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April 30, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-04-30

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The Michigan Daily
.V I ............

, ,. XVFI.

No 1 io,

,en Return With More Watches
-Pennsy Treated Them Roy-
ally---How It All Happened.
i-t cfoiur i}-carp h icrnerd tic gold
?".\'St tl -cu l iiiic. I-i retu nd illtn Cii
S o th ii -itri R mei c~tt
jlt, ofiiiei YirkiCitN.
'Jihly. i ar lii-n iiion ily cried a
-W ,sl h t i is iiiiiiiii i but r-
Inn liii isllad b " in" Patter
The trp as n li)Valc in liither
-I{ek lluti av ,'v lI1 1 - Te uI
l~ etill~ o llilte ttlw r
c. a k Ii n iii ht t Iitii l :sre

mulh iial iitti itd1in d 11imit
lith the-CoIpI t itors.Ilit I
eve t itool)iti iii iii uii liKirub-I liof
Oil miove ith Isu-ctmnnu res m r:
mid ar idin ii i it lui r abouI t
00 ) 1' R IS l1SC .N ,l;, iti
hotint" t s iin . h}i Protl lit iti
i i i n a ', c1Ang l ells
evi i i ni ii
Thi i tiiiu t -u gicne tirely in Iie
Prof. x vi :' iii ishortsketch ofi th
lif o th dam tis a d ciic l mliii-
Tui s hi k- itii 1oir eo a
tt1tiit. t t hei-t- neI of- thi i it f

Dean Jordan Says University Is -it:r<1cprtait ()ii f~ il il ticcin
For Development of Scholars, tic titiia cittii tiiii iI
Not Housewives. tlnu m'mdt tiiof.t. lght was iii aseiu
- - -- itii tii iiiwiiii (opirI t eii t i l ii hei''tom l
'iIi i)kI~l u rtd b if lcfp'ai~ lt 1nd is itilpresent rist-
I -Ow Fi ti I iiitii ti iiniihiir i i ii iiiiiin iiii1 Iti ll pr~ht liiei ol
i St uit() Od I- t ii-iiiiiiMIiXnlas t atrd y' ined iii iiihis el tiiiiti--mi~l i s l
:Ilrp(t ~ h l i ii'et intf ttiii mm iiii ii Ii im ti i iiiii
the dftli~t~ ti'llie" llt( nnvcIilrs. it i t niiiiiti Ias iiot ci f iill wl
sel i)haltl])ttilr i t' lust ii iii i- fti--. i)f nti nh mlhtsmheied
il itatithe i l~rirrs n Iim i S VI . Ii ltis ci-\ i ilriitillv i- ical.
"Ic i ii iii it iIi ii iiit u ti n Itplce tak tIi -m ft I' }tr~ks )rv t IN(-s
iee a d ta ite w i an slr ~ r i iiitI t uni S titii 1 ilt nutnung-u
ii ii krlhr )p rien fot t i i i t, m c s .I I- t. ti-i-i iitti t t iitiiitiiii t-iin
dn ii it i-u m ~ ,,a lc l~lI n l id t liiitr u i ii ltiti- i s u n ti-a
I a-ro I wi i ithii iiire niii iiniiitm-ti it tuut-t it -mmmd l I iiiil I ii tntp ed
n aind in iti minimuiliii itttimultun i t~nt n-mim
,()ld wilim t dsuh 11*)tir oo ht nia\t11,,u ,i i - miiauuimi-mn t i-iii' tit I it
Stc fu:c 'lidh (rlir o I-ii- ~Ahr mmitntuffth-tgeint Ihii- miri-mui-i


iitiutitii ii 1 l l i ,n ,(kc t
It i li"I iinin -i it ')i n i ii it at. i fi
e~to m hw r~cn n/t-1 Io Sin Ilc
tic wic i r "lin th y i"w cmilnimu t lwI

lutle tl i- hit iiiit iiiie t ut trac -w s tutu61, of ilic ]i t i - e te ia o li ld f itneiiiii i n r fu
> sie a l i p d tp.I iidc i htil riuh-e t e r (~ i mumor II ;h "o tat 1iuiiiu iiiit mI
Dillhu t me woieiIwain w r iigii( n li iiiis-ttera bii le 1 n acd muies in ehi~ nttto1
-,rctd t \k h e paic e ci tmiii as.Clsig an gn d t u ft heiniiiii-nti- te h reliey pea~ ti a taytni1wi
the ii ii iii h aint foc -t h fii stii h alfit I 1111ci°. tlased- it iii Irecived. i iiiii it ( siy s t
h.ts ld nl e t o b l a y o " e a. i" t i iiimhi iii ii-' s i 1r hi IdiiaceitohiIinit.
iIi- h-i i-to k te pc li th thr Cu in"with w spc hiit i imithis uni"dt-utin t h 't ca1g g fll
iii thin c-i ig ismonini limi)nthe usidin oi-in hiiul iii iats iiii ii i Cti(, et(Il o1e iS\ hie-i-h o t ya-, t
- - nirtc iao ev Ic uta tcrimti i unth -,il h in ,c r om fr s in tith s f,-nci. i( Mi- I n da
sprntihicteabiititi tohan itt tnv iiit i n uttiun ia T hunin t moinn ii ii inn ndii n- tha-utime e typeun it hi
, le d o b tfit ra d . B ne hit int tar ticlemi nuIl heinniiitt itt (, tl s m a h in 1 niiiititiin iii . Itii i ter-
i: gitt pacen or tini titihalftvtinih 111(1 fthctut mm i nkIcn tw ilium mmmtiri -iiiypeniinIIhttpreerv in: tiitgh tin
ti, -i t m11 Ielii ii cd ith ,{m'ii inn rn -tc t()rmth-e-mnih- pid iii tintIi ii ise-itsmiiiit n iutiic int ty Win t ) lowi-hu
ntd ai eai o w ntiar s , r R in.f h tin k i miii s is c inii ii ilhet the din fietutu m iii o ll-t v.1ct
mu ni mumC n it ttu h mum lint I)attt"ii iti uttilu t h ) 1 i -h11it iC i nitni i lti nt i
hi ltms u nntr. hin7ntimitt r" I itutc itt in nt)t iit Vi tt tnsiig 1-nmi
uni il afstpc t n ttce doublingtii lit - th ereuit lI ii n ich i n v (
teleandin tIrstmt tmutd IttuqatrFnshn 't ic ~ h tiutinadp.n II ntn-i i ii t u T;.1I' II 'S'it
I tlint unmit n- inispr in iumhettu u ns -it itt l iiiittyfr h I ntla t hi ititic tnt iii I )1SRii ' F C ),F R ":i
Sin ni-v niittni30 n uttint mow 's u s nmu- it inuartr ucuti cl t~iic hnt m - t tntin thteI i ii- ii tn itt i inu ~ hii i
wat it he mi fatt of iithettaitttniing hi-i- i n mm oIiil tu rt it uniliair~ti nt jouttht titsutt Iii -( mi'sf°t(t a tt iiwiehuntptptu
unte in x tihsme cd .Iuhu untitnitm, ist (tuck rilthatmtu heitlsertice tt n inmanr nmitnotrq ie . itsed In he t idew o ittemi mtt
pii ti mnug Ittnb tttiutnlpit nim. es lti- Ihttiti nc t spiecialt itii hm g te I'rir i i tic it lilay ittin itt lit -feritn tot
lwr it ii Ituit as ts-ntt-touti- mmo tenll-- _____1(,--------------cr l t t e t rd y t t nrc'crt c n nIin t it(v rilitngstIi- M int.
tt)tlt ltip as uhnhad tnsafeIutmhdty tntnmcni tcY) nhtm-nsthai-ngil st i lt ttit"taii-i- mitt cnn"I
tin strtu stelmiady imut unptnact itimut i-tnt int i-it tutu tint I titnimig itt t int tit i 15n mtatk inmiti iK in tty
tfit n tritn it Itti uinc li init a rds m irn Prtt o-i- thi-c utit ttu-nitfit in o nttit T 'hiiis s n t s(rsn i l i) hventin iiitst
wite ritn t heI fst esit t, ile, uiniaibmul hrini ut-g thttin athn- yit I itt()ationhad sh tiu nt- hutittur Iori tn-t ehae

ri tutu rtimt~ mu tt tmtnninu c uiimm
th mm-iti i n-i ofiii titn-in i-ttw-ihetchange-
fem i tt mthr ivt-; -muttohitgem- ymmmii-nll
Teiind mt- inun "" hcntIwctitt-v: e )rsnu tatiut-
i--ct cti 1 mmmiii of uth aut-ymm - mmii y cmi- e it
i"Ilrrpeett ie tu tulii--mmiieague.-
keca sc o the s l titt I-tintei- he
of t hinit titi-- n-lird -iasit-ut
mt thny it i ti-m itt i iil i t ni-inn th
mum-u n 1 ume t min immImmii tnt it it lm
tin{ mIt l'hi-thIlsilia)i lil-il-
nuelnie~ t 4 S lictnigai s t imna
ing pln inn u-nttablis ni nn utt itiuna t -t
ionti tinr i hiuttipp Id ituth at it i
intuci it5 ndeitehu tin- tin egisitr tilgreti
untila minum untumniint for thet i--
rion o moreitin local mm i mii s, I 'is ac
its I iut - etrday tubcu 144g.mnWg
ILi- limit iofthedpaten mf elgy
t\Vin-tliin-tan ilumtil to-unitk~s
t[l ing thn- ti-i t mic aif Itt ic: toasts o
th ~ nty" hindeitrent.thne it v
-u iduks f iit tnein ichmiigant
ammii {att-u-nare ikely h ml- i mumn mu
futur, Th ;tre Caiforna irath-
mi-ik oi f nt mmmhsd wamwdAnina
ttutei idntger fcnm nn eath nshock- unti
toi thi n ecesity of n arimt n gum mii itiiuti-
gautinsnn mw-ith tniet-m- hinn iht n g howli i lt
danger stammyii byit- vided."unh~
i-i-n nI hN-i'IONS I-tilit
W li 's IeagIi t -ifai-i-nm I -iiinated l-
Saturda-utytittim-o ntning th mttng-fthietnt
I nit m f a liithe -tigiiTn- fth
t nna mui ng Batbmut tgymuni-nn ttwh nuhthtic
inlliuiticutt lof timhit timtm itte mwtl- at
tuntitnut- innfurther nomintnsuil libe
madteu fr-minm thu flim, itandthiliu lton un
mill behut etldn.

Anyone May Attend Later Meet-
ing and Offer Suggestions For
New Makeup.
Ait mnnuuutilofthe m edyiitt clntubunt itue-
u-ttthi-kthliili luars hl f'li t thi- tit-n.
thisi mcinim t h piu niomtn utfalltil e
me;in re tgardn toit lii purposed rut ctuim
wnit i n- unaknd itd-tut e t s ituatuioun tor-i
autu muhiti minimtint nitaiitthus nteriiu tcdmt
in itiuuittir . At this secnd nn m-mting
iti, antimeto-I haiutui-ainmmili ii ofth
li m iii unxlatinitthin prisentii mldtiol
oft thin-cl utuant o iiha-iutm --ny ioters uhim
cae tin doii iom miteir uggsinsutu
I-iiito iithin- ttl nsnt t tuor tree ytar
thin tafftai, nuthtet-Comedyi ([fil-unl tup -tnt
itn tiha lt--i hc n un in rtiherat oo a sh tt-
in iThm t-tilt ti gmc inn playswitm
1iml ia mni ii liit fty iretcord;;n mitt
kep oftu utheilm lioit dinmu--hig. Inn thin
tit yeutufirtwoumn tiinshuve- mum-iucht
ti-mimi ii-atithe mn tynw it Was
made ha, mbeefsidot ed i-mlioi-iniertstn
JItrm ile ig monm adeii isthir it-
planne) lto dnateij m parttivelym tmlarkt-i
ittm lmts uts iti- otthiit-nm-iiiinea u iufo nt
tt undtutwitllitrohuna-hly h given ttthe
ti-m in ftrnom theu t e-iimeilnt of icltb
i-i- comi m n Its (m,f I tie-r swit'i--ta-rn itti-
tin I thtitbtictn -ti-thet-iplan tsnbroi-dent
rieclbinto i imore-t-ti i- emtit Un.
vc mmi i rgn iit onittu iin re tiufaiv hit
tututi pruut nt in i t hiistimititfolnlotinut
Marhall ldtMadgeuMitiillernmtgtdrr
Clertnnt, tlindteimu i n Itiitlt- mast tint
W iim uu ii--I t hu, ary mati it thn-f tn-i
A limt timii Ittutu thne - mmiiirship
io a ma miiihnttc oftiIt-nth tt foty i n-tl
c ing gi-i trt- i ri t icustand-i m atemur
pli-ayw i ih t int- e -Ipec ia tll i n t-
in thim im "at id Iis intniMayheutu
limit mntlta itt -c tn tnt t hEach of -t ntuit
catt- hi-co ul hwortupthepayutinh
mini- i couldutuintpicked ait it tm latt in lii
', u-ivetheinit l tinh po utit ft hs
i-ti-SI'i-Slt tii- te l t i -nNoles i ibo ih
"Wilii meim-n ink thait thin'
-m~tt wi-iuldtm ei n auni t of li un necsf
urn oli t moefttoaill tuthem in tefla
tuue i-it woth iecfl.
B.iC. hitne&y, itwh go yi it ctt iml.
iutituieretua intutatrmulth siitite theiii
u"Il Atheumn im tu i, i t ein ai oi t iontuu
t utlt-ileiliitttuse ihtitit hutooc
ito Atit miAr tntlmioir.i t-
willufm nowl rs i-t i-t n lymutptacu-
sive rights ftint Arbormi byun fant ch~-intse
frntfie yn icte.i


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