TheM"ic igan Dal y
\\N\ \Rl OIHIGNIi '\IIt_ PI . ks!) tIRI! 22, Hot).
Vol. XIX.
No. 141.
TEAM DEPARTS FOR thtrm-aindlecr of '
n\xrnt1 p hI- oonier it Anti \rlor.
EAST RN S ALP V~a i-Notre I)ame atAnn arbor.
Its i Arbtor.
Sflay iS N (trc IDamietat Southtl14-nc1.
Pennsy and Chicago Our Worst Maty 13, r;Syraicuse at Aim Aritor.
Rivals-Baseball Season Tick- Slay m Icloi taite tInn Abor.
et Sale Begins. SIte si2;--N\onst criat Wloostr, )
Subscription Lists Will Be Start-
ed Today; Design for Cup Now
on Exhibition.
tiwd ii t athercIi A Wenesdiayt-- l
to ii -fi.1tcc- to) rs ivicti Angei l
'Ih ict i- lw s pt (m ihi li 1 t ahmg i
iii l itk t-and theil in oinirts t ch
hi nc t he mos- t at traicitii tti titi ijaic-Ihe
TO1"I,.A11 NTeFrt ci-iasi th Cup e11K
u i l ehedtoncu t wint dlpis
m t tie Jittc nin . 'Ih ttjc
uvii he i:"Rc iivcd tt th states
should litdopt tiititi v°ad eec
.Os evItietie(that tilt'sdt-itrity 1) ~c
(ta cuts is not cinil t, t()tu
thet tcitrthat forty-lfitt-orcati(i tiii
yi-l tit titer titionii.the SMichign
track: teamitlcft for Piljldlfit iOyer
te Aitit Arhour r ailw-ay last ight t
7: Fi ; levue nit tic i cii ng 'ti'~ rier
Piilajtrickitmadethe ttitriti Wiltti
litt-detpot, liteforc te tiai p ued i,
ti mn cr ifreiy iiilscssitg'tthir
chaniices of t ttuii i-itinig. The me te s iif
the fo r- ileteamtic wereittii Iliii t Of
grcncitl,.procidtdstlattititisititi srsti
tonccoittldi .t ig t ticeadi on
not soutalc inth iiningtei sracelowas
arard iot, and tchentChcago.ltrn
Itsamitunablt sterut frsecs ts
toe min the1eafst Itknli, but whtp
it ew o es sill rdotits i t titt er
fur ii c nsit tiitutuclnsromgsti
oponnticnuthes fu- -itis tte'i re, tit ig
I ii I cclhas :metllente t. Iotnk
ptc i ng it-t1ir ii I nii cc-teIshictpgtti
I titi asst erltiesdoetete
"()m hop o -titli t ile - I itt itt-i
rittitforthestisve thticttite iesin socrs
ft tss unntets, csaidiCpt isssyl.
Dul l tit- 1 tittti bas iitill very s t-c-ri
rutnn it-s- ittitctutu d PullIr, it asth ilt
any theftir mctn uis t tritater hers.te-
to Qaks.ttititIfi i th rs tichciigan
twen- tilidsthis srte lleafly
Ftcedttiticttsarring astittsen sts Thtu
on -ilet II ii i t is r itt topen propti-t
Cig, Kcck. urt leILigeicforneI
lot Pi i ittittiane ithetstis scBifoti
ne-rsuits, I shoefst andchi amoi iiis p itte ts.
TeteamI citt tutuh PildeItiahis
mitig anrdtitChillit til S turday, c
holdrin-erisnlttcattSligtIworkc-t Fsritti.
ttgrc-gtti i scit litOiWlicNitc v Slic
igSteasn tiltetstich hilI ctdmittio
Sl1ay-26 -Corntell itIthatt~ca, X.N. S
Jnetty - Ditat s-rat iisnn
I ii Itiil iotc am t .ut A rir
Appearance of Varsity Colors in New
Emblem Causes Comment.
t i1 Ii e t i s < aria~
(Id a t I I
iTh hu n iv ityhad hausse u In
i- Irict\\( ix teen tthntic tutitheiI i\
llg a i ieach ether ut notiii ii it
-foits toritit i ittcn hot vesuutbuhe p
Th iat tatli that hleii tic ittiticr s s he i
csat ittifot he iic rigitit iii ths am
V;tS \'(7 CNI 1)
tl()r(, clc)seIN,
c cttres ))l tlt
)ietttrc, This
)lainccl. The
tr) etchir)} t()
rrce ()f \\ l)<< cx)k like. A
rrte,))ieci t" 1)
;ides lire 1)ic
\r) ell arul '
he h tiCitof itiehrc n Wild Animals tend Wooly Western-
("vr he iea ( thegift ers Attract Attention.
c i tm, i cv r
Duin ttiprngitactitutunsfo
thosc whoi isitti il i
cuftet -f uoseatting i hut h(
it iii (h wingitiis ii tutu i
tttt i t helii- lirmttit anii I. Tis ic-s f rc
refutsedl, atut hitspittc-s modillcd i formi fit ithi
wais issuetro tai xv-ity-sweat- men. dvicti -
It is clitutu-l hat ti-cotlors, t;i lac Iii-th
antittot acditntlyt-pt o Oemotiir
uiverslity llint i it icT e ahei: (,n c~r"
lss i cttti i tt itts "o) nn c iii ~tci t tl
iial he-l owed ii titittli th ill ii ci it~a t iia
itifiiMiig i nig iacitis t it u - il vc
lcessuhItbe tatiembcit ofithesscti tisi tti ikrst
bord otflitrsei ct .eeitr s i st aii ftN
rfuthec\prest iaction ofteis tcc
' 1 1 ( l I' i1;hult- ii- tii
it ill(. i t)ccr ni ti l t ha t
)e in iii ts-ii-to i-it tim-ill ii- it
Iw i tiarticle int ial i(t ie-
ii 1 at te t pi ihi h il
I~e~ it.Tils I:ttc Ila uit-
iil(1tp ),b tth ii ta()ftit is
VW'k () titituti n~citittii)us
()f il the las p esde t i-v
lm [v in -,)m ii,tiii-i i ty
irbte t~trti ft-itticuti i-r
I i eit iitsel fy iiitmo
itt tt iiciiitimhee Iti tti t hat the
iinrnsI- luukt iur t tut i )t iii li di
itritichirteipirtsw lhe ilt iiand it o
tihe i t Alms inthir ii tt tu psing-
act. rc-s, wt t he po)c -'inals,
s-t ci tuu tisliln uncitii "A lti tti ou i
a itd i s t sitag h i ts illilutu itiit
iii titititrshed across tei t iii ,il
Ieas. W tutu rngs)uirl m
to w l n pi N) sit i theIii sthl m
hist i ii i tus a ha ve niiptd
t i l l tcsttutu-- -tutu ds ill te
tuc h li-i shiwtAlii i sio i Io
The cicu p () thei-itt it h ililii
it u uigrandi t ry an nd i hot
tutu-red it -te ics ucii iii -i ce
hut\ Nut l-Ilt ig ;at
itcc~k t "WOl sthe grat d tut ry wil
suds a d sti s il e gie
Michtiganensian for 1909 Has
Many New Features Which
Are Attractive.
'I' Si 1ichig-ucisittt gues tn ale
this horing at , oclok. ileIuttui tui
,ii w i iiiatc sisplcdinttu! hettitcorrt-
tos f U tuve situflii,!thut.L a- butl-
it..t tt h ut- ui eitt uliling I le
:,ale will ontinutic te dep rtmenvts
11ai u sitld, the}iswitl het ilcdl itt
t ia tat steet stores. Tut e i uluel andt
ing itwllsel ur The7 . ledittitnttitt
-/z scltin oss tutu!ad s
iii u smpe ftebokae'sat
tutu luouh bokshvce-beenbundiuttu
sltlt iiall it ttu hiart'atul ti ts, t ue
-gala- is u utito ;;ouu witu it isatp~. 'Fhe
m~dihedthi bea aswasissuedlin
i5 amu1 t heiiisupplty f ttett
rni iiiee ed a t ai hcuti tttttilei
"all huvrs tis wll h the lutky
i-ischittlistutund large-st attiial
p utblse 1 ii IIiititu -i inv les
inrtnv esatlles -ivr utefoe utmbo ied
in a >til , nb i tt it i'Peratips the
raat supie is the tcttoottu iatnt
i liistritt ttitiy p toi t Det-roit es-
i'apr ;rfi~s, s wal a t se byht ii-
dcnt. In;addtio to Inu ter f hut-
ti iai tilt ihan s ii t ue pages tare utytit-
tutur uorc hits so cittustresscitbtut
lidi tit m tvarsit atlticsucs ctiithis
;ca's l~isho k. ostrs ll cut!ltrteal-
ii w t itt~ ll iba sitbll tutu!trckl
1 iit tltrspt tti sctionts. Viewss
tutu i-cu-1' int hi--i-ta metut-uact Catuti
d ctt I ul it nihi nttu the cruss o -
?, r i t i nceuuuuu tton, Ind f G rrels
l~ )vtiii art tll ofit utrst
it-li r I . L , i fitting et-
i s eitnut tutusiletit IDr. J. 1I.
\1 (i Ims m d" noew rhyt-cnttri-
tutu i Ph t; is ofi Dr\tAntell at
ii "'k l istat h tat tDeticttet
, I)em .v. k Cooeyof te egitetr--
i-1 uiu-ruicn u t he boolt :tuu posssses ani
mm - 'linees fr n ieerng st-
it lii iii titiu elhss uh iori s anidlst-
it ui tutu-mitatiegeneroutsy traised.
amt imitimcs k o it--- lsayinit c
tutu iiiiiuuumaner. Snapiisouts of
campu inotals furntiishtanouthr "Whoe's
\Vx - fr tut, grad utig chuas. It it
tu i d a tury andtindt iitec tuemtiber-
shpo ra r iis honortutscieties antI
;lx., trutu tutu i gnesa poe
W ilhthe i ci so tei tercass cuit
Col-tets te icus o ittucrs of ll the
tutu t ,idofcass thlticucte-tutu, the
"hal l tpts t1017111 all uaututl it ll ther
clase s ithtutu t it tsi t sis - tiui
huy. o et t AiI. II tuty hut-cut!of the
liii ttci t ofi iipihilohtstiy uwit!udeliet
stutuulut iie looukedui uot wt he- eit
disfavorin by thuecstudtb.
Member is of thu"hadcli t eII
notcettof tutlyudesireutusversteplthutr
hons ut uthik thuat the preseni de-
signt istuturmleiss and dticsitale
IRF O OGII A A the ]i tex ttof tile T uappiii hutit
t ii suity itwill diveh r allut tahitress t(t
"hFatThttu Iltuis, uetsiSiti
i~i11; a : nt a~ i i lePiitc l11
5I\ i5-tstt WIS 7'1:t i 5- uusuuCusC-cNctsc.-
IF.I Sitututtus wonuttheuc merI c
trautrical cotstut Wedneuuutsdayuuuuuiut - ii
utill repire-setiMiuchiganuuinthe sttuc
TFhe Graduthe iclb il hiavettu ban-i
qtuet tutu! it tutu outthu eveinututi ii hu
4 cut Barbourgym.TickIts alh e
curtedfromitithue officers if theuclhub.Iu t
us requuestedutihattheyithet tpurchaused a s
eairly as possible.
iit1'titi i
wich aiii
1" i
ii iii
suI) scriptitu1s It tutu ts\ Itt ir suits tilt
tc (nc ~ da ll ) tritutu liis act
itt-t u-ti),ihut as lutuuitta s tuusihciiid
t is ait 111 i ii ii iiiW4iL u11 situ-thttu-thic
utuit [i sutuil ttu-utustheilatestupius iucft
date ll (oder t) (Ye th utu k t t t
be c Inkd e ii c tht ititit tutuntut
tutu iI. uttiltly 5caiii1()iis hutrsitit--nt
tiis us-uk li-ietting, it tutuwithuqulite h-
In Reidesthe nInntutuiofithe (nti
intiu>t)isfiuuuis thuc spirt it (fthe ii itit just
tresthis iaf trnoonutt1t 4o'chuck inTt'ap-
iuis 5 suis at tt ii tit5 Ii0ll leIcuture turiutmitthut he spteaks
teic-cuiti gi toyslipus mai]totutihe nii ii liThIeI Demoic Elemuet
tan t thut- eviistrar's offihce y- ii i lip
is-i tutvishito itilt thei examit iotu tut- ---___.__
reciui-itihof comtuthut in tcurred d ii iii iilii ACtNGsOMASu DE N.
thefistseeser Tes eamnaios tuuitntuthe tutness oft DeanuJourdlat,
tuecur 1 laic-a-utdISattuurthy iofthiswekMss uhriuttc Ikeillits takinug her
tutu ituformtutu as ti the tutu s cn he placeus dewsii ofithuetwtomentiandthe tuu
bt in(] frotmutthinitstrutor.iii cii I itts ain thv tamu
SIToday April 22, on the Campuss E
Supply Limited. B~zy Early. Slk Cloth $1.75. Sheep Skin $2.50.