis ITs
t si n imlorllsti pstl inli lit i ng
In oter 1 p~ i iii, the Ic II l s t ilil
Is g lis irl 5155 N.iii il 1 ISr lul iv i
iois'iiiilisse il lo iti, ii t5 y sills
(I ikcd s i~ i ii al sisl II s l i p
1y he N w r i ty SI spi tal.ii ,iss S.
I.. ~ incheg ws gv~i itIs I sills
thei's' i a lisaf f tsc ' iii 551 Hos-
iia fChrg ,apst forni witclp' mi'a'ny
>trt , If t e li vi si dicali silts
ililstccstiing 5> i. aw, i lliland
isis ho5 sp'itl;.sl' ai, i sisi l ssy las si-'
liii i offvsered sl s'l'slvsip Sfl svelsil
IsN usagalcho sillf p siio s'.s's' ra' -
use Sciors idI'S st sill si'st' Merv
fc isof 11 lvi pears mvica a wilg

No. 140
Protessor Trueblood and honor De-
haters Analy'ze Situation and
Sugzest IRemedies.
Iti ti it, i s s is ll ll~ faste ss's'
ke iplalive l asshiif ' ~r itssiii '' Sn sais of
th li st i hi 'ii l " l ys'lll'l'' h i '
i I illidh i 5iti team," S o' sitsd'iPrs's-
uns;o relh i th iiitriii 1151y
1)iil rprsei 5755 y 55c tay cil I li
"T i d al" 'sIt, i is nos is Isis I t.
ha er roi~ I i i liii 5 tlls'e silly
,c i i k hd l ar c ln l liii rfi th
Clies~' old hi terti s 5Ii' tb sh.s'
W ile th nissinih oh Isa ii sitti il
,i I t h iciIll fcih citil i> is ss tt thie
pres ilsent >lshi hi llits l s n5' s s lt> i
tlci I i'u' ' InI sica,' I nsihs hittle'i y
list's' lii'ti tl t - io sisf heI~ hs Isi
isis iiar 0,11is iiilss it iyIf t h i alli
~yet liheils n'5 this ,ItsislQi lIst ilrntsil r
on he las w tlph s sc I i ich-5 l
maits' f h m y I s> o e fsit th
Il lists h<s"hits sitt hi' II ''sithel is
st sit ts is fithrils'ierrydos thi' liitntandi
h i sisih "s t's ini exir
iene i, t~trhcr "rI:n'~s sl ns's rvs ni-
isnithe >V n isa sit;LilisI l'l le s the s''
toI is' iii ir sti css' 5 " nn e gr d .
ate;' atsh isslss nt the plf siini
sit til hi t IsMithigan h lu stsr is
'Sitlieetaiss gieilcar tue t
is"te is lis p islh syis the isis 1 4 ihs
sit1, itu'f f5 trast' hi lt ssthes' iii's itt 5
thi s's siitil 'iis II sssoltthis'p5rtance".t
by it' hI rrangemS nt 'a{, in l,-hs
mul ce t ev lo s imi 5 vs tls t is si
th m s h i sts s'ss'e. Its's' ilusssus
its ss ' illk l h t l h 1 ilt)i
tis' lilt it i hli is Its p Iysi ti s
1 re awa ,th ]tge, ii sitparoper ta
itys' II l con ict h iglhtis>Alha spits
isirslt s .ittv I s r h ewi men, it is
iv iash Nsvis t'Iasis It "Ass ts nds ts I is
sl)ass's' h thegshoud notente
th e ae .Iti hits a wasS'>'i m t
si n t ay f rts orica's I l ho orss A
sit e t his' ettu' dsuit h a tingtit is lito ic-17
"sit 5 i, nso li'mi''i''tsh iiil'- thi ta >
t i i iii this' til Is >1 ;is u and 1 ilit
laieis tsli v pe ss int h i's SIt, is' sh I,)itsg
tadsspIt is lls i's' ni
o t he tcn nss the iis lli left:isa l el

M.Wslug h ut pnsmnc fli
extndig hs ieasithise soi 11an
shenit hi St peeth soati
in thiscosits> of1slh ih e ill Ia-
upe h s S stillserbilt. I titlist Illin i
ild Msichigan us sits s'its I .Iels iss
ticles and is t'saus orIfi'll>o
itsm1;slitsy,"this sltryit hitsow
lift' andsl''l TeIUpbuilliing of lt' 1>''
gt '' us's' i' st>> Isssssss. 1hlis style' is
'luarau nditleaiusing, nd usulIis msanners's'of
kIvy. InS.71 Is'I'usllvsstvv 1). I., f Dc
slitt will prveach'iniiitheUs'nsit'ariansschusrc'h
tsssmoyninsg.IIDr. ls'h llv'sts'vis thin
leadsisgUn V is'vsalist sprelache'livnichI-s
igan andsuilis shells'inown'sshis's>'. ASllslt

ill>t ti S11,11111 SI ' s'shh(I, ht
Is Is> slit at'llp 'hi is eak 171)tu la rsuit
hssuls<l ypsiterday i>>istsusu Iaus' 'sits -
trcl eatigi ustitc. Ts 'h Isp it
si P is Is '. u , l; ndsy
ice- I s> id n M ily
Sertay--J lu.W s.
stleatus hNo hIsthrnOaoica ~a:i
1)-,~t 'en is) l ushai t I i ' ~a;giv'
lIV Ca hs
hWul us dsill Shsslsss i stili nsi
and is o h deern I Isvby hisns n
ushl icw rd

slvus isisvvstslis>I i'll'il ttu sl>'vsv- Islis, stuiss Is' SOW(p pllnau>1
dially' invsitsldIsto t'e L'sitstt'isisuiisvl. formesdulfroms ' a Ioal t utulsil lurner.v

li i - - - - - -.'.


TONIGHT PofG o.A.Coe lNewberry
6:15 Shrpniversity Attitude in, Religion"49 Hall


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